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If you all keep fighting like this, I wont tell you any more stories or adventures - queue a seriously big fight. laugh.png

No, no, no. Pay them no mind. Keep the tales coming. They remind me of the Creepshow movies / Comics.

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Chavs, haha. In Aussie they are called "Housos", folks from the housing commission areas that don't work and are on benefits....

Here's one on tour here in Muang Thai. Shazza.

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Is the OP a Brit ?, if so should not the point be how embarrassing fellow country folk can be ?

If not a Brit then, the whole purpose of recounting this tale is to criticise another nationality and just using a spurious excuse to do so.

The sheer mention of a nationality invalidates the entire post other than to say....................

"Brits, the women are scum, don't you all agree ?"

Whatever the nationality its certainly not nice behaviour on her part, if it actually happened.

Do not dislike nationalities or races just individuals, sorry but that is just me being worldly rather than insular or bigoted.

It's just a story of something that happened. Please don't turn it into CNN / BBC world news.Nor is it racist in any way, shape or form. It just states she was a Brit.

If she had've been from China it would have said that. C'mon, get a grip, please.

There was zero need to mention the nationality in this instance which is my entire point.

If it was say about a Brit moaning in a British owned place about something the nationality would have relevance for context but possibly little more

This was very clearly not the case in this "episode"

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Is the OP a Brit ?, if so should not the point be how embarrassing fellow country folk can be ?

If not a Brit then, the whole purpose of recounting this tale is to criticise another nationality and just using a spurious excuse to do so.

The sheer mention of a nationality invalidates the entire post other than to say....................

"Brits, the women are scum, don't you all agree ?"

Whatever the nationality its certainly not nice behaviour on her part, if it actually happened.

Do not dislike nationalities or races just individuals, sorry but that is just me being worldly rather than insular or bigoted.

It's just a story of something that happened. Please don't turn it into CNN / BBC world news.Nor is it racist in any way, shape or form. It just states she was a Brit.

If she had've been from China it would have said that. C'mon, get a grip, please.

There was zero need to mention the nationality in this instance which is my entire point.

Other than to be descriptive, you mean?

Descriptive for what purpose, a totally unnecessarily one - nothing more nothing less, merely a post about British women.

I could understand if it was a Muslim woman wearing clothing which obviously identified her as such, hijab or such, then it would be contextual and have some relevance, otherwise it was not.

Consumption of alcohol and behaviour when a sale was refused.

I assume its not possible to make a post saying how much someone dislikes another nationality and/or the women from that country on Thai Visa directly so indirectly seems probably best.

No axe to grind on my part other than the REAL reason for saying the nationality, it could have been " A Farang woman" which would be relevant to the post not a named nationality unless naming was the real point of posting in the first place.

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Is the OP a Brit ?, if so should not the point be how embarrassing fellow country folk can be ?

If not a Brit then, the whole purpose of recounting this tale is to criticise another nationality and just using a spurious excuse to do so.

The sheer mention of a nationality invalidates the entire post other than to say....................

"Brits, the women are scum, don't you all agree ?"

Whatever the nationality its certainly not nice behaviour on her part, if it actually happened.

Do not dislike nationalities or races just individuals, sorry but that is just me being worldly rather than insular or bigoted.

It's just a story of something that happened. Please don't turn it into CNN / BBC world news.Nor is it racist in any way, shape or form. It just states she was a Brit.

If she had've been from China it would have said that. C'mon, get a grip, please.

There was zero need to mention the nationality in this instance which is my entire point.

If it was say about a Brit moaning in a British owned place about something the nationality would have relevance for context but possibly little more

This was very clearly not the case in this "episode"

Oh rubbish. Get over it.

Thank you for your well reasoned and detailed repost to the points I raised

Obviously you agree that its okay to create posts using the pretext of of "this is what happened" to write negative stuff about a particular nationality.

"Rubbish" is something that I very easily "get over" as in this case.

If anyone dislikes people for no other reason than the country they come from, their religion (or lack of it), their sexuality, their color or whatever they use to stereotype their own particular dislikes and wish to tell the world about it the internet has millions of sites were such views are whole heartedly welcomed.

All I have said is that mentioning the nationality was the real point of the post.

You disagree, I stand by what I've said.

I respect your opinion as I expect you respect mine as I have no agenda to justify.


As long as the reporting is accurate, mentioning the nationality is perfectly acceptable. This is coming from a guy with a journalism degree.

What I dislike about these posts (and I do believe the OP's story) is that there is almost no chance of any accurate follow-up. We will most likely never know what happened to this person.

Still, this is just a message board and not a news service. The OP's post is fine with me.

Why ?

It has no relevance to the story other than padding, unless the point of saying "Brit" is the actual agenda. One word padding ?, cmon .....................

