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Was thinking about Racism here, but is it that bad really?


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Double pricing can be bare faced racism. I understand it when it is somewhere like the Royal palace or a park. Thias should be encouraged to visit these as it is part of the heritage. I do not mind double pricing in this situation.

When Asiatique charges one price for Thai and one price for farang, it is bare faced racism. I recommend anybody I know not to visit Asiatique.

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I am equally concerned with the increasingly hostile attitude towards Americans especially as evidenced on the editorial page of the Bangkok Post. I frequently encounter it in pubs especially if i wear a shirt with the American flag on it. A lot of it seems to come from Brits. I will heartily agree however that the US criticism of the military takeover was and remains ill-advised. The USA has done some good things but very little under the current administration.

not to hijack this thread but while U.S. actions on the world stage are always hotly debated - I will accept that this administration has not been perfect; however, i much prefer their overly analyzed responses to the invasion of Iraq by the previous administration and the war in Vietnam to go further in history.

I wish the United Nations would play a stronger roll in being the world's policeman bevause I don't think the U.S. should.

As for racism, it is definitely a basic instinct to surround yourself with similar people who have similar language and customs; however, the world is far more interesting when you embrace the diversity of the world and its peoples.

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mate, unfortunately racism is rife in every country, there are always "red necks" no matter what country you go to but to be honest what throws me here is when I am out with my thai wife and you get some thais(usually older women/men)that simply give you dagger looks purely because you are with a thai or should I say because you are married to a thai, its as if they think they are a cut above "farangs" and you have no right to be here. Strangely I have never noticed this sort of thing elsewhere, its usually more to do with where you are from than who you are with.

There are groups of Thais as well as westerners that think every Thai woman with a farang is/was a prostitute. Somethings are not what they seem.

That is not racism.

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I am equally concerned with the increasingly hostile attitude towards Americans especially as evidenced on the editorial page of the Bangkok Post. I frequently encounter it in pubs especially if i wear a shirt with the American flag on it. A lot of it seems to come from Brits. I will heartily agree however that the US criticism of the military takeover was and remains ill-advised. The USA has done some good things but very little under the current administration.

please inform me of the good things?

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I think racism is mostly only based upon superficial information. For example, political disagreements between 2 countries can generate a kind of underling hatred for the opposing nation purely because it is in the press, and this can extend to personal dislike. But I find that the vast majority of people from everywhere don't really care that much about these things.

I also believe that although sometimes there may become apprehension when 2 people meet from "clashing" countries people generally judge the person in the end.

It may sound a bit "fluffy" to some but I find that most people are decent and respond in the same way to being civil and polite no matter where they (or you) are from.

So, no real need for the OP to post this question. Just get on with it, treat people with some human decency and all will be well. For the very few who do display any kind of hatred towards you despite your civilised manner just write them off and ignorant and stupid and move on.. In other words don't give it any thought..

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Its unlikely to see a black teacher in the schools here. All the ad models and soap stars are porcelain white. All the supermarket's stock whitening products. You can even buy whitening underarm deodorant. Ask most ladies do they like brown skin and you'll understand why they don't go to the beach much. And I don't think its anything to do with danger of over exposure to ultra violet.

Edited by Davyro
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Its unlikely to see a black teacher in the schools here. All the ad models and soap stars are porcelain white. All the supermarket's stock whitening products. You can even buy whitening underarm deodorant. Ask most ladies do they like brown skin and you'll understand why they don't go to the beach much, and I don't think its anything to do with danger of over exposure to ultra violet. Is it racism ?

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I am equally concerned with the increasingly hostile attitude towards Americans especially as evidenced on the editorial page of the Bangkok Post. I frequently encounter it in pubs especially if i wear a shirt with the American flag on it. A lot of it seems to come from Brits. I will heartily agree however that the US criticism of the military takeover was and remains ill-advised. The USA has done some good things but very little under the current administration.

please inform me of the good things?

