canman Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 Has anyone seen this video? Eyewitness video just surfaced today I believe, and people are overheard recounting the scene immediately after it happened...and not in the favor of the teen at all. Sorry it's on breitbarts site.... Whoa, definitely not a lot of intelligence heard on those videos and not many potential candidates capable of passing police entrance exams. Sounds like dead dude got pissed and went back to take care of business. Perhaps adrenal dropping and pain set in from arm shot while in or near cruiser. The clothes need to be tested for powder residue which will be seperate from autopsy. Isn't 18 inches for powder residue. How long is a 6'4" dudes arms in general. If swinging, assuming hypothetically, what distance are we talking? Witness accounts said arm wrestling which could be consistent with grappling that occurs when each are trying to stop punches. Did bug dude double back and charge cop like someone said in video? Definitely can rule out corn roll, tartooed homeboy friend saying he was shot in back trying to run away. Large pieces of his story never made sense. What does make sense is big arse bruiser hit cop in face in or near cruiser, they struggled or grappled to stop punches, cop shot and hit in arm or lower collar bone region, big dude took off, apparently got pissed about being shot or something, doubled back toward the cop and the cop began emptying clip to drop him. Execution style would have been the last five shots into the back before dude could turn around. The truth will come out. I think you have written the most likely scenerio but it doesn't fit with the MSM agenda so it will take a bit of time to get the correct facts reported. First reports were that he was shot in the back and then the cop stood over him and shot him in the head. Then the MSM were reporting that he was surrendering with his hands in the air. The actual facts are now starting to come out but they don't fit the MSM / Liberal agenda so expect the likes of CNN to go quiet on the story.
ChoakMyDee Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 You shoot until they stop . Not at all. If indeed the guy is unarmed, a well trained, professional police officer might need to hit the purp with one or two shots, but definitely not six ... with three to the head. Not saying the cop was not justified in firing ... although I don't know, nor do you or anyone else here ... but it looks like the cop went way to far with way to many bullets to the body and head. You are wrong about this. If you make a decision to draw your weapon, you shoot until the threat is gone. You don't have time to shoot once, pause, and hope that the guy stops rushing at you. 2
Popular Post loogkreung Posted August 19, 2014 Popular Post Posted August 19, 2014 Who said he had his hands up and pleaded "don't shoot, don't shoot"? Oh yeah, his mate, who, incidentally, had just help him rob the convenience store. Great witness! Got what he deserved IMO. Good riddance! 7
ChoakMyDee Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 You shoot until they stop . Not at all. If indeed the guy is unarmed, a well trained, professional police officer might need to hit the purp with one or two shots, but definitely not six ... with three to the head. Not saying the cop was not justified in firing ... although I don't know, nor do you or anyone else here ... but it looks like the cop went way to far with way to many bullets to the body and head. You are wrong about this. If you make a decision to draw your weapon, you shoot until the threat is gone. You don't have time to shoot once, pause, and hope that the guy stops rushing at you. ..and the threat is gone alright. ...but why are liberals so ruffled in their ivory towers? Is it because they never had to confront a 290 lb 'not-so-gentle giant', in the process of robbing a store? Yep, if that was me I would have put more than 6 bullets in him. 1
Popular Post loogkreung Posted August 19, 2014 Popular Post Posted August 19, 2014 I agree that life is hard for most people, it's just sad to see that once again the blacks see themselves as the sole victims. If this was a white guy holding up a convenience store then getting shot in the aftermath, nothing would be said except he got what he deserved. Instead, the black and liberal communities portray him as the victim, a "good kid" who was about to start college, and not the robbing thug that most people know him to be. 3
doctorproc156 Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 Shooting an un armed person 6 times at a distance of 35 feet is nothing but an execution The officer dropped a charging bull. The latest news from the family-sponsored autopsy (that the parents also chose to omit from general release) was their 'gentle giant' son was high on marijuana. So, the officer dropped a charging bull that just happened to be high on drugs. The 'Swisher Sweets' cigarillos he strong-armed from the convenience store earlier are used to make 'blunts' which is the preferred method for getting high for African-American's of a certain demographic. So stop being melodramatic. You can't execute buffalo. Even the stoned ones. Being high on marijuana has nothing to do with this and I have no idea why you needed to include the preferred way african americans consume marijuana, because I know plenty of white people