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Notification of Change of Address refused!

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Don't know (see?) where it happened, but it's same thing in Pattaya/Jomtien.

The one guy I know who tried was told something like:

"No need. You will give us your new address when doing your next 90-days report" wink.png

Yeah I think that's pretty much what happened to me today. Would be nice if right hand was in touch with left hand and could actually have some kind of standard procedure and information across the country... But hey like I say it's all good, we're farangs and that means we have endless time and money!

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Immigration is reluctant to enforce the Immigration Act because it's antiquated and would cause them extra work. Anyway, it's stated in the Act that it's the local police station you should submit the TM.28 to. I bet they wouldn't even know what it is and throw you a curve ball because it says immigration on the form.

Pure 100% TiT.

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Immigration is reluctant to enforce the Immigration Act because it's antiquated and would cause them extra work. Anyway, it's stated in the Act that it's the local police station you should submit the TM.28 to. I bet they wouldn't even know what it is and throw you a curve ball because it says immigration on the form.

Pure 100% TiT.



That; is correct.

You are not supposed to report to the immigration, but to the local police for the area you live in.

However, in Bangkok at least, they have no idea of what they should do with such a form.

In October 2010, when I retired and moved into my Thai girlfriends house to live, neither she or I could find anyone who knew who or where we were supposed to report.

She went to find out who to report my presence to because the law stated that she, as house owner, could be fined if they found an unauthorized alien (me) living in her house.

After 6 months of attempting to find someone who cared, we just gave up on reporting my presence.

Nobody cared.

it's just another TIT (This Is Thailand) moment. You have to learn to be flexible here. Type A's don't do well here.


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Immigration is reluctant to enforce the Immigration Act because it's antiquated and would cause them extra work. Anyway, it's stated in the Act that it's the local police station you should submit the TM.28 to. I bet they wouldn't even know what it is and throw you a curve ball because it says immigration on the form.

Pure 100% TiT.

Several years ago I did, they filled it out and stapled the receipt into my passport, next time at Immigration they looked at it, took it out and thru it into the trash.

TM 28

Edited by nputman
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It does not surprise me at all that they did not want it.

I have been saying all along not to worry about it. Unless asked for it don't bother to try.

so you are saying people should willingly break the law?

No ..... (deep sigh ) ... What ubonjoe is suggesting is that sometimes, and in the case of this ruling, you inform the authorities on a 'need-to-know' basis.

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why on earth all this fuss about "aliens MUST report their change of address to immigration"?

Did the capital letters scare you? How long have you been living in Thailand, dude? You didn't really think this would be enforced did you? I bet you're one of these guys who goes around with a laminated copy of his passport.

I do.


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It does not surprise me at all that they did not want it.

I have been saying all along not to worry about it. Unless asked for it don't bother to try.

I was in Nan immigration last week, they basically pushing the TM 28 down my neck. I was there to get single re-entry permit, I was in Nan on holiday and leaving into Laos for a few days. They started copying my passport, getting the forms out and telling me I need to do it and it was a requirement. Then they explained it all to my wife (Thai) that if I was in the province more than 24 hours I need to do this from, now.

We were staying at a guest house, I kept pushing the form back to them, saying the hotel/accommodation is supposed to do it not me. They asked us where we we staying, they started checking, they ask me for a name card of the place (did have one), so they could call. We gave them the name, the finally found the guest house, it wasn't in their listed accommodations for the province.

The place we where staying had never lodged a report with them (open over 2 years), even tough they in the top 3 on TripAdvisor for the region and popular with farangs.

I've said this before, I traveled 154 days and 77 provinces by bicycle and only twice as I asked for my passport during this trip, the reporting is not happening at a hotel level that is for sure. Of course they took my wife ID at all these locations, but it's just much much less paper work than dealing with a overseas passport.

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My TM28 coincided with a 90 Days Report at my new province & was similarly declined.

For my 2nd 90 Days I had to explain why I had not already confirmed my new address with a TM30 (which had been been refused with my TM28) completed by landlord with signed copy of their ID card & rental agreement.

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I tried to report a change of address 2 years ago in Rayong and had the same results although I didn't go back till my retirement/ re-entry permit was up for renewal as I was in/out of the country working all the time.

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Don't know (see?) where it happened, but it's same thing in Pattaya/Jomtien.

