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Retirement Visa Cancelled......suggestions please

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Yes I know it's a right pain, I had a similar situation, when applying for a Retirment Visa it's important to get a multi entry Retirment visa, rather than a single one, which I previously had, and like you when I left Thailand for a few days, got told the same as yourself, I ended up having to go through the whole process again... Lesson learned though, but I just wish they had mentioned this when I originally applied.

All the best


You can't have a multiple entry retirement visa. You get an extension of your previous visa based on retirement if you fulfil the requirements.


Then, if you want to leave the country for any reason, you can apply for a re-entry permit, single or multiple as you need.  


Jeez, I do wish some people would post accurate information on here, and also learn the laws of the country you have chosen to live in.


It's not rocket science - and it's NOT your home country.  The laws are not the same.  Do some basic research and then you won't end up with egg on your face and a big bill.


I've had a retirement visa for three years, left the country six times and never had a problem.  It's called using your brain...


It's called using your brain.

Woopy doo, get you.

Seriously Thai visa rules and regs are a total nightmare. Just read the threads on here, not many people have a clue about anything.

And please the argument about your own counties rules... How many people would have a clue about what visa they would need to have in their own country?

I'm English I lived in England for 50 years, I never had to get a visa to live in England, I just did it. Pray tell me why I should know what visa I would need to live in England.



Well, you don't seem to make much use of what brain you have - you're English and yet you think you need a visa to live there?  



Bwahahahahahaha!!!!    cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

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So In trying to resolve the situation, I went down to immigration in CM yesterday where there was no parking and jam packed with people all day long. I explained to the lady at the information counter what happened with my retirement extension on leaving without a re-entry permit and she gave me a number and said take a seat. Four and a half hours later, it took 2 minutes for another official to tell me I have to start all over again, get a 90 day Non-O Visa and apply for a retirement extension. I don't care how many of you say when ever you go down to immigration you are in and out in 20 mins because it's never been like that for me. So it's off to an agent to get this sorted out, I'm done with being treated like livestock at the loading ramp. I won't be getting a retirement extension, 90 days is all I need to sell up and move on to greener pastures for a few years and watch this place implode from a distance.

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So In trying to resolve the situation, I went down to immigration in CM yesterday where there was no parking and jam packed with people all day long. I explained to the lady at the information counter what happened with my retirement extension on leaving without a re-entry permit and she gave me a number and said take a seat. Four and a half hours later, it took 2 minutes for another official to tell me I have to start all over again, get a 90 day Non-O Visa and apply for a retirement extension. I don't care how many of you say when ever you go down to immigration you are in and out in 20 mins because it's never been like that for me. So it's off to an agent to get this sorted out, I'm done with being treated like livestock at the loading ramp. I won't be getting a retirement extension, 90 days is all I need to sell up and move on to greener pastures for a few years and watch this place implode from a distance.


Unfortunately you only have yourself to blame.  Many people get the re-entry permits without issues.

You could pay 500,000 Baht and get the elite card and never have to deal with the great unwashed again ;)

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So In trying to resolve the situation, I went down to immigration in CM yesterday where there was no parking and jam packed with people all day long. I explained to the lady at the information counter what happened with my retirement extension on leaving without a re-entry permit and she gave me a number and said take a seat. Four and a half hours later, it took 2 minutes for another official to tell me I have to start all over again, get a 90 day Non-O Visa and apply for a retirement extension. I don't care how many of you say when ever you go down to immigration you are in and out in 20 mins because it's never been like that for me. So it's off to an agent to get this sorted out, I'm done with being treated like livestock at the loading ramp. I won't be getting a retirement extension, 90 days is all I need to sell up and move on to greener pastures for a few years and watch this place implode from a distance.


Unfortunately you only have yourself to blame.  Many people get the re-entry permits without issues.

You could pay 500,000 Baht and get the elite card and never have to deal with the great unwashed again wink.png



and you only have yourself to blame for being a DH!

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In response to this comment by sandyf 


Incorrect. Not anyone, only those that can satisfy certain criteria. 

Being over 65 with a state pension is the criteria for a retirement visa.


Consulate staff can use any terminology they wish, a bit arrogant to say otherwise.


