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Cruel Teacher Canes 9 Year Old At Pattaya School

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then how about the police having the power to beat you if you break the traffic laws

I am sure the cheap charlies and balloon chasers would welcome such a move, saves them money....rolleyes.gif

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Hitting someone so badly doesn't instill discipline and responsibility, it just breeds fear and contempt.

And by the way, yes, it is completely illegal, whether you agree with it or not, if you are a teacher, you signed up knowing the rules. So, how about a next crackdown? I bet it's not an isolated incident. I applaud the mother for taking it to the police and not just putting up with crap quietly the Thai way.


This is child abuse...pure and simple...do not try to hide behind the cloak of being a teacher...

Thailand needs to "educate" their teachers in more passive ways to get kids to behave properly in the classroom...

This abusive action would be unacceptable in most civilized societies...


Troll posts, inflammatory posts, vulgar posts and quoted replies to all of them removed.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

I do agree with your post. But that child's buttocks look like they took a severe caning and that looks more like brutality from a bully teacher.

Many of us - including me - had the cane at school and I don't think many of us looked like that afterwards. That teacher needs a lesson himself IMHO.


not doing homework has made many modern northern eu countries very good taget for socialist cirkels.

the dumber we are - the better socialists can control us.

thats why modern schools are not places where you learn - but a container .

that mentality goes all way back to the tale of creation, where Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat

from the tree of knowledge.

SE folks ! the devine knew it - dumb folks are easier to control.

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A parent or teacher who resorts to beating a child instead of "teaching" them right from wrong in a calm and thoughtfull manner, is not fit to either have, or teach children.

So could the same rational be applied to a parent who beats a teacher then ?


If you have to ask that, then I feel sorry for you.

Or maybe, violence is part of your nature, who knows, who cares. I don't.


We do not know the full circumstances maybe the child has tested the teachers patience on other occasions....................two sides to every story-p.s. when I received the cane or other disciplinary actions at school I dare not tell my parents for fear of more punishment whistling.gif

That does not say much for your parents.

What gives you the right to comment upon people you do not know "possum" angry.png


This is a terrible thing to happen to a nine year old. What I cant beleive is the way the Thai police then take a picture of the boy with his trousers down and post it on the internet for all to see.

We do not need to see this !! The story should be enough.

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Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

I will start by beating you and see if that improves the quality of your posting. rolleyes.gifwai2.gif

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The evil of the Thai teacher is only equaled by the evil of some posters.

Looks like child abuse to me, approved of by some TV members.

There is no excuse for beating any child in this way, no matter what they have done.

Suggesting it is a suitable punishment for a 9 year old forgetting to hand in homework is simply monstrous.

You should be ashamed of yourselves!

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I would imagine that many of us in "our age group".......(wait for it)....... had "six of the best" in our time at school......

and it didn't do us much harm (especially on the hands)

but that looks like a "beating".......and a teacher taking out his/her frustration......I don't especially agree with "meditation" for the teacher.....just a good "old fashioned rollicking".....and a reminder that these are somebodies kids......that they are in charge of

So I feel sorry for this little chap

But it is the parents job to make sure that homework is attended to......it is for the childs' own good long-term......maybe the Police should give them a gentle reminder of that fact.........and sort the teacher out

I was never struck in school. Not once, in twelve years. When I was in the fifth grade one day our teacher took a girl out of the classroom and struck her with a ruler. We were totally stunned. That was totally contrary to school policy and possibly against the law at the time. Let's see, fifth grade, that would have been about 1948. Corporal punishment simply was not done at the schools I attended and the teachers learned how to instill discipline without it. Did it well, too. I have heard that this was not true in the parochial (Catholic) schools, where the nuns routinely swatted students.

I'm pretty sure it's against the law here in Thailand. Acceptable punishments are making the student run around the school building twenty or thirty times, or stand on one foot holding a ruler between your teeth for fifteen or twenty minutes. Not caning.


Truman Capote could never recite the complete alphabet. This is how children "learn" thru corporal punishment. The nuns gave me a pass every time because they knew I was bound to brightness. Thank you Mother Superior!


if that was my child the teacher would now be in ICU..

NO ONE has the right to even touch another human being let alone assault and battery leading to ABH...any idiot who says bring back the good old days is deluded, teachers are not there to get some gratification from abusing children

schools worldwide are turning into prisons because idiotic parents dont give a ^%$£....a child of 9 is not going to improve his homework due to a beating he will most probably end up as a rebel against the system

"NO ONE has the right to even touch another human..."

That would include you, yes?

Oh yes.. you do not want to put your hands on me. coffee1.gif


I was sure that somewhere on this thread I'd find someone spouting the caning ideology....I wasn't disappointed.

Sure enough there's someone who will declare that they were caned as a child and it didn't do them any harm.........

REALLY?????? It seems to me that it has turned them into supporters of violence against children!

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not sure if people noticed, but the student in question is a high performer. good gpa, top if his class. teacher was probably just mad that a 9 year old was smarter than him.

as a rule one should only beat the disfunctional, less inteligent and just all around weird kids. because as we all know they add nothing to society, in general, other then posting on TV.


not doing homework has made many modern northern eu countries very good taget for socialist cirkels.

the dumber we are - the better socialists can control us.

thats why modern schools are not places where you learn - but a container .

that mentality goes all way back to the tale of creation, where Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat

from the tree of knowledge.

