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If every farang were to leave this country due to harassment by the government, this country would fall flat on it,s a**e ! It,s about time the thai authorities realized and appreciated the input and advantage gained by allowing educated and capable europeans to assist thais in their ability to speak reasonable english, and make it easier for them to do so. Without the presence of the lowly farang the bar entertainment business here would crash, and all sensible tourists would leave and find alternative holiday venues. I have seen english schools here where the head teacher was totally incapable of speaking english that any englishman could understand ! Lighten up and stop trying to s***w us all over. You want our money, then you threaten to confiscate any properties that we have bought for our thai wives, and then you expect us to come back for more of this reprehensible treatment !! What planet are you on ?

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If every farang were to leave this country due to harassment by the government, this country would fall flat on it,s a**e ! It,s about time the thai authorities realized and appreciated the input and advantage gained by allowing educated and capable europeans to assist thais in their ability to speak reasonable english, and make it easier for them to do so. Without the presence of the lowly farang the bar entertainment business here would crash, and all sensible tourists would leave and find alternative holiday venues. I have seen english schools here where the head teacher was totally incapable of speaking english that any englishman could understand ! Lighten up and stop trying to s***w us all over. You want our money, then you threaten to confiscate any properties that we have bought for our thai wives, and then you expect us to come back for more of this reprehensible treatment !! What planet are you on ?

the sensible tourists would miss the bar entertainment scene?? lol


S... me Sherlock fancy, by screwing down hard on teachers doing boarder runs you run short of English teachers. Up side the ones here might now be in greater demand and Demand = more moneyclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif Happy happy oh happy days.


Good news! I knew this wouldn't come to anything.

actually no you didn't, like everyone else you made a guess.........and by chance the result has coincided with your guess.

don't confuse co-incidence with good reasoning.

Why r u so critical of j8k when the gist of what he says is correct? It is not coincidence but quite logical given the way things happen in Thailand. But I would have said: 'I thought' not 'I knew'.


Ok, that is an important step in bring back tourism. Keep making it easy for tourist to stay. I know many that want to stay 6 onths.

Now the next step. Allow all bars in tourist areas to be open 24x7. Tourist do not have to go to work in the morning. That is why there is a bar closing rule in the world to begin with. When I was in Irland the closing time was around 11pm - serioulsy.

Let the night life keep rolling allowing tourist to spend money their maximum amount that will refeash the Thailand economy. All areas in the world that are tourist heavy allow bars to be open 24x7 and some even 365. Thirdly, protect the tourist and serve them.

Maybe they should think about giving retirement visas to people under 50, if they have money to show they can live , what is the problem if they are young or old ? If they have money to stay and spend, and have clean criminal record, let's welcome than. Nobody can milk any system in Thailand, because there is no system, you pay for everything, so it makes sense to let people choose to spend their moneys in Thailand.

does your home country allow that?

probably his home country does not allow because the income the foreigner coming to thailand (thai govt) want to bring in is much more than the average wage...therefore boosts the economy...the reverse is an economic migrant with no money sucking the resources of the host country

.....that is a from of FDI and so why not ...but you have to look a bit deeper than if your country doenst do it ...why should thailand...it requires a bit more thought than some complacent fXrt on a retirmenet visa


Ok, that is an important step in bring back tourism. Keep making it easy for tourist to stay. I know many that want to stay 6 onths.

Now the next step. Allow all bars in tourist areas to be open 24x7. Tourist do not have to go to work in the morning. That is why there is a bar closing rule in the world to begin with. When I was in Irland the closing time was around 11pm - serioulsy.

Let the night life keep rolling allowing tourist to spend money their maximum amount that will refeash the Thailand economy. All areas in the world that are tourist heavy allow bars to be open 24x7 and some even 365. Thirdly, protect the tourist and serve them.

