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Thai total disrespect for the dead?!


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If some one sees this thread as Thai bashing, then be it.


My much loved dog just passed away 3 days ago in Vets care(but thats for another thread)


She was in the most expansive and prestigious animal hospital.


After she passed, i asked if they provided cremation services, to which they replied a yes, cost is 4500 baht.


Agreed and paid.


Today, 3 days later, i received a call that my much loved dogs cremation has arrived(as apparently this is only done in Bangkok)


I go to pick her up, only to be given a plastic bag, inside which her bones wrapped up in a newspaper.


On top of that, her name and my name spelled wrong on the crappy piece of paper attached to the newspaper.


I think they must have seen my face expression, so the manager advised that they do not have any nice boxes or vases to put the remains.


Do keep on mind, i paid 4500 baht for this service and 30 000 baht for 27 hours she was in the hospital.


So the animal hospital, did not think it was a problem to hand over loved animal remains wrapped in a newspaper and a plastic bag?


And cremations services, could not afford to wrap her remains into something little more appropriate?


The same disrespect can be seen on daily basis, whenever someone is found dead or an accident.


Instead of covering person up, they too busy taking pics with the deceased and pointing.


Really really sickening.


Always disliked it, but never really bothered be as much as it bothers me now, after seeing it close and personal, how the dead are treated.  

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Sorry to hear, it has always been a bug bear of mine and the need for people to take photos and basically treat the dead with disrespect that they do So in a way it's no surprise that there is no thoughts how they would treat an animal.

4,500 for that type of service is disgusting IMO
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^ Sorry for your loss.

I hope you find something more appropriate to store your pooches ashes in.


Thank you, wai2.gif


Of course i will, you would just think that 4500 buys you little more than a newspaper and a plastic bag. and one can only hope that remains would be treated little better than the newspaper in the plastic bag.


Back in Oz, some years ago, $100 got you a very nice designer wooden box with your pets name written, all done very nicely.

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^ Sorry for your loss.

I hope you find something more appropriate to store your pooches ashes in.

Thank you, wai2.gif
Of course i will, you would just think that 4500 buys you little more than a newspaper and a plastic bag. and one can only hope that remains would be treated little better than the newspaper in the plastic bag.
Back in Oz, some years ago, $100 got you a very nice designer wooden box with your pets name written, all done very nicely.

I understand mate. I'm a massive animal lover & some people don't understand the grief that can accompany the passing of a pet.

I still carry my pooches picture in my wallet, not a day goes by where I don't think of her. Best mate I ever had, very loyal.

Obviously the people involved in the process don't understand what a difference it would make to provide something nicer.

Don't let this taint the moment. Remember your friend, try to forget the insensitivity of this act.
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I love my animals, but once they are dead, they are dead. I just bury them and they don't mind. I would be mad, if paid 4500 baht to have them cremated though and they handed me the ashes in a plastic bag. 


Nothing wrong with that, but i like to keep my loved ones close to me, i did have her for 14 years and her death was very sudden and as i said possibly animal clinic is responsible, but thats another matter.sad.png


I am sure you can see my point and grievance.


Not only in a plastic bag but wrapped in a newspaper. 


Even assuming the cremation services could not care, 1 would think animal hospital could invest 200 baht in a nice box or something after not only charging me 4500 baht for cremation, but another 30 000 for 1 day of dog being in their care.

Edited by konying
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Did they mention about box and such on your price? I never used that type of service. Just feel that they should show you the procedure with price if it costs that much.

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Why are u surprised about this " thai animal hospital"? Once they get your money you as a customer are a "nobody "


Oh believe me, i am not surprised at animal hospitals, i am still contemplating on doing a thread of my experiences with animal hospitals in Pattaya and trust me when i tell you, if i do start one, you would be in shock.


I am surprised and disgusted with the way the dead has been handled even at the prices i paid.


I do have another 5 dogs and they are aware of it, as all have been patients., but after this, i do not think i ever want to step a foot in that place


She was a big girl but could not move, i went there 3 times per day, to carry her outside for toilet break, she was 36kg and they do not have a lift.


They knew how much she meant to me, yet in the end to treat her like a piece of rubbish.

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Did they mention about box and such on your price? I never used that type of service. Just feel that they should show you the procedure with price if it costs that much.

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NO they  did not.


They advised the price of cremation was 4500 baht and it was all inclusive.


Surely i did not expect gold plated box, but surely i did not expect a newspaper in plastic bag

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What does it mean by "all inclusive?"

I understand your explanation. I feel that the should do way better than plastic bag and newspaper.

You mentioned a manager, how's about owner?

