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Hey Guys,

I'm hoping someone in the TV community can shed some light on what might be the problem I am having with my Maige service.

I bought in to the Maige service last March. Went on the official Maige site in China and purchased the HD2 box. Received and working in about a week including delivery times. From March until about 3 weeks ago the system worked well on my TOT adsl line here in Banchang, Rayong. Most speed tests give me anywhere from about 2.5 to 5 MB speeds to Hong Kong or Bangkok.

Channel reception and picture quality was very good.

About 3 weeks ago I switched on the box and tuned to a channel as usual but although the box gave me a menu ad home screen and choices when I pick either VOD or channels it appears to be trying to bring in the signal/picture but nothing. Back out and try another choice and same thing.

I contacted the support folks via chat and email and they have tried to help but the woman online answering questions just was of no real help. I am at a loss as to what is wrong here. The box is a legal Maige box and as I say up to 2 weeks ago worked well. The support for this "weird" issue is almost non-existent. All they could ask was to send them a photo from the screen of the box MAC number.

Just to see if my modem and connection was an issue I took my box to a friend's house and plugged in to his TOT line and TV. The box returned the same results. My next test will be to find a friend on another ISP such as True or 3B and give it a try.

If someone has a working Maige box from China I would be happy to talk directly to you for any input. Or if any of you have IPTV networking experience chime in too

I do not believe the local internet is a problem but have no way to find out

Anybody out there with some knowledge on this please feel free to jump in here.



p.s. I will add one more tidbit of detail here. In the go around with support they said maybe my box has a problem so they made a special offer to upgrade me to the new HD2S box for 59 USD. bit on this and they sent me a new box. Received by DHL in 2 days and plugged in last Friday. Got this box activated in a few hours and guess what? Same problem now on this box. So far an email to the nice lady at support has gone unanswered.

edit spelling errors


Sorry to hear about your problem,I would never ever buy another box

or dish again,over the years have bought several and they have all

ended up as paper weights,there is no need to buy boxes now,they

are not cheap,and after you have handed over your money you are

more or less on your own.

I use ilikeHD,has all the channels you could ever need,stream from

PC ,i have several Nettop pcs,with HDMI connections which i plug

into my Tv,IlikeHD app is on my browser,works very well,and total

cost THB 500,p.m. ,pay monthly,don't want to use for a few weeks

no problem,just buy THB 500 True money at 7/11,enter the code

and away you go again,so the most you could ever loose is THB500,

which is a lot better than paying 1000s for the box ,just to have it

fail,or they change the system .

regards Worgeordie


I had the same problem as you so i contact the seller in Thailand who gave more good info that did fix my problem and he also say that maige tv com website is not official maige tv and only a reseller agent in china the official MAIGE TV website is listed at maigetv.tv very clear goto agents select china

Anyway my problem we nealry same you he said Official maige tv are blocking cheap resellers selling outside china you maybe affected by this

he tell me go into the network menu and change from auto server to ( Global ) and also take off DCHP and enter dns

This fixed my problem it might work for you

I hope this help or try contact the thai sellers they might help you


I had the same problem as you so i contact the seller in Thailand who gave more good info that did fix my problem and he also say that maige tv com website is not official maige tv and only a reseller agent in china the official MAIGE TV website is listed at maigetv.tv very clear goto agents select china

Anyway my problem we nealry same you he said Official maige tv are blocking cheap resellers selling outside china you maybe affected by this

he tell me go into the network menu and change from auto server to ( Global ) and also take off DCHP and enter dns

This fixed my problem it might work for you

I hope this help or try contact the thai sellers they might help you

Thanks for the info.

Who are the Thai sellers you have contacted?


I had the same problem as you so i contact the seller in Thailand who gave more good info that did fix my problem and he also say that maige tv com website is not official maige tv and only a reseller agent in china the official MAIGE TV website is listed at maigetv.tv very clear goto agents select china

Anyway my problem we nealry same you he said Official maige tv are blocking cheap resellers selling outside china you maybe affected by this

he tell me go into the network menu and change from auto server to ( Global ) and also take off DCHP and enter dns

This fixed my problem it might work for you

I hope this help or try contact the thai sellers they might help you

Good info Chewie, thanks. I will give that settings idea a try later today.

Yes, now after looking at the maigeTv.com web site I see they actually say they a the largest authorized re-seller for Maige in China. I want to believe they are on the up and up and you may be right that I am possibly caught up in the blocking of some illegal boxes.

