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We wanted refund, Gammy's dad says


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Why is he being interviewed? Why isn't he already in jail for illegal surrogacy/adoption across international borders? Why is this lying, immoral scumbag even allowed to be able to adopt?


Patience!  In Australia they occasionally understand the need to give enough rope.


As I heard once, Albert Peirpoint,  quoted to much rope and it becomes messy as the head will come off.

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This man talks as if he really believed that he was a party to a legal contract and that commercial surrogacy and abortion were legal inThailand. A moment's reflection would clarify that no country would allow a convicted sex offender to be a party to a legal transaction of this nature. A moment's research would reveal that the whole set ip was illegal in Thailand even for parents who are not sex offenders and that abortion is only legal in extenuating circumstances which do not cover this case.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I agree.. However, the Australian government did allow an Australian citizen to engage in the illegal purchase of a baby and legally register and import the baby to Australia. One would be foolish to believe that the Australian government has remained clueless, for years, regarding the legality of upwards of 150 annual surrogacy arrangements in recent years. In regards to the surrogacy industry, the Australia government can claim no moral high ground.  


The Australian Government should develop its own surrogacy industry at home rather than be a part of this human trafficking activities.


In Western Australia (under the Surrogacy Act 2008) and South Australia (under the Family Relationships Act 1975) altruistic surrogacy is only legal for couples consisting of the opposite sex (single people and same sex couples are banned from altruistic surrogacy). Moreover New South Wales, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory have made it an offence for residents to enter into international commercial surrogacy arrangements with potential penalties extending to imprisonment for up to two years. Respondents were asked to imagine they were both considering a compensated arrangement and resident in a state or territory in which laws made engaging in overseas compensated surrogacy a criminal offense. Only 7% of respondents said that such laws would be a deterrent to compensated surrogacy. The most common option (for 51%) was to enter into an overseas surrogacy contract regardless, based on a low probability of prosecution. "All respondents were Australian citizens"


Mr Page, who provides legal advice to Surrogacy Australia, has said contended bans on overseas surrogacy in other states were not enforced and did not work. Mr Page said overseas commercial surrogacy was already effectively banned in WA through a combination of the existing surrogacy act, which only allowed altruistic surrogacy, and by sections of the criminal code. Unless politicians in Perth do something, then we are going to continue to repeat the failure of our mistakes to date. We're going to have more baby Gammy-type cases," he said.


 Another recent case involved an Australian couple convicted in a U.S. court in 2013 of making child pornography with a boy they had adopted after paying a Russian woman $8,000 to be their surrogate in 2005. There have also been reports of babies being rejected by their commissioning parents and one reported case where an Australian couple took home only one baby, leaving its twin behind in India.


Multiple births are a very common outcome for Australians using compensated surrogacy. Forty per cent of respondents who had used India and 62% who had used the US reported twin births.


Dr. Kumari has appealed to Australians to respect India's new regulations. "I would think that any person with a conscience should not and will not engage in any kind of illegal activity, but that is not true. It's happening," she said. 


Australian government will not say whether the High Commission will continue to grant citizenship to babies created in breach of Indian law. But it says it is providing letters to Australians who have already entered into surrogacy arrangements to assist them in getting medical visas to collect their children.


I think we are going down the wrong path as a society if children become a commodity that you can buy. It also seems clear that the Australian government and it's citizens believe to be above the law.

Edited by traviss
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Thai at Heart-


It has been reported that the surrogate signed documents for Pipah and Gammy. I am unable to locate the report but I clearly recall that the surrogates married name was documented for one baby then her maiden name documented for the other. There was talk, and I believe an admission on the part of the surrogate that she lied to the Australian Embassy representative in order for the couple to acquire citizenship for Pipah. With that said, I haven't seen any recent updates in regards to this specific matter. A "porkie" was told, but statistically speaking, per reports, there are hundreds of these purchases made by Australian citizens on an annual bases. Not just this year but for many years back. Sir, It is now time to realize that the Australian government does indeed register and grant citizenship, "at the drop of a hat", to babies that are purchased through illegal surrogacy practices in Thailand. 


Nice sentence, but in itself , meaningless.   Like saying this is a story about Pipah & Gammy.   That is obvious.


Of much more importance is what did the papers , if any were signed by any of the parties, state.  Assuming that there was some type of an agreement/contract, what were the terms , particulars, and conditions. What were the duties, responsibilities and rights , as well as expectations or each party. 


The Aus father does truly not come off in a good light.


As far as donations are concerned, was it only Aussies donating, I thought it was internationally donated to, fund.  In any event a lot of good folks out there, and very good to hear about that side.

