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When boredom starts to rule the day


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What would he do back home? He choosed to find his friends drinking in the Bar, but he also could choose to find friends doing different stuff. Activity outside of drinking in a Bar does not have to cost much. Sounds more like he has given up on life and ist just waiting for the end.

Hello CH long time no see was it SS that was the main topic.

Where to start? sure it gets boring ,need a life a computer for sure,but that gives you options,sure like shagging too,buy even that gets boring then its twos up ,stuff like that

Been to US, SA, Au, India Malaysia PH last 12 months but even that gets me pissed off.

Tell your friend I have Nembutal if he needs it.

Too late now for a session off to bed

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I recommend your friend explore the limits of his tolerance for alcohol with a progressive regime of more regular and prolonged imbibulation of strong liquor. This may take time but will certainly be effective for a while in brushing away the cobwebs of boredom, as well as its companion, memory.

Similarly, the further reaches of his sexuality might be investigated, for instance with an escalating ménage of live-in but revolving roster of ladyboys, over a long period.

In these ways he will alleviate his ennui and ultimately, if he doesn't expire in the process, rediscover meaning in his pitiful life.

I am available for further advice should he so require - at a price.

Edited by asdecas
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What would he do back home? He choosed to find his friends drinking in the Bar, but he also could choose to find friends doing different stuff. Activity outside of drinking in a Bar does not have to cost much. Sounds more like he has given up on life and ist just waiting for the end.

It is difficult any place to find friends, but here in the European trash bin of people on mental disabilities etc. Next to impossible

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"Boredom is the legacy of fear" as prof of mine once said, and that stuck with me. must spend 2-300 a day on beer (I don't know. I live here in Jomtien and don't drink). Get a hobby? Start going to some AA meetings? Read a book? Take long walks? He seems lazy, a drunk, and lacks imagination. First stop drinking. Does someone change his nappies too?

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Tell your mate, to read Shakespeare. The bar girls will be mightily impressed, I'm sure. Here is an excerpt from Henry IV, part 1, and the only part I remember from covering it in my school days (OK, only the first 2 lines and I still get it wrong). However, having lived in Bangkok for 10 years of idle bliss (I don't frequent bars so much), I can't say it has applied to me in all senses. Booze also leads to depression - cut right down and the gloom will lift (although it didn't seem to apply to Falstaff. Mmmm maybe Shakespeare wasn't right after all):

If all the year were playing holidays,
To sport would be as tedious as to work,
But when they seldom come, they wished for come,
And nothing pleaseth but rare accidents.
So when this loose behavior I throw off
And pay the debt I never promisèd,
By how much better than my word I am,
By so much shall I falsify men’s hopes;
And, like bright metal on a sullen ground,
My reformation, glitt'ring o'er my fault,
Shall show more goodly and attract more eyes
Than that which hath no foil to set it off.
I’ll so offend to make offense a skill,
Redeeming time when men think least I will.

Maybe does the trick?

I like to think of going back home and the cost of such,even taking a pee now costs.

I make my take from that great Lutheran, Rasputin

Here I sit all broken hearted.

Spent a penny and only farted.

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Sad story but quite a common scenario in Pattaya as I have read over the years. After the run of hooker bars is over and they probably know them all by name what else do they do? Hard life with little to do and now no money living in a dump apartment. This is why foreigner suicide rate is so high in Pattaya.

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