who smoke marijuana as blunts as well, really shows a prejudice on your part. I don't care if he's a criminal, you still do not execute people at a distance of 35 feet, if he was really charging at the officer (obviously something that is backed up by 0 evidence and you just pulled out of your ass) then the officer could have shot him at a much closer range. He should have been arrested and thrown in jail to be rehabilitated, not executed like a dog on the street. You are right. There's a whole lot of white folks that make blunts too. You seem to know plenty of them. I don't know any of either race. But I digress. Non-black marijuana smokers generally don't steal their tobacco products from the convenience store, even the convenience stores in predominantly white, hispanic, asian, [enter ethnicity of choice] ghettos. But if you had read AND UNDERSTOOD my comment, I said it was the "preferred method for getting high for African-American's of a certain demographic." You chose to point out there's white crackers out there, not me. OK, that's my politically correct preamble over and done with. I mentioned it because the "victim" at the center of this "tragedy" was black and the whole story is about a black "kid" with a world of unfulfilled life opportunities in a black neighborhood being "executed" by a white cop. Have I got that right? I have pulled absolutely NOTHING out of my ass regarding what may have happened but maybe I choose to read a wider selection of opinion before making my post. Up until now, everyone is making the 'kid' as some sort of martyr for their self-inflicted life choices. If you know anything about US incarceration and the percentage of black offenders AND RE-OFFENDERS, you wouldn't be offering stupid advice such as, "He should have been arrested and thrown in jail to be rehabilitated..." Thanks for clarifying, I do think that people think that this is a racial thing when it is not, he was a criminal that behaved thuggishly with the cops. The cops obviously over reacted and executed him when he should have instead have been tazed and detained, the cop may not have had a taser on him and that is understandable but unacceptable, all cops should have one. When I say jailed and rehabilitated I don't mean with the current horrendous incarceration system in the US right now which does nothing but take mild criminals and turned them into hardened criminals. My point is that the entire justice system is flawed and it really needs an overhaul, especially with dealing with cases like this. The system has put the cops familys life in danger as there is a rotten culture currently around US police departments.
Franky Bear Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 Apparently when the cop was asked why he shot him 6 times he said, " I ran out of bullets!!" 2
H1w4yR1da Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 The cops obviously over reacted and executed him Sod off with this 'executed' crap!You know that's not what happened 1
Popular Post DiamondKing Posted August 19, 2014 Popular Post Posted August 19, 2014 So turns out that this thug not only just robbed a store but now the real story is coming out how he attacked the cop punched him in the face tried to grab his gun then walked away, after the officer recovered he told him to stop where by Brown bull rushed the officer and he was subsequently shot and killed. Stated BY INDEPENDENT WITNESSES and bystanders who just happened to be videotaping This liberal stuff makes me sick the media jump on it trying to make out this thug was a gentle giant when the reality was he was a giant thug high on drugs just like they did with that other thug treyvan martin. Pathetic stuff it really is the guy lived by violence and he died by violence 3
Chicog Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 Again: Why don't US police wear body cams?Surely if they are as whiter than white (excuse the jeu de mots) as some on here seem to think, it would only help their case.
Popular Post canman Posted August 19, 2014 Popular Post Posted August 19, 2014 Last year near Camden New Jersey two black teenagers killed 12 tear old Autmn Pasquale and stuffed her in a plastic trash can so the could steal her bike. Do you remember all the white folk rioting then??? Me neither. 6
doctorproc156 Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 The cops obviously over reacted and executed himSod off with this 'executed' crap!You know that's not what happened I don't know actually and neither do you. But I do know for a fact that there was a person who was executed, you can be rightfully and wrongly executed. Just as how murderers are executed. 'Sod off'
Popular Post phantomfiddler Posted August 19, 2014 Popular Post Posted August 19, 2014 Why is it that, when one white and totally innocent teenager is murdered by a bunch of violent black thugs out on a joyride, there is almost no media coverage at all, yet when one black person gets killed, usually during the course of a crime, all hell breaks loose ? 4
zydeco Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 Why is it that, when one white and totally innocent teenager is murdered by a bunch of violent black thugs out on a joyride, there is almost no media coverage at all, yet when one black person gets killed, usually during the course of a crime, all hell breaks loose ? Because that was how they did it in Zimbabwe.
