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Sweden to eliminate mentions of race from laws to thwart racism


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Shortly after Sweden was recognized as having the worst record in the European Union for employing foreign non-EU citizens, the country’s Integration Minister Erik Ullenhag announced plans to investigate the process of eliminating the word from all of its legislation.

Well, Sweden:


1. someone will have to have the "worst" record on a list of countries, no way around it

2. will the EU sanction you for employing the least amount of non-EU citizens?

3. how do you fight racism, when you can't even define the concept in a law?


you once were Vikings, now you are Weaklings



The companies in Sweden are not interested in employing the new immigrants (most of them are from Muslim countries) because they don't want to learn Swedish, they don't speak any English and they require special Muslim food and many got no education at all. Sweden accepted more immigrants then any other European country per capita, many of them get a Swedish passport after only 3 year in the country. 



Correct, and then they go back to northern Iraq to fight with IS and then you can read in the news about the Swedish people fighting there! Swedish in my ass...



UK gets it with Britons fight in Stria. I was taught the Britons were a Celtic people who lived in England until after the Romans left.


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Sweden is a great country to live in. When I see all problems around the word I´m happy that I´m born here.

Maybe we have most imigrants per capita, but we are only about 9 mil. people in this very big country.

Without imigrants it would be a very boring place, so many fantastic people coming to Sweden.

God people, bad people have nothing with race or religion to do.


Many people like the cold winter (like my thaiwife) I dont, because of that we go to Thailand 2-3 month every winter

Sometime I go alone, sometime we go both. She have a beautiful house in Isaan.

She build and payd it herself with money she earn in Sweden.


I think that many of them that complain how terrible it is, they are just not satisfied with themself.

They live a crappy life, if they move to Thailand they will start to complain about Thailand.

Again Sweden is not only a beautiful country, it´s wonderful to live here.


Hope this is readable, only four years english at the time I go to school (long time ago).

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There is only one race and that's the human one.


Some though don't try medals, they just demand them from others.


"There is only one race and that's the human one."


If that's a fact, why are we called aliens by the Thai immigration Police? Are we an alien race or from a different planet?

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There should never be any reason to mention someone's race in a law, merely their citizenship, so in this sense the Swedish approach is admirable, although positive discrimination practices in say, the US or Malaysia, could not occur without such racial definitions being made. The prevention of positive as well as negative discrimination is a good thing in my opinion.


However "race " is the name given to cosmetic differences in human appearance, such as skin colour, eye shape, and height, which are genetically determined, and completely inheritable as a collection of grouped recognisable visual cues (e.g. Australian aboriginal people rarely give birth to blonde caucasians) and so represent a biological phenomenon. 


Defining these heritable differences as a completely social construct is clearly not tenable although how these cosmetic differences are used to determine which arbitrary group people are assigned to (Japanese were honorary whites in apartheid South Africa), and the importance assigned to them ( they are trivial) is purely socially constructed.


Yes I think there is no argument why a race should be mentioned in any law.


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Sweden is a great country to live in. When I see all problems around the word I´m happy that I´m born here.

Maybe we have most imigrants per capita, but we are only about 9 mil. people in this very big country.

Without imigrants it would be a very boring place, so many fantastic people coming to Sweden.

God people, bad people have nothing with race or religion to do.


Many people like the cold winter (like my thaiwife) I dont, because of that we go to Thailand 2-3 month every winter

Sometime I go alone, sometime we go both. She have a beautiful house in Isaan.

She build and payd it herself with money she earn in Sweden.


I think that many of them that complain how terrible it is, they are just not satisfied with themself.

They live a crappy life, if they move to Thailand they will start to complain about Thailand.

Again Sweden is not only a beautiful country, it´s wonderful to live here.


Hope this is readable, only four years english at the time I go to school (long time ago).

Were are you living in Sweden?

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A cursory look at demographics reveals Sweden cannot long survive the massive influx of immigrants from primarily muslim countries. Indeed, Sweden will be among the first to line up to declare "Eurabia."  As Swedes are a homogenous people the removal of race from legal instruments can only serve the Orwellian end of thought monitoring. It is overwhelmingly apparent Sweden is being dissolved into a 1st/3rd world Dystopia by these maddened multicultural policies. In what world is it a good idea to force the host to adapt to the alien? Race is relevant, particularly in Sweden, since Swedes are all northern europeans and legal documents allow the host to measure how very much they are being destroyed by collectivist policies.


