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options when visa runs out and no funds

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You turned up with 1 million USD and spent it all. At least you had a great time here, I hope you lived in luxury and lots of partying & traveling. Or did all your USD go to your ex-wife and her "4 houses, lots of land and a good car" ? In that case, you won't ever get your money back, but you'll have to reconcile with her, rekindle that old love - if there ever was any. You say that she can't even drive ---> Become her driver.

Your other options are:

1) Find a job. Part-time teaching, don't worry about work permit.

2) Overstay and keep a low profile outside in the countryside. You're very unlikely to get caught, but watch out for farang snitches!

3) Hook up with a new girlfriend - not a leech, but one who's independent and caring.

4) Don't explain your situation to other farangs. A lot of them (especially on this forum) treat overstaying as a heinous felony and capital crime worse than terrorism and raping children.

What has overstaying to do with this thread? Or the OP?

He is not overstaying. And he even have a couple of months left on his extension of stay

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Me thinkest he didn't do it on his own... No retirement visa at 40, sorry mommy and daddy. you created a, F/U and you know whaI I am talking about.....

So should we write a letter?

Dear Mom and Dad, thanks a million.....

Kerry giggle.gifgiggle.gifgiggle.gif

Your post is insane. Shame on you.

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You turned up with 1 million USD and spent it all. At least you had a great time here, I hope you lived in luxury and lots of partying & traveling. Or did all your USD go to your ex-wife and her "4 houses, lots of land and a good car" ? In that case, you won't ever get your money back, but you'll have to reconcile with her, rekindle that old love - if there ever was any. You say that she can't even drive ---> Become her driver.

Your other options are:

1) Find a job. Part-time teaching, don't worry about work permit.

2) Overstay and keep a low profile outside in the countryside. You're very unlikely to get caught, but watch out for farang snitches!

3) Hook up with a new girlfriend - not a leech, but one who's independent and caring.

4) Don't explain your situation to other farangs. A lot of them (especially on this forum) treat overstaying as a heinous felony and capital crime worse than terrorism and raping children.

What stupid post. Recommend him to overstay and work without WP...........

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a lot of people seem to focus on money ,money is not my problem other that i do not have any,i have little regard for money and i no wish to have ,also i would like to make clear that i was not cheated out of my money by mw wife she is a very good lady she never did me any wrong i walked out of that marriage for another lady not anything i am proud of i have however made another relationship with another fine thai lady and she looks fter me we have 3 children she can look after me feed me but i have no income whatsoever she does not want me to walk out of this relationship i do not want to go but my visa will run out i am housebound cannot walk and unable to work other than drive that i can do this family seem to rely on me not for money but we get along well and have respect dignity though in poverty i have had lots of support from thai people even people in authority i respect them and they respect me .however i am in process of facing uop to a fast approaching situation of do i go into overstay and stay with my family of am i to affraid of a thai gail and take the easy option and get out it amazes me how self rightous so many people aare in asuming they see the whole picture and their opinion are right and that they shoulded be listened to .this is why i love thailand thai people and their culture i do not have any attraction to any welfare sate give me a charitable communith anyday western culture is not attractive to me

well marry her, and if you have kids with her they are us citizens you can apply for that , so your story gets deeper all the time . so whats the real truth?

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a lot of people seem to focus on money ,money is not my problem other that i do not have any,i have little regard for money and i no wish to have ,also i would like to make clear that i was not cheated out of my money by mw wife she is a very good lady she never did me any wrong i walked out of that marriage for another lady not anything i am proud of i have however made another relationship with another fine thai lady and she looks fter me we have 3 children she can look after me feed me but i have no income whatsoever she does not want me to walk out of this relationship i do not want to go but my visa will run out i am housebound cannot walk and unable to work other than drive that i can do this family seem to rely on me not for money but we get along well and have respect dignity though in poverty i have had lots of support from thai people even people in authority i respect them and they respect me .however i am in process of facing uop to a fast approaching situation of do i go into overstay and stay with my family of am i to affraid of a thai gail and take the easy option and get out it amazes me how self rightous so many people aare in asuming they see the whole picture and their opinion are right and that they shoulded be listened to .this is why i love thailand thai people and their culture i do not have any attraction to any welfare sate give me a charitable communith anyday western culture is not attractive to me

ok you can apply for there us citizenship for the kids . and marry her

Edited by camsouth
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You may consider to get closer to Buddhism. You have more chances to be tolerated if you live in a temple.

If you report to Immigration or are caught you will be detained with little chances of ever leaving.

Good advice.

The poverty vow is taken care of.

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1 million $ Lol hw u can believe him . This guy say l come with 1 million $ in Thailand after 10 years he lose all and he said l lived in poverty fiew year . Lol 1 million $ in Thai even if l take hooker everyday l live more than 40 years in Thai .his story so fake

Good, you made your point clear with three postings. Now perhaps is a good time to improve your English, and drop the lol habit,

he didn't ask you for expertise his english skills !!

there are only one language on this world !! English !

British one propably !!

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thank you for all those who try their best to reply helpfully ,to those who think i fake or not real perhaps you never had a million to spend it is quite easy buy a few cars some property some land build a nice large house make friends with less fortunate people and it soon goes belive me i would not consider myself an extravegent man by any meens i have always been quite savy but if you have never had it to spend you not really know ,to those who are critical of my grammer you are probably right i never had much school and never had money till i was over 40 was unemployable really but i did make a million honestly paid all my taxes it took about 7 years and it took about the same to loss all.i came here onin my 40s and could not go on rtirement visa till i was 50 i hope that explains to someone their caculations where out somewhat ,i am glad i not suffer from thinking i know everything ,i have been poor most of my life and i am glad i made some money and i am quite happy i lost it all,it was quite an education better than having to spend my life wishing for something.i have experiences everything in life i ever wanted to and alot more i feel very good about myself,i only posted here against my better judgement in case i had missed something when reviewing my present situation,and i would like to thank all those decent people who try their best to be helpful and i will pray for all others thank you for your time

Dear Cheapchiangmai !

