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Acceptance of Muslims in Thai South 'will cut violent attacks'


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I'm an atheist.

However while I feel there is no god I have no argument with those who think differently, no matter what the faith. Everyone has the right to their personal faith.

However I do have a problem with those who sow bigotry, intolerance, hate and misinformation.

Make of that what you will.

If you have read the Koran and the hadith then and look at the news, you should be having a problem with Islam, it certainly has a problem with us the non believer, it is written.

I've repeatedly said I have no tolerance for terrorist scum or any form of extremism.

However that does not mean I condemn a whole faith and its followers.

That road only leads to more violence and hate.

There is too much of that already.

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I'm an atheist.

However while I feel there is no god I have no argument with those who think differently, no matter what the faith. Everyone has the right to their personal faith.

However I do have a problem with those who sow bigotry, intolerance, hate and misinformation.

Make of that what you will.

If you have read the Koran and the hadith then and look at the news, you should be having a problem with Islam, it certainly has a problem with us the non believer, it is written.

He has not and is ignorant and does not even know what he is talking about just a typical lefty Liberal sympathizer

Oh dear, getting personal are we?

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In my home town of Birmingham (UK) 3 or 4 schools have been investigated by government officials and found 'guilty' of promoting the Muslim faith and practises to the exclusion of other faiths. Things such as not allowing the boys and girls to mix at playtime etc etc. I do not have all the details but it re-enforces your view that there is a global multi facet campaign underway to turn every country to the Muslim way of life. Maybe it is a 50 year plan or something, but it seems to be party of the overall strategy. I post this as a fact and would add that my recent landlady in Thailand was a Muslim and she was very polite and well spoken.

Nevertheless, since 9/11 I have tried hard to be rational about all of this but drip fed by events over the last decade have slowly driven me to believe it's a cult to many, rather than a religion. That makes me very sad, but you can only call it as you see it.

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Its time you stopped playing the "its not me game" Bluespunk, you are the problem just as much as your so called enemy extremists. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Sit there telling everyone that you are misunderstood, that it is only a minority doing all this in 26 countries across the globe. Its time you Muslims then stood up for what you believe to be the true peaceful Islam and vanquish these spots from your record. Where are your armies fighting to restore your good name? Surely any side or religion would support them right?


I'm an atheist.

However while I feel there is no god I have no argument with those who think differently, no matter what the faith. Everyone has the right to their personal faith.

However I do have a problem with those who sow bigotry, intolerance, hate and misinformation.

Make of that what you will.

Like i said before your posts contain no substance or validity, I have posted a lot of evidence to support my stance you on the other hand like a typical lefty sympathizer only throw insults when you cannot debate against the facts actually presented.

Your "evidence" is opinion and misinformed at that.

As for throwing insults, I think that's more your forte.

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I'm an atheist.

However while I feel there is no god I have no argument with those who think differently, no matter what the faith. Everyone has the right to their personal faith.

However I do have a problem with those who sow bigotry, intolerance, hate and misinformation.

Make of that what you will.

If you have read the Koran and the hadith then and look at the news, you should be having a problem with Islam, it certainly has a problem with us the non believer, it is written.

He has not and is ignorant and does not even know what he is talking about just a typical lefty Liberal sympathizer

Oh dear, getting personal are we?

Now dont get all sensitive on me I am just stating facts and the truth

1.) You have not read the Quran and the Hadith = TRUTH

2.) Based on your posts above your are a Left Wing Liberal = TRUTH based on your responses

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Its time you stopped playing the "its not me game" Bluespunk, you are the problem just as much as your so called enemy extremists. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Sit there telling everyone that you are misunderstood, that it is only a minority doing all this in 26 countries across the globe. Its time you Muslims then stood up for what you believe to be the true peaceful Islam and vanquish these spots from your record. Where are your armies fighting to restore your good name? Surely any side or religion would support them right?


I'm an atheist.

However while I feel there is no god I have no argument with those who think differently, no matter what the faith. Everyone has the right to their personal faith.

However I do have a problem with those who sow bigotry, intolerance, hate and misinformation.

Make of that what you will.

Like i said before your posts contain no substance or validity, I have posted a lot of evidence to support my stance you on the other hand like a typical lefty sympathizer only throw insults when you cannot debate against the facts actually presented.