Well I can't think of any laws were race makes sense. You can perfectly make a law that makes it more difficult for Turkey Muslims to immigrate. It is immigration laws that are faulty.

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A cursory look at demographics reveals Sweden cannot long survive the massive influx of immigrants from primarily muslim countries. Indeed, Sweden will be among the first to line up to declare "Eurabia."  As Swedes are a homogenous people the removal of race from legal instruments can only serve the Orwellian end of thought monitoring. It is overwhelmingly apparent Sweden is being dissolved into a 1st/3rd world Dystopia by these maddened multicultural policies. In what world is it a good idea to force the host to adapt to the alien? Race is relevant, particularly in Sweden, since Swedes are all northern europeans and legal documents allow the host to measure how very much they are being destroyed by collectivist policies.


Well I can't think of any laws were race makes sense. You can perfectly make a law that makes it more difficult for Turkey Muslims to immigrate. It is immigration laws that are faulty.


Actually, you are correct and I mis applied my thinking here. I kinda agree that race and laws should simply not mix. I think there should simply be no laws at all about this. Free association: if a publication publishes the races of criminal activities in their paper and the population does not want this they will not buy the paper. What is happening is an effort to legislate thinking, and coverup the failure of immigration policies.

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A cursory look at demographics reveals Sweden cannot long survive the massive influx of immigrants from primarily muslim countries. Indeed, Sweden will be among the first to line up to declare "Eurabia."  As Swedes are a homogenous people the removal of race from legal instruments can only serve the Orwellian end of thought monitoring. It is overwhelmingly apparent Sweden is being dissolved into a 1st/3rd world Dystopia by these maddened multicultural policies. In what world is it a good idea to force the host to adapt to the alien? Race is relevant, particularly in Sweden, since Swedes are all northern europeans and legal documents allow the host to measure how very much they are being destroyed by collectivist policies.


Well I can't think of any laws were race makes sense. You can perfectly make a law that makes it more difficult for Turkey Muslims to immigrate. It is immigration laws that are faulty.


Actually, you are correct and I mis applied my thinking here. I kinda agree that race and laws should simply not mix. I think there should simply be no laws at all about this. Free association: if a publication publishes the races of criminal activities in their paper and the population does not want this they will not buy the paper. What is happening is an effort to legislate thinking, and coverup the failure of immigration policies.



This is right.....And do not forget: A religion is not a race. I have no problem with a christian doctor from Iraq. But I would have a problem with a Muslim extremist from everywhere.

Not race, society, religion, education should be the point. Or the ability to fit into the local society.

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A cursory look at demographics reveals Sweden cannot long survive the massive influx of immigrants from primarily muslim countries. Indeed, Sweden will be among the first to line up to declare "Eurabia."  As Swedes are a homogenous people the removal of race from legal instruments can only serve the Orwellian end of thought monitoring. It is overwhelmingly apparent Sweden is being dissolved into a 1st/3rd world Dystopia by these maddened multicultural policies. In what world is it a good idea to force the host to adapt to the alien? Race is relevant, particularly in Sweden, since Swedes are all northern europeans and legal documents allow the host to measure how very much they are being destroyed by collectivist policies.


Well I can't think of any laws were race makes sense. You can perfectly make a law that makes it more difficult for Turkey Muslims to immigrate. It is immigration laws that are faulty.


Actually, you are correct and I mis applied my thinking here. I kinda agree that race and laws should simply not mix. I think there should simply be no laws at all about this. Free association: if a publication publishes the races of criminal activities in their paper and the population does not want this they will not buy the paper. What is happening is an effort to legislate thinking, and coverup the failure of immigration policies.



This is right.....And do not forget: A religion is not a race. I have no problem with a christian doctor from Iraq. But I would have a problem with a Muslim extremist from everywhere.

Not race, society, religion, education should be the point. Or the ability to fit into the local society.



Okay, I get it. I understand your point, and agree! (However, Jews are considered both a race and religion. But your point is made. I got it). Thank you.

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Sweden is a great country to live in. When I see all problems around the word I´m happy that I´m born here.

Maybe we have most imigrants per capita, but we are only about 9 mil. people in this very big country.

