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Should Thailand Put A Bounty On Overstayers/Illegal Workers?

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 I will return home, entering the country on my Thai passport, passport which has been viewed by some on this forum.


ND, are you now really announcing your dual nationality to us? After so many years spent as a bank examiner in the US, now you've become a national, I'm shocked! That being the case, you now seem to espouse an anti farang view, I'm shocked further.
Chiang Mai,
you are mixing up the TV-members NeverDie and NeverSure wink.png

He must be because I've never worked in a bank, never been a document examiner, never lived in the states and have never made any secrets about my heritage.

However, clearly CM isn't real interested in the truth & would rather make childish attacks on my character.

I am aware Neversure is from the USA, I know he likes guns but that's all I know about the gentleman.

No doubt CM isn't interested in acknowledging his error as it doesn't support his position.

It's been a great thread for the forum, George must love the attention and it's certainly made certain posters raise their abusive side (again) & to think it was only a discussion about dealing with illegal workers and overstayers......a class of reckless law breakers in the kingdom. ????


 I will return home, entering the country on my Thai passport, passport which has been viewed by some on this forum.


ND, are you now really announcing your dual nationality to us? After so many years spent as a bank examiner in the US, now you've become a national, I'm shocked! That being the case, you now seem to espouse an anti farang view, I'm shocked further.
Chiang Mai,
you are mixing up the TV-members NeverDie and NeverSure wink.png
He must be because I've never worked in a bank, never been a document examiner, never lived in the states and have never made any secrets about my heritage.

However, clearly CM isn't real interested in the truth & would rather make childish attacks on my character.

I am aware Neversure is from the USA, I know he likes guns but that's all I know about the gentleman.

No doubt CM isn't interested in acknowledging his error as it doesn't support his position.

It's been a great thread for the forum, George must love the attention and it's certainly made certain posters raise their abusive side (again) & to think it was only a discussion about dealing with illegal workers and overstayers......a class of reckless law breakers in the kingdom. ????

Raise their abusive side (again)........the repeated word u write down on many many topics......douchebag......springs to mind. Look for christsake in the mirror. Better for you.
Please show me where I state anyone is a douchebag.

I use the word often to describe a certain group of person but I never openly make a statement that a 'particular' poster is a douchebag.

Now look at the names certain douchebags have called me here.

Get it?

Now should we talk about people that follow me around the forum making constant negative comments towards me Mr Benalibina ?

Yes Mr. ND this thread has certainly rattled several cages. Honestly I don't see why there should be such hostility to being arrested by one of your own kind. Unless you were up to mischief.


Seems like the mischievous were definitely underestimated in number. 

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Please show me where I state anyone is a douchebag.

I use the word often to describe a certain group of person but I never openly make a statement that a 'particular' poster is a douchebag.

Now look at the names certain douchebags have called me here.

Get it?

Now should we talk about people that follow me around the forum making constant negative comments towards me Mr Benalibina ?

With best interest i wrote the above comment. Or you got it or not. A man of your age, i expect to understand it.

Btw...you just referred to people who..named you.....as being douchebags.....just be the better man, you will be happier for it. I hope.

Please show me where I state anyone is a douchebag.

I use the word often to describe a certain group of person but I never openly make a statement that a 'particular' poster is a douchebag.

Now look at the names certain douchebags have called me here.

Get it?

Now should we talk about people that follow me around the forum making constant negative comments towards me Mr Benalibina ?

With best interest i wrote the above comment. Or you got it or not. A man of your age, i expect to understand it.

Btw...you just referred to people who..named you.....as being douchebags.....just be the better man, you will be happier for it. I hope.

Benabina, either you didnt read it properly or your Englush isnt as good as you think it is. He said "certain" douchebags , not all douchebags, meaning some are some are not, he never openly or directly offends or insults an individual. He has too much intelligence and doesnt need to stoop to their level.

Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhh Roland nice to see you back on the scene. Some ungrateful members have been trying to get this topic de-railed with personal insults.

Of course, I've come under particular attack on this thread, most of which is amusing more than anything. My crime, I supported the OP's suggestion and I've outlined my distaste for illegals and visa overstayers. I am sure most people here would dislike the idea of illegals and immigration. law breakers in their home country.