As someone with a journalism degree you are more than well aware that there is the story and how either you or your employers wish to spin it to your target market and advertisers expectations.

Soft left, "buy our vegan foods and save the whale, its not THEIR fault" type spin

Hard right "without a gun your just a victim waiting and its those foreigners that are to blame" type spin

In an open non bias forum the real stories agenda is determined by the OP and how they present it - nationality, as used in this instance is the agenda as far as I'm concerned.

And its worked in mostly the most negative ways, which of course is to be expected - the subtext being "I don't like these people, how about you ?"

Perhaps I'm doing the OP a disservice by saying that but its had a lot of replies agreeing that the named nation and their females are....................................................................

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It never occurred to me that the original post was meant to slight a particular nationality. I honestly took it as factual reporting.

As did I.

And still do. It's just a story with characters. Just like this forum.

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As long as the reporting is accurate, mentioning the nationality is perfectly acceptable. This is coming from a guy with a journalism degree.

What I dislike about these posts (and I do believe the OP's story) is that there is almost no chance of any accurate follow-up. We will most likely never know what happened to this person.

Still, this is just a message board and not a news service. The OP's post is fine with me.

Why ?

It has no relevance to the story other than padding, unless the point of saying "Brit" is the actual agenda. One word padding ?, cmon .....................

As someone with a journalism degree you are more than well aware that there is the story and how either you or your employers wish to spin it to your target market and advertisers expectations.

Soft left, "buy our vegan foods and save the whale, its not THEIR fault" type spin

Hard right "without a gun your just a victim waiting and its those foreigners that are to blame" type spin

In an open non bias forum the real stories agenda is determined by the OP and how they present it - nationality, as used in this instance is the agenda as far as I'm concerned.

And its worked in mostly the most negative ways, which of course is to be expected - the subtext being "I don't like these people, how about you ?"

Perhaps I'm doing the OP a disservice by saying that but its had a lot of replies agreeing that the named nation and their females are....................................................................

If proving your point about something as trivial as this is so important to you then all I can say is you need to go out a bit more. He said the nationality was a factual reference, and there's no real reason to doubt it, but you obviously don't want to admit that you're wrong. I was going to say quit while you're ahead, but it's too late.

What is the relevance of mentioning journalism degrees? What are you implying by that? I think I know what you're trying to imply and no matter how you try to justify, I know you're lying so don't even bother trying to explain. Just apologise.

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Drunken cow that’s the sort that gives us clean living farangs a bad name here in Thailand, hope the undercover cops take her to a AA session


As long as the reporting is accurate, mentioning the nationality is perfectly acceptable. This is coming from a guy with a journalism degree.

What I dislike about these posts (and I do believe the OP's story) is that there is almost no chance of any accurate follow-up. We will most likely never know what happened to this person.

Still, this is just a message board and not a news service. The OP's post is fine with me.

Why ?

It has no relevance to the story other than padding, unless the point of saying "Brit" is the actual agenda. One word padding ?, cmon .....................

As someone with a journalism degree you are more than well aware that there is the story and how either you or your employers wish to spin it to your target market and advertisers expectations.

Soft left, "buy our vegan foods and save the whale, its not THEIR fault" type spin

Hard right "without a gun your just a victim waiting and its those foreigners that are to blame" type spin

In an open non bias forum the real stories agenda is determined by the OP and how they present it - nationality, as used in this instance is the agenda as far as I'm concerned.

And its worked in mostly the most negative ways, which of course is to be expected - the subtext being "I don't like these people, how about you ?"

Perhaps I'm doing the OP a disservice by saying that but its had a lot of replies agreeing that the named nation and their females are....................................................................

If proving your point about something as trivial as this is so important to you then all I can say is you need to go out a bit more. He said the nationality was a factual reference, and there's no real reason to doubt it, but you obviously don't want to admit that you're wrong. I was going to say quit while you're ahead, but it's too late.

What is the relevance of mentioning journalism degrees? What are you implying by that? I think I know what you're trying to imply and no matter how you try to justify, I know you're lying so don't even bother trying to explain. Just apologise.

The sheer point of even stating the nationality I made seems to be lost on you, and as for Blonde, well maybe in your world that's just another negative as well - maybe also her being a woman too ?

It matters not I suppose, to some anyway - yeah look at that blonde Brit bi**h, there all the same aren't they ?, scum bag alcho swine, may be not the impression that was intentionally made in the original post but given the naming of the nationality, (blonde ?) and what transpired does seem utterly unnecessary unless there was an agenda.

The reference to the journalism degree was, if you read what I said about inherent bias, at either the journalists of the publishers behest or nature also seems to to have gone the same way.

I merely said what I think and given detailed reasons why, no personal attack on anyone, just plain how I see it.