djhotsox Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 Then why no GSR? on the vic? From the article: "...because no gunpowder was detected on his body. That conclusion could change, however, if gunshot residue is found on Brown's clothing,"
FritsSikkink Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 So much for having his arms and hands in the air when he was shot. Just try holding up your arm with four bullet wounds in it. And the head shot being the last shot fits in with the story from witnesses that Brown was bum rushing the policemen when the policeman fired on him. It's spelled E-X-O-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N. It is spelled trigger happy USA cops again. They were not fired from closed range and he was unarmed, why shoot 6 times? Because five shots didn't stop him??? Why get your knickers in an uproar? You think it is normal to shoot an unarmed man in the head 2 times?
connda Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 So much for having his arms and hands in the air when he was shot. Just try holding up your arm with four bullet wounds in it. And the head shot being the last shot fits in with the story from witnesses that Brown was bum rushing the policemen when the policeman fired on him. It's spelled E-X-O-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N. It is spelled trigger happy USA cops again. They were not fired from closed range and he was unarmed, why shoot 6 times? If he had a six shot service revolver, that's all the ammo it holds. What I don't like is the double standard. Let's say the 6'4'' 290+ lbs 'unarmed' 'child' rushes me as a private citizen. If I put six shots in him you can pretty well bet I'll have charges files against me and I'll find myself in court trying to explain why that was 'self-defense' and not murder. It would be Travon Martin all over again. Watch this case. For a cop, if the perp was rushing him, he'll be exonerated and no charges will be filed, although I'd suggest that he'll never work in that area of that State again as his life isn't worth a plug nickel at this point. He might not be prosecuted in court, but he's been found guilty by the court of public opinion in Ferguson. If he actually shot him with his hands up, it's 50/50 that any charges will be filed. In the US, the cops pretty much can shoot anyone and get a free pass. I've seen too many videos of unarmed individuals being shot over the last year in the US. Pretty disgusting. I've also seen 2 incidents in Thailand where a man armed with a knife at the neck of a third party has been 'talked down' by the cops, who after having him drop the knife, walked him to the police van. In the US, the arm individuals would have been shot, then cops would 'dog-pile' on the body, apply handcuff, and let him bleed out without rendering medical assistance. Protect and serve -- ah huh.
Publicus Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 So much for having his arms and hands in the air when he was shot. Just try holding up your arm with four bullet wounds in it. And the head shot being the last shot fits in with the story from witnesses that Brown was bum rushing the policemen when the policeman fired on him. It's spelled E-X-O-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N. There's a lot of creative writing going on at this thread too. The thread has now become a work of fiction in which is presented the absurd claim that Brown was unable to lift his wounded arm above his shoulder to put his hands in the air to surrender. The fact is Brown had his arms and hands in the air before the cop filled his arm with bullets while also shooting Brown in the face and head. A cop shooting at a citizen's head can and may well hit an arm or two up beside it as well. A cop shooting an unarmed citizen in the head while the unarmed citizen has his hands raised to surrender is OTT. Michael Brown's large body presented more than enough of a disabling target for any police officer to shoot to hit. Why was the police officer aiming at and hitting Brown's face, Brown's head? Why was the police officer using his weapon at all against an unarmed man with his hands in the air to surrender? Hitting Brown with 6 bullets. Six. The claim Brown had turned to menacingly stare down the barrel of a cop's gun while approaching the cop as a grisly bear is bullsh*t.