Maybe they should think about giving retirement visas to people under 50, if they have money to show they can live , what is the problem if they are young or old ? If they have money to stay and spend, and have clean criminal record, let's welcome than. Nobody can milk any system in Thailand, because there is no system, you pay for everything, so it makes sense to let people choose to spend their moneys in Thailand.

does your home country allow that?

probably his home country does not allow because the income the foreigner coming to thailand (thai govt) want to bring in is much more than the average wage...therefore boosts the economy...the reverse is an economic migrant with no money sucking the resources of the host country

.....that is a from of FDI and so why not ...but you have to look a bit deeper than if your country doenst do it ...why should thailand...it requires a bit more thought than some complacent fXrt on a retirmenet visa

his home country doesnt do it because they want a certain type of person based on income, desired skillset, age, past history, country of origin, net assets etc etc. And so does thailand. And a self employed young person with a laptop may not fit their criteria at his time.

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Jesus wept , did they really not consider any repercussions of the tightening of Visa rules. I know "Planning" is not the best Asian trait but you'd have thought someone would have had a look at it before pulling the trigger

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does your home country allow that?

My home country certainly does not but comparing my home country, a place where you can turn up and claim a free house and all sorts of benefits within weeks of arriving to Thailand would be stupid.

Thailand offers no social security, benefits, free houses and so on to anyone and certainly not foreigners.

On top of that my country also doesn't allow you to pay your way out of every possible bad situation you find yourself in or throw 200B at a police offer when you're caught drinking drinking / riding a bike without a helmet or any other number of quite serious crimes that Thailand allows anyone and everyone to get away with.

So there's really no point in comparing them.

so that would be a no? just as I thought. and thanks for the red herrings, delicious.


But it also has to be remembered that the loss of these 'teachers' has an even greater effect not only on the educational system in Thailand but also across the wide range of other 'systems', such as the income that these individuals produce within the communities that they live within and else where in Thailand on their weekend travels (eg: bars, restaurants, laundries, guest houses, hotels, bike rental shops, Tescos/Lotus, tour guides, ATM fees, airlines, buses, trains, beach chair rentals, stores of all kinds, mobile phone providers, internet cafes, and even Thai Immigration... to name but a few).

Travel Agency owners told that there is already not too much tourists if compare with last year. Another scenario - there is people who build residential/commercial areas and for next few month they'll decide will they invest more to expand or not.

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Could you quote some sources for your assuptions? Especially about all the criminals. And the rules for retirees already exist and are complied with by many retirees over 50 who get appropriate visas and report as required. The only "complaint" you replied to was about the age requirement of a retiree. I am curious why your feathers got so ruffled by this simple request that would have no impact on other retirees or younger people working legally in Thailand as these younger retirees don't seek employment. So is it jealousy that some people were able to retire from their home country under the age of fifty that has you so upset about something that could not possibly impact your situation?? Do tell.

Personally, I've noticed more verbal attacks going back at these retirees, that seemingly, have this preconceived idea they somehow rule the roost and control ALL us Farangs in Thailand through their dedicated and loyal affair with fellow -Coffin Dodgers.

They are a special crew I must admit. Never in my entire life have I read such toxic verbiage from so many who hate to see anyone do better, making out that their past fellow citizens are nothing more than uneducated peasants trying to infiltrate their patch now they’ve gave up their countries birthplace and seemingly became a self-appointed Farang/Thai or maybe even no longer call themselves a Farang.

It’s a total and utter disgrace and the amount of abuse is sickening beyond belief.

Anyway, it will never stop for some until they pass away. Unfortunately, more more pop-up as if made in the Morbid Factory for the seriously deranged…..


i like the way you criticize toxic verbiage with toxic verbiage! well done

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Could you quote some sources for your assuptions? Especially about all the criminals. And the rules for retirees already exist and are complied with by many retirees over 50 who get appropriate visas and report as required. The only "complaint" you replied to was about the age requirement of a retiree. I am curious why your feathers got so ruffled by this simple request that would have no impact on other retirees or younger people working legally in Thailand as these younger retirees don't seek employment. So is it jealousy that some people were able to retire from their home country under the age of fifty that has you so upset about something that could not possibly impact your situation?? Do tell.