Of course I'm suppose to just sit by while people berate Thai people, constantly slag off at the kingdom and virtually everything in it and sit by and say nothing when it comes to a very important topic such as this one. WELL let me tell you, I will not.

Since the start of this thread I've been called names, abused, flamed, been sent vile personal messages, made to look as if I'm hiding something, had my occupation, heritage and a few other things questioned, as well as being wrongly accused of committing some of those forum offences and not once have I pushed a report button. I gained all this attention by supporting an idea to rid Thailand of immigration cheats, illegal workers (& other low life criminals)...... that speaks volumes.

Anyway, I will leave you all to stew in your own urine, I am in the process of constructing a letter to the immigration chief regarding certain aspects of this issue and I will be certain to outline the resistance I observed on this very forum by members who claim to be this and that (as far as status goes) yet meanwhile the show such abusive determination towards protecting a group of illegals and blatant law breaker inside their host country. Speaks volumes for itself. Hopefully certain information can be extracted from this.
Fortunately for me, I have one blood relative (my side of the family) who works within a immigration administration office who will be able to ensure my concerns reach the man they are intended for. In the past, I have done exactly that and I make no secrets of the fact that I have on numerous occassions made representations to immigration based on information I've received on this forum and in other places. I do this irregardless of what some people here call a 'snitch' or whatever as I personally feel immigration issues matter within a country, I especially dislike blatant ignorance towards a countries laws by people that think they can do whatever they like. It's not acceptable in the states, it's not acceptable in Pakistan and it's not acceptable here.

As for ATF's idea about bounty hunters, it was nothing more than comical, it would never happen, doesn't need to happen as Thailand is well and truely capable of sorting out its own issues. I can tell you it was nothing more than a novel idea and he has done well with bringing certain whackos out into the open to expose their position, I wonder why anybody would want to support blatant law breakers?

Anyway, I will standby for more abuse, no doubt the issues about me being outside Thailand on holidays ATM or allegedly working for a bank or questions about my heritage, age, sexual preferred or what sort of chair I sit on or the fact I often use the term 'douchebag' will take precedence over the real issue and topic at hand regarding illegal workers and overstayers. Highly entertaining stuff, predictable stuff by some, surprising by a few others.

Time to get real people, times are changing in Thailand, it's time to get legal or get out. Fortunately I get a vote in that, most of you do not, I guess that's where I get the final laugh on the matter.

I certainly support and encourage all foreigners in Thailand who are doing the right thing. I hope eventually, in due course, that certain aspects of immigration become much easier for them, afterall they are the people that deserve a fairer system and I DEFINATELY support that.

Please show me where I state anyone is a douchebag.

I use the word often to describe a certain group of person but I never openly make a statement that a 'particular' poster is a douchebag.

Now look at the names certain douchebags have called me here.

Get it?

Now should we talk about people that follow me around the forum making constant negative comments towards me Mr Benalibina ?

With best interest i wrote the above comment. Or you got it or not. A man of your age, i expect to understand it.

Btw...you just referred to people who..named you.....as being douchebags.....just be the better man, you will be happier for it. I hope.

Benabina, either you didnt read it properly or your Englush isnt as good as you think it is. He said "certain" douchebags , not all douchebags, meaning some are some are not, he never openly or directly offends or insults an individual. He has too much intelligence and doesnt need to stoop to their level.

Thank you RR ......i am calling it quits.....certain...all...douchebags....individuals ...groups.....he is unfortunately stooping to their, through his eyes, assumed level. Thats my whole point. Why the need to do this all time ?

Btw...he must be pleased with such an esteemed member, as you, coming up for him.

Please show me where I state anyone is a douchebag.

I use the word often to describe a certain group of person but I never openly make a statement that a 'particular' poster is a douchebag.

Now look at the names certain douchebags have called me here.

Get it?

Now should we talk about people that follow me around the forum making constant negative comments towards me Mr Benalibina ?

With best interest i wrote the above comment. Or you got it or not. A man of your age, i expect to understand it.

Btw...you just referred to people who..named you.....as being douchebags.....just be the better man, you will be happier for it. I hope.