SE folks ! the devine knew it - dumb folks are easier to control.

Your comments are deeply and unintentionally ironic.

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Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

Word has it that many of those British Schoolboys who got the cane now pay Ladies in Leather Lots of money to give them a "reminder" of how they enjoyed it.

Sorry....just kidding!


Cop on the right thinks it is just plain hilarious. Of course the boys father is nowhere to be found to defend his son.

No evidence of either being true. It would seem the Farang Fantasy Factory is pandering to the wet dreams of the usual cabal of Thai bashers.

The policeman is looking at the other officer and it would be impossible to say what he thinks or of it has anything to do with the plight of the child. And you can't seriously expect every policeman to break down sobbing at each and every case they handle every day.

The mother took the child to see a movie and then to the police when she realized the extent of his injury. She could be a single parent, as might be the case in any country these days or her husband could be at work or at home unaware of the situation. He could very well "defend" his son by visiting the school once he knows what happened.

Your smug leap to smear all concerned with your condescension certainly says something about you.


poor kid there is the cane and common assault, this is ott, i had the cane years ago.from school headmistress, in fact lots of us did, my mate was having a set to with her son, they both got the cane and also those for taking sides, just a sharp sting acros the palm of my hands, but i remember it to this day. no need to whip the kid, if i was his dad i would tie the barsteward down and see how he likes it.


I was never struck in school. Not once, in twelve years..

Amazing to me, another world.

I started off with the strap in Australia, then progressed back in England to regular gym slippers from master and prefects. (Got it every day one term from my form master).

Our physics master used (very rarely) to give the rubber gas tube whcih connected a Bunsen burner.

Head was the only one who gave me the cane.

There was a frosted glass panel in the prefects room door with a hangman's noose visible throught it.

None of this ever really bothered me or anyone else.

It is of course the intention which matters, not the violence (at this low level anyway).

I've got to say as one who came through the pretty rigorous English Grammar School system it's clear the master of this Thai boy lost his temper and went overboard. Or he happens to be a pervert who gets off on this.

There is no excuse for those marks on such a young boy.

This is the whole reason for the little known Buddhist practise of mentally hunting one's anusayas.

Anusayas are something those who wish a refined mind and an advanced state should know about.

They are defined if I remember as "latent traces of negative mental states",

They are the hidden and sometimes subtle would up springs in us which given a triggering event may give rise to unskilful.....and maybe violent, even deadly.....behaviour.

IMO this Buddhist practise would greatly benefit policemen and teachers.

Probably everyone.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app


Years ago when I was a child I received the strap from my principle. Not as severe as this child but I never forgot it and I still harbor resentment towards the man. I've always had a thought in the back of my mind that I would like to confront the a**hole as a grown man and see if he was brave enough to attempt to beat me. Sadly, our paths never crossed and he's probably either dead or too old now for me to do anything to him but I surely would have liked to extract my revenge on him.

I still think of the fact that my parents never did anything about it because it was okay for a teacher to beat a child. What gives a teacher the right to beat a child? What courses do they take in training to prepare them to beat children? If it happened outside the school then he'd be arrested. It is, plain and simple, child abuse.

Throw this guy in jail. That's the only place for an adult that would beat a child.

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I would imagine that many of us in "our age group".......(wait for it)....... had "six of the best" in our time at school......

and it didn't do us much harm (especially on the hands)

but that looks like a "beating".......and a teacher taking out his/her frustration......I don't especially agree with "meditation" for the teacher.....just a good "old fashioned rollicking".....and a reminder that these are somebodies kids......that they are in charge of

So I feel sorry for this little chap

But it is the parents job to make sure that homework is attended to......it is for the childs' own good long-term......maybe the Police should give them a gentle reminder of that fact.........and sort the teacher out

What are you saying exactly? That he should have got caned or not? And the cops should beat up the teacher? And since when is it the police's job to give parents a "gentle reminder" of how to raise their children?

"For his own good"? What nonsense. Did you read the whole story and see the kid's GPA?

Man, the number of reactionary, senile 90-year-olds on this forum never ceases to astonish me.

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Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

yes and cut the heads off people that come from the usa physical violence does not make a bad person good teaching respect does

  • Like 1

I would imagine that many of us in "our age group".......(wait for it)....... had "six of the best" in our time at school......

and it didn't do us much harm (especially on the hands)

but that looks like a "beating".......and a teacher taking out his/her frustration......I don't especially agree with "meditation" for the teacher.....just a good "old fashioned rollicking".....and a reminder that these are somebodies kids......that they are in charge of

So I feel sorry for this little chap

But it is the parents job to make sure that homework is attended to......it is for the childs' own good long-term......maybe the Police should give them a gentle reminder of that fact.........and sort the teacher out

When a child acts up, they need to beat the parents


This is just over the top, what about detention, writing lines ,

Trouble with detention is you've got to have a teacher do extra time supervising it. In my experience the teachers are out the gate at finishing time faster than the students.

Sack the teacher. Charge him with whatever. Make sure he never teaches again and give him 6 of the best and place a picture of his naked buttocks on the Internet for all to see.

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