Without imigrants it would be a very boring place, so many fantastic people coming to Sweden.

God people, bad people have nothing with race or religion to do.


Many people like the cold winter (like my thaiwife) I dont, because of that we go to Thailand 2-3 month every winter

Sometime I go alone, sometime we go both. She have a beautiful house in Isaan.

She build and payd it herself with money she earn in Sweden.


I think that many of them that complain how terrible it is, they are just not satisfied with themself.

They live a crappy life, if they move to Thailand they will start to complain about Thailand.

Again Sweden is not only a beautiful country, it´s wonderful to live here.


Hope this is readable, only four years english at the time I go to school (long time ago).

Were are you living in Sweden?



We live in the south of Sweden, 20 km from Tingsryd.

I can also say that after my wife get a swedish passport it took 5 years before she wanted to go back to Thailand, she love the life here.

She said that she have been in Thailand so much and it´s to hot, no holliday for me.

About this topic, no big deal. If it make somebody happy, why not.


The present governmen is since 8 years a right wing government, before it was kind of left.

The only different is that this government has make life hard for people that have no job and people that is sick.

It´s a little bit like if you loose both your arms, they say that you have to find a job where you don´t need arms, no money from us


We were used to from before, if we had some serious illness like cancer or something like that.

We was taken care of financially, that´s one of the reason we pay tax.

Now they say like, if you can walk and sit, you can work.

Edited by kenio
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OK, that is nice that you  are feeling alright in Sweden. And everything is OK. I am from Malmo and we have big problems with immigrants. You have maybe seen some on the news on TV. We have about 40% immigrants here. Actually these are old numbers. I think it is more by now. In the Malmo jail we have 85% immigrants even if some say others that is the way it is. I beleive in the future you will get more immigrants as well. I hope you will not get the criminal ones. I believe not becuase they use to settle down in big cities (more people-more business in drugs).


And unfortunately a LOT of our taxes are used for that as well. You mentined the helthcare system. That was much better before than now due to lack of money.

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OK, that is nice that you  are feeling alright in Sweden. And everything is OK. I am from Malmo and we have big problems with immigrants. You have maybe seen some on the news on TV. We have about 40% immigrants here. Actually these are old numbers. I think it is more by now. In the Malmo jail we have 85% immigrants even if some say others that is the way it is. I beleive in the future you will get more immigrants as well. I hope you will not get the criminal ones. I believe not becuase they use to settle down in big cities (more people-more business in drugs).


And unfortunately a LOT of our taxes are used for that as well. You mentined the helthcare system. That was much better before than now due to lack of money.


I think that´s moore a politikal problem, that they put to many people together in the same place.

Lack of money, I don´t think so, it´s politic. In the end it´s the people that make a country rich.

I don´t know to many imigrants but  I know a few, one guy from Palestine, a couple from Libanon, one family from Bosnia,

 five women from Thailand some, people from Poland, one woman and her son from Moldova, they all work  (with no support from government) and pay tax


A lot of imigrants in jail, thats good is´nt it, that they put criminals in jail, I only know two guys that been locked in, one for six years, and one 2x8 month

They are both very swedish..


Another thing about that people from other countrys is expensive for us

is that we have no problem buying cheap cloths, tools, TVs, and many things that are made of people that work for peanuts in poor countries.


My wife she spend two years in school to learn swedish, after that she get a job,

It´s a part time job she don´t work in the winter and that´s perfect for us,

We can spend some months inThailand, the last two years we have been there together.

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Don't worry about racism Sweden, soon, you will have Sharia laws with all the millions of Muslims that have found refuge there, it's only a matter of time...

Correction, to include the social construct...


Don't worry about racism Sweden, soon, you will have Sharia laws with all the millions of (Muslims)(individuals praying five times a day and being prevented from eating during daylight one month every year) that have found refuge there, it's only a matter of time...

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I agree in ful! I am considering leaving Sweden as well. It is not Sweeden anymore. Most citizens know about this but the leftist journalist are ruling the country. Not the politicians.



Same in France.


On the other hand, Switzerland, and to a lesser extent Germany, are plagued by the new type of red-socialist leftists: new age greens and anthropomorphist / pantheist animal rights activists - they are like the classic socialists, except that they take away more liberties and need to raise more taxes to finance their "legacy for the future".