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Thai at Heart-


It has been reported that the surrogate signed documents for Pipah and Gammy. I am unable to locate the report but I clearly recall that the surrogates married name was documented for one baby then her maiden name documented for the other. There was talk, and I believe an admission on the part of the surrogate that she lied to the Australian Embassy representative in order for the couple to acquire citizenship for Pipah. With that said, I haven't seen any recent updates in regards to this specific matter. A "porkie" was told, but statistically speaking, per reports, there are hundreds of these purchases made by Australian citizens on an annual bases. Not just this year but for many years back. Sir, It is now time to realize that the Australian government does indeed register and grant citizenship, "at the drop of a hat", to babies that are purchased through illegal surrogacy practices in Thailand. 


Nice sentence, but in itself , meaningless.   Like saying this is a story about Pipah & Gammy.   That is obvious.


Of much more importance is what did the papers , if any were signed by any of the parties, state.  Assuming that there was some type of an agreement/contract, what were the terms , particulars, and conditions. What were the duties, responsibilities and rights , as well as expectations or each party. 


The Aus father does truly not come off in a good light.


As far as donations are concerned, was it only Aussies donating, I thought it was internationally donated to, fund.  In any event a lot of good folks out there, and very good to hear about that side.


Again, I apologize for not having access to the information I have referenced in the reports. I am unclear on the exact documents that were signed in order to legally remove Pipah from Thailand as the the information as I remember was very vague. Farnell has denied that there was an actual contract document. I will try to locate the referenced reports and provide an update later. Funds were donated by individuals and groups from around the world and yes there are still good people looking after the less fortunate. 

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  • Surrogacy in Thailand is illegal unless for a relative.  One law broken?
  • Abortion is illegal in Thailand under these circumstances but they tried to coerce the surrogate.  Is conspiracy to break a law illegal?
  • Abortion is equivalent to killing a human being - very bad karma in the Buddhist belief system.  Coercing and then blaming the surrogate is unconscionable.

But the biological parents, one of which is allegedly a convicted pedophile, turn to the liberal Western media for sympathy.  If anyone can spin this story for them, I guess one of the main-stream media conglomerates can. 

So they had a surrogate at an illegally run surrogacy clinic in Thailand and they want a refund.  From who?  The clinic?  They're gone.  The government?  The biological parents are welcome to come back and file a suit with the Thai court, however they may also find themselves facing charges for breaking Thai law.  I doubt they will set foot back on Thai soil.  From the surrogate?  Same as above.  And the surrogate wouldn't have an abortion.  Western liberal thought is that abortion is about the woman's body and the woman's right to chose.  The surrogate choose not to abort.  End of story.  The Western media is going to have exactly 'zero effect' on the outcome of this issue.  And the Thai media has already rallied populace support around the Thai surrogate.  I have little sympathy for the couple from Australia.  At best, some secular, pro-choice (pro abortion) non-profit organization will elicit donations to assuage the biological parent's grief with money.  xhappy.png.pagespeed.ic.w4JpNxlSQh.png  It makes me want to take a shower. 


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This man talks as if he really believed that he was a party to a legal contract and that commercial surrogacy and abortion were legal inThailand. A moment's reflection would clarify that no country would allow a convicted sex offender to be a party to a legal transaction of this nature. A moment's research would reveal that the whole set ip was illegal in Thailand even for parents who are not sex offenders and that abortion is only legal in extenuating circumstances which do not cover this case.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


It may be standard procedure at some Thai hospitals. During my wife's pregnancy, our doctor (Seriruk Hospital) offered a test to see if the fetus had down syndrome. I declined the test but asked anyway, what happens if the test comes back positive. The doctor replied, you have the choice to have an abortion.

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I wonder if the boy needs an Aussie visa to go to Australia?

I wonder if the boy can get Thai ID card?

He is born Thai and the surrogate is registered as the mother, he is a Thai citizen.


Then you have problems getting him Australian citizenship taking into regards the Australian citizenship Act 1958.  If person has a disability they cannot become an Australian citizen.  Here is one example.


Baby Gammy isn’t the only one: The ugly law shaming Australia


Under the Act, children with Down syndrome and other disabilities are automatically refused permanent residency because they are judged a financial burden to taxpayers





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Thai at Heart-
It has been reported that the surrogate signed documents for Pipah and Gammy. I am unable to locate the report but I clearly recall that the surrogates married name was documented for one baby then her maiden name documented for the other. There was talk, and I believe an admission on the part of the surrogate that she lied to the Australian Embassy representative in order for the couple to acquire citizenship for Pipah. With that said, I haven't seen any recent updates in regards to this specific matter. A "porkie" was told, but statistically speaking, per reports, there are hundreds of these purchases made by Australian citizens on an annual bases. Not just this year but for many years back. Sir, It is now time to realize that the Australian government does indeed register and grant citizenship, "at the drop of a hat", to babies that are purchased through illegal surrogacy practices in Thailand. 

It would appear so.

