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why are we obsessed with balls


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"we hit them around with sticks . kick them . throw them .poke .them even down to scratch them"

OP, got very exited here..............another fetish for me...........sounds really good, have to try.

About scratching.....never been a civil servant, so I wouldn't know about it.

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Started in the time of Alley - Og & Ug.......at first the round orbs were hard to find.....they noticed that a dinosaur or bird egg would roll but when they started hitting them with their clubs to try and invent golf, cricket, bowling, and baseball it got messy and attracted predators, flies, and angry dinosaurs & birds that noticed their eggs were missing.....one day they happened by a volcano and found one shaped like a donut.... Og and Ug didn't like it because it was hard to roll when hit by a stick.....Alley - who's last name was Firestone put it in his cave thinking it might be proven useful later......

They continued their search until one day they tripped on a round orb....they noticed right away it was different from the other rocks they hit about because they could no longer play on a hillside because they had to chase the damn thing forever........so they made a playing field - which they had to level - thus the term "level" the playing field.....eventually poked holes in the field and drew lines so they could do different things with the orbs using different sticks.....all went well until they invented lawyers and then rules were created which put limits on scoring and how long a game could last (except for cricket which never ends)....as time went on they used shells to barter to sell and buy tickets - pretty soon the demand outstripped available venues and inflation was invented.....with inflation then came volleyball, football, and basketball soon became the rage and bats & sticks had competition for the for the shells, sheckles, and metal bits of the fan base......Og and Ug went on to franchise sports entertainment as we now know it......Alley was never any good at sports - one day he was in his cave scratching his balls when his brother Harvey stubbed his toe on the donut shaped rock and asked Alley if he could have it......

Harvey Firestone eventually figured it out ..... and as they say - the rest is history.......

Edited by pgrahmm
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