Benabina, either you didnt read it properly or your Englush isnt as good as you think it is. He said "certain" douchebags , not all douchebags, meaning some are some are not, he never openly or directly offends or insults an individual. He has too much intelligence and doesnt need to stoop to their level.

According to some here Sir RolandRat, I am unintelligent. The fact that I am being either too lazy or can't be botched typing lengthy replies to their hidden veiled attempts to insult me justifies their right to do that.

Well I can indicate to you sir that ATM I am using an idevice for posting, I find they keyboard particularly challenging and it is well known by some here that I am suffering from ailment that effects my eyes at certain times. Having said that, I can assure you I will remove the notebook laptop and refrain from being lazy whilst I make my representations as I outlined previously as my way of responding to such slurs. I won't however respond to continued silliness as posted by various people here.

Again well said ND. No one could have put it better. What started off as just a spot of "black humour" turned quite spiteful and resentful.


Resentful of what? Doing the right thing? Being legal?


A lot of members have shown their true colours here and I am frankly quite disappointed.


End of August will soon be upon us better get legal or get out.


To everyone who supported the right thing. We congratulate you!

  • Like 2

Please show me where I state anyone is a douchebag.

I use the word often to describe a certain group of person but I never openly make a statement that a 'particular' poster is a douchebag.

Now look at the names certain douchebags have called me here.

Get it?

Now should we talk about people that follow me around the forum making constant negative comments towards me Mr Benalibina ?

With best interest i wrote the above comment. Or you got it or not. A man of your age, i expect to understand it.

Btw...you just referred to people who..named you.....as being douchebags.....just be the better man, you will be happier for it. I hope.
Benabina, either you didnt read it properly or your Englush isnt as good as you think it is. He said "certain" douchebags , not all douchebags, meaning some are some are not, he never openly or directly offends or insults an individual. He has too much intelligence and doesnt need to stoop to their level.
Thank you RR ......i am calling it quits.....certain...all...douchebags....individuals ...groups.....he is unfortunately stooping to their, through his eyes, assumed level. Thats my whole point. Why the need to do this all time ?

Btw...he must be pleased with such an esteemed member, as you, coming up for him.

Like your need to follow certain forum members around the forum berating everything they say, irregardless of what position they take on any matter, you automatically take the opposing position and commence your online rubbish. This even occurs when posters are having a joke on the forum or musing over something that was meant to be nothing more than comical.

Have you ever heard the term 'personality bypass' , have a think about it.

I like the word douchebag, it describes a certain element of person here so well. Why are you so offended by this word?

Of course, I've come under particular attack on this thread, most of which is amusing more than anything. My crime, I supported the OP's suggestion and I've outlined my distaste for illegals and visa overstayers. I am sure most people here would dislike the idea of illegals and immigration. law breakers in their home country.

Of course I'm suppose to just sit by while people berate Thai people, constantly slag off at the kingdom and virtually everything in it and sit by and say nothing when it comes to a very important topic such as this one. WELL let me tell you, I will not.

Since the start of this thread I've been called names, abused, flamed, been sent vile personal messages, made to look as if I'm hiding something, had my occupation, heritage and a few other things questioned, as well as being wrongly accused of committing some of those forum offences and not once have I pushed a report button. I gained all this attention by supporting an idea to rid Thailand of immigration cheats, illegal workers (& other low life criminals)...... that speaks volumes.

Anyway, I will leave you all to stew in your own urine, I am in the process of constructing a letter to the immigration chief regarding certain aspects of this issue and I will be certain to outline the resistance I observed on this very forum by members who claim to be this and that (as far as status goes) yet meanwhile the show such abusive determination towards protecting a group of illegals and blatant law breaker inside their host country. Speaks volumes for itself. Hopefully certain information can be extracted from this.
Fortunately for me, I have one blood relative (my side of the family) who works within a immigration administration office who will be able to ensure my concerns reach the man they are intended for. In the past, I have done exactly that and I make no secrets of the fact that I have on numerous occassions made representations to immigration based on information I've received on this forum and in other places. I do this irregardless of what some people here call a 'snitch' or whatever as I personally feel immigration issues matter within a country, I especially dislike blatant ignorance towards a countries laws by people that think they can do whatever they like. It's not acceptable in the states, it's not acceptable in Pakistan and it's not acceptable here.

