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retirement extension.

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I have done my retirement extension 5 times.

Each time i have been asked to show proof of 65,000 Baht per month for 3 months in a thai bank account.

I have many friends that do not even have a thai bank account.

They just show the letter of income from their Embassies AS I DO TOO.

My question is if i do not have the proof to show what would happen, would they cancel my extension and if so can i appeal.

Thank you in advance for your answer.

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Income is shown with papers from the tax office in case of being from within Thailand or with a letter from your embassy in case of coming from abroad. There is no requirement to receive 65,000 baht a month in bank account in Thailand. (Which would be before tax).

Although immigration does normally want to see a bankbook or some recent ATM slips to show that you have money to spent in Thailand.

If your application is denied you have the right to appeal.

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Did they say they want to see Baht 65,000 being deposited per month or did they just ask to see your bank book for the last three months?

I use the embassy letter to report my monthly income which exceeds Baht 65,000 a month, but also give them photocopies from my bank book for the last 3 months or so. Haven't been asked for it, but I just figure it shows that I am bringing money into the country and it is being withdrawn for local expenses so I might as well let them see it. The timing and amount of deposits varies. Not exactly the same each time and not always once a month.

If you have a bank account (or copies of slips for ATM withdrawals from a foreign bank) why would you not want to show them ... is it just because you want to be like all your friends who allegedly don't have bank accounts? Why rock the boat and go looking for problems? Even if you have to make an appeal and win, you're just going to piss off people in the immigrations office you use and you'll have to deal with them as long as you stay wherever it is you're staying.

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I have never had to show that I was bringing money into Thailand. I have just shown immigration that I have over 65,000 baht per month retirement income. That money is deposited in my American bank account.

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My guess is your file history shows you providing bank statement so the immigration officer is just checking the same boxes from the previous year... As was said before don't rock the boat...

I am NOT rocking the boat.

Only wonder why it is different for each person.

Why not one set of rules for ALL.

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Did they say they want to see Baht 65,000 being deposited per month or did they just ask to see your bank book for the last three months?

I use the embassy letter to report my monthly income which exceeds Baht 65,000 a month, but also give them photocopies from my bank book for the last 3 months or so. Haven't been asked for it, but I just figure it shows that I am bringing money into the country and it is being withdrawn for local expenses so I might as well let them see it. The timing and amount of deposits varies. Not exactly the same each time and not always once a month.

If you have a bank account (or copies of slips for ATM withdrawals from a foreign bank) why would you not want to show them ... is it just because you want to be like all your friends who allegedly don't have bank accounts? Why rock the boat and go looking for problems? Even if you have to make an appeal and win, you're just going to piss off people in the immigrations office you use and you'll have to deal with them as long as you stay wherever it is you're staying.

Yes the last three months SHOWING 65,000 Baht per month.

No problem showing the bank book.

It is just a pain to transfer from my overseas account to a Thai one.

AND no i am not wanting to be like my friends.

Just wondering why they DO NOT have to show money in a Thai bank account and i do.

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