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What does it mean by "all inclusive?"

I understand your explanation. I feel that the should do way better than plastic bag and newspaper.

You mentioned a manager, how's about owner?

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I believe this is the largest Animal Hospital in Thailand with many branches around the country, no idea who the owner is.


Though, do not think the owner can go back in time and change the past.


Yeah, he/she might buy a nice box or a vase, but what is done is already done.

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What does it mean by "all inclusive?"

I understand your explanation. I feel that the should do way better than plastic bag and newspaper.

You mentioned a manager, how's about owner?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I believe this is the largest Animal Hospital in Thailand with many branches around the country, no idea who the owner is.

Though, do not think the owner can go back in time and change the past.

Yeah, he/she might buy a nice box or a vase, but what is done is already done.
It's understandable from your part. I just think may react different as I certainly do not want this to happened to anyone else.

Dog is man's best friend, is that right?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app Edited by Cuddlycat
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My experience. they did exactly the same with my best friend ! no not a dog, a mate who died aged 62, they gave his remains in a plastic Tesc0 carrier bag ! I had pieces of spine and ribs etc.

Not a pleasant experience but, a few things to point out. It isnt a western culture, when a body dies the spirit moves on to another place, thats their belief and therefore its "just" bones, no sentiment attached, same with road accidents etc, if they are dead they arent there, it isnt a person etc its just a carcass.


Whilst I appreciate and understand from my first hand experience, the Thai people and Buddhists generally do not think or react to our values.

I have said before, your are playing chess, they play tiddlywinks, the point being, two totally seperate sets of rules and values, and outlook.

You dont have to agree, as I dont, but understand, there is no insult or harm intended.


Point well taken.


There are hundreds of restaurants that serve Thai dishes to foreigners in tourist locations.


Taste is not the same, they take out the spice.


There is absolutely no reason for animal clinics or cremations services to at least show some respect when dealing with a foreigner.


I also believe her spirit moved on, but it does not mean her bones are not dear to me.


I will say though, my housekeeper who has known the dog for a few years and loved her as much as i did, was also in total shock when she saw the newspaper and the plastic bag.


She could not believe her eyes and she is a Thai.

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What does it mean by "all inclusive?"

I understand your explanation. I feel that the should do way better than plastic bag and newspaper.

You mentioned a manager, how's about owner?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I believe this is the largest Animal Hospital in Thailand with many branches around the country, no idea who the owner is.

Though, do not think the owner can go back in time and change the past.

Yeah, he/she might buy a nice box or a vase, but what is done is already done.
It's understandable from your part. I just think may react different as I certainly do not want this to happened to anyone else.

Dog is man's best friend, is that right?

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See your point and i think next week i will lodge a complaint with their head office IF i can get through to someone of importance.wai2.gif

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What does it mean by "all inclusive?"

I understand your explanation. I feel that the should do way better than plastic bag and newspaper.

You mentioned a manager, how's about owner?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I believe this is the largest Animal Hospital in Thailand with many branches around the country, no idea who the owner is.

Though, do not think the owner can go back in time and change the past.

Yeah, he/she might buy a nice box or a vase, but what is done is already done.
It's understandable from your part. I just think may react different as I certainly do not want this to happened to anyone else.

Dog is man's best friend, is that right?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

See your point and i think next week i will lodge a complaint with their head office IF i can get through to someone of importance.wai2.gif
I am not suggesting. I just speak my mind. I lost my dog with cancer. She never stayed one feet away from me.
If I decided to do what you did and they quoted that price, I want to get what I've paid for.

But if you really want to and if I were you. I would rather say it will be more reasonable to let people know what they will get with the "all include" policy. If they will not include anything for us to keep our best friends' ashes then inform us. So that we can provide it by ourself.

Just my personal thought.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app Edited by Cuddlycat
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My experience. they did exactly the same with my best friend ! no not a dog, a mate who died aged 62, they gave his remains in a plastic Tesc0 carrier bag ! I had pieces of spine and ribs etc.
Not a pleasant experience but, a few things to point out. It isnt a western culture, when a body dies the spirit moves on to another place, thats their belief and therefore its "just" bones, no sentiment attached, same with road accidents etc, if they are dead they arent there, it isnt a person etc its just a carcass.
Whilst I appreciate and understand from my first hand experience, the Thai people and Buddhists generally do not think or react to our values.
I have said before, your are playing chess, they play tiddlywinks, the point being, two totally seperate sets of rules and values, and outlook.
You dont have to agree, as I dont, but understand, there is no insult or harm intended.

