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Man stabbed and killed in jealous attack at Motel close to Pattaya


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Man stabbed and killed in jealous attack at Motel close to Pattaya

SRIRACHA:--On Friday afternoon, Sriracha Police were called to a Motel to deal with a fatal stabbing incident involving a man and his new girlfriend and her ex-Husband.

The incident occurred at the Red Heart Hotel where Khun Machima aged 18 had booked a room with her boyfriend of one month, Khun Suwat aged 33, who had just returned from Malaysia.

The pair were unaware that Khun Machima’s ex-Husband, had followed the pair to the Motel where he later confronted the pair. A fight ensued between the two men, during which time the suspect allegedly stabbed Khun Suwat in his back.

- See more at: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/141113/man-stabbed-and-killed-in-jealous-attack-at-motel-close-to-pattaya/#sthash.A0ckulhm.dpuf

-- Pattaya One 2014-08-23

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If the point is don't mess around with married Thai women, what will happen to all the farangs in Pattaya who don't even give it any consideration or care as they take ladies out of the bars and off the streets?

Maybe you should read the OP one more time, then look up on google what's the meaning of EX-husband

Regarless of the definition google may have of the term EX Husband..... in his mind, he is still number one...if he can't have her, then no-one else can have her.....we all know that many Thai men cannot face losing in any situation...but especially losing his wife!

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Gee whiz, only 18 and already one ex-husband and one murdered boyfriend. That's a lot of garbage to be carrying at a such a young age.

many Thai girls under 18 years old have already few ex boyfriends/husbands, and at least one or two abortions, or if not abortions one or two kids. sad but true

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Ban these pathetic tv soaps which offer nothing but jelousy. Crying. Screaming. Love triangles. Murder. Shooting. Stabbings. Woman beating.There not smart enough to know what reality is... damn tv.

But many people like Eastenders!

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In older days without media involved news spread slowly and people could have a second taught before they made they opinion..

Nowadays media can teach and show how to judge without thinking.....

Is 21 century make as smarter???

Everyone has at least; one mobile phone ,one Tv , one computer, and one brain....- MEDIA ...we need NO own brain clap2.gif

Welcome to the future coffee1.gif

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Gee whiz, only 18 and already one ex-husband and one murdered boyfriend. That's a lot of garbage to be carrying at a such a young age.

many Thai girls under 18 years old have already few ex boyfriends/husbands, and at least one or two abortions, or if not abortions one or two kids. sad but true


Sounds like the council estates in the uk then

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Gee whiz, only 18 and already one ex-husband and one murdered boyfriend. That's a lot of garbage to be carrying at a such a young age.

many Thai girls under 18 years old have already few ex boyfriends/husbands, and at least one or two abortions, or if not abortions one or two kids. sad but true

Yes yes MANY Thai girls UNDER 18 years old have two kids for sure!

OK unfortunately its not only in Thailand : Prevalence of teenage pregnancy in the word Per 1000 women 15–19 years old,

Thailand 43.3 . United Stares of America 41,2

So what a staggering difference! Around 1 per 1,000 clap2.gif


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Ban these pathetic tv soaps which offer nothing but jelousy. Crying. Screaming. Love triangles. Murder. Shooting. Stabbings. Woman beating.There not smart enough to know what reality is... damn tv.

But many people like Eastenders!

I thought he was referring to The Simpsons blink.png

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I think more than a few Thai girls go to the bars because they had Thai guys like this Ex. I have met many personally. I know many completely highly responsible good hearted and hard working Thai guys, but then you have an unnecessary high percent of Thai guys who like boxing their wives around to get some respect that they haven't earned and don't deserve, or otherwise treating them as dogs, and then when the girls finally have had enough, and break free from them, they think they can prove how much they still love them by killing her new boyfriend, just to show her how much he cared for her. Little thought do they give (these guys don't know how to give a thought, actually) ahead of time to the fact that they won't be around to see her come crawling back to him.

None of the guys that I am referring to has killed anybody, but they have many of the same traits as this guy. And the wives having been 'used' by them don't feel that they have many choices of places to make a living and quite a few go to bars.

I've been coming to Thailand more than 30 years, Had an unusual number of Thai bar ladies, 2 Thai wives, a couple mia-noi's, just to mention a little of the basis for the things I've witnessed, and I still have a bit of compassion for ladies abused by guys like this guy. I hope he rots in hell and she finds a good life (or a good bar).......... She has probably suffered 'hell' enough.............

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