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If you like old people you are in the right place. More than 50% of Thailand's population will be over 65 by 2050. In Japan 70% will be over 65. So for the Japanese 50 years old is going to seem young.

I was reading an article "Let Me Tell You About The Future"
By Tommaso

All you guys who like old folks, think about Thailand with 50% of the Thai population over 65 years of age. They are going to need ambulances out side of every go go for the dancers not the customers.


Edited by thailiketoo
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The sad thing about an aging population is that all that skill and knowledge is wasted due to aegist policies that force them into retirement or make it very difficult to get a job. Seems that no one wants older people despite 60 being only middle aged nowadays.

Now correct at 15% of the population over 65. When they become the majority 30 years from now things will change. Also I imagine half the country's labor force will not be Thai. I guess that's why it's so important for Thai women to start having more children now. Save the country have more than one baby.

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In my view the median age of bargirls over the last decade has increased in the order of 10 years.

Well....so are you - maybe when you were younger they just looked younger......with the crowd they hang with it ages someone pretty quickly - even with those stunning beautiful Thai genes that help women look younger for decades.....

One thing I've noticed is gals have started to adopt a "western culture" attitude with wearing more make up - on that beautiful Thai skin it actually detracts instead of enhancing......I'm sure it would be a losing battle trying to convince them of that......

Edited by pgrahmm
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OP ... a chart reference would have been appropriate.

But assuming that the cart is Kosher ... I'm thinking Aged Care Homes will be a growing business, even though the majority of Thai Parents will be cared for by the kids ... the industry will be a growth one.

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OP ... a chart reference would have been appropriate.

But assuming that the cart is Kosher ... I'm thinking Aged Care Homes will be a growing business, even though the majority of Thai Parents will be cared for by the kids ... the industry will be a growth one.

From what I hear the industry is experiencing explosive growth. So my wife tells me. Although she/we have plans to use the family to do the same thing; trading a part of my income/pension for care. Her family has experience as her father as the result of a spinal injury was not able to walk for many years.

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At age 80 plus a youngster is anything from 20 to fifty, at my present age 20 to 35. It's just a term, that probably is too ambiguous for this forum. I used Lao because according to the chart posted by 2050 Lao and the Philippines will have the youngest population in South East Asia, for me 20 is a little young, I would prefer around 25 to 35, but I just enjoy the eye candy and a bit of conversation and at age 99, I probably won't be able to see the eye candy.

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At age 80 plus a youngster is anything from 20 to fifty, at my present age 20 to 35. It's just a term, that probably is too ambiguous for this forum. I used Lao because according to the chart posted by 2050 Lao and the Philippines will have the youngest population in South East Asia, for me 20 is a little young, I would prefer around 25 to 35, but I just enjoy the eye candy and a bit of conversation and at age 99, I probably won't be able to see the eye candy.

Whole new business Braille Go Go's.

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The OP wrote "More than 50% of Thailand's population will be over 65 by 2050". Please try reading the graph. The ratio is that of people 65 or over to those aged 15 to 64. Assuming a uniform age distribution under 65, that means 100% * 50 / (30 + 100) + 50), i.e. 28% of the population.

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At age 80 plus a youngster is anything from 20 to fifty, at my present age 20 to 35. It's just a term, that probably is too ambiguous for this forum. I used Lao because according to the chart posted by 2050 Lao and the Philippines will have the youngest population in South East Asia, for me 20 is a little young, I would prefer around 25 to 35, but I just enjoy the eye candy and a bit of conversation and at age 99, I probably won't be able to see the eye candy.

No need to justify your position. Some are always looking for an excuse to see criminality where none exists, especially when it involves sex.

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