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Thailand gets tough of jet ski scammers


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Ban them. Everyone hates jet skis anyway, nasty noisy things. Beaches should be peaceful places with sailing craft.

The world's gone to shit.

why do people post total crap? "everyone hates jetskis" they have a world championship race meeting in jomtien every year, i hear its usually packed. and i rode them for 10 years and ended up as a champion for 1 season.

next youre gonna follow up with "ban motorcycles, everyone hates them", arnt you?

its a shame we cant ban nasty small minded idiots from posting on TV, it would make better reading.

.....here come the other haters to have a bash at me now.......zzzzzzzzzzz

Pople post total c***p because it's a forum for open expression.

I certainly support organized sports, which includes jet ski championships, motorcycle races, care races and so forth.

I wouldn't want to be in charge to determine who qualifies as "nasty small minded idiots". Diverse view points are certainly interesting, even though I may not agree with them.

Better reading is in the mind of the reader. When it becomes uninteresting for me, I exercise my index finger and depress the power off button.

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While reading thru the first 2 pages in entirety, and scanning the remainder, I do sincerely get the impression that there are a group of doomsday lover type posters on this forum that will be greatly heartbroken and disappointed if this program does show any improvement in the jetski rental program.

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I would really hope the whole jetski business is eradicated from the beaches here in Thailand... They are as useless as chlamydia !!!

The answer to this is simple, customers don`t use them, avoid the jetski scammers, don`t fuel the trade by supporting them with jetski hire fees and put them out of business.

There has been ample worldwide publicity over the years regarding the Thailand jetski scams, so most people should know the score by now.

The scams will persist as long as there are tourists willing to chance their luck hiring out jetskis and supporting these thugs.

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Tourist Police who have been vetted and trained by the NCPO should be issued a Merry Elephant logo lapel pin to wear at the beach! Qualified to enforce existing Jet Ski regulations and intercede on the behalf of the renter.

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When I see the first of those jet ski <deleted>

EXACTLY! Contact your embassies and beg them to get the General to act and not talk about these corrupt scammers.

Our posts can help if done everywhere and often.

Edited by metisdead
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I really believe it will happen , I have been positively surprised by the military so far , after the coup .

Even if there's big money involved and a lot of corruption , something will happen for the better.

Maybe some day even I will rent a jetski in Pattaya.....

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Lets hope they do act on their words. They should also make sure that the police who act as mediators are that because a lot of the time the officer "just happens" to be in the vicinity.

I saw a bunch of Indians getting scammed the operators told them they would get an interpreter,lo and behold down comes an Indian national interprets for them and they end up paying.

As the group left I told them to split up and hang around and watched with glee as about 15 minutes they pulled the interpreter to one side after he came back for his backhander.from the scammers

So it shows you cannot trust anyone

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Posted 2014-08-17 14:51:54

I wonder if it will ever be resolved? a couple of years back I dared to ask on a Pattaya farang forum,why the western volunteer force in too tight uniforms with their own telephone number and shiny cars were impotent in dealing with the problem? and didn't they feel totally inept cruising around the place as the saviour, mediators for westerners in distress.....................but walking away from such a blatant exploitation of the very people they volunteered to assist who are clearly in desperate need of honest help....................yes dial 1*** if in trouble but don't bother if its because you are being robbed or assaulted by thai nationals having rented a jet skis!

Of course after being banned from the forum for asking such a question...................further digging revealed they were under instruction not to get involved!! and maybe that is still the case? sad really because Im sure these guys generally do a sterling job.

Maybe in its heyday 4 jetski teams at it all month perhaps raking in 20k a day each team........over 2 mill baht a month

in the kitty means a lot of peoples rice bowls overflowing.

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Of course they're going to do this with the army as back up and enforcement. Just like the dismantling of the illegal stalls on the beaches and almost everything, this will be enforced with soldiers. These gangsters may be tougher then the local government and may have them and the police in their pocket but I very much doubt they're going to be able to pay off the army and the NCPO or outfight them.

Police of course,,,,,,,,, you don't borrow 400,000 baht to become a police officer, and not make it pay back to family. What are a few tyrone little scuppers of army enforcement in none major places going to do about such? Think my prednisolone is affecting me - just as my ear-medicine.... wink.png

I think people underestimate what the army can do. No one expected anything to be done to the illegal stalls on the beaches either. Where are they now, pray tell? What about the taxi mafia? You think these little jetski thugs are any different?

The shops on the beach were BANNED.

The jetskis are NOT.

So we have clean, spacious and quiet beaches.

The same cannot be said for the water itself.

when will all the rubbish buried under the sand surface ?

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The headline says "gets tough", but nothing's actually happened yet. It's premature. Talk, talk, talk. Talk from Thai officialdom was devalued to zero long ago, particularly when it comes to rackets & scamming. Tourists know it. The embassies all know it. Expats know it. Thais certainly know it. The people doing the talking must know it. And I'm sure the army knows it. So if you're going to actually deal with it this time, don't talk about it, just DO it!! Until then, only the naïve and gullible are going to be cheering.

