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Michael Brown killing: State police take over riot-hit US town


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Michael Brown killing: State police to take charge

(BBC) State police have taken charge of security in Ferguson after nights of violence, said the Missouri governor.

Over the past four nights, heavily armed local police have clashed with protesters angry at the police killing of black teenager Michael Brown.

Governor Jay Nixon announced the change after President Barack Obama urged police not to use "excessive force".

The governor said the violent confrontations with county police made the suburbs resemble a "war zone".

"We're going to have to regain trust," he said.

Missouri Highway Patrol's Captain Ron Johnson, who grew up nearby, has taken charge of the operation.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-28793865

-- BBC 2014-08-15

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The Missouri State Police captain now in charge is also black, a small detail the BBC story apparently did not think important enough to include. So, we now have a black Hwy Patrol officer in charge at the scene, a black US Attorney General, Holder, directing the feds, and a black US president issuing Solomonic announcements from the Rose Garden. The OJ jurors are now in charge of everything. I'm sure justice is assured.

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You are 100% correct and if it had been black on white or white on white killing you would never see the rioting and looking taking place, when have you ever seen a white face running out of a store front with a TV or some other goods in their hands. My experience says never....

..but it's a backlash against whitey...(again)

If the police officer was black nothing would have happened.

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The parallels to internal domestic militarization and loss of Constitutional rights as compared Germany circa 1933 gives me an unsettled feeling. Not too many people study history methinks. Even less have read the US Constitution. Ignorance has it's consequences.

"Something wicked this way comes."

--Ray Bradbury

" What happens if your own government is using more force, and more coercion, on its own citizens, for the purposes of achieving its political ends -- is that government engaged in terrorism? "cool.png

Edwin Viera (professor of Constitutional Law)

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Looks like michael wasn't the poster child he has been portrayed as. Let's see when the big picture is released but from these pics if I was the store clerk I would have been in fear of my life.


Well, that certainly explains why the story has disappeared from the "headlines" on CNN. It's now all Iraq and Ukraine.

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Looks like michael wasn't the poster child he has been portrayed as. Let's see when the big picture is released but from these pics if I was the store clerk I would have been in fear of my life.


Well, that certainly explains why the story has disappeared from the "headlines" on CNN. It's now all Iraq and Ukraine.

Go to Russia Today rt.com or Aljazeera aljazeera.com. The 'vegetable soup' acronym Main Stream News isn't worth reading unless you want to know what to know what the US and UK governments want you to know.

No. Michael wasn't a poster child. But the issue is two fold. The inordinate use of deadly force used in situations where unarmed individuals are being shot - and this is not an isolated incident; and the militarization of the police across America. These fools are hitting the US streets looking more like US Army rangers hunting 'Taliban Insurgents' then police that are hired to 'Protect and Serve' the populace. The governor brought in the State Patrol to deescalate the situation, which has happened. State Patrol Captain Ron Johnson ordered the para-military county police out. They basically just have regular uniformed officers on the street. Just Google: State Patrol Captain Ron Johnson

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Looks like michael wasn't the poster child he has been portrayed as. Let's see when the big picture is released but from these pics if I was the store clerk I would have been in fear of my life.


Well, that certainly explains why the story has disappeared from the "headlines" on CNN. It's now all Iraq and Ukraine.

Go to Russia Today rt.com or Aljazeera aljazeera.com. The 'vegetable soup' acronym Main Stream News isn't worth reading unless you want to know what to know what the US and UK governments want you to know.

No. Michael wasn't a poster child. But the issue is two fold. The inordinate use of deadly force used in situations where unarmed individuals are being shot - and this is not an isolated incident; and the militarization of the police across America. These fools are hitting the US streets looking more like US Army rangers hunting 'Taliban Insurgents' then police that are hired to 'Protect and Serve' the populace. The governor brought in the State Patrol to deescalate the situation, which has happened. State Patrol Captain Ron Johnson ordered the para-military county police out. They basically just have regular uniformed officers on the street. Just Google: State Patrol Captain Ron Johnson

No, he wasn't a "poster child," although CNN went to great lengths to picture him in his high school graduation cap and gown. Apparently, what he was amounted to yet another hood rat holding up a store and beating up innocent clerks. And, now, a story that literally got hour after hour after hour of extensive coverage on CNN just this morning, was just dismissed with a 30 second update, where 20 seconds was on the officer's name and the criticism of the police, and about 10 seconds on Gentle Mike robbing and beating. And NOTHING on the witness paraded in front of CNN's cameras for extensive interviews being, in fact, an accomplice in the robbery and assault. It matters, because this is the way public opinion is formed.

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Looks like michael wasn't the poster child he has been portrayed as. Let's see when the big picture is released but from these pics if I was the store clerk I would have been in fear of my life.


Well, that certainly explains why the story has disappeared from the "headlines" on CNN. It's now all Iraq and Ukraine.

Go to Russia Today rt.com or Aljazeera aljazeera.com. The 'vegetable soup' acronym Main Stream News isn't worth reading unless you want to know what to know what the US and UK governments want you to know.

