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Here we go gents. The first weeks scores on the doors.

Week one scores
Jockstar 33
smokie36 32
Oldgit 30
binnsy 30
zaphodbeeblebrox 29
Jip99 25
JacknDanny 25
mrbojangles 23
Mouserless 22
Stoneyboy 20
redrus 17
JellyDog 16
MrMuddle 16
Bangrakbob 15
FrankyBear 12

Overall Leader Board
Jockstar 33
smokie36 32
Oldgit 30
binnsy 30
zaphod reborn 29
Jip99 25
JacknDanny 25
mrbojangles 23
Mouserless 22
Stoneyboy 20
redrus 17
JellyDog 16
MrMuddle 16
Bangrakbob 15
FrankyBear 12

Dosh League
Jockstar 33
smokie36 32
zaphod reborn 29
Mouserless 22

Stoneyboy 20

Well that's week one done. Congrats to JockStar for getting top score which obviously means he's top of the Overall League and Dosh League. Smokie has come out of the traps early this year. Will he fall at the second hurdle tongue.png Zaphod reborn came in a close third.

//EDITED// Sorry gents. Forgot to add Stoneyboy to the Dosh League. Now added.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week two scores

Oldgit 26
JellyDog 25
binnsy 24
Mouserless 24
zaphodbeeblebrox 23
Jip99 21
smokie36 20
redrus 19
mrbojangles 15
Jockstar 14
JacknDanny 14
Bangrakbob 14
Stoneyboy 13
MrMuddle 13
FrankyBear 0

Overall Leader Board

Oldgit 56
binnsy 54
smokie36 52
zaphod reborn 52
Jockstar 47
Jip99 46
Mouserless 46
JellyDog 41
JacknDanny 39
mrbojangles 38
redrus 36
Stoneyboy 33
MrMuddle 29
Bangrakbob 29
FrankyBear 12

Dosh League

smokie36 52
zaphod reborn 52
Jockstar 47
Mouserless 46
Stoneyboy 33

Sorry I'm late gents, just returned to the sandpit. Congrats to Oldgit for getting top score this week, closely followed by JellyDog, Binnsy and Mouserless. Smokie has been knocked off the top of the Overall League by Oldgit and Binnsy but remains joint leader of the Dosh League with Zaphod Reborn.

Don't forget this weeks predictions. Thanks

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Week three scores

JacknDanny 27
smokie36 21
mrbojangles 21
MrMuddle 20
Jockstar 20
redrus 18
Bangrakbob 18
Mouserless 16
binnsy 15
Jip99 11
JellyDog 9
Oldgit 9
zaphodbeeblebrox 9
Stoneyboy 9

Overall Leader Board

smokie36 73
binnsy 69
Jockstar 67
JacknDanny 66
Oldgit 65
Mouserless 62
zaphod reborn 61
mrbojangles 59
Jip99 57
redrus 54
JellyDog 50
MrMuddle 49
Bangrakbob 47
Stoneyboy 42

Dosh League

smokie36 73
Jockstar 67
Mouserless 62
zaphod reborn 61
Stoneyboy 42

Congrats to JacknDanny for getting top score this week, closely followed by Smokie and MrBoJangles. Smokie has leapt back to the top of the Overall League and the Dosh League.

International break this week but don't forget to send next weeks predictions. Thanks

EDITED/ The sheet didn't calculate one of the scores.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week four scores

Oldgit 39
Stoneyboy 26
MrMuddle 24
redrus 22
Bangrakbob 21
mrbojangles 17
binnsy 17
smokie36 16
Jockstar 14
Jip99 14
JellyDog 14
Mouserless 12
JacknDanny 11
zaphodbeeblebrox 11

Overall Leader Board

Oldgit 104
smokie36 89
binnsy 86
Jockstar 81
JacknDanny 77
mrbojangles 76
redrus 76
Mouserless 74
MrMuddle 73
zaphod reborn 72
Jip99 71
Bangrakbob 68
Stoneyboy 68
JellyDog 64

Dosh League

smokie36 89
Jockstar 81
Mouserless 74
zaphod reborn 72
Stoneyboy 68

Congrats to Oldgit getting top score this week, followed by BigToe3 and Stoneyboy in joint 2nd. Oldgit has leapt to the top of the Overall League and Smokie remains top of the Dosh League.