In the last six years, they've invaded nations, with troops on the ground, zero times. The only boots on the ground have delivered humanitarian aid. They, along with other Western nations, are aiding Iraqis and fighting ISIS at Iraq's request.

If this is still on topic -- nation-ism? -- please inform us of the major foreign policy disputes that the UK, France, Germany, Australia, etc. have had with the U.S. during this period.

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I agree whole heartedly with the OPs last paragraph that farangs are more racist. In some ways nobody really cares if they are red necks in their own part of the woods...but i absolutely abhor the ones who come here and think they are not racist simply because they have a Thai wife whilst constantly complaining about lazy Thais who can't be bothered to learn English, or ask "why are THEY oh-so-not-like-civilised-us". Just read Thaivisa to see the type of comments about Thais, Indians, Chinese. Some white folk take great offense when the brown natives don't behave.

I would never ask a Thai person to read thaivisa for fear that some of the offensive views expressed may somehow be attributed to me.

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I agree whole heartedly with the OPs last paragraph that farangs are more racist. In some ways nobody really cares if they are red necks in their own part of the woods...but i absolutely abhor the ones who come here and think they are not racist simply because they have a Thai wife whilst constantly complaining about lazy Thais who can't be bothered to learn English, or ask "why are THEY oh-so-not-like-civilised-us". Just read Thaivisa to see the type of comments about Thais, Indians, Chinese. Some white folk take great offense when the brown natives don't behave.

I would never ask a Thai person to read thaivisa for fear that some of the offensive views expressed may somehow be attributed to me.

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I agree whole heartedly with the OPs last paragraph that farangs are more racist. In some ways nobody really cares if they are red necks in their own part of the woods...but i absolutely abhor the ones who come here and think they are not racist simply because they have a Thai wife whilst constantly complaining about lazy Thais who can't be bothered to learn English, or ask "why are THEY oh-so-not-like-civilised-us". Just read Thaivisa to see the type of comments about Thais, Indians, Chinese. Some white folk take great offense when the brown natives don't behave.

I would never ask a Thai person to read thaivisa for fear that some of the offensive views expressed may somehow be attributed to me.

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The first time in Thailand it’s hard to know if Thais are racist, or if it’s just a culture thing, but with time….

My experiences are that Thais are racist.

They will tolerate us for personal gain and that’s the end of it.

And many won’t even do that. Just react like you are invisible.

And a very small amount will show you clearly they don’t like you.

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Thais react mostly to foreigners behaviour and almost every time one of my Thai friends or my wife says something along the lines of "-stupid foreigner" or "-Such a low class idiot" I find myself agreeing with them.

There are tons of rude, obnoxious foreigners in this country giving us all a bad name.

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Was talking to a older woman (English pensioner) the other day and was with my T/g/f 42 years of age not a young chicken but well preserved as Thai ladies are, and the subject of my other marriages came up one for 13 years and the other for 32 years both ended badly with the wife playing up, I mentioned that now I have had a Asian girl friend I would never contemplate going with a Caucasian again, her reply for all to hear was " well if you prefer a bought one that's up to you" I held my tongue for the sake of others around the room

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I have a black friend in Bangkok who told me he was shocked to hear the way Thais were talking about him right in front of him after he started taking Thai language lessons. They didn't think he could understand what they were saying and were some of the rudest people on earth. These were not isolated events, they happened quite frequently. Sad, really . . .

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During my days in Bangkok I was more often than not embarrassed and flattered, when I eavesdropped on those I suspected were talking about me. I enjoyed returning the favor by smiling, winking or even saying thank you as I left. Their look of horror and embarrassment was priceless. Perhaps things have changed that much over the years but if they have I choose to stick to my memories.

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Nothing like Ferguson, MO.