If you don't agree, well that's up to you, if you don't understand well I'm sorry for you.

Actually your post just seems extremely defensive - cmon if you hate or just plain dislike some nationalities (maybe even just women ?) say so.-

The truth will set you free !

I wont make any further posts on this topic as I have made my thoughts crystal clear on the actual motivation for the OP, many of the negative responses towards the nationality only echo that.


Is the OP a Brit ?, if so should not the point be how embarrassing fellow country folk can be ?

If not a Brit then, the whole purpose of recounting this tale is to criticise another nationality and just using a spurious excuse to do so.

The sheer mention of a nationality invalidates the entire post other than to say....................

"Brits, the women are scum, don't you all agree ?"

Whatever the nationality its certainly not nice behaviour on her part, if it actually happened.

Do not dislike nationalities or races just individuals, sorry but that is just me being worldly rather than insular or bigoted.

Seriously don't confuse your internal dialog with a logical argument. What you just attempted to do is far worse, than the cavalier manner the OP took. You made a valid point in the end. Though your attempt to put words in the OPs mouth and invalidating his experience because he mentioned the fact of their nationality is disgusting.

Which is entirely counter to the comments about yourself, I see what you did. And essentially fabricated a reality and are trying to make that am argument. And think hard before your attempt to refute my points, it might help materialise some of that worldly wisdom.

And in case you think I actually disagree with you, I do not with regards to the obvious judge one not all values, I entirely agreed.

I have major issues with the rest of what you said.

Edit: so I read the rest of this thread, glad that I am not the only person that took issue.


Is the OP a Brit ?, if so should not the point be how embarrassing fellow country folk can be ?

If not a Brit then, the whole purpose of recounting this tale is to criticise another nationality and just using a spurious excuse to do so.

The sheer mention of a nationality invalidates the entire post other than to say....................

"Brits, the women are scum, don't you all agree ?"

Whatever the nationality its certainly not nice behaviour on her part, if it actually happened.

Do not dislike nationalities or races just individuals, sorry but that is just me being worldly rather than insular or bigoted.

Seriously don't confuse your internal dialog with a logical argument. What you just attempted to do is far worse, than the cavalier manner the OP took. You made a valid point in the end. Though your attempt to put words in the OPs mouth and invalidating his experience because he mentioned the fact of their nationality is disgusting.

Which is entirely counter to the comments about yourself, I see what you did. And essentially fabricated a reality and are trying to make that am argument. And think hard before your attempt to refute my points, it might help materialise some of that worldly wisdom.

And in case you think I actually disagree with you, I do not with regards to the obvious judge one not all values, I entirely agreed.

I have major issues with the rest of what you said.

Edit: so I read the rest of this thread, glad that I am not the only person that took issue.

Although I said I would not make any further posts on this matter having read yours I feel I must make one final one.

Your quite right in that I made an extrapolation of what I considered to be the OP,s actual motivation in making his post.

I probably went a bit over the top with that - I agree with you.

The bottom line though is the reason for saying "Brit" and also "Blonde", there really was no reason other than to criticise her nationality and appearance in the context of what actually happened.

Many people may have taken issue with what I said but at least you gave a considered reply, hence this post.

People seem to find it far easier to hate than accept or seek reasons to criticise - I'm probably guilty of the latter in this case but at least I'm honest enough to admit it.

Although suitably chastised I remain unbowed over the usage of a nationality that I originally found and still find objectionable and the real reason for the post, there really was no need !

Thank you for your post and I will now shut up about this matter.

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Although I said I would not make any further posts on this matter having read yours I feel I must make one final one.

Your quite right in that I made an extrapolation of what I considered to be the OP,s actual motivation in making his post.

I probably went a bit over the top with that - I agree with you.

The bottom line though is the reason for saying "Brit" and also "Blonde", there really was no reason other than to criticise her nationality and appearance in the context of what actually happened.

Many people may have taken issue with what I said but at least you gave a considered reply, hence this post.

People seem to find it far easier to hate than accept or seek reasons to criticise - I'm probably guilty of the latter in this case but at least I'm honest enough to admit it.

Although suitably chastised I remain unbowed over the usage of a nationality that I originally found and still find objectionable and the real reason for the post, there really was no need !

Thank you for your post and I will now shut up about this matter.

Perhaps you'll make just one more in response to this post at the start of the thread where a poster argues the exact opposite to you:


And finally, I actually find it quite rude that you seem willing to discuss my motives in the third person, especially since I have offered up answers to questions you raised and provided (unnecessarily) my motives, I would have thought that if you truly wanted to understand the authors motives you might have asked him rather than second guess it with all and sundry. All of which leads me to conclude that you simply went into bailing mode, trying to defend an indefensible position, as everyone else who has commented here has observed.

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