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Arrest warrants for Pian and Prab issued


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According to PW, arrests warrants were issued to these two hooligans as well as many others in Patong. Maybe as I said earlier, NCPO needed more time to gather evidence to secure a warrant. Well done.

People expect everything done asap and when it's not done with haste it's considered a class war against the poor.

I knew it would be done eventually but the tedious work of just removing the encroachers that feel wronged soaks up valuable time.

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It's well past time for these 2 hooligans to be arrested and serve some jail time. But highly unlikely.

I concur, but if there's anyone to make an example out of, it would be these two who have blatantly abused the law. Good to see that 80 or more other "mafia" figures in Patong have also have warrants issued. These guys were so brazen and thought they were above the law, I'm sure collecting evidence by the under cover officers was pretty easy.

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According to PW, arrests warrants were issued to these two hooligans as well as many others in Patong. Maybe as I said earlier, NCPO needed more time to gather evidence to secure a warrant. Well done.

People expect everything done asap and when it's not done with haste it's considered a class war against the poor.

I knew it would be done eventually but the tedious work of just removing the encroachers that feel wronged soaks up valuable time.

According what I heard, there is even more to come, or at least being investigated. All in time and order.

Phuket is set as an example or proof of concept for this new, less corrupted provincial model.

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Just passed the Pisona office in Patong around 09.00 AM. Police and military all over the place. At least 30 or 40 standing outside. Can not say how many inside. Serious raid going on there.

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