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Cruel Teacher Canes 9 Year Old At Pattaya School

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We do not have the whole story, was the last in many cases of not doing/bringing in homework ? While I believe it maybe a little much on the caning.

Having said all that, less us take a look at what is the results of no discipline/self discipline. In the US several years back a certain Doctor said physical discipline was not good for the children. Now 40 years later with have two generations of do whatever, whenever and let Uncle Sugar Support you. Then those idoits elect and re-elect and even bigger idiot as their champion.

I am 79 and have received my fair share of spankings, it taught me respect for others and myself.

An ole Indian adage, "A Canoe like a child is best controlled by paddling at the rear" !!

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Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

Child abuse is never ok. Never ever! The teacher is lucky that it's not my child!

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That is too harsh for not submitting homework. That teacher should go for a meditation class for 2 weeks to de-stress. Handling so many children everyday can make one snap, sooner or later.

Yah, blame it on the kids. How cruel for them to stress out the teachers.


Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

Well I don't want to see it revert to the way it was when I was at school, I would like to think there is a happy median somewhere.

What I would like to see is arrogant yobs given a spell of corporal punishment to lower their self esteem a notch.

The little boy, a child, is just 9 years old! What the hell is wrong with you two abuse supporters?

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We do not have the whole story, was the last in many cases of not doing/bringing in homework ? While I believe it maybe a little much on the caning.

Having said all that, less us take a look at what is the results of no discipline/self discipline. In the US several years back a certain Doctor said physical discipline was not good for the children. Now 40 years later with have two generations of do whatever, whenever and let Uncle Sugar Support you. Then those idoits elect and re-elect and even bigger idiot as their champion.

I am 79 and have received my fair share of spankings, it taught me respect for others and myself.

An ole Indian adage, "A Canoe like a child is best controlled by paddling at the rear" !!

The little boy is 9 yrs old. Go get your eyes tested if you cannot see the picture of the wounds suffered!


This teacher would go to jail in most civilized countries. But Thailand is not on that list.

While i think its over the top for not giving in your homework ,rubbish ,everyone is far to soft these days and the world is going to hell in a handbasket ,just look at schools in the UK (my sister works in education) the kids can do as they please and have no respect whatsoever ,mind you the young generation of teachers are just as bad ,no idea how to teach ,just how to be P.C and left wing.

ps ,i dont think showing a little boys ass in the papers is very good.

that's a massive generalization. My daughter is a sports teacher in Tower Hamlets (a particularly rough part of the country that embraces some of Essex and the East End), she had a tough first year as the kids were unruly and there are 40+ different first languages in the school. Once she got to know them. took them on a trip (for most of them their first) and they got to know her, she has no issues at all, in fact the very opposite, they're protective of her. She left a private school in Hertfordshire to take the job and admittedly for the first year she regretted it. She's in her 4th year now and would change nothing. Just like every industry there are good, bad, lazy and hard working, smart and not so smart. I agree that showing the lad's arse is not good though

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Cop on the right thinks it is just plain hilarious. Of course the boys father is nowhere to be found to defend his son.

maybe the father took the picture?


If my son came home like that after school, I would go to the school and beat the teacher till they begged me to stop.....

so in effect your condoning violence to solve a problem then and your illustrating to your son than violence is permissible and acceptable..?....then your just as bad as the teacher

wink.png and what happens is said teacher also studied Muay Thai or something similar, and beat you until you begged them to stop...surely you would calling the cops crying GBH or something ?

Understand I am not condoning the actions of the teacher, I am not, just making an observation...

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What sort of homework does an art teacher give to the kids that would justify that for not doing it?

I'm all for giving someone a quick slap to make sure they are paying attention, but that is OTT in anyone's books.

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Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

Hello its a 9 year old kid and not some teenager from Mat 4-6.

In regards of your sister, bad luck for her but by your posting it must be the dna of your family. giggle.gif


IMHO:- Corporal punishment on a child, particularly across the bum, is not forgivable! No matter from what era we come from.

Not many Australian males over the age of 60 went through 'Primary School' without receiving the cane across the hand for any number of misdemeanors. I can say I never received it, at all, for not producing homework, that was detention for an hour or so after school which the teacher suffered as much as we did.