Yes, indeed - the racism of the black population of Ferguson towards whites, even when the evidence clearly shows that Michael Brown attacked the white police officer, shattered an orbital socket in his skull, and was charging heads-down to try and tackle the white police officer (after already having tried to grab the white police officer's gun and causing it to go off, is quite shocking.

The fact that the black population of Ferguson - plus outside agitators who've shown up for the fun - keep insisting that the white police officer be drawn and quartered, that he doesn't even deserve an investigation or a trial, that they prefer someone who was clearly a drunken, violent thug over a police officer defending himself because the thug was black and the police officer was white, shows that racism is alive and well in Ferguson.

The fact of the matter is that the black population of Ferguson are extremely racist and biased against whites, and seem likely to remain so for the foreseeable future.

Just not the particular flavor of racism you and others with no knowledge of the actual situation, nor regard for the facts, pretend to decry.

Where did you get your "facts", from Fox News? Or was it from Rush Limbaugh?

Believe it or not, it is finally coming fro themainstream American media.

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The country people in any country are a little bit racists, probably because they are a bit more simple minded.

Not everyone here at Thai Visa can claim to be "country people" and use that for an excuse for being simple minded. For many of them this is the first time they've been more than 10 miles from where they were born and to them the term "foreigner" meant anyone not of their hue. Being called a foreigner is a new experience for them and not one they can get their little minds around easily.

Some farang seem to antagonize locals and the sort who spend most of their time in bars tend to excel at annoying people. The reactions to them may seem like racism, but it's mainly just a response to oafish, cloddish behavior.

The term farang is no more racist than labeling someone a European or Caucasian. It can be used negatively in some contexts when lumping together all oafish clods as farang, but then in most bar settings that would seem to be a fairly accurate & reasonable conclusion to leap to.

If you stay in one locale long enough, the people you see and meet regularly will think of you as an individual rather than as one indistinguishable member of the farang tribe. Whether they think of you individually in a positive or negative way will depend on how you treat people. People, whether Thai or farang, will usually treat you according to the way you treat them. What goes around comes around, which is a surprise to many people.


I live in one of those redneck villiages as my wife and I have for 5 years now. I am treated with just as much respect as the next door neighbor, if I had one. I chose to build 1.5 km aout of the villiage. I do like my privacy and they respect it. My only wish is that I could communicate with them on an even level.

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I have a black friend in Bangkok who told me he was shocked to hear the way Thais were talking about him right in front of him after he started taking Thai language lessons. They didn't think he could understand what they were saying and were some of the rudest people on earth. These were not isolated events, they happened quite frequently. Sad, really . . .

I was t a Telewiz booth in Pattaya and witnessed a black American talking to one of the staff in probably some of the best Thai I ever heard a a farang speak. He then turned to his friend (not American) and said, She says your phone is facking facked and you need to go to Apple and tell them to repair the facking thing. I wonder how that went over with the Thai staff.

There are some English words that are known everywhere in the world.

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Well some Thai's do make comments towards blacks, but really that is nothing compared what happens to blacks in some western countries lol

Thai's don't have gangs that beat up black people or anything like that.

It is a different type of racism here, mostly verbal only which in my opinion is very light racism.

Plus a lot of idiots here do give us a bad name, seeing guys talk shit about the women and getting drunk and trashing the place, I am sure it makes some Thai's think we are <deleted>.

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Double pricing is not only in Thailand there are in other countries as well for example India, Venice. In India there is different price for tourist if they want to visit for example Taj Mahal. In Venice everything is more expensive for tourist than local people. They have two menu in the restaurant one for local and the other which is called Menu De Turisto. Even bus tickets are more expensive for a local cost 1 Euro and tourist 14 Euro. What you see in Thailand is not racism, they just charging Thai people less or in India less for Indian because they can not afford to pay high prices. But just look at what you get in Thailand for the price. A city tour in Copenhagen for 2 hours and they just show you couple of places cost you around 2000 Baht but in Thailand a visit to any attraction that take almost 5 hours will cost you not more than 800 Baht.