No. Michael wasn't a poster child. But the issue is two fold. The inordinate use of deadly force used in situations where unarmed individuals are being shot - and this is not an isolated incident; and the militarization of the police across America. These fools are hitting the US streets looking more like US Army rangers hunting 'Taliban Insurgents' then police that are hired to 'Protect and Serve' the populace. The governor brought in the State Patrol to deescalate the situation, which has happened. State Patrol Captain Ron Johnson ordered the para-military county police out. They basically just have regular uniformed officers on the street. Just Google: State Patrol Captain Ron Johnson

No, he wasn't a "poster child," although CNN went to great lengths to picture him in his high school graduation cap and gown. Apparently, what he was amounted to yet another hood rat holding up a store and beating up innocent clerks. And, now, a story that literally got hour after hour after hour of extensive coverage on CNN just this morning, was just dismissed with a 30 second update, where 20 seconds was on the officer's name and the criticism of the police, and about 10 seconds on Gentle Mike robbing and beating. And NOTHING on the witness paraded in front of CNN's cameras for extensive interviews being, in fact, an accomplice in the robbery and assault. It matters, because this is the way public opinion is formed.

I agree with you. That's why I don't get news from CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, or any of the other main stream media outlet.

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You are 100% correct and if it had been black on white or white on white killing you would never see the rioting and looking taking place, when have you ever seen a white face running out of a store front with a TV or some other goods in their hands. My experience says never....

..but it's a backlash against whitey...(again)

If the police officer was black nothing would have happened.

Yes, white people are very honest. There are no white people who steal TV's, or other electronics or valuables. No white people are engaged in white collar crime. Bernie Madoff, and Kenneth Lay, and Jamie Dimon are really honest white men, just like the rest of them. So are the NY mafia organizations, the drug runners, the wet work assassins, the Russian mobsters, and all the members of the US Congress, and the Senate. Not to mention Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, Geihtner, Armstrong, and all the other innocent white men out there. Yes, a backlash against perfectly honest whitey.

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You are 100% correct and if it had been black on white or white on white killing you would never see the rioting and looking taking place, when have you ever seen a white face running out of a store front with a TV or some other goods in their hands. My experience says never....

..but it's a backlash against whitey...(again)

If the police officer was black nothing would have happened.

Yes, white people are very honest. There are no white people who steal TV's, or other electronics or valuables. No white people are engaged in white collar crime. Bernie Madoff, and Kenneth Lay, and Jamie Dimon are really honest white men, just like the rest of them. So are the NY mafia organizations, the drug runners, the wet work assassins, the Russian mobsters, and all the members of the US Congress, and the Senate. Not to mention Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, Geihtner, Armstrong, and all the other innocent white men out there. Yes, a backlash against perfectly honest whitey.

Just something to think about, but why does main stream news and organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center fan the flames of racial unrest. And then the general population drinks the Kool-Aide. It doesn't have to be that way. Try digging up some vintage Sly and the Family Stone. There was a message in his songs.

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Eye witness interview with the other man that was with Mike Brown at the time of the incident...

If this testimony is true, then the cop should be brought up on manslaughter charges at a minimum...


Not very credible, because this guy was revealed as an accomplice in the grocery store robbery and assault that the "Gentle Giant" committed right before he was shot.

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You are 100% correct and if it had been black on white or white on white killing you would never see the rioting and looking taking place, when have you ever seen a white face running out of a store front with a TV or some other goods in their hands. My experience says never....

..but it's a backlash against whitey...(again)

If the police officer was black nothing would have happened.

Yes, white people are very honest. There are no white people who steal TV's, or other electronics or valuables. No white people are engaged in white collar crime. Bernie Madoff, and Kenneth Lay, and Jamie Dimon are really honest white men, just like the rest of them. So are the NY mafia organizations, the drug runners, the wet work assassins, the Russian mobsters, and all the members of the US Congress, and the Senate. Not to mention Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, Geihtner, Armstrong, and all the other innocent white men out there. Yes, a backlash against perfectly honest whitey.

If a black police officer had shot and killed a white teen, while the white teen was trying to take the officers weapon, you would not see any white community in America, rioting, robbing, and destroying property. Criminals come from all races and walks of life. Young black men tend to be more prone to gravitate to a life of crime. Blacks in America make up about 14% of the population, yet are responsible for about 39% to 47% of the felonies committed in America, in any given year.

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Statistics certainly don't justify killing anyone but why is the fact that more black people are killed by black people and not by white people as is made out by the likes of Sharpton And Jackson ? Black people are also responsible for a disproportionate amount of the crime committed and yet it is all simply ignored. It is simply payed out as yet anothe white on black killing.

Just look at the picture shown all over the TV and the description as a gentle giant. Now the gang banger pictures have appeared and the fact that he had evidently just robbed a store and the main witness to this killing is his accomplice is beyond parody. Another young man has died needlessly and yet no lessons will be learned from this which is the really sad thing about all this

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Statistics do not justify the killing of anyone.

No but the laws in most states say if your life is threatened you don't have to retreat from your vehicle. Meaning if this guy is trying to enter your vehicle its the same as your house and you can kill him.

Like it or not the officer is innocent until proven guilty! And all these idiots burning down their neighborhood should go to jail.

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Statistics do not justify the killing of anyone.

No but the laws in most states say if your life is threatened you don't have to retreat from your vehicle. Meaning if this guy is trying to enter your vehicle its the same as your house and you can kill him.

Like it or not the officer is innocent until proven guilty! And all these idiots burning down their neighborhood should go to jail.

Please note I said 'killing' I didn't refer to it as murder.

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