Edited by hawker9000
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Just ban the jet skis! They are noisy, dangerous, pollute the water, spoils the view and serenity of the sea and beaches and most of all attract the wrong people.

If you really insist on using one, why not give these jet skis operators designated area's and restrict the skieres to designated area's as well (8 square meter and far away from the beaches) and limit the speed.

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ITS funny how this story,keeps getting tougher...in the beginng it was ''jet ski scams '',then ''thailand gets tough on jet skis'' then it is ''thailand to get tougher on jet skis''now it is ''thailand gets tougher on jet ski scammer''........headline should read...''zzzzzzzzzzzz''..when you draw a line in the sand,and you keep reneaging, the scammers will never take you serious,those arrogant little beach muts are ruining thailands reputation,why are they still even around.....i know the scamers on soi 3 pattaya have removed the baffles in the exaust to make them louder ,i guess to attract customers...enough is enough...just @#ing ban them ...period..

Edited by mok199
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A recent report from Phuket were the Junta cracked down and Jet Ski operators weren't allowed to operate, said they protested to the Junta telling them they would have to turn to crime to make a living if they couldn't operate their Jet Skis. The Junta allowed them to operate again as they didn't want them turning into criminals which is a paradox.

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T.A.T have done nothing before to stop this after all the complaints that they were taken to them, they had an advertising campaign a couple of years back with pattaya jey skis's on the campaign with full knowledge that tourists were being threatened and scammed.

The army needs to take control of this , why are still operating with no insurance ? how will they control the scammers that are banned and continue to walk the beach offering cheap ski rides and then extorting extra money.

How are they going to stop the scammers who photoshop photo's while the jet ski is on the water ?

No one does anything to stop this because they are scared of the pattaya mafia .

thousands of people have been caught up in these scams over the years enough is enough.

I've ben saying this all along,

unless they are willing to tackle the mafia's.

Thailanders will soon be far worse off than they were previously

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Still misses the point though. Jet Skis should have a pre-paid deposit (1 or 2k max - cars are 5k!) and insurance that covers all eventualities above and beyond the deposit; and illegal for charges outside of this and rental fee (under existing extortion laws). Sign with fixed dimensions and font size, in Thai and English explaining all that, in full sight at every rental location, along with the number of the tourist police for disputes. full stop.

Are you sure cars are 5k. ....i just rented a car from Budget in bangkok for 4 days..they took 20 k off my credit card as prepaid deposit. .Re credited to account after return...if everything ok...and I had taken out full insurance charged separately. ...just saying.

Yes I bet you used Hertz or some other big name eh? I rent cars several times a year (when visiter come over - between 3 and 5 times a year I guess - last time was March this year) and have done for many years - prices for rent has gone up, but the deposit stays the same - passport or 5k deposit. That is for a small Honda (like a Jazz) or equivalent - I only once hired a ORV/4X4 and the rent was more (by 200 a day) but deposit was still the same. All cars under 3 years old - as I am a regular, I usually get newest cars (free upgrades if no Jazz available) and lower rent - and all have full insurance. This is CM though. Use a high street, well known (as a resident expat if you don't know one - or ask here) car rental and the deposit will be more realistic.

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Maybe some brave tv member and Pattaya resident should pop down to the beach camera in hand over the weekend and video a couple of scams playing out.

Send the evidence to tat and the Mayors facebook page and all importantly forwarded to the NCPO head honcho 56 star general whatever his name is and await a response and wait and wait and wait and wait.

I note that thaivisa had a lot of clout in being able to talk directly to immigration officials in BKK and get a response a fine achievement,perhaps as a representative of both tourists and expats alike they could email NCPO with any recent evidence that could be submitted, however would this risk the future existence of this site?

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it seems like the point is missing here. Maybe there are some scams going on, but to me the problem is the distance from the beach. Safety and the relax of the people on the beach depends from that. Phuket beaches are a nightmare because of jet skis running at a few meters from the persons. In other countries the minimum distance from the beach is more than 1 mile, plus low speed when leaving and coming back (through a marked channel, and only that).

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Maybe some brave tv member and Pattaya resident should pop down to the beach camera in hand over the weekend and video a couple of scams playing out.

Send the evidence to tat and the Mayors facebook page and all importantly forwarded to the NCPO head honcho 56 star general whatever his name is and await a response and wait and wait and wait and wait.

I note that thaivisa had a lot of clout in being able to talk directly to immigration officials in BKK and get a response a fine achievement,perhaps as a representative of both tourists and expats alike they could email NCPO with any recent evidence that could be submitted, however would this risk the future existence of this site?

Please don't recommend others to do this. It is very dangerous and there are plenty of videos about this already up on YouTube.


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