So, the birth certificate issued at the Ozzie embassy is inaccurate. Not the worst crime in the world but nonetheless a crime.

Considering the apparent reputation of Thailand for trafficking, it would appear that the Ozzie embassy is enabling illegal surrogacy and trafficking of a sort.

All extremely yuck.
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Thai at Heart-
It has been reported that the surrogate signed documents for Pipah and Gammy. I am unable to locate the report but I clearly recall that the surrogates married name was documented for one baby then her maiden name documented for the other. There was talk, and I believe an admission on the part of the surrogate that she lied to the Australian Embassy representative in order for the couple to acquire citizenship for Pipah. With that said, I haven't seen any recent updates in regards to this specific matter. A "porkie" was told, but statistically speaking, per reports, there are hundreds of these purchases made by Australian citizens on an annual bases. Not just this year but for many years back. Sir, It is now time to realize that the Australian government does indeed register and grant citizenship, "at the drop of a hat", to babies that are purchased through illegal surrogacy practices in Thailand. 

It would appear so.

So, the birth certificate issued at the Ozzie embassy is inaccurate. Not the worst crime in the world but nonetheless a crime.

Considering the apparent reputation of Thailand for trafficking, it would appear that the Ozzie embassy is enabling illegal surrogacy and trafficking of a sort.

All extremely yuck.


I would agree...

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This man is clearly a creep of the highest level, with a totally subservient wife, who doesn't say a word (probably because she's unable to grasp the English language) !

I would not even trust this man with my (female) cat, for 1 minute.

Where's King Solomon when you need some decent Justice ? ? ? ?

The authorities MUST remove that baby from this people immediately ! ! ! 

This man is clearly an unbalanced human - and he will ALWAYS be a pedophile !

May God help that little baby-girl . . . . . . .


1zgarz5.gif  1zgarz5.gif  1zgarz5.gif

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I'd like to know how they managed to get all the paperwork done to enable them to return with the baby girl so quickly!

Please phone and thank the Australian Embassy in Bangkok or the immigration department in Australia. 


Apparently,  they had been in Bangkok for nearly two months proceeding the births. They had ample time to complete the paperwork. Who gives a s..t, the question should be "why were they allowed to complete the documentation and return the girl to Australia". A convicted child sex offender is considered by the Australian government as well as most western governments and societies as being a danger to children and society. However, the Australian government is happy to allow a convicted child sex offending Australian citizen to purchase a baby abroad. I suppose those babies from abroad don't deserve the same protection as a baby born within the borders of Australia. If you happen to be a convicted child sex offending Australian citizen planning on purchasing a baby from Thailand, please request an application for citizenship by descent when visiting the Australian Embassy. There will be no need for a criminal background check. Please, don't make the mistake of requesting an application for a lifetime visa for the child. This force the Australian government to complete a criminal background check. Oh, I have forgotten, if confused no need to worry as only one parent needs to sign off on the request for a lifetime visa, so make sure it is the parent that isn't the convicted child sex offender. (www.immi.gov.au) And the Australian government is now asking the Thai government to slow new legislation in order for Australian citizens to remove their purchased babies from Thailand.



Agree part of the blame should fall squarely on the Australian Embassy here. They very well know that surrogate in Thailand is not allowed if the surrogate mother is not related, and there excuse is "the law is murky", hence what they do is murky as well. The law is clearly written.

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'It would be easier if he died': Gammy's adult sister

The adult daughter of baby Gammy's biological father has revealed that she lied when she said he believed the infant had died in Thailand.

Jane Farnell told the Bunbury Mail that she was to blame for the confusion over what happened to Gammy when the story first broke, as criticism over David and Wendy Farnell's 60 Minutes interview shows no sign of abating.

Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/2014/08/13/13/00/gammy-s-adult-sister-started-rumour-that-he-had-died#5E2rMmlyd5PXhXC5.99



Edited by chooka
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the boy will be totally reliant on those Internationally sourced donations to support him for the rst of his life.

His Birth Certificate should show farang mum and dad as the named parties, as he totally has their bloodline. 

The Thai surrogate would back step to be just a witness.

Thai infrastructure will not support him as he is not Thai, and has 100% farang blood

Surrogate would have to adopt him to keep him, otherwise it's off to the Thai institutions anyway, which is what she was using as a major point in not letting him go...


poor kid

I thought I had read the eggs were also donated (from a Thai), so only half Farang blood. If this is the case would the kid also qualify for Thai citizenship? I've seen plenty of down's syndrome kids around here, so they would not necessarily be institutionalised....

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"People who completed the cycle by August will have their deliveries in the next nine or 10 months, give or take, so I think realistically it should be a 12-to-14-month window for sure." Well, if it wasn't seen as commercial before, that statement leaves no room for doubt. Time to ban it, I think.

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