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Reality TV show 'Cops' shooting: Cameraman and suspect killed in cruel twist


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Cops shooting: Cameraman Bryce Dion and suspect Cortez Washington killed in cruel twist

OMAHA: -- POLICE officers who opened fire while disrupting a robbery at a fast-food restaurant in the US city of Omaha killed a crew member with the reality TV show Cops as well as the suspect.

In a tragic twist, it’s also been revealed the suspect was armed with a pellet gun police thought was a real handgun, authorities said.

The suspect was armed with a pellet gun and fired on police, who thought it was a real handgun and returned fire, police chief Todd Schmaderer said.

He added witnesses and officers thought the robbery suspect’s Airsoft handgun looked and sounded real, but discovered later that it fires only plastic pellets.

The public information officer with the Omaha Police Department has tweeted pictures from the incident.

The suspect, whom police identified as 32-year-old Cortez Washington, was struck by the officers’ gunfire, but fled outside of the restaurant before collapsing. Officers continued firing on the suspect as he exited the restaurant, and that was when the Cops crew member, 38-year-old Bryce Dion, was also struck, said Schamaderer.

Dion was wearing a bulletproof vest, but a single bullet that hit his arm “slipped into a gap in the vest” and went into his chest, Schmaderer said.
“My concern with my officers is that they are taking this very hard,” Schmaderer said. “Bryce was their friend.” Schmaderer said video captured by the cameraman who was with Dion shows the chaotic situation in the restaurant.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/cops-shooting-cameraman-bryce-dion-and-suspect-cortez-washington-killed-in-cruel-twist/story-fnh81jut-1227039853608

-- News.com.au 2014-08-28

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What a shame. RIP.

Having toy guns that look real is outrageous. If it's a toy it should look like a toy.

From the OP article:

And an Italian Beretta 92FS 9mm of which the Taurus is a poor copy, but both are real guns.

What about this from last week?blink.png

Cops Who Killed John Crawford III At Ohio Walmart Shot Him 'On Sight': Attorney

Surveillance video from an Ohio Walmart shows that a man fatally shot by police earlier this month had his back to officers and was talking on a cell phone, an attorney for the man's family says.

John Crawford III died Aug. 5 after Beavercreek police responded to reports of an armed man at a Dayton-area Walmart. Crawford was not armed -- he had a pellet gun with him, which he had picked up in the store's toy department.


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There seems to be an exponential growth of threads in this forum on American gun tragedies just in the last weekblink.png

Is this the time to say "Guns don't kill people. The police do."?

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While I hate the show "Cops" as it shows just the worst in our (American) culture, the death of the cameraman is a tragedy. No doubt a family is grieving for him and a police officer feels the guilt of accidentally shooting this fellow while defending himself against a criminal.

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The Omaha Police Dept had invited the "Cops" TV show to film to show their professionalism.

This was a re-enactment of a fast food hold up. Is this worse than the nine year old killer? I don't know.

Stupidity reigns.

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There is no such thing as shoot to wound. Idiotic, it will get you killed. It is double tap, center mass and if the perp doesn't go down one to the forehead. We had a name for this, due to the rise in bad guys wearing body armor. I practiced not only in the twice annual qualifing shoots, but on my own. I would shoot at least 1,000 rounds a year. One hopes to never have to shoot, but shit happens and it happens in a split second. The fact is most gunfights take place at around 7 ft. and most officers first realize they are in a gunfight when they are shot, or it used to be. Seems to be shot first, ask questions later now. I have to agree, the police in America are out of control now, a military, occupation troops attitude, where everybody is viewed as the enemy. At least in New Mexico it wasn't that way when I was in. This is a tragic incident and my sympathy to all involved. Like the pictures showed, those pellet guns look too real. Those reality shows are bad, only propaganda for militarization of the police.

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Police seldom wound the people that are trying to kill them or those people desiring to die by the hands of the police.

Correct me if I am wrong.

Am almost sure that wounded suspects can sue policemen for the medical expenses even if suspect is found guilty.

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This is what has become a typical overreaction by police called to the scene of a suspected crime in progress...

I rank calling the police...for protection from crime...right along with staying in a hospital overnight...both could be the death of you...

The new militarized US police force has been taught to shoot to kill first...take statements later...never apologize for killing innocent people...

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It's sort of like a sick comedy.

Don't they, the police marksmen (people), know how to shoot *not* to kill!? There are no "tragic" accidents with guns only fools, cowboys and idiots!

From experience and training, police in the USA are trained to shoot center mass and more recently, the pelvic girdle, due to use of body armor by criminals.

Those with experience, either at a range or in real life, know that it is extremely difficult to hit a "non-vital" area of a human or target when it is moving or stationary.