Personally, I've noticed more verbal attacks going back at these retirees, that seemingly, have this preconceived idea they somehow rule the roost and control ALL us Farangs in Thailand through their dedicated and loyal affair with fellow -Coffin Dodgers.

They are a special crew I must admit. Never in my entire life have I read such toxic verbiage from so many who hate to see anyone do better, making out that their past fellow citizens are nothing more than uneducated peasants trying to infiltrate their patch now they’ve gave up their countries birthplace and seemingly became a self-appointed Farang/Thai or maybe even no longer call themselves a Farang.

It’s a total and utter disgrace and the amount of abuse is sickening beyond belief.

Anyway, it will never stop for some until they pass away. Unfortunately, more more pop-up as if made in the Morbid Factory for the seriously deranged…..


i like the way you criticize toxic verbiage with toxic verbiage! well done

Thank you for your support I'm entirely grateful for your imput cheesy.gif


The article last week in the not-to-be-mentioned Thai newspaper says that tourist numbers are down this July 2014 compared to last year due to politician tensions caused by the military coup and martial law. It mentions nothing about any changes in the visa situation.

It also said that monthly arrivals from the UK were up 6% versus last year while other 'farang' country arrivals were mostly down.



Could you quote some sources for your assuptions? Especially about all the criminals. And the rules for retirees already exist and are complied with by many retirees over 50 who get appropriate visas and report as required. The only "complaint" you replied to was about the age requirement of a retiree. I am curious why your feathers got so ruffled by this simple request that would have no impact on other retirees or younger people working legally in Thailand as these younger retirees don't seek employment. So is it jealousy that some people were able to retire from their home country under the age of fifty that has you so upset about something that could not possibly impact your situation?? Do tell.

Personally, I've noticed more verbal attacks going back at these retirees, that seemingly, have this preconceived idea they somehow rule the roost and control ALL us Farangs in Thailand through their dedicated and loyal affair with fellow -Coffin Dodgers.

They are a special crew I must admit. Never in my entire life have I read such toxic verbiage from so many who hate to see anyone do better, making out that their past fellow citizens are nothing more than uneducated peasants trying to infiltrate their patch now they’ve gave up their countries birthplace and seemingly became a self-appointed Farang/Thai or maybe even no longer call themselves a Farang.

It’s a total and utter disgrace and the amount of abuse is sickening beyond belief.

Anyway, it will never stop for some until they pass away. Unfortunately, more more pop-up as if made in the Morbid Factory for the seriously deranged…..


i like the way you criticize toxic verbiage with toxic verbiage! well done

Thank you for your support I'm entirely grateful for your imput cheesy.gif

and I yours.violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif


I think it would be quite simple for those to that want to stay long term to just do a police background check and/or get a qualified reference or sponsor locally to vouche for one's character, issue a "green card" and let people work where ever they can get a job and pay taxes. I don't understand why that would be so damn difficult. I just find it so offensive that if you're one of a certain race to can work here. Democracy starts with equality and all people should be recognized as people and not things such as "farang".

Really? So why you're not allow Thai to go to EU/US without hell of paperwork? Typical western double standards. Democracy is not kind of thing which will work only in one direction.

If I would have the power to change, well then Be It! i did not made the rules...and the political faults, stupid rules and some outdated laws of the country I have been born and lived in, and that is just one of the many reasons why I did not wanted to live there and contribute to and left many years ago, at a quite young age and ever since have lived and contributing to other countries... and continue doing so over the last 10 years in Thailand...

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"So, this is an ongoing problem that needs to be resolved, as it can lead to a shortage of English teachers and guides," he said during his weekly TV programme.

How about enforcing the schools to adhere to the law and providing work permits instead of keeping teachers semi-illegal.