I still have not been answered on my latest emails to support now 4 days.


Chewie, tried the setting change but no luck. Same problem.

I heard from the lady at the support site. She suggested changing from the PAL setting to NTSC,,,,,,,,,,,,I did this and no change.

We are going to try a Skype call soon so she can actually see the screen and what I say is going on at the time.

They don't ever mention talking to the real Maige engineers related to if my account is somehow being blocked in the sweep they did recently.

She just seems to "scratch" her head and say "We never see this problem"

I believe there is something going on at their end that is not allowing the video to be sent to me



I ask satellitetvthailand today he say problem when you buy from china they are not tested before shipping as he say they state clear on there websites in china no activated ( so they cannot test ) if its not activated . He did say try shut down your PC and anything else on your network maybe very possible you could have a friewall blocking ? Also forget to PAL and ntsc that is rubbish will have nothing to do with loading channel list you can also confirm that by unplug hdmi and connect with normal rf lead to tv .

Also restart your router moodem and reboot maige box / also there was a firmware update recently that may have caused some problem or this is just a GEO problme ask them to recheck your activation ?

Also try connect with Wifi usb it could be possible a faulty lan card inside box

If all fails take to a friends house connect to his network and if same there then for sure faulty box or geo problem

then you must send back to china ( make sure you EMS ) OR PARCEL MAY GO MISSING about 900 baht to send back

hope this helps



Thanks for the suggestions. I have tried most of the things you talk about. Nothing changes .

My next try will be to take to a friends house who has 3BB adsl

I do not think the box is a problem. This started on the first HD2 box about a month ago. Then with the one time good deal they offered to upgrade my box to the HD2S for 59 USD. I got this box and still have the same problem.

I think it is either a TOT/internet issue or they have my account screwed up in the system somewhere.

I get no real help from their support people,,,so far anyway.

But thanks for the info


You could always ask them for refund / that might fix your box very fast maybe that chinese seller will work wondwers for you then lol

Are you chinese ? i just wonder since you buy Maige Tv

I buy the New Super English from satellitetvthailand i must say its much better than maige tv no crazy japense or chinese channels just pure english channels 135+ of english inc all astro channels and skynets sports and the new model is andriod based so you can add your own apps like thai tv ork uk expatv and skype twitter and also is a all in one pc much better valure than maige tv .

I made the same mistake to buy maige tv since of all the good reports abut it but satellitetvthailand say to me are you chinese or english i say why he say well why you buy chinese when we sell a English iptv box hence why its called super english iptv lol made me think for 5mins

The problem is with your box and old box also esp with that chinese supplier maige tv also did have legal problem with hong kong so they remove the hk channels remeber its pirate not official product

  • Like 1

I buy the New Super English from satellitetvthailand i must say its much better than maige tv no crazy japense or chinese channels just pure english channels 135+ of english inc all astro channels and skynets sports and the new model is andriod based so you can add your own apps like thai tv ork uk expatv and skype twitter and also is a all in one pc much better valure than maige tv .

It says 90 channels and I don't see Astro.

Have you got a link that describes the above?


Time to post an update to my Maige box issue.

The tech support I was dealing with has kept insisting I have a network issue and i was not convinced until today.

Today I took the Maige box over to a friends house. He has 3BB broadband at his place. Not sure if the 10mb or 13mb package but nevermind. Connected the Maige box powered all up and what do you know the box worked flawlessly. In fact in the 6 months I have the box I never saw it connect so fast to a channel or on demand movie. Literally in seconds. And a beautiful picture too.

Now as I said in the beginning I had a working box until a month or so ago when my TOT dsl stopped. After a service call to the help desk and a reset from their end my connection has never been the same. I need to reset my modem at least twice a day as things just get so slow I cannot connect to some sites. So with this new test I am now sure there is some issue with my dsl line somewhere in the TOT system. How I would convince them they have a problem is another matter. For added info I am in a rural area of Ban Chang and the dslam is at the farthest point I can be and get 6mb services. At least thats what they tell me in the local TOT office. Sometime in the near future they are bringing in fiber cables to the area they say. 3BB maybe be in the area for my village early next year too

Is anyone reading this on Maige with a TOT dsl line? If so what package and how well is your box working?

More to come I'm sure


Time to post an update to my Maige box issue.

The tech support I was dealing with has kept insisting I have a network issue and i was not convinced until today.