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This topic took a turn to Black verses White issue. Let make this very clear most Blacks are racist's period while a lot of white's are racist's. But look at it like this If a white beats up and Black guy it is called a hate crime but the other way around it not called a hate crime explain that one to me. Also If in a white environment a white guy and black guy fight the whites will tend to watch. But if it is reversed the blacks will jump in in and attack the white guy. I guess it is because in a fair fight a white guy will win. But then again most whites fear blacks, then there are those of that just don't care the like myself if fight is fair I don't step in but if it becomes unfair then game on don't like at man's color look at what's right or wrong. 2 or more on one wrong. I judge people not on color but on how they treat me. Show me respect get same back. I try to respect all till showed otherwise.

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there is a difference between racism and ethnocentrism. Racism berates the other race and treats the other race in a negative fashion. It is in your face. I have not experienced that in my three years here. I have gone everywhere and attended the temple many times. i have always felt welcome. I am a very generous person.

I have seen no signs saying " Whites not allowed. " "Section for faring seating " " Whites need not apply for jobs here " " Toilets for foreigners" I have not seen any white ghettos. Farang and Thais mix freely on beaches or anywhere else.

Ethnocentrism is when people think there own race is superior and they do things to promote their own race and culture without outwardly negative consequences to foreigners.

Signs of that in Thailand -- No foreigners can become citizens. foreigners are charged different rates at various facilities. Even the Thai wife seems to take pleasure in this whilst secretly believing that his is just and that thais are somehow superior. Thais refuse to learn another language believing their language to be superior. Even the thai wife excludes me from conversations although she can interpret. She likely thinks it is not important for me to know and that it is trivial. Having there own number system although the rest of the world has only one. Having secret rules - such as rules of the road. The foreigner is always wrong in any accident.

These things are rare in my country but I have sometimes witnessed racist acts by fellow citizens. These are usually low class - no class people looking to find someone lower than them in the pecking order.

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During my days in Bangkok I was more often than not embarrassed and flattered, when I eavesdropped on those I suspected were talking about me. I enjoyed returning the favor by smiling, winking or even saying thank you as I left. Their look of horror and embarrassment was priceless. Perhaps things have changed that much over the years but if they have I choose to stick to my memories.

If you do not know the language just say " jing la " ( really ) and that should change their language somewhat. Or you could agree with them and say ' Jing jing " . You can fool a lot of Thais this way.

They will ask you how long you have lived here. have a large number ready in Thai - " Sam sip pi " Tell them you have " si mia noi and sip lu. " It has better effect if you say in front of " mia de. " Thai ladies like being called "tirak " and asked to " joop joop "

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there is a difference between racism and ethnocentrism. Racism berates the other race and treats the other race in a negative fashion. It is in your face. I have not experienced that in my three years here. I have gone everywhere and attended the temple many times. i have always felt welcome. I am a very generous person.

I have seen no signs saying " Whites not allowed. " "Section for faring seating " " Whites need not apply for jobs here " " Toilets for foreigners" I have not seen any white ghettos. Farang and Thais mix freely on beaches or anywhere else.

Ethnocentrism is when people think there own race is superior and they do things to promote their own race and culture without outwardly negative consequences to foreigners.

Signs of that in Thailand -- No foreigners can become citizens. foreigners are charged different rates at various facilities. Even the Thai wife seems to take pleasure in this whilst secretly believing that his is just and that thais are somehow superior. Thais refuse to learn another language believing their language to be superior. Even the thai wife excludes me from conversations although she can interpret. She likely thinks it is not important for me to know and that it is trivial. Having there own number system although the rest of the world has only one. Having secret rules - such as rules of the road. The foreigner is always wrong in any accident.

These things are rare in my country but I have sometimes witnessed racist acts by fellow citizens. These are usually low class - no class people looking to find someone lower than them in the pecking order.

You are of course wrong about foreigners not being able to become citizens.

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