Watched some broadcasts about what is going on there and was facepalming myself all the time during the broadcast  :-(

I hope that common sense will thwart the lunatics.

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OK, that is nice that you  are feeling alright in Sweden. And everything is OK. I am from Malmo and we have big problems with immigrants. You have maybe seen some on the news on TV. We have about 40% immigrants here. Actually these are old numbers. I think it is more by now. In the Malmo jail we have 85% immigrants even if some say others that is the way it is. I beleive in the future you will get more immigrants as well. I hope you will not get the criminal ones. I believe not becuase they use to settle down in big cities (more people-more business in drugs).


And unfortunately a LOT of our taxes are used for that as well. You mentined the helthcare system. That was much better before than now due to lack of money.


I think that´s moore a politikal problem, that they put to many people together in the same place.

Lack of money, I don´t think so, it´s politic. In the end it´s the people that make a country rich.

I don´t know to many imigrants but  I know a few, one guy from Palestine, a couple from Libanon, one family from Bosnia,

 five women from Thailand some, people from Poland, one woman and her son from Moldova, they all work  (with no support from government) and pay tax


A lot of imigrants in jail, thats good is´nt it, that they put criminals in jail, I only know two guys that been locked in, one for six years, and one 2x8 month

They are both very swedish..


Another thing about that people from other countrys is expensive for us

is that we have no problem buying cheap cloths, tools, TVs, and many things that are made of people that work for peanuts in poor countries.


My wife she spend two years in school to learn swedish, after that she get a job,

It´s a part time job she don´t work in the winter and that´s perfect for us,

We can spend some months inThailand, the last two years we have been there together.



Interesting! Well if you want to keep your illusions then stay away from the bigger cities, for example Malmo. I can guarantee you that you will change your mind if you live here for a while. There are nice people from other other cultures for sure. Unfortunately a lot are not. And those have a tendency to come and stay with their friends in the bigger cities. And abouty money, why do you think we have so many problems in the healthcare? Schools and geriatry? Why do you think so many doctors and nurses going to Norway? No money for paying them good salary. The amounts we are paying for the immigrants are HUGE! It is your and mine tax money.

Anyway, if you are happy living here I congratulate you. I hope it will last.

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Sweden...........The first country in the West to voluntarily start their own extermination,no pride or guts left there whatsoever.


Isn't it always the case that ultimately the invader becomes the invaded?


Hmm - nobody seems to like Muslims, nobody seems to like Jews. Is it the race or religion that we despise, or is it merely the different skin tone? Nobody seems to give a clear answer. Maybe if all countries shut their borders they could have good social security measures on the basis of forcing people to work even if they can't, or open their borders and simply abandon social security measures altogether.


Sensible answers please!

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There is only one race and that's the human one.


Some though don't try medals, they just demand them from others.


"There is only one race and that's the human one."


If that's a fact, why are we called aliens by the Thai immigration Police? Are we an alien race or from a different planet?



This thread was about Sweden but what I said was meant for everywhere.


The Thais, amongst many other countries, refer to to "other" people who wish to enter their countries as "aliens"


The countries that make these pronouncements are merely stating their value judgement of who is in the medals and who is not.


With all due respect to you your post is echoing exactly what I said about people demanding medals.

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Sweden...........The first country in the West to voluntarily start their own extermination,no pride or guts left there whatsoever.

Isn't it always the case that ultimately the invader becomes the invaded?
Hmm - nobody seems to like Muslims, nobody seems to like Jews. Is it the race or religion that we despise, or is it merely the different skin tone? Nobody seems to give a clear answer. Maybe if all countries shut their borders they could have good social security measures on the basis of forcing people to work even if they can't, or open their borders and simply abandon social security measures altogether.
Sensible answers please!

Things I don't like about Islam:
-Many high up clerics support: religious law, slavery, polygamy, full face veils, rape, limited inter-gender contact, killing people who leave the faith, killing infidels and of course full-on jihad.
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I'm all for combating racism and have no problem with multi-culturalism (I wouldn't be living in Thailand, otherwise) ... But Islam is not a race; it's a toxic ideology that converts normal people into intolerant and violent fascists and fills their hearts with hatred. Islam lies at the root of a lot of racism and suffering.
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