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Week five scores

Stoneyboy 22

redrus 19

JellyDog 19


binnsy 14

Oldgit 13

MrMuddle 11

mrbojangles 11

Jip99 10

Jockstar 8

Mouserless 8

JacknDanny 8

Bangrakbob 6

smokie36 6

zaphodbeeblebrox 6

Overall Leader Board

Oldgit 117

binnsy 100

smokie36 95

redrus 95

Stoneyboy 90

Jockstar 89

mrbojangles 87

JacknDanny 85

MrMuddle 84

JellyDog 83

Mouserless 82

Jip99 81


zaphod reborn 78

Bangrakbob 74

Dosh League

smokie36 95

Stoneyboy 90

Jockstar 89

Mouserless 82


zaphod reborn 78

Quite a low scoring week this week but congrats to Stoneyboy for getting top score, followed by Redrus and JellyDog in joint 2nd. Oldgit remains the leader of the Overall League and Smokie remains top of the Dosh League.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week six scores


Bangrakbob 25

mrbojangles 24

Mouserless 23

Jockstar 22

JacknDanny 22

smokie36 22

binnsy 19

Jip99 19

redrus 18

MrMuddle 18

zaphodbeeblebrox 18

Stoneyboy 17

JellyDog 17

Oldgit 17

Overall Leader Board

Oldgit 134

binnsy 119

smokie36 117

redrus 113

Jockstar 111

mrbojangles 111

Stoneyboy 107

JacknDanny 107

Mouserless 105


MrMuddle 102

JellyDog 100

Jip99 100

Bangrakbob 99

zaphod reborn 96

Dosh League

smokie36 117

Jockstar 111

Stoneyboy 107

Mouserless 105


zaphod reborn 96

Congrats to BigToe for getting top score, followed by BangrakBob in 2nd. Oldgit remains the leader of the Overall League and Smokie remains top of the Dosh League.

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Week seven scores

JacknDanny 48
MrMuddle 44
Jockstar 41
Mouserless 38
mrbojangles 34
Jip99 33
JellyDog 33
Bangrakbob 28
zaphodbeeblebrox 26
binnsy 24
redrus 24
Stoneyboy 23
smokie36 20
Oldgit 14

Overall Leader Board

JacknDanny 155
Jockstar 152
Oldgit 148
MrMuddle 146
mrbojangles 145
binnsy 143
Mouserless 143
smokie36 137
redrus 137
JellyDog 133
Jip99 133
Stoneyboy 130
Bangrakbob 127
zaphod reborn 122

Dosh League

Jockstar 152
Mouserless 143
smokie36 137
Stoneyboy 130
zaphod reborn 122

Congrats to JacknDanny for getting a huge top score this week, followed by MrMuddle in 2nd, also with a big score. That score has propelled JacknDanny right up the Overall league into first place, knocking off Oldgit, with Jockstar nudging into second. Smokie has also been unceremoniously dumped from the top of the Dosh League and overtaken by jockstar in first and Mouserless in second. tongue.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week eight scores

Jockstar 43

mrbojangles 36

Oldgit 29

JacknDanny 27

MrMuddle 25

Bangrakbob 25

redrus 23

JellyDog 21

Mouserless 18


smokie36 18

Stoneyboy 17

binnsy 16

Jip99 14

zaphodbeeblebrox 12

Overall Leader Board

Jockstar 195

JacknDanny 182

mrbojangles 181

Oldgit 177

MrMuddle 171

Mouserless 161

redrus 160

binnsy 159

smokie36 155

JellyDog 154


Bangrakbob 152

Jip99 147

Stoneyboy 147

zaphod reborn 134

Dosh League

Jockstar 195

Mouserless 161

smokie36 155


Stoneyboy 147

zaphod reborn 134

Congrats to Jockstar for getting top score this week, must have been that week on the sick which give him more time to study form. That score has meant another change at the top with Jockstar knocking JacknDanny off the top of the Overall league and widening his lead of the Dosh League.