Couldn't agree more, however, the problem is the current requirements prevent good teachers from being employed legally. A degree in Psychology doesn't make someone a good teacher.

Someone who is passionate about teaching, does preparation, knows how to get the best out of their students, has done a teaching course, how to correct and make their students better and knows how to teach is what makes a good teacher.

I wish for the day they scrap the degree requirement and do a teaching observation and screening instead. Then, everyone wins, bar the bad teachers.

Unfortunately, it's the MOE I believe that needs to wake up to this.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Being a native English speaker, who majored in English, minored in German and who is in his 2nd work permit - that's the experience of a friend who taught at our local secondary school for a year before taking a slot at a bigger school in a city. He visited again and news of his visit brought a buzz of excitement among the teachers. He was liked by staff an students alike, and is missed. He was one who did prepare for classes... and made it interesting. thumbsup.gif

Observing teachers and certifying their effectiveness sounds to me like one interim step to keep him and others - longer..

The thing is, he's not sure he'll be allowed another work permit. As he's seeing the rules, he's only allowed two work permits before he either takes teacher courses or needs to cease teaching. (Currently, his only teacher's course is TEFL.)

The confusion as to what is required or not - that alone may force him to plan to leave the country. How many others are also caught in this? unsure.png

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Visa rules to be relaxed

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Immigration Bureau has been told to be flexible with "visa runners", junta chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha said yesterday.

In his weekly televised address yesterday, Prayuth said those going on visa runs can register with the bureau, which will then find a way to resolve the problem.

Foreigners have been exploiting tourist visas and visas on arrival to work illegally in Thailand, mostly as English teachers. When their visa is about to expire, they go to a neighbouring country for a new visa and return to continue with their illegal jobs.

Upon taking over, the junta decided to tighten the rules, deciding not to re-issue visas and threatening those who overstay their visa with deportation. However, Prayuth admitted that this crackdown had considerably affected certain groups.

"This is a problem that needs to be resolved, as it can lead to a shortage of English teachers and tour guides," he said

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Visa-rules-to-be-relaxed-30241597.html


-- The Nation 2014-08-23

So Border runs are back on the or is it just for illegal English teachers and tour guides? The crackdown didn't even last a week. Who was the numbskull who thought up this plan in the 1st place?

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"So, this is an ongoing problem that needs to be resolved, as it can lead to a shortage of English teachers and guides," he said during his weekly TV programme.

How about enforcing the schools to adhere to the law and providing work permits instead of keeping teachers semi-illegal.

Couldn't agree more, however, the problem is the current requirements prevent good teachers from being employed legally. A degree in Psychology doesn't make someone a good teacher.

Someone who is passionate about teaching, does preparation, knows how to get the best out of their students, has done a teaching course, how to correct and make their students better and knows how to teach is what makes a good teacher.

I wish for the day they scrap the degree requirement and do a teaching observation and screening instead. Then, everyone wins, bar the bad teachers.

Unfortunately, it's the MOE I believe that needs to wake up to this.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Being a native English speaker, who majored in English, minored in German and who is in his 2nd work permit - that's the experience of a friend who taught at our local secondary school for a year before taking a slot at a bigger school in a city. He visited again and news of his visit brought a buzz of excitement among the teachers. He was liked by staff an students alike, and is missed. He was one who did prepare for classes... and made it interesting. thumbsup.gif

Observing teachers and certifying their effectiveness sounds to me like one interim step to keep him and others - longer..

The thing is, he's not sure he'll be allowed another work permit. As he's seeing the rules, he's only allowed two work permits before he either takes teacher courses or needs to cease teaching. (Currently, his only teacher's course is TEFL.)

The confusion as to what is required or not - that alone may force him to plan to leave the country. How many others are also caught in this? unsure.png

it doesnt sound like he's confused. if he's allowed two permits and he's had two, that seems to be the end of it

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