Your "evidence" is opinion and misinformed at that.

As for throwing insults, I think that's more your forte.

My Evidence LOL this just shows you have ot even bothered to look at it else you would know the evidence presented is DIRECTLY FROM THE QURAN and the word of Muslims themselves

Like i said Ignorant

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Think Northern Ireland. That was never about religion, only political extremism. Somchai would do better to question the separatists' commitment to peace when they carry out the most heinous and cowardly attacks on ordinary people who have no direct impact on their cause, whatever that is. Terrorism, pure and simple.

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You said:

Now dont get all sensitive on me I am just stating facts and the truth

1.) You have not read the Quran and the Hadith = TRUTH

2.) Based on your posts above your are a Left Wing Liberal = TRUTH based on your responses


I'm not sensitive at all. I find it funny you react thus.

Back on topic now. You call your opinions, interpretations of Islam and right wing propaganda facts. I don't.

You call your views the truth, I see them as dangerously decisive, narrow, intolerant and just plain wrong.

If you want to call me ignorant, left leaning or whatever other epitaphs you wish to scatter gun blast in my direction, then fine. They don't strengthen your arguments or make them any less wrong to me. Quite the opposite really.

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My Evidence LOL this just shows you have ot even bothered to look at it else you would know the evidence presented is DIRECTLY FROM THE QURAN and the word of Muslims themselves

Like i said Ignorant


And like I said, your evidence is opinion and interpretation. Right wing interpretations of the Koran is prejudicial and ill intentioned. There is much the same that could be found in the Bible and the Torah.

If you look for the message you want, you can find it.

That's what extremists do.

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My Evidence LOL this just shows you have ot even bothered to look at it else you would know the evidence presented is DIRECTLY FROM THE QURAN and the word of Muslims themselves

Like i said Ignorant


And like I said, your evidence is opinion and interpretation. Right wing interpretations of the Koran is prejudicial and ill intentioned. There is much the same that could be found in the Bible and the Torah.

If you look for the message you want, you can find it.

That's what extremists do.

Ya cant fix stupid, still using the same excuses Muslims use to defend their religion when the evidence is clearly presented

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Ya cant fix stupid, still using the same excuses Muslims use to defend their religion when the evidence is clearly presented


Ha ha ha.

When you present something it's evidence. When it's countered, it's an excuse.

The ultimate self justifying argument. Genius despite how depressing a line of thought it is.

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You did not counter it because you did not even look at it

that is ignorance

I was referring to your rational in the post I replied to. You assume that because I haven't accepted the propaganda you post as the truth I haven't read it.

The fact is I don't agree with you. The view of Islam you promote is divisive and hate filled. It is ignorance personified and allows for no divergent views. When you fail to convince me of your world view you resort to insults and claims that I am ignorant.

You will accept no truth but your own and yes I guess I am the same. The difference is your stance is harmful and can lead to nothing but division and mistrust. That is not what society needs.

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HMMMM Muslims love only other muslims; the rest they just ignore, convert to Islam or in extreme cases kill them. Witness what is happening in Kurdistan to Christians right now.

Yes, violence is the way to go if you want respect.

Not just Christians. Muslims who do not followed the extremist path of IS are also being killed.

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And before all of the ideologies you mentioned, a long time before, were the Muslims.

And they are still here.

And they hate us.

And have for over a thousand years.

The difference is that they now have oil money and a lot of it.

Make no mistake all this turmoil is funded, in one way or another, by the Saudis.

Muslims came along long after Buddhism. Even after Christianity, And there are lots of varieties of them, too. A bit like Christians, really, where we have: Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, Baptists, Pentecostalists, Methodists, Church Of England, Church of Scotland, Russian Orthodox, Church of the Latter Day Saints, Seventh Day Adventists, Greek Orthodox. Then there are all the fundamentalist one horse only shows, like the Jehovah's Witness, Church of the Living God etc etc etc.

Now, are you going to tell me that all of these Christians believe in the same thing and share the same values? Did you know that Seventh Day Adventists push vegetarianism and are pacifists? Or that Catholic girls can't have abortions, even if they have been gang-raped by Protestants?