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Week nine scores

Oldgit 27
binnsy 26
Jip99 24
JellyDog 21
mrbojangles 16
MrMuddle 15
Stoneyboy 15
Bangrakbob 14
Mouserless 13
Jockstar 11
zaphodbeeblebrox 11
JacknDanny 10
smokie36 10
redrus 9

Overall Leader Board

Jockstar 206
Oldgit 204
mrbojangles 197
JacknDanny 192
MrMuddle 186
binnsy 185
JellyDog 175
Mouserless 174
Jip99 171
redrus 169
Bangrakbob 166
smokie36 165
Stoneyboy 162
zaphod reborn 145

Dosh League

Jockstar 206
Mouserless 174
smokie36 165
Stoneyboy 162
zaphod reborn 145

Congrats to Oldgit for getting top score this week, followed closely by BigToe and Binnsy. Jockstar remains at the top of both the Overall and Dosh Leagues and Oldgit moves up into second of the Overall League.

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Week ten scores

mrbojangles 35
Oldgit 31
Jip99 27
binnsy 25
zaphodbeeblebrox 25
JellyDog 24
Stoneyboy 24
Jockstar 23
Bangrakbob 19
redrus 19
smokie36 17
Mouserless 14
MrMuddle 12
JacknDanny 12

Overall Leader Board

Oldgit 235
mrbojangles 232
Jockstar 229
binnsy 210
JacknDanny 204
JellyDog 199
MrMuddle 198
Jip99 198
Mouserless 188
redrus 188
Stoneyboy 186
Bangrakbob 185
smokie36 182
zaphod reborn 170

Dosh League

Jockstar 229
Mouserless 188
Stoneyboy 186
smokie36 182
zaphod reborn 170

Congrats to me for getting top score this week,tongue.png followed closely by Oldgit. Oldgit nudges Jockstar off the top of the Overall League but Jockstar remains top of the Dosh League.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week eleven scores

Oldgit 33
zaphodbeeblebrox 33
JacknDanny 33
Jockstar 30
Bangrakbob 23
MrMuddle 20
JellyDog 19
Mouserless 19
smokie36 18
Stoneyboy 17
redrus 14
binnsy 12
Jip99 11
mrbojangles 10

Overall Leader Board

Oldgit 268
Jockstar 259
mrbojangles 242
JacknDanny 237
binnsy 222
JellyDog 218
MrMuddle 218
Jip99 209
Bangrakbob 208
Mouserless 207
Stoneyboy 203
zaphod reborn 203
redrus 202
smokie36 200

Dosh League

Jockstar 259
Mouserless 207
Stoneyboy 203
zaphod reborn 203
smokie36 200

Sorry for being so late gents, in the UK and been busy. Congrats to Oldgit, JacknDanny and Zaphod for all getting joint top score this week, followed closely by BigToe. Oldgit remains at the top of the Overall League but Jockstar remains top of the Dosh League.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week twelve scores

mrbojangles 41
Oldgit 38
redrus 32
binnsy 31
JellyDog 29
Mouserless 29
Jip99 28
MrMuddle 27
Stoneyboy 26
zaphodbeeblebrox 24
JacknDanny 23
Jockstar 21
smokie36 21
Bangrakbob 11

Overall Leader Board

Oldgit 306
mrbojangles 283
Jockstar 280
JacknDanny 260
binnsy 253
JellyDog 247
MrMuddle 245
Jip99 237
Mouserless 236
redrus 234
Stoneyboy 229
zaphod reborn 227
smokie36 221
Bangrakbob 219

Dosh League

Jockstar 280
Mouserless 236
Stoneyboy 229
zaphod reborn 227
smokie36 221

Yo, back on form. tongue.png Congrats to me for getting top score this week, followed closely by Oldgit. Oldgit remains at the top of the Overall League but Jockstar remains top of the Dosh League.

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Week thirteen scores

Bangrakbob 63
Jockstar 61
smokie36 60
MrMuddle 56
mrbojangles 53
Oldgit 52
redrus 52
Jip99 52
Stoneyboy 51
JellyDog 46
Mouserless 46
binnsy 44
JacknDanny 43
zaphodbeeblebrox 39

Overall Leader Board

Oldgit 358
Jockstar 341
mrbojangles 336
JacknDanny 303
MrMuddle 301
binnsy 297
JellyDog 293
Jip99 289
redrus 286
Mouserless 282
Bangrakbob 282
smokie36 281
Stoneyboy 280
zaphod reborn 266

Dosh League

Jockstar 341
Mouserless 282
smokie36 281
Stoneyboy 280
zaphod reborn 266

Congrats to BangkrakBob for getting top score this week, followed closely by Jockstar and Smokie. Oldgit still remains at the top of the Overall League but Jockstar remains top of the Dosh League and is putting a nice gap between the chasing pack.