Today I took the Maige box over to a friends house. He has 3BB broadband at his place. Not sure if the 10mb or 13mb package but nevermind. Connected the Maige box powered all up and what do you know the box worked flawlessly. In fact in the 6 months I have the box I never saw it connect so fast to a channel or on demand movie. Literally in seconds. And a beautiful picture too.


More to come I'm sure

Thank you for this important update.


I think I need to ask a few questions of you experts about internet and Maige IPTV and how to approach a resolution of this problem with TOT.

Now that I am convinced it is a TOT issue I need to get them to understand the problem.

My understanding of how MaigeTV works. A good reliable internet connection must be available with a minimum speed of about 2.5mb. When the Maige box is connected and switched on th first thing it does is validate a network connection and if connected it attempts to send a connect to the global server. If the server responds the box and server now complete a validation and if valid the server will send service data back to the box. If all is normal within a minute or less the user gets the main menu screens on the box and is free to pick what they want to watch. A channel or VOD is clicked and again within seconds the server sends down that channel data(program/movie).

In my case I get to the point of the menus and channel choices but when I click a channel the screen only shows the looping icon implying it is connected and waiting for the program data. In my case it(picture)never comes. When I test the box at my friends house(3BB system) the entire process took less than a minute and only seconds when changing channels.

So the question becomes where is the problem? More important how do I show TOT this problem? It definitely is TOT as the box worked a month ago. It is not in my system as the same problem exits at my neighbors house, he also has TOT with a TOT supplied modem.

Does anyone out there use the MaigeTV HD2S box on a TOT line? If so where are you and how good is your "reception"?

My ADSL service works and works pretty good except for these slow downs I experience now. Something happened a month or so ago that caused this problem. I believe it is related to an international connection issue but being a end user and not technical about this I cannot be certain. Maybe related to a local Rayong system issue too I suppose as my neighbors system has the same results as me.

I wish I could switch providers but ain't happening anytime soon


Hi I had a similar problem with my HD2S box when I was initially setting it up. Tried for hours and could not get it to play then on the off chance I decided to plug in an old d-link modem I had hanging around rather than the modem supplied by true and what do you know it worked perfectly.

Hasn't missed a beat since switching to the d-link modem.


I don't have a spare/extra modem but I have considered asking a friend if they can loan me theirs. In effect I have tried another modem by going to my neighbor's TOT system and using his modem. As I say the only way I can get it to work is using 3BB modem system.

If I can get my hands on another modem I will definitely give it a whirl just to satisfy another test.

  • 2 weeks later...

Time for an update on this topic.

Went in to Banchang to a friend's place who has TOT Fiber 2U business line. Package is 20mb down/ 2mb up. Connected my Maige HD2S box to his system and wahla works like a charm on his line. Flawless in my opinion. Channels switched within seconds and picture perfect.

I am still having connection and speed issues with my home line that requires a restart of the modem a few times a day as the speed deteriorates. I have stopped trying to get the Maige box online as I know now TOT in the Phala area has some problem. I just have not figured how to show them(TOT) and convince them to fix it. I do not know anyone else in the area except for my Swedish neighbor with TOT and I know his line has the same problem with the Maige box. Next week a German friend will be back and I can try his line.


Foreign seller of Magie TV boxes in Thailand is a con and is lieing, no blocking is going on, I bought my box from China almost one year ago, the only issue I had was when I brought the box to Pattaya and had same issue as you, video would not play at all but figured something was wrong with the Internet, called 3BB they came to fix it, a lose wire in the phone box, magie TV worked great after that. Do not believe that white con in Thailand, the box is mainly for Chinese expats living outside of China so what he is saying is crap.

I have 3BB fiber in Bangkok and the lowest 3BB ADSL 9 MB in Pattaya, both work flawless, I am watching now in Bangkok.

  • 1 month later...

Well now several months have gone by and several things have happened related to the Maige Tv system I have since March 8,2014. I opened this topic because of an operational issue that seemed like maybe a Maige thing. Turns out TOT was having big issues in my area and this was the main fault. After going round and round with Maige support and them giving me a one time good deal on the newest Maige box for 50 dollars. received it and still had the same troubles. AS I said TOT finally fixed the issue and now the Maige box works.

I tried the Maige TV to see what its all about and if I would like it enough to keep the service. I have decided to not renew the subscription when it comes due in March 2015. I will stick with the Ilike HD TV system offered here in Thailand. Between my torrent downloads and the Ilike TV this is all I need.

So if anyone is interested in a brand new Maige HD2S box with a sub good till March 7, 2015 drop me a PM and lets deal.

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