Differences exist in all religions. Trying to fit "Muslims" into the same bag is like trying to fit Christians into one bag. And Muslims don't hate us - you should get out more, meet some new people. Maybe a few people of Middle Eastern appearance. Honestly, I am as falang as they come, and knew little of Arabs until 15 years ago, when fate took me to a University in Ramallah, Palestine. And boy, did meeting some of those evil terrorist Palestinian "Muslims" open my eyes. They were amongst the most charming, polite, considerate and generous people I have ever met - and I've travelled some. Sure, I wasn't so impressed by the camel drivers I met in Morocco (who also happened to be Muslim). In fact, I think those camel drivers were less like the Palestinian Muslims and more closely related to the Anglo-Saxon Pentecostalists I met in New Zealand (now, that was scary!!).

And it would be a bit weird if the Saudis are funding all this, given that their investment partners include such dyed-in-the-wool westerners as the Bush family. There is so much of tie up with the Saudi royals, their oil and the USA, that if you declare war on the Saudis, you will first have to fight the Yanks.

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Yes, violence is the way to go if you want respect.

Tell this to the Thai military. Violence is a two-way street in southern Thailand.

I've lived in the south and seen more violence against the civilian population by the fanatics than I have seen the military hand out to the

Muslims. If anything, they have been too soft. They are ill trained and ill equipped to handle the threat that is now sweeping through the southern region.

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HMMMM Muslims love only other muslims; the rest they just ignore, convert to Islam or in extreme cases kill them. Witness what is happening in Kurdistan to Christians right now.

Yes, and I read a lot of history about the British colonisation of India, USA and Australia. This colonisation was led by Chritian missionaries. And those Christian British sure did some lovely things - like handing out free bags of flour to Aborigines in Australia (and America). It was probably just an oversight that they forgot to inform the natives that the flour was mixed with strychnine. Even better was the free blankets that British distributed to Aboriginals in Australia. First, they collected them from the hospitals where soldiers and settlers were dying from infectious diseases like smallpox.... get the picture?

BUT, if those Aboriginals converted to Christianity, they were then looked after. Their children would be kindly taken away to work as domestic servants and farm labours. Their names would be changed so that they could not find their families. Girls strangely became pregnant with children that were almost white (but not white enough - these children were still required to wear "dog tags" to move from town to town. If they didn't have these they would be arrested).

Basically, long story short, there are some Muslims who will never get to any kind of heaven because the of the despicable things they have done. But there are plenty of Christians too (and you will notice I didn't once mention the Inquisition or the genocides perpetrated in Latin America by the Spanish - yep, you guessed it- Christians)!

There are b-------- in this world. Plenty of them. And they don't all belong to one religion. (Now, who mentioned Hindus? Buddhists? Shinto?) IF you want to build a better world, stop those who do damage whatever religion they happen to belong to.

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To cut to the chase, will the Muslims reciprocate, me thinks not, they have one aim , regardless of where or when, OZ has been told to expect 100 hundred years of trouble from this religious faith. I rest my casebah.gif .

What case? All you are doing is promoting your opinions as facts.

There are indeed vocal Muslims who preach hate and intolerance, as there are Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists who do the same thing.

This does not mean they represent the majority.

Could you point us to some recent events where Christians, Jews, Hindus or Buddhists frequently blow up other people because they don't believe in their religion ?

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HMMMM Muslims love only other muslims; the rest they just ignore, convert to Islam or in extreme cases kill them. Witness what is happening in Kurdistan to Christians right now.

Yes, violence is the way to go if you want respect.

Not just Christians. Muslims who do not followed the extremist path of IS are also being killed.

So that makes it ok? That is all the more reason to condem them. They are insane. Killing anyone who they think their invisible friend doesn't like. If you care to listen to the insanity of the military commander of isis, who is now off to murder some Kurds, interview. http://t.co/ENSov4dtkp

this is an interview on 3aw with Isis commander.

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I lived in the UAE in my teenage years and made a lot of friends among various Arab nationalities there. Warm, humorous and generous people, even though I found their attitudes towards women rather medieval and condescending. Decent folks, but unfortunate to have been burdened by the outdated dogma of Islam. It's a religion they really would be better off without. Just like Malays and Indonesians, who have had the bad luck of being born under Islam, while the Thais and Laotians seem to have hit the lottery jackpot with Buddhism. Lucky countries with a lot of easy-going and fun-loving people (that's why I like living here).