Don't forget to get this weeks in as they are starting to come thick and fast.

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Week fourteen scores

JacknDanny 34

Jockstar 27

MrMuddle 27

Mouserless 21

mrbojangles 19

Oldgit 19

Stoneyboy 19


Jip99 18

redrus 17

JellyDog 16

Bangrakbob 15

smokie36 10

binnsy 10

zaphodbeeblebrox 10

Overall Leader Board

Oldgit 377

Jockstar 368

mrbojangles 355

JacknDanny 337

MrMuddle 328

JellyDog 309

binnsy 307

Jip99 307

redrus 303


Mouserless 303

Stoneyboy 299

Bangrakbob 297

smokie36 291

zaphod reborn 276

Dosh League

Jockstar 368


Mouserless 303

Stoneyboy 299

smokie36 291

zaphod reborn 276

Congrats to JacknDanny for getting top score this week, followed by Jockstar and MrMuddle. Oldgit still remains at the top of the Overall League and Jockstar remains top of the Dosh League.

Don't forget to get this weeks in.

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Week fifteen scores

Mouserless 42

binnsy 38

Stoneyboy 37

JellyDog 33

Bangrakbob 33

MrMuddle 31

Jip99 31

Jockstar 27

redrus 25


JacknDanny 21

smokie36 21

mrbojangles 20

zaphodbeeblebrox 17

Oldgit 14

Overall Leader Board

Jockstar 395

Oldgit 391

mrbojangles 375

MrMuddle 359

JacknDanny 358

binnsy 345

Mouserless 345

JellyDog 342

Jip99 338

Stoneyboy 336

Bangrakbob 330

redrus 328


smokie36 312

zaphod reborn 293

Dosh League

Jockstar 395

Mouserless 345

Stoneyboy 336


smokie36 312

zaphod reborn 293

Congrats to Mouserless for getting top score this week, followed by Binnsy and Stoneyboy. Jockstar jumps into the lead of the Overall League and remains top of the Dosh League.

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Week sixteen scores

Jip99 44
MrMuddle 41
Jockstar 38
binnsy 32
Stoneyboy 31
smokie36 30
Mouserless 28
zaphodbeeblebrox 24
JacknDanny 22
JellyDog 20
Bangrakbob 20
redrus 19
Oldgit 18
mrbojangles 17

Overall Leader Board

Jockstar 433
Oldgit 409
MrMuddle 400
mrbojangles 392
Jip99 382
JacknDanny 380
binnsy 377
Mouserless 373
Stoneyboy 367
JellyDog 362
Bangrakbob 350
redrus 347
smokie36 342
zaphod reborn 317

Dosh League

Jockstar 433
Mouserless 373
Stoneyboy 367
smokie36 342
zaphod reborn 317

Congrats to Jip99 for getting top score this week, followed by MrMuddle and Jockstar. Jockstar remains top of the Overall League and the Dosh League.

Just like to wish all predictors a very Merry Christmas and don't forget to get your predictions in.

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Week seventeen scores

Jockstar 58

redrus 52

Jip99 49

Mouserless 49

mrbojangles 49

smokie36 45

Stoneyboy 43

zaphodbeeblebrox 43

JacknDanny 42

JellyDog 42

Bangrakbob 41

Oldgit 38


MrMuddle 36

binnsy 33

Overall Leader Board

Jockstar 491

Oldgit 447

mrbojangles 441

MrMuddle 436

Jip99 431

JacknDanny 422

Mouserless 422

binnsy 410

Stoneyboy 410

JellyDog 404

redrus 399

Bangrakbob 391

smokie36 387


zaphod reborn 360

Dosh League

Jockstar 491

Mouserless 422

Stoneyboy 410

smokie36 387


zaphod reborn 360

Congrats to Jockstar for getting top score this week, followed by Redrus. Jockstar remains top of the Overall League and the Dosh League.

Happy New Year to one and all and don't forget to get your predictions in.