I appreciate your story and complain to some stupid quotes;

I not yet living in Thai, but have a family there already when i will move there,

when i get my retirement,

and my kids every day asks, when pap will come to live with us all the time;

Just an idea ! as you mention you got not only the family,

which now dont want respond on your calls,

but you also mention you got friends,

maybee one of them are will to get in contact with " your wife - family "

most of them still have some honesty - and could help !

Head up !!

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troll post award comming

4 posts ... brags about 1 million us$ thrown away... you have no state pension ?

good planning if you cannot even leave 800k baht in a fixed deposit account

and a tip ... punctuation ... works in every language, makes a post more readable

if you non-alphabet - dont read it

and point punctuated at your own head;

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What nationality?

It's possible some embassies MIGHT help to repatriate but of course right of international travel would be lost unless paid back.

That's about airfare.

Not sure about needed overstay fines.

Beyond that ... maybe can raise funds for overstay fine (when leaving at airport) and fly to Singapore or someplace nearby that might have better prison conditions than Thailand. In Singapore the only crime would be no money ... so maybe that's a place to start better than in Thailand.

I know many people will accuse the OP of trolling ... oh well!

American here - about a decade ago I ran out of funds in Paris. It was an awful situation for me. I went to the US embassy, and they 're-patriated' me (as they called it) to the US, paid for the flight (and even some food money, if I remember correctly).

The deal was, my passport was invalid for any thing else, until I paid back the government for the amount. After I paid it back (about a year later), they issued me a new passport.

That was about a decade ago exactly, so I don't know if that's changed, or if the Embassy in Thailand would be the same as it was in Paris.

you ran out of funds? or did you stay longer than you should have given the available funds?

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My guess since you referred to USD, you are a American? The Thai government does not want you because your are a foreigner and a burden on their society!.Staying here is not a option for you regardless if whether you want to stay! unless you can sway your former heartless b-t-ch to take you in and at least give you food and shelter..

If I was you take your US passport regardless of what they have said to you... walk in and just stay there and refuse to leave... they are not going to drag and throw you out! At some point they will foot the bill for your flight home to the States and once you are there you can get government help like welfare until you can stand on your own feet.

Now sure of your age as long as you keep yourself fit it is never to late to start over again. not saying you have to get back working and saving a 1 million again but as long as you take the attitude that you do not want to return home you are just digging a bigger hole for yourself here in Thailand and a overstay will just do that for you.

Go home you have a better opportunity to survive than staying in Thailand a place that do not want you! and maybe one day you might not be able to stay as before but at least you can visit?

Good luck,,

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Fake or not, the abstract question is real ... what to do IF the money REALLY runs out and nowhere to turn any more.

This is a real stupid Forum,asking this and asking that,,,YOU HAVE TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE YOUR 800K IF NOT,,,,BEFORE YOU RUN OUT OF FUNDS BUY A BLOODY TICKET TO WHERE YOU COME FROM,,,It is that easy,if you cant do that well Faq knows where you go,,(Jail)

He have thai childrens,

so he can register as father and would need only 400.000,-

easier to manage ;

hopefully ha can ,

as he want continou to stay with his family !!

Ho dont want back in the " so nice " western society,

Hope you can manage to stay with your family in Thai;

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Fake or not, the abstract question is real ... what to do IF the money REALLY runs out and nowhere to turn any more.

You know what my response will be, and it got me flamed last time, but there is no way I'm living on the streets either here or in Oz. I'm not advocating that option, and its certainly not an issue at this point in time but I dont take anything for granted here in Disneyland.

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Dude, you got no money. You got no means to access money. You cant or wont get a plane ticket to go home.

Youve got all the information you need to make your choice.

You either get the money together and get out before you break the law.

Or you dont.

You arent a special case with super mitigating circumstances. If you run the risk of living in Thailand without a visa, you deal with the punishment when youre caught. Be a grown up and stop bitching. I dont care if you live beyond your means or not. I dont care if you decide to live in Thailand illegally or work illegally. I aint the police. I also couldnt care less about how much money you had. But youre now the one responsible for your next step. So man the <deleted> up and own your decision.

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I don't understand why there are so many westeners retiring in Asia? Well...i understand for those who have a wife in Asia ( Asian wife) or family. But for those who don't have, why? Don't u think it is better to live in ur own country when u are old. All family n friends are there. How about if u are die while u are retiring in Asia n the fact u are alone? Pardon me..i am not trying to judge, just dont get the reason why...

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I don't understand why there are so many westeners retiring in Asia? Well...i understand for those who have a wife in Asia ( Asian wife) or family. But for those who don't have, why? Don't u think it is better to live in ur own country when u are old. All family n friends are there. How about if u are die while u are retiring in Asia n the fact u are alone? Pardon me..i am not trying to judge, just dont get the reason why...

It's a very good question. For those who have made provision (enough money) for their retirement and old age, including the cost of medical care, it can be a better quality of life than available in their home country; warmer weather, cheaper cost of living, more sociable people etc. For those who haven't, it can become a nightmare.

"Out of the mouths of babes (oft times come gems).Prov. Children occasionally say remarkable or insightful things."

No offence, but you sound young and it reminded me of this old proverb!

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