But before the apologists start accusing me of singling out Islam, I find sanctimonious Jesus freaks and Orthodox Jews to be equally insufferable.

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HMMMM Muslims love only other muslims; the rest they just ignore, convert to Islam or in extreme cases kill them. Witness what is happening in Kurdistan to Christians right now.

Yes, violence is the way to go if you want respect.

Not just Christians. Muslims who do not followed the extremist path of IS are also being killed.

So that makes it ok? That is all the more reason to condem them. They are insane. Killing anyone who they think their invisible friend doesn't like. If you care to listen to the insanity of the military commander of isis, who is now off to murder some Kurds, interview. http://t.co/ENSov4dtkp

this is an interview on 3aw with Isis commander.

Hmm, let me check my post….nope can't see where I said that. Nope nowhere at all. Tell you what let me check on some of my earlier posts, might be clues on my views there…give me a minute…..ah…there it is….

all terrorists are scum,

nothing justifies murder in the name of god,

yep that makes it clear.

Good enough for you?

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To cut to the chase, will the Muslims reciprocate, me thinks not, they have one aim , regardless of where or when, OZ has been told to expect 100 hundred years of trouble from this religious faith. I rest my casebah.gif .

What case? All you are doing is promoting your opinions as facts.

There are indeed vocal Muslims who preach hate and intolerance, as there are Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists who do the same thing.

This does not mean they represent the majority.

Could you point us to some recent events where Christians, Jews, Hindus or Buddhists frequently blow up other people because they don't believe in their religion ?

Already answered that question earlier in this thread. Look it up if you really care.

OK to be fair not about bombs going off, just senseless persecution, violence and murder in the name of religion.

Bombs, guns, knives, machetes or whatever is used to kill those of another faith in the name of your own is evil. However to say only one religion kills in the name of god is wrong.

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To cut to the chase, will the Muslims reciprocate, me thinks not, they have one aim , regardless of where or when, OZ has been told to expect 100 hundred years of trouble from this religious faith. I rest my casebah.gif .

What case? All you are doing is promoting your opinions as facts.

There are indeed vocal Muslims who preach hate and intolerance, as there are Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists who do the same thing.

This does not mean they represent the majority.

I don't see any Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists blowing themselves up. These people are like a plague.

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To cut to the chase, will the Muslims reciprocate, me thinks not, they have one aim , regardless of where or when, OZ has been told to expect 100 hundred years of trouble from this religious faith. I rest my casebah.gif .

What case? All you are doing is promoting your opinions as facts.

There are indeed vocal Muslims who preach hate and intolerance, as there are Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists who do the same thing.

This does not mean they represent the majority.

Could you point us to some recent events where Christians, Jews, Hindus or Buddhists frequently blow up other people because they don't believe in their religion ?

Already answered that question earlier in this thread. Look it up if you really care.

OK to be fair not about bombs going off, just senseless persecution, violence and murder in the name of religion.

Bombs, guns, knives, machetes or whatever is used to kill those of another faith in the name of your own is evil. However to say only one religion kills in the name of god is wrong.

There is a big difference between a war in the name of religion and people walking around all over the planet and blowing up innocent and unsuspecting civilians.

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"Bombs, guns, knives, machetes or whatever is used to kill those of another faith in the name of your own is evil. However to say only one religion kills in the name of god is wrong."

True but of all the people killed in the name of god today, vast majority were in the name of the pagan moon god Allah. Besides it's dishonest to act like all religions have the same teachings about violence. Islam, Christianity (as taught by Jesus, not co-opted by some), and Buddhism (as taught by Buddha, not co-opted by some) have radically different teachings regarding violence. The latter two teach to turn the other cheek, while the former gives plenty of examples of merciless violence being used to "defend" the religion. Problem is it implies that all non-Muslims (or even, as interpreted by many, Muslims who aren't the right kind of Muslims) have rejected the will of Allah and whose lives are therefore worth less. That to my mind is the view of a scumbag, and is at the core of the terroristic jihads all across the planet.

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