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Week eighteen scores

Mouserless 22

redrus 18

zaphod reborn 18

Jip99 15

Bangrakbob 15

Stoneyboy 12

Oldgit 11

smokie36 10

JacknDanny 10

JellyDog 10


mrbojangles 7

Jockstar 6

binnsy 6

MrMuddle 0

Overall Leader Board

Jockstar 497

Oldgit 458

mrbojangles 448

Jip99 446

Mouserless 444

MrMuddle 436

JacknDanny 432

Stoneyboy 422

redrus 417

binnsy 416

JellyDog 414

Bangrakbob 406

smokie36 397


zaphod reborn 378

Dosh League

Jockstar 497

Mouserless 444

Stoneyboy 422

smokie36 397


zaphod reborn 378

Mostly a low scoring week but congrats to Mouserless for getting top score this week, followed by Redrus and zaphod reborn. Jockstar remains top of the Overall League and the Dosh League.

Week off this week but I'll get the sheets done for the next set.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week nineteen scores

Bangrakbob 34

MrMuddle 32

Mouserless 27

JacknDanny 27

binnsy 27

Jip99 25

Stoneyboy 25

JellyDog 25

smokie36 24

mrbojangles 24

redrus 19

Oldgit 19


Jockstar 14

zaphod reborn 9

Overall Leader Board

Jockstar 511

Oldgit 477

mrbojangles 472

Jip99 471

Mouserless 471

MrMuddle 468

JacknDanny 459

Stoneyboy 447

binnsy 443

Bangrakbob 440

JellyDog 439

redrus 436

smokie36 421


zaphod reborn 387

Dosh League

Jockstar 511

Mouserless 471

Stoneyboy 447

smokie36 421


zaphod reborn 387

Higher scoring week than the last one, so congrats to Bangrakbob for getting top score this week, followed by MrMuddle. Jockstar remains top of the Overall League and the Dosh League.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week twenty scores

mrbojangles 30
Stoneyboy 29
binnsy 27
JellyDog 27
Oldgit 25
Jockstar 25
JacknDanny 23
Bangrakbob 22
MrMuddle 22
smokie36 20
Jip99 19
zaphod reborn 18
Mouserless 13
redrus 12

Overall Leader Board

Jockstar 536
Oldgit 502
mrbojangles 502
Jip99 490
MrMuddle 490
Mouserless 484
JacknDanny 482
Stoneyboy 476
binnsy 470
JellyDog 466
Bangrakbob 462
redrus 448
smokie36 441
zaphod reborn 405

Dosh League

Jockstar 536
Mouserless 484
Stoneyboy 476
smokie36 441
zaphod reborn 405

Sorry for being late this week gents, been travelling around the Kingdom a lot. Anyway, congrats to BigToe3 for getting top score this week, followed by MrBoJangles and Stoneyboy. Jockstar remains top of the Overall League and the Dosh League by a country mile. Think I might have to add his e-mail address to my spam list for a couple of weeks, so I don't get his predictions and we can catch up biggrin.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week twenty one scores

mrbojangles 29
Oldgit 28
smokie36 28
redrus 28
Jip99 26
zaphod reborn 24
Jockstar 23
JellyDog 17
Bangrakbob 17
MrMuddle 17
JacknDanny 16
Mouserless 14
Stoneyboy 11

Overall Leader Board

Jockstar 559
mrbojangles 531
Oldgit 530
Jip99 516
MrMuddle 507
Mouserless 498
JacknDanny 498
Stoneyboy 487
JellyDog 483
Bangrakbob 479
redrus 476
smokie36 469
zaphod reborn 429

Dosh League

Jockstar 559
Mouserless 498
Stoneyboy 487
smokie36 469
zaphod reborn 429

As you all know it's been a sad week this week, in the passing of Binnsy and to be honest it felt so callous just deleting his name from the comp. Still don't know if that was the right thing to do or not, so apologies if anyone feels it wasn't. As for the comp. I won this week, very closely followed by Oldgit, Redrus and Smokie. Jockstar remains top of the Overall League and the Dosh League.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week twenty two scores

Jockstar 49
Mouserless 45
Bangrakbob 43
JellyDog 42
JacknDanny 41
zaphod reborn 40
mrbojangles 39
Oldgit 36
MrMuddle 36
smokie36 35
Jip99 31
Stoneyboy 31
redrus 28