I'm sorry, but what I wrote is actually correct, anyone can apply for a Non-Immigrant category 'O' visa.  Maybe I didn't word the rest as perfectly as I might, what I meant was that if you don't satisfy certain criteria then you won't be issued with one, as most people would understand if they read what I wrote. And you're using this term 'retirement visa' again. How can you satisfy the criteria for something that doesn't exist?  That said, even the Thai Embassy website refers to retirement visas http://www.thaiembassy.com/retire/retire.php so I despair and actually, if you'd care to read what they have written, you will see there is no mention of being over 65 with a state pension as part of the criteria, so you are wrong again.  As for my being arrogant with regards to the terminology of the consular staff, I would expect them to use the correct terminology and if that's being arrogant, then arrogant I am. 


Post No158

The confusion arises because people seem to think that what does not apply to them does not exist.

Too many can only see from their own perspective.


The post regarding the retirement visa was from some one in the UK. Try checking the UK websites rather than Siam Legal.

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So In trying to resolve the situation, I went down to immigration in CM yesterday where there was no parking and jam packed with people all day long. I explained to the lady at the information counter what happened with my retirement extension on leaving without a re-entry permit and she gave me a number and said take a seat. Four and a half hours later, it took 2 minutes for another official to tell me I have to start all over again, get a 90 day Non-O Visa and apply for a retirement extension. I don't care how many of you say when ever you go down to immigration you are in and out in 20 mins because it's never been like that for me. So it's off to an agent to get this sorted out, I'm done with being treated like livestock at the loading ramp. I won't be getting a retirement extension, 90 days is all I need to sell up and move on to greener pastures for a few years and watch this place implode from a distance.


It's a shame you feel that way, from reading other threads there are many in the same boat.  However, the initial error was yours, you failed to comply with the rules and forgot to get a re-entry permit before leaving the country, therefore, as per the rules and regulations, your retirement extension was voided.  I appreciate it's an easy mistake to make and I've stood in the queue behind others in a similar situation, whilst their mistake was explained to them by immigration officers and have assisted them to understand their error.  My solution is to get a multiple re-entry permit every time I extend my retirement extension, then I never leave without a re-entry permit.  However, I leave the country at least four times a year for holiday's etc. so this is financially viable and would not be for persons who left less, or did not leave at all.  Then it's down to remembering and as we age, sometimes things slip our minds.  As for queues at immigration, I can only say that my experiences have been good, well acceptable at worst and I have never been hanging around for an inordinate and frustratingly long time, as you did.  Maybe you were just unlucky and I guess it's a culmination of problems that lead you to the adopt your present attitude, but as they say, the grass is always greener on the other side.  I hope it is for you, good luck.  

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In response to this comment by sandyf 


Incorrect. Not anyone, only those that can satisfy certain criteria. 

Being over 65 with a state pension is the criteria for a retirement visa.


Consulate staff can use any terminology they wish, a bit arrogant to say otherwise.


I'm sorry, but what I wrote is actually correct, anyone can apply for a Non-Immigrant category 'O' visa.  Maybe I didn't word the rest as perfectly as I might, what I meant was that if you don't satisfy certain criteria then you won't be issued with one, as most people would understand if they read what I wrote. And you're using this term 'retirement visa' again. How can you satisfy the criteria for something that doesn't exist?  That said, even the Thai Embassy website refers to retirement visas http://www.thaiembassy.com/retire/retire.php so I despair and actually, if you'd care to read what they have written, you will see there is no mention of being over 65 with a state pension as part of the criteria, so you are wrong again.  As for my being arrogant with regards to the terminology of the consular staff, I would expect them to use the correct terminology and if that's being arrogant, then arrogant I am. 


Post No158

The confusion arises because people seem to think that what does not apply to them does not exist.

Too many can only see from their own perspective.


The post regarding the retirement visa was from some one in the UK. Try checking the UK websites rather than Siam Legal.


Try checking YOUR information before you post BS.  I only quoted the Siam Legal website as an example of the misinformation that is available.

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Post No158

The confusion arises because people seem to think that what does not apply to them does not exist.

Too many can only see from their own perspective.


The post regarding the retirement visa was from some one in the UK. Try checking the UK websites rather than Siam Legal.


Try checking YOUR information before you post BS.  I only quoted the Siam Legal website as an example of the misinformation that is available.


Category "O"   To visit Thai spouse, children, parents, voluntary job, Retirement (with State Pension)


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