I am out of likes, but want to acknowledge that is a very good and informed post. It still pisses me off. A couple of years back, someone I knew was found dead, the rescue crew idiots started taking photos. Thankfully, as I knew some of the police guys , they made them delete the photos in front of me and gave them a right bollocking.
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Well that is a bad service, a simple but nice plastic vase would cost maybe 1-5 Baht and would look a lot better.

Bad service.....


We got 2 small dogs.....one got sick first and went to an animal hospital. They took the money, dog died, they told on this disease 100 % die. (For what the expensive treatment????? if the dog dies anyway).

The second dog got the same. I refused to bring him there treated him myself without knowledge and 24 hour care the dog survived that disease that is 100 % deadly at the animal hospital.

Liars and incompetent......




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My 10 year old dog i nearly dead and I have already booked him a spot in my garden. pay someone 4500 baht! No way. 

My condolences on your loss. 


Thank youwai2.gif


10 is still young smile.png , my girl was 14 and her childhood friend is 15.5 and still bossing me around

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Well that is a bad service, a simple but nice plastic vase would cost maybe 1-5 Baht and would look a lot better.

Bad service.....


We got 2 small dogs.....one got sick first and went to an animal hospital. They took the money, dog died, they told on this disease 100 % die. (For what the expensive treatment????? if the dog dies anyway).

The second dog got the same. I refused to bring him there treated him myself without knowledge and 24 hour care the dog survived that disease that is 100 % deadly at the animal hospital.

Liars and incompetent......





Your words are like arrows through my heart.


I keep on thinking if i should have kept her at home or did something more or different, because reason for her death and sickness is still unknown

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Hate to tell you but the dead don't feel disrespected. They are dead.


Says who?


How about some respect for the relatives of the dead?


Years ago my first daughter died shortly after birth and i was told by a nurse in the nursing station in the most disrespectful way. My wife was sleeping and I asked where the baby was and she practically shouted, 'dtai laew'. I still get haunted by those words sometimes. This was in a private hospital! The least they could have done was taken me to a private room or asked a doctor to speak with me.

Another time when my wife was pregnant  7 months with my 3rd daughter, a doctor told me that my wife had a pulmonary embolism and was going to die. This was in the middle of a crowded corridor! I was walking about in shock for 30 minutes trying to get the courage to speak to my wife and other little girl when they told me that maybe it wasn't an embolism, bloody doctors here are pathetic.

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When my mom passed few years ago I learned that in Canada you get cremated human remains in a cardboard take-away box if you don't know any better an fail to make other arrangements, even after paying a whole bunch more than 4,500 baht.

I did not feel disrespected nor did I slag the funeral home, but understood it was my lack of experience in these matters that resulted in the unfortunate presentation. When I went though the same with my dad I arranged for a lovely cherry wood box...
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When my mom passed few years ago I learned that in Canada you get cremated human remains in a cardboard take-away box if you don't know any better an fail to make other arrangements, even after paying a whole bunch more than 4,500 baht.

I did not feel disrespected nor did I slag the funeral home, but understood it was my lack of experience in these matters that resulted in the unfortunate presentation. When I went though the same with my dad I arranged for a lovely cherry wood box...


As i posted earlier, back in Australia some years ago, my dog passed away at an animal hospital.


She was cremated and was given back to me in a nice wooden box, with her name being hand written on a nice paper with a letter of condolences, all that for $100.


There is no excuse or explanation for you to receive your mom in a cartoon box( i am sorry for your loss) 


When a relative or a pet(who is a family member) dies, last thing you have on your mind is how or where to get a nice box or a piece of land.


It should be the job and responsibility of the funeral home or a service to give you full options.

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Hate to tell you but the dead don't feel disrespected. They are dead.


Says who?


How about some respect for the relatives of the dead?


Years ago my first daughter died shortly after birth and i was told by a nurse in the nursing station in the most disrespectful way. My wife was sleeping and I asked where the baby was and she practically shouted, 'dtai laew'. I still get haunted by those words sometimes. This was in a private hospital! The least they could have done was taken me to a private room or asked a doctor to speak with me.

Another time when my wife was pregnant  7 months with my 3rd daughter, a doctor told me that my wife had a pulmonary embolism and was going to die. This was in the middle of a crowded corridor! I was walking about in shock for 30 minutes trying to get the courage to speak to my wife and other little girl when they told me that maybe it wasn't an embolism, bloody doctors here are pathetic.




Death is part of life and is inevitable part of it, this i accept  and have seen plenty of death in my life.


Its not only the doctors, but general attitude and total lack of respect, bedside manner and simple empathy.


I believe there is a saying which goes something like this, that people can only feel empathy if they have experienced pain same as you.

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