Overall Leader Board

binnsy 999
Jockstar 608
mrbojangles 570
Oldgit 566
Jip99 547
MrMuddle 543
Mouserless 543
JacknDanny 539
JellyDog 525
Bangrakbob 522
Stoneyboy 518
redrus 504
smokie36 504
binnsy 495
zaphod reborn 469

Dosh League

Jockstar 608
Mouserless 543
Stoneyboy 518
smokie36 504
zaphod reborn 469

Congrats to jockstar for getting top score this week, very closely followed by BigToe and Mouserless. Binnsy is honouary top of the overall league and Jockstar remains top of the Dosh League.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week twenty three scores

Stoneyboy 40
Jockstar 36
mrbojangles 25
JellyDog 23
MrMuddle 23
JacknDanny 22
Bangrakbob 19
Mouserless 16
Oldgit 14
redrus 13
Jip99 9
zaphod reborn 7
smokie36 7

Overall Leader Board

binnsy 999
Jockstar 644
mrbojangles 595
Oldgit 580
MrMuddle 566
JacknDanny 561
Mouserless 559
Stoneyboy 558
Jip99 556
JellyDog 548
Bangrakbob 541
redrus 517
smokie36 511
zaphod reborn 476

Dosh League

Jockstar 644
Mouserless 559
Stoneyboy 558
smokie36 511
zaphod reborn 476

Congrats to Stoneyboy for getting top score this week, closely followed by Jockstar. Binnsy is honouary top of the overall league and Jockstar remains top of the Dosh League by a country mile.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week twenty four scores

Bangrakbob 70
Oldgit 65
MrMuddle 64
mrbojangles 53
Mouserless 52
zaphod reborn 52
Jip99 50
JellyDog 49
smokie36 46
Jockstar 45
redrus 43
Stoneyboy 38
JacknDanny 33

Overall Leader Board

Jockstar 689
mrbojangles 648
Oldgit 645
MrMuddle 630
Mouserless 611
Bangrakbob 611
Jip99 606
JellyDog 597
Stoneyboy 596
JacknDanny 594
redrus 560
smokie36 557
zaphod reborn 528

Dosh League

Jockstar 689
Mouserless 611
Stoneyboy 596
smokie36 557
zaphod reborn 528

Congrats to Bangrakbob for getting a huge top score this week. Don't know if that is a record or not and he was closely followed by Oldgit and MrMuddle with equally impressive scores. Binnsy is honouary top of the overall league and Jockstar remains top of the Dosh League.

Even though there is only one game this week, please submit the next set of scores on the sheets

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week twenty five scores


Jockstar 26

mrbojangles 25

Oldgit 23

smokie36 20

Mouserless 19

Stoneyboy 19

JacknDanny 19

JellyDog 17

zaphod reborn 16

Jip99 15

MrMuddle 14

redrus 14

Bangrakbob 13

Overall Leader Board

binnsy 999

Jockstar 715

mrbojangles 673

Oldgit 668

MrMuddle 644

Mouserless 630

Bangrakbob 624

Jip99 621

Stoneyboy 615

JellyDog 614

JacknDanny 613


smokie36 577

redrus 574

zaphod reborn 544

Dosh League

Jockstar 715

Mouserless 630

Stoneyboy 615


smokie36 577

zaphod reborn 544

Congrats to BigToe for getting top score this week, closely followed by Jockstar. Binnsy is honorary top of the overall league and Jockstar remains top of the Dosh League. I have also been reliably informed that BangrakBob didn't break the record last week and the record for highest score is still held by BigToe.

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Week twenty six scores

redrus 54

Jip99 46

JellyDog 44

zaphod reborn 39

MrMuddle 35

Oldgit 31

smokie36 31

Mouserless 30

Bangrakbob 29

Jockstar 27

mrbojangles 27


Stoneyboy 24

JacknDanny 16

Overall Leader Board

binnsy 999

Jockstar 742

mrbojangles 700

Oldgit 699

MrMuddle 679

Jip99 667

Mouserless 660

JellyDog 658

Bangrakbob 653

Stoneyboy 639


JacknDanny 629

redrus 628

smokie36 608

zaphod reborn 583

Dosh League

Jockstar 742

Mouserless 660

Stoneyboy 639


smokie36 608

zaphod reborn 583

Congrats to Redrus for getting top score this week, followed by Jip99 and JellyDog. Binnsy is honorary top of the overall league and Jockstar remains top of the Dosh League.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Week twenty seven scores

