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is it safe to rent a shophouse in phnom phen?


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hi all , is it safe to rent a shophouse in phnom phen?

most of the apartments in the 250-400 usd range i have seen in dauhn phen or makara 7 or riverfront online were shophouses , so i would like to know do these apartments have 24/7 security?

did any one here had any bad experience while living in a shophouse in those areas in phnom phen?

i ask this cause i also read online that poor cambodians steal like crazy.

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There are plenty of apartments in that area in that budget range which aren't shophouses but rather fairly unattractive apartment blocks with shops below. (There is a difference). By and large, security is a huge steel door which padlocks on the inside (these can be a pain in the backside late at night when slightly drunk but are otherwise very secure) and bars on all windows, plus (with just a little luck) razor wire around the balcony (if you have one).

Yes, burglary is rife in Cambodia. Yes, it can be avoided. I've lived in both Siem Reap and Phnom Penh without incident all my time here. Be sensible and try to get on with your neighbours who like thieves about as much as you do and who have far more to lose if the apartments start getting ransacked.

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