I would add to the list of "fools, cowboys and idiots", the group of titled "arm-chair experts".

Televison (not refering to the video) is wonderful entertainment, but often does not reflect reality.

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This is what has become a typical overreaction by police called to the scene of a suspected crime in progress...

I rank calling the police...for protection from crime...right along with staying in a hospital overnight...both could be the death of you...

The new militarized US police force has been taught to shoot to kill first...take statements later...never apologize for killing innocent people...

Is this from experience?

Please PM me the name of the police academy that you attended or the law enforcement agency that you have recently worked for. I would live to read the training syllabus or General Order as it pertains to the use of deadly force.

When the bad guys are kicking in your door, or you are involved in a serious accident, perhaps you should consider calling the parks department.

When you are seriously ill or injured, perhaps you should consider going to the automobile repair facility nearest you.

The world is full of experts. Many are without training, experience, credentials or other credible references, other than their opinion or bias. I don't know if this is the case, since I don't know you.

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Police seldom wound the people that are trying to kill them or those people desiring to die by the hands of the police.

Correct me if I am wrong.

Am almost sure that wounded suspects can sue policemen for the medical expenses even if suspect is found guilty.

"Seldom wound people".

I was trained to stop the threat of those trying to kill me or anyone else, not to "kill" them.

Yes, suspects/ criminals can attempt to sue for medical expenses in the USA. The burden seems to be on them to prove that the injury was unlawful and/or unjustified.

Anyone is free to sue for any reason in the USA. It remains to be seen if they are successful, particularly if they were committing a crime or were culpable in their injury.

I'm not a lawyer. Please talk to one for an option.

Edited by Benmart
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It's sort of like a sick comedy.

Don't they, the police marksmen (people), know how to shoot *not* to kill!? There are no "tragic" accidents with guns only fools, cowboys and idiots!

From experience and training, police in the USA are trained to shoot center mass and more recently, the pelvic girdle, due to use of body armor by criminals.

Those with experience, either at a range or in real life, know that it is extremely difficult to hit a "non-vital" area of a human or target when it is moving or stationary.

I would add to the list of "fools, cowboys and idiots", the group of titled "arm-chair experts".

Televison (not refering to the video) is wonderful entertainment, but often does not reflect reality.

Speak you opinion. It's worth just as much as the next person.

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It's not a question of shooting to kill or not these guys were filming Cops TV show.

There must have been some cops there watching the filming then Robocop shows up and starts blasting everyone.

Can you imagine what would have happened if the victims were black?

Should be a great episode to watch.

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We were taught, some of us actually already knew, to only shoot to "stop the action". This only in case of life threatening situation to ones self or others. I'm not sure that rule applies anymore, it seems that "life threatening" is being rather loosely interpreted these days. Admittedly, I've been out of the police business since the mid 90's, times seemed to have changed with the militarization of today's police force in America. I'd love to see some of the self-made experts here on the firing range try to hit the arm, leg, hand etc. of a target while being stressed. I'd bet the shot wouldn't even be on the paper. The masked, armed thugs breaking your door down during the middle of the night are more than likely to be the local "swat" team, at the wrong address these days. On the subject of dogs, you obviously don't know much about the civil rights movement in the south.

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These reality TV shows are the real shame of this story.

I stopped watching "Cops" many many years ago after watching a disturbing episode.

They busted this older man with crack, he was dying of cancer, was living in his car, had no family only his pet dog. The arrogant narcotics cop asked the old man "do you think you have a drug problem?" and then they took his dog. It was the last straw for me on so many levels.

As tragic as it is, maybe now they'll drop the sensationalistic piece of shit show.

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  • 3 weeks later...

since noone has bothered to mention it and simply turned this into a police bashing thread (civilians), the show has been airing/being filmed for 25 years without incident. How many race car drivers have died in that time? How many fans of racing have been hurt or killed? Should we ban racing? How many skiers have died in that time? Should we ban skiing? How many skydivers have died in that time? Should we ban skydiving?

This 1 crewman in 25 years and he wasn't where he was supposed to be having been separated from his cameraman. He was struck by 1 bullet in a shootout in which some asshat was committing 1 of the lowest of crimes and in a fast food restaurant which usually employs "kids" 15-22 who will remain traumatized for the rest of their lives and you people presume to blame the police?!?

It's indeed becoming a sad. sad world we live in.

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To all you armchair experts out there....................... Get out and try it yourself sometime, instead of sitting on your brains and bleating "Should have done this, should have done that."

I'll bet that most of you have had nothing more traumatic happen to you than a puncture and yet you have the audacity to criticise brave people who HAVE seen the sights YOU wouldn't dream happen in your worst nightmare.

My father taught me that "if you don't know what you're talking about, then keep your mouth shut"..............A philosophy some others could do with following.

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