Publicus Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 I hope the takeaway lesson from this is that if a cop tells you not to walk in the road, you get on the footpath quickly. That would be the intelligent response to a lawful order but not the lesson to be learned here. I believe the lesson is do not ever, for any reason, attack a police officer. Anyone who believes this police officer shot Brown multiple times while Brown had his hands in the air, is suffering from delusions, under the influence of psychotropic medication, or is very naive. Congrats cause you just covered the waterfront there. There's just no possibility then that anything you don't like, disagree against, can't accept, might have some truth to it? People who disagree with you are delusional? Must be under some sort of influence? Are on serious medication? Are just plain naïve. That's a pretty drastic position you have there. Almost everyone saw officer Darren Wilson running down the street after the unarmed Michael Brown, Wilson blasting his firearm multiple times at Brown's back side. No one else on the scene had a gun and Brown was shot six times and to death. The cop has been in hiding since mostly because he fears he might have to face FBI agents without his firearm. Wilson violated every proper rule governing police officers and the firearms they are issued, educated about and trained to use. *Above all, this department values the safety of its employees and the public. Likewise it believes that police officers should use firearms with a high degree of restraint. Officers' use of firearms, therefore, shall never be considered routine and is permissible only in defense of life and then only after all alternative means have been exhausted. RULE 1: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms except to protect themselves or another person from imminent death or serious bodily injury. RULE 2: Police officers shall discharge their firearms only when doing so will not endanger innocent persons. RULE 3: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms to threaten or subdue persons whose actions are destructive to property or injurious to themselves but which do not represent an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury to the officer or others. RULE 4: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms to subdue an escaping suspect who presents no imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury. RULE 5: Police officers shall not discharge their weapons at a moving vehicle unless it is absolutely necessary RULE 6: Police officers when confronting an oncoming vehicle shall attempt to move out of the path, if possible, RULE 7: Police officers shall not intentionally place themselves in the path of an oncoming vehicle RULE 8: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms at a fleeing vehicle or its driver. RULE 9: Police officers shall not fire warning shots. RULE 10: Police officers shall not draw or display their firearms unless there is a threat or probable cause to believe there is a threat to life, or for inspection. *Police Department Office of the Commissioner, City of Houston, Texas. http://policecrimes....ice_abuse2.html http://policecrimes....lice_abuse.html
F430murci Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 So much for having his arms and hands in the air when he was shot. Just try holding up your arm with four bullet wounds in it. And the head shot being the last shot fits in with the story from witnesses that Brown was bum rushing the policemen when the policeman fired on him. It's spelled E-X-O-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N. There's a lot of creative writing going on at this thread too. The thread has now become a work of fiction in which is presented the absurd claim that Brown was unable to lift his wounded arm above his shoulder to put his hands in the air to surrender. The fact is Brown had his arms and hands in the air before the cop filled his arm with bullets while also shooting Brown in the face and head. A cop shooting at a citizen's head can and may well hit an arm or two up beside it as well. A cop shooting an unarmed citizen in the head while the unarmed citizen has his hands raised to surrender is OTT. Michael Brown's large body presented more than enough of a disabling target for any police officer to shoot to hit. Why was the police officer aiming at and hitting Brown's face, Brown's head? Why was the police officer using his weapon at all against an unarmed man with his hands in the air to surrender? Hitting Brown with 6 bullets. Six. The claim Brown had turned to menacingly stare down the barrel of a cop's gun while approaching the cop as a grisly bear is bullsh*t. The claim that a white cop, a good cop by all accounts, would gun down a black youth, thug by all accounts, in broad day light in a predominantky black neighborhood makes less sense. Something happened to provoke that shooting, end of story. 1
Publicus Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 So much for having his arms and hands in the air when he was shot. Just try holding up your arm with four bullet wounds in it. And the head shot being the last shot fits in with the story from witnesses that Brown was bum rushing the policemen when the policeman fired on him. It's spelled E-X-O-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N. There's a lot of creative writing going on at this thread too. The thread has now become a work of fiction in which is presented the absurd claim that Brown was unable to lift his wounded arm above his shoulder to put his hands in the air to surrender. The fact is Brown had his arms and hands in the air before the cop filled his arm with bullets while also shooting Brown in the face and head. A cop shooting at a citizen's head can and may well hit an arm or two up beside it as well. A cop shooting an unarmed citizen in the head while the unarmed citizen has his hands raised to surrender is OTT. Michael Brown's large body presented more than enough of a disabling target for any police officer to shoot to hit. Why was the police officer aiming at and hitting Brown's face, Brown's head? Why was the police officer using his weapon at all against an unarmed man with his hands in the air to surrender? Hitting Brown with 6 bullets. Six. The claim Brown had turned to menacingly stare down the barrel of a cop's gun while approaching the cop as a grisly bear is bullsh*t. The claim that a white cop, a good cop by all accounts, would gun down a black youth, thug by all accounts, in broad day light in a predominantky black neighborhood makes less sense. Something happened to provoke that