The one guy I know who tried was told something like:

"No need. You will give us your new address when doing your next 90-days report" wink.png

If you are a back-packer staying in a guest house, they want to know where you are.

Since I'm on a long-stay visa and reporting every 90 days, when I move to a new address

I report it on my next 90-day report. That's the purpose of 90-day reporting.

It's just common sense -- No reason to get all hung up about it. "Mai ben rai" was the

appropriate response in this case.

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why on earth all this fuss about "aliens MUST report their change of address to immigration"?

Did the capital letters scare you? How long have you been living in Thailand, dude? You didn't really think this would be enforced did you? I bet you're one of these guys who goes around with a laminated copy of his passport.

If you do not like anyones rule or regulation then don't obey it. In Thailand it is what Ubon Joe says, if it is not been enforced, then do not obey it, if it is the UK, then you have two fingers.

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It does not surprise me at all that they did not want it.

I have been saying all along not to worry about it. Unless asked for it don't bother to try.

so you are saying people should willingly break the law?

Thailand is one of those countries where you need to break the law every now and then if you want to get something done.

When in Rome...

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It does not surprise me at all that they did not want it.

I have been saying all along not to worry about it. Unless asked for it don't bother to try.

I was in Nan immigration last week, they basically pushing the TM 28 down my neck. I was there to get single re-entry permit, I was in Nan on holiday and leaving into Laos for a few days. They started copying my passport, getting the forms out and telling me I need to do it and it was a requirement. Then they explained it all to my wife (Thai) that if I was in the province more than 24 hours I need to do this from, now.

We were staying at a guest house, I kept pushing the form back to them, saying the hotel/accommodation is supposed to do it not me. They asked us where we we staying, they started checking, they ask me for a name card of the place (did have one), so they could call. We gave them the name, the finally found the guest house, it wasn't in their listed accommodations for the province.

The place we where staying had never lodged a report with them (open over 2 years), even tough they in the top 3 on TripAdvisor for the region and popular with farangs.

I've said this before, I traveled 154 days and 77 provinces by bicycle and only twice as I asked for my passport during this trip, the reporting is not happening at a hotel level that is for sure. Of course they took my wife ID at all these locations, but it's just much much less paper work than dealing with a overseas passport.

Did you do a travel blog on your experiences cycling Thailand? If you did i would like to read it

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Went to Chaeng Wattana immigration about 10 days ago for the 90 day address report.

Clerk noted that the previous 90 day report was filed in the sticks and wanted to see my change of address to BKK

which I luckily did file previously. She was satisfied with that and I filed the 90 day report.

A guy way ahead of me was turned back and required to fill in the notification of address form before he could submit his 90 day report. So there you have it.

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I too filed TM 28 last week Monday at the local police station in the province of Sakon Nakhon and it took them 3 days to file as the supervisor (Chief of station) wasn't around but after three 3 days he called me on my mobile and said all set and the big guy signed it off. They actually laughed at me that I insisted on it because he told me he knows my address as they have track on every farang. When I asked him how he know he told me Phoo Yai Ban's report foreigners to the nearest police station and he even showed me a photocopy of my passport that expired.

He also asked why I have a 1 year visa Business visa for Cambodia, Myanmar and China so I joked to him that if Thailand doesn't want me one day I have other options. After that of course I told him I am just joking and make my money in those countries and I am semi retired in Thailand.

When I called Immigration in Sakon Nakhon they too told me no need to come over to file TM28.

I still hqve that damn problem with the Amphur who don't want to issue the Yellow Book because he keeps telling me I have to married my lady first but I will do it in Bangkok to save the hassle with that guy. 3 years and still the same story. :)

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"a surly man"...there must be a requirement for one of these guys to be in place in each immigration office...

Luckily for me...there seems to be a gentle kind sole in the same office to balance out the negative aura...

Hate going to immigration...some people there seem to get a real personal rush by frustrating foreigners...just an extra perk for doing a mundane job...

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Don't know (see?) where it happened, but it's same thing in Pattaya/Jomtien.

The one guy I know who tried was told something like:

"No need. You will give us your new address when doing your next 90-days report" wink.png

Not if today was anything to go by. One guy at the desks, took 5 applicants 90 day report paperwork, lined them up so he was able to sign and stamp one after the other, clipped in the next reporting date and gave back the passport to each individual - getting one wrong in the process. Never even looked at the paperwork for each so could have been anything there. As it was I had nothing about my address.............whistling.gif

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