Oldgit 47

mrbojangles 32


MrMuddle 28

Stoneyboy 27

redrus 23

smokie36 21

Jip99 19

zaphod reborn 18

Jockstar 18

JellyDog 15

Mouserless 15

Bangrakbob 12

JacknDanny 9

Overall Leader Board

binnsy 999

Jockstar 760

Oldgit 746

mrbojangles 732

MrMuddle 707

Jip99 686

Mouserless 675

JellyDog 673


Stoneyboy 666

Bangrakbob 665

redrus 651

JacknDanny 638

smokie36 629

zaphod reborn 601

Dosh League

Jockstar 760

Mouserless 675


Stoneyboy 666

smokie36 629

zaphod reborn 601

Congrats to Oldgit for getting a clear top score this week, followed not closely by me and the BigToe. Binnsy is honorary top of the overall league but Oldgit is putting on a surge to catch Jockstar, who also remains top of the Dosh League.

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Week twenty eight scores

Mouserless 49
Oldgit 41
Stoneyboy 31
JellyDog 25
MrMuddle 23
Bangrakbob 23
Jockstar 22
JacknDanny 19
Jip99 15
mrbojangles 14
redrus 12
smokie36 11
zaphod reborn 10

Overall Leader Board

binnsy 999
Oldgit 787
Jockstar 782
mrbojangles 746
MrMuddle 730
Mouserless 724
Jip99 701
JellyDog 698
Stoneyboy 697
Bangrakbob 688
redrus 663
JacknDanny 657
smokie36 640
zaphod reborn 611

Dosh League

Jockstar 782
Mouserless 724
Stoneyboy 697
smokie36 640
zaphod reborn 611
Jockstar 782
Mouserless 724
Stoneyboy 697
smokie36 640
zaphod reborn 611

Congrats to Mouserless for getting a clear top score this week, followed by Oldgit. Binnsy is honorary top of the overall league but Oldgit's consistent good form has meant he has now overtaken Jockstar. However, Jockstar remains top of the Dosh League.

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Week twenty nine scores

Oldgit 38

smokie36 25

MrMuddle 23

Mouserless 21

redrus 21

mrbojangles 15

Bangrakbob 13

JellyDog 12


JacknDanny 12

zaphod reborn 12

Jockstar 11

Jip99 11

Stoneyboy 10

Overall Leader Board

binnsy 999

Oldgit 825

Jockstar 793

mrbojangles 761

MrMuddle 753

Mouserless 745

Jip99 712

JellyDog 710

Stoneyboy 707


Bangrakbob 701

redrus 684

JacknDanny 669

smokie36 665

zaphod reborn 623

Dosh League

Jockstar 793

Mouserless 745

Stoneyboy 707


smokie36 665

zaphod reborn 623

Congrats to Oldgit for getting top score this week, followed by Smokie. Binnsy is honorary top of the overall league but Oldgit continues to have good form and is opening up his lead. However, Jockstar remains top of the Dosh League.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Week thirty scores

Mouserless 22
Jip99 22
Oldgit 15
Stoneyboy 14
JellyDog 13
JacknDanny 13
mrbojangles 12
MrMuddle 11
redrus 11
zaphod reborn 11
Jockstar 10
Bangrakbob 9
smokie36 7

Overall Leader Board

binnsy 999
Oldgit 840
Jockstar 804
mrbojangles 774
Mouserless 768
MrMuddle 765
Jip99 734
JellyDog 724
Stoneyboy 721
Bangrakbob 710
redrus 702
JacknDanny 683
smokie36 674
zaphod reborn 635

Dosh League

Jockstar 804
Mouserless 768
Stoneyboy 721
smokie36 674
zaphod reborn 635

For the majority of us that has got to have been the most miserable week ever. I thought Smokie had sunk to a new low getting 7 points but even he got trumped with BigToe's 5 points tongue.png Anyway, congrats to Jip99 and Mouserless for getting top joint score this week. Binnsy is honorary top of the overall league but Oldgit looks almost out of sight now. However, Jockstar remains top of the Dosh League. Don't forget that the Hull - Liverpool game was on last weeks sheet so the score has been just added to the overall total.

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