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Under 50 baht places to eat. Update?


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A couple of years ago there was a thread here with people giving their suggestions for good places to eat that were under 50 baht.  I ended up compiling a map here https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=217456347610484169194.0004c9dd9959a57f47b73&msa=0&ll=18.778429,99.022007&spn=0.089876,0.173378https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=217456347610484169194.0004c9dd9959a57f47b73&msa=0&ll=18.778429,99.022007&spn=0.089876,0.173378


There were a lot of great suggestions and I've visited several over the years.  


Today, after watching Anthony Bourdain's Chiang Mai episode, I got to thinking about getting some new suggestions to add to the map.  Anybody want to contribute?  A map link is really important.




edit:  If you don't have a map link, then a very good description of the location may work.  I've been able to figure things out in the past from that.  But a google map link is the best!  Streetview is our friend.

Edited by beb
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Description is the best you will get from me but 2 places to add, a new pad thai and other still fry items resto has opened on Chang Moi road just west of the entrance to T. P. soi 2.., very good basic pad thai is 30 baht and a little more for meat.  On THa Pae soi 2 (near Virachai court)  is Gias kitchen, good fresh thai food, most dishes forty baht.

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The focus of this thread should be real good for that price ,obviously you can find tons of cheap food but where is the cheap and special. Some resto owners are careful shoppers and take pride in their food, these are the ones we are after.

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Strange topic.. most places are <50 baht.    A list of places > 50 Baht would be shorter.


Or is there any particular style of food that would make this more challenging to find < 50 Baht?


Otherwise I really don't get it.

Your reply is interesting Winnie because I'm pretty sure you contributed to that original thread and the map has your contributions.  


The idea is for people to recommend their favorite places but keep the costs down.  

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The focus of this thread should be real good for that price ,obviously you can find tons of cheap food but where is the cheap and special. Some resto owners are careful shoppers and take pride in their food, these are the ones we are after.

Exactly, there are plenty of cheap places but the goal is for us to help each other find the good places that happen to be cheap.  I have really had some great meals from those earlier recommendations.

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Just to be clear, the 50 baht number is the one chosen by the OP of the original thread.  I've already listed a few that go over that.  The idea is the point out places that regular Thais eat at instead of the obvious, more expensive choices.  

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There is a large contingent on this forum, many of whom have interest in selling hot dogs and eggs, etc. at Western prices, who constantly declare all inexpensive Thai Food as just another roadside foodstall, with no differentiation to their region, experience, or sanitation....They are all the same.  Drive up Suthep Rd. some night....there are probably 50 street places.  Some are packed; some are empty...and they are far from being the same.  Take a chance on a busy one, ignore the comfort food lovers....maybe it was their socialist brainwashing, maybe it was 30 years of cigarettes, maybe it's all too spicy for the sun deprived.....In actuality, you can have two places right next to each other, that can be as different as night and day.  See the light, find the good ones; they are out there, but I've never seen one sponsor TV.

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The sad thing is the title could have read under 30 baht a few years ago.


There are quite a few shops that I used to eat for 35 baht a dish that are now over 50. So contrary to what another poster said about over 50 being the shorter list. I don't think so anymore.



A lot of my favorites that were less than 30 are now 40 which is still reasonable.  My wife and I used to go to any cafeteria with 100 baht get a meal and a drink and sometimes a desert and still have change. Now we have to get 200 on the card.


As for quality. I still think that there are 1000's of great quality foods for less than 50 baht. I always find it amusing going to a place that serves both Thai and Western. One time I got Kai dao on top of my rice for 5 baht more. However my friend ordered an egg on the side of his toast for 20 baht. Same egg but 15 baht more because it was on the western menu.


OP. Thanks this is very useful. I will save it for when I have guests or friends that are on a food adventure.

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My husband likes Thai food at food court @Kad Suan Kaew, where Central Kad Suan Kaew is. I am sure OP stays in CNX longer than me. For Newbies, this shopping center is also located near Chiangmai Orchid Hotel.

If you pick to different dishes to put of top of steamed rice, it will cost B30. They always ask if you need extra rice or food, then that would me B10 more.

I am good for what they serve me, but my husband always ask for extra *_^

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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The focus of this thread should be real good for that price ,obviously you can find tons of cheap food but where is the cheap and special. Some resto owners are careful shoppers and take pride in their food, these are the ones we are after.


How do you sort them out. Chances are they all buy their food from the same suppliers. I believe 22% of their sale price is for the food.


I suppose you could judge by the way they cook it but you are still starting with the same quality food. I do believe that some of them will provide the food by their own efforts. But how do we know. I know one of the favorite road side food venders I like has been often been seen petting dogs and never washing her hands. Another restaurant I like has a cat running loose. I have seen it sitting on the table the staff cuddling it.


In short other than taste how do you know you are getting quality?


On another point as is obvious from some of the posts here we do not all have GPS with us when we are out. I have been able to find different places on the map when it showed a starting point such as the moat or one of the shopping centers. Or the Zoo.

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How about an on topic reply for a change ?? 


An institution for all kinds of chicken on rice dishes and moo daeng as well. Spotless clean too.


On Kaeo nawarat road heading towards Arcade bus station turn right just opposite where the saturday fleamarket is. The Place is on the left after 50 meters.


And around the corner back on the main road are a few good restos too.Just before McCormick. All under 50.

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Chester's in most of the shopping malls.


Fish burger for 29bht, it's good.

Ok, so a big guy might want two.

Window seat at Central Festival, hard to beat.


Then finish it off with a 10bht ice cream cone from KFC.


Lunch and dessert for 39bht!

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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