shooting, end of story. What is going on is that a lot of fiction is being written, from Brown not having his arms up to the on the run trigger happy cop being a good cop, and that Brown was a "violent thug." The fact is Michael Brown did not have a weapon on him all of the day he was shot to death by the cop and that Michael Brown never had a firearms violation against him during his life. And now the campaign against Michael Brown comes here and right before our eyes. The Ugly Smearing of Michael Brown Even before Ferguson police accused the unarmed teenager shot by Officer Darren Wilson of robbery, the fringiest elements of the American right rushed to depict Brown as a thug. Brown’s family made just that point in a statement Friday: “There is nothing based on the facts that have been placed before us that can justify the execution style murder of their child by this police officer as he held his hands up, which is the universal sign of surrender.” It should go without saying but vaguely intimidating photos of you do not give the police carte blanche to gun you down, and we no longer live in a country where it is OK to sentence black men to death for the crime of petty theft. Thankfully, the ugly gang smears against Brown have been relegated mostly to the noisy but fringiest elements of the American right http://www.thedailyb...hael-brown.html Yes indeed, the fringe far right internationale is again prominently represented at this thread too. Here's a relevant commentary by an African American self confessed "liberal." Ferguson Is Taking Us Back To The Future The senseless killing of black people dates back to slavery. The tireless effort by the Rabid Right to turn back the clock and disenfranchise African Americans (and anyone else who doesn’t share their views) has already begun to send America back into the moral morass from which it sprung. It is very hard for a tree to walk away from its roots, and the all-too-American roots of oppression of the ‘other’ remain anchored deep in the soil. http://www.politicus...son-future.html
connda Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 I hope the takeaway lesson from this is that if a cop tells you not to walk in the road, you get on the footpath quickly. That would be the intelligent response to a lawful order but not the lesson to be learned here. I believe the lesson is do not ever, for any reason, attack a police officer. Anyone who believes this police officer shot Brown multiple times while Brown had his hands in the air, is suffering from delusions, under the influence of psychotropic medication, or is very naive. Congrats cause you just covered the waterfront there. There's just no possibility then that anything you don't like, disagree against, can't accept, might have some truth to it? People who disagree with you are delusional? Must be under some sort of influence? Are on serious medication? Are just plain naïve. That's a pretty drastic position you have there. Almost everyone saw officer Darren Wilson running down the street after the unarmed Michael Brown, Wilson blasting his firearm multiple times at Brown's back side. No one else on the scene had a gun and Brown was shot six times and to death. The cop has been in hiding since mostly because he fears he might have to face FBI agents without his firearm. Wilson violated every proper rule governing police officers and the firearms they are issued, educated about and trained to use. *Above all, this department values the safety of its employees and the public. Likewise it believes that police officers should use firearms with a high degree of restraint. Officers' use of firearms, therefore, shall never be considered routine and is permissible only in defense of life and then only after all alternative means have been exhausted. RULE 1: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms except to protect themselves or another person from imminent death or serious bodily injury. RULE 2: Police officers shall discharge their firearms only when doing so will not endanger innocent persons. RULE 3: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms to threaten or subdue persons whose actions are destructive to property or injurious to themselves but which do not represent an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury to the officer or others. RULE 4: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms to subdue an escaping suspect who presents no imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury. RULE 5: Police officers shall not discharge their weapons at a moving vehicle unless it is absolutely necessary RULE 6: Police officers when confronting an oncoming vehicle shall attempt to move out of the path, if possible, RULE 7: Police officers shall not intentionally place themselves in the path of an oncoming vehicle RULE 8: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms at a fleeing vehicle or its driver. RULE 9: Police officers shall not fire warning shots. RULE 10: Police officers shall not draw or display their firearms unless there is a threat or probable cause to believe there is a threat to life, or for inspection. *Police Department Office of the Commissioner, City of Houston, Texas. http://policecrimes....ice_abuse2.html http://policecrimes....lice_abuse.html RULE 4: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms to subdue an escaping suspect who presents no imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury. I watched a video of a group of police gun down a homeless man a while back. They had a semicircle of cops around him with weapons drawn. The homeless guy didn't look like he had marbles so to speak. The guy had a knife in his hand and turn his back on the cops to run away from them and they summarily executed him with a volley of bullets to the back. This is the new normal. People with cell phones in their hands getting shot. Unarmed people getting shot. And not just two or three times, but cops literally emptying their firearms at their target. Overkill. And now these cops are showing up at protests more heavily armed then military troops who were fighting in hotspots in the Middle East. Protect and serve. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
doctorproc156 Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 Why is it that, when one white and totally innocent teenager is murdered by a bunch of violent black thugs out on a joyride, there is almost no media coverage at all, yet when one black person gets killed, usually during the course of a crime, all hell breaks loose ? Because there is no point protesting gangsters and there is a point protesting the tax funded police......