As for ATF's idea about bounty hunters, it was nothing more than comical, it would never happen, doesn't need to happen as Thailand is well and truely capable of sorting out its own issues. I can tell you it was nothing more than a novel idea and he has done well with bringing certain whackos out into the open to expose their position, I wonder why anybody would want to support blatant law breakers?

Anyway, I will standby for more abuse, no doubt the issues about me being outside Thailand on holidays ATM or allegedly working for a bank or questions about my heritage, age, sexual preferred or what sort of chair I sit on or the fact I often use the term 'douchebag' will take precedence over the real issue and topic at hand regarding illegal workers and overstayers. Highly entertaining stuff, predictable stuff by some, surprising by a few others.

Time to get real people, times are changing in Thailand, it's time to get legal or get out. Fortunately I get a vote in that, most of you do not, I guess that's where I get the final laugh on the matter.

I certainly support and encourage all foreigners in Thailand who are doing the right thing. I hope eventually, in due course, that certain aspects of immigration become much easier for them, afterall they are the people that deserve a fairer system and I DEFINATELY support that.

Personally, I thought it was pretty obvious that the OP had tongue in cheek and the fact that it drew so many personal attacks is very entertaining. Nothing can discredit the loons better than giving them a rope like this one and letting them hang themselves. Well done guys!

  • Like 2
So, in summary, after 15 pages.

GOOD LAW ABIDING PEOPLE - >Continue as before, hopefully eventually the system you use will become more user friendly.

LAW BREAKERS, ILLEGALS and VISA OVERSTAYERS -> Your days are numbered, proceed to Suvarnabhumi with a one way ticket out.... Please return to you home countries, where you are most likely 'wanted' for breaches of the law, misdemeanours or felonies . Good Riddance.

Bounty Hunters? A slightly comical idea, but unlikely.
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Sadly and all to often when things are posted in this forum, its not whats said but how it was perceived by the reader, through there own mood, disposition or simple inability or bitterness.

This was fun at the start,it got hi-jacked and twisted by some warped individuals and then the venom flowed.
Totally unnecessary and certainly uncalled for, but too often it happens that some get there jollies from trying to make themselves look clever by berating others.

Carry on, they wont change, put it down to where it came from, and just move on.
  • Like 1

It's probably time for a new thread.

Should it he;

1. Where to buy a personality in Thailand.

2. Now that I've given myself up, where can I apply for a new identity in Thailand.

Sadly and all to often when things are posted in this forum, its not whats said but how it was perceived by the reader, through there own mood, disposition or simple inability or bitterness.

This was fun at the start,it got hi-jacked and twisted by some warped individuals and then the venom flowed.
Totally unnecessary and certainly uncalled for, but too often it happens that some get there jollies from trying to make themselves look clever by berating others.

Carry on, they wont change, put it down to where it came from, and just move on.

Well said. I'm out of likes for now.


Sadly and all to often when things are posted in this forum, its not whats said but how it was perceived by the reader, through there own mood, disposition or simple inability or bitterness.

This was fun at the start,it got hi-jacked and twisted by some warped individuals and then the venom flowed.
Totally unnecessary and certainly uncalled for, but too often it happens that some get there jollies from trying to make themselves look clever by berating others.

Carry on, they wont change, put it down to where it came from, and just move on.

Well said. I'm out of likes for now.



Out of likes too ND. I owe you tons, Roland too.


You have all been a very entertaining audience. Unfortunately the joke was on you!


P.S. Watch out for Bounty Hunters!


Sadly and all to often when things are posted in this forum, its not whats said but how it was perceived by the reader, through there own mood, disposition or simple inability or bitterness.

This was fun at the start,it got hi-jacked and twisted by some warped individuals and then the venom flowed.
Totally unnecessary and certainly uncalled for, but too often it happens that some get there jollies from trying to make themselves look clever by berating others.

Carry on, they wont change, put it down to where it came from, and just move on.

I dont find it sad at all .i find the reactions in these forums to be extremely interesting in the way they demonstrate human nature.

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