The cane did come out (the dreaded Deputy Head master, one Mr Quinlan) for things like fighting, swearing, teacher abuse etc. but the worst of all was when I was caught in the girls toilet looking over a wall. 6 strokes across the left hand 3 days running --- with my parents approval!

Never did that again. Some times it works! The other crap never worried me.


I was surprised that Thai Teacher hit there students . If it was your 9 yr old son how would you feel? I think the teacher needs his ass kicked or use a cane on him. What are the schools coming to 9 yrs old terrable good the Mother when to the Police if she would have just given them 1000-2000 bht they would probably go to talk to the teacher

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I seem to recall that at my school only the headmaster could cane kids, a fearsome creature to us kids, and it would have stopped things getting out of hand by frustrated teachers. I don't think the age has anything to do with it, in the UK you have three year olds strutting around full of their human rights who need to learn that every action has a consequence but very often don't. Parents look for schools that are caring and loving when they should be looking for schools that have a high level of discipline.


Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

A caning across the fingertips such as we received 55 years ago is nothing compared to this brutality.


It really is hard to understand how anyone here can condone that type of punishment. Look at the kid, he has open wounds on his backside. That is not a punishment beating, and yes I had a few as a kid so I know what the marks should look like, he has been brutally assaulted by a sadistic thug. There is no situation that calls for that degree of violence towards a child.

Punishment canings in Singapore and Malaysia are a different matter, and I would probably vote to bring back the cane in the British judicial system to tame some of the cowardly yobs we have roaming the streets. But not on a nine year old.

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Not much interesting. If I had a baht for every time a Catholic Nun yanked me by the hair, threw me over two rows of desks, beat my palms silly with a 3 sided ruler or twisted the skin on my upper arms until they were purple, then I suppose I would be sitting in the First Class section of the cabin on every single flight.

First year in school I got my "Angel Wings Qualification". Literally tossed, head first, over two rows of desks into the steam radiator. Met my first love there. The girl right next to the radiator sat on the floor and cradled me (very closely). Then she put her lips against my shoulder. From that day forward, I became, not only a devout Catholic, but a hard fast heterosexual as well.

Radiator none the worse for wear. (Except I and a few of my buddies would get to class early on a cold winters day to piss on it).

That Church is now a Mosque...believe it or not. Upstate New York. The school is a private English as a second language facility, with many Thai people attending.

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That is too harsh for not submitting homework. That teacher should go for a meditation class for 2 weeks to de-stress. Handling so many children everyday can make one snap, sooner or later.

It is illegal for a teacher to put a hand on a student, including caning. Period. That's the law. The penalty will be worked out or given by a court, but it will be given.



I am not making a judgement here terryp but do you not see the contradiction between your first sentence and your second?

I am not making a judgement either but can you not see the slight difference between an adult viciously attacking a child and an adult striking another adult?

First sentence: I'd put him in ICU

Second sentence: No-one has the right to touch anyone.

Get it now? Or shall I explain the contradiction further? This was not about judgement of right or wrong, that is why I mention that I am not making a judgement.


Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

The child is 9 yrs old you moron, and has wounds = Assault ocassioning actual bodily harm.


well the good thing is your

Speechless I did say it was not right for what he did forgetting his homework but the do good ERS and left wing are killing the country


That is too harsh for not submitting homework. That teacher should go for a meditation class for 2 weeks to de-stress. Handling so many children everyday can make one snap, sooner or later.

It is illegal for a teacher to put a hand on a student, including caning. Period. That's the law. The penalty will be worked out or given by a court, but it will be given.


is it illegal for a parent to put a teacher in ICU, beat him till he cries stop or till he has to drink through a straw ?....rolleyes.gif


Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

Glad to see you are open to discussing opposing viewpoints - it is the mark of an intelligent man.

There was no cane in my school in Canada in the 60s... and somehow, we didn't end up with the same sort of young thugs and crime as in "Great" Britain... perhaps... just perhaps now, you understand, it is some other aspect of social conditioning that is missing in Britain besides the cane that is leading the youth astray...

Maybe they are rebelling against older fascistic ars**oles... who knows, eh?

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