F430murci Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 I hope the takeaway lesson from this is that if a cop tells you not to walk in the road, you get on the footpath quickly. That would be the intelligent response to a lawful order but not the lesson to be learned here. I believe the lesson is do not ever, for any reason, attack a police officer. Anyone who believes this police officer shot Brown multiple times while Brown had his hands in the air, is suffering from delusions, under the influence of psychotropic medication, or is very naive. Congrats cause you just covered the waterfront there. There's just no possibility then that anything you don't like, disagree against, can't accept, might have some truth to it? People who disagree with you are delusional? Must be under some sort of influence? Are on serious medication? Are just plain naïve. That's a pretty drastic position you have there. Almost everyone saw officer Darren Wilson running down the street after the unarmed Michael Brown, Wilson blasting his firearm multiple times at Brown's back side. No one else on the scene had a gun and Brown was shot six times and to death. The cop has been in hiding since mostly because he fears he might have to face FBI agents without his firearm. Wilson violated every proper rule governing police officers and the firearms they are issued, educated about and trained to use. *Above all, this department values the safety of its employees and the public. Likewise it believes that police officers should use firearms with a high degree of restraint. Officers' use of firearms, therefore, shall never be considered routine and is permissible only in defense of life and then only after all alternative means have been exhausted. RULE 1: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms except to protect themselves or another person from imminent death or serious bodily injury. RULE 2: Police officers shall discharge their firearms only when doing so will not endanger innocent persons. RULE 3: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms to threaten or subdue persons whose actions are destructive to property or injurious to themselves but which do not represent an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury to the officer or others. RULE 4: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms to subdue an escaping suspect who presents no imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury. RULE 5: Police officers shall not discharge their weapons at a moving vehicle unless it is absolutely necessary RULE 6: Police officers when confronting an oncoming vehicle shall attempt to move out of the path, if possible, RULE 7: Police officers shall not intentionally place themselves in the path of an oncoming vehicle RULE 8: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms at a fleeing vehicle or its driver. RULE 9: Police officers shall not fire warning shots. RULE 10: Police officers shall not draw or display their firearms unless there is a threat or probable cause to believe there is a threat to life, or for inspection. *Police Department Office of the Commissioner, City of Houston, Texas. http://policecrimes....ice_abuse2.html http://policecrimes....lice_abuse.html RULE 4: Police officers shall not discharge their firearms to subdue an escaping suspect who presents no imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury. I watched a video of a group of police gun down a homeless man a while back. They had a semicircle of cops around him with weapons drawn. The homeless guy didn't look like he had marbles so to speak. The guy had a knife in his hand and turn his back on the cops to run away from them and they summarily executed him with a volley of bullets to the back. This is the new normal. People with cell phones in their hands getting shot. Unarmed people getting shot. And not just two or three times, but cops literally emptying their firearms at their target. Overkill. And now these cops are showing up at protests more heavily armed then military troops who were fighting in hotspots in the Middle East. Protect and serve. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Is it this. Truly aweful, but by no means the norm.
sustento Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 I am truly glad that I don't live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Hallelujah!
Ulysses G. Posted August 20, 2014 Posted August 20, 2014 Police Department Office of the Commissioner, City of Houston, Texas. Why do you keep posting these over and over again? Houston, Texas is NOT Ferguson, Missouri and the rules of engagement for police are different there. When it comes to "fiction", you seem to specialize in it. 1
Popular Post Ulysses G. Posted August 20, 2014 Popular Post Posted August 20, 2014 I am truly glad that I don't live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Hallelujah! I am pretty sure that no one misses you. 4
F430murci Posted August 20, 2014 Posted August 20, 2014 I am truly glad that I don't live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Hallelujah!I am pretty sure that no one misses you. Haha, for sure and all places of their troubles. So many wonderful places here, but you only hear or read about the worst. 1
doctorproc156 Posted August 20, 2014 Posted August 20, 2014 I am truly glad that I don't live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Hallelujah!I am pretty sure that no one misses you. Haha, for sure and all places of their troubles. So many wonderful places here, but you only hear or read about the worst. I'm sure there are great places all over, but generally speaking, I would have to say based off my experience that Thailand is definitely safer than the US.
FM505 Posted August 20, 2014 Posted August 20, 2014 So much for having his arms and hands in the air when he was shot. Just try holding up your arm with four bullet wounds in it. And the head shot being the last shot fits in with the story from witnesses that Brown was bum rushing the policemen when the policeman fired on him. It's spelled E-X-O-N-E-R-A-T-I-O-N. The cop was firing with vision from one eye... the kid cracked his socket just moments before.
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