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Americans, when your wife applied for her marriage visa, what vaccinations was she required to take?

Had she had previous vaccinations?

Was any attempt made to avoid the vaccinations? If so, what happened?


She received 2 injections. I will try to find the paperwork for specifics. I remember reading you can refuse vaccinations. However they were vague about the consequences. My best guess is that if your refusal is due to Religious beliefs you may be OK.


She received 2 injections. I will try to find the paperwork for specifics. I remember reading you can refuse vaccinations. However they were vague about the consequences. My best guess is that if your refusal is due to Religious beliefs you may be OK.



Per the info from a lawyer, applicants can protest a bit, but waivers are not allowed, even for religious reasons, because they are not yet a citizen.

They show, I think, twelve required. She has had only one of them in the past. If they could be refused, I'd love the source for that. Can you remember where you read it?

And yes, I'd appreciate knowing which specific ones your wife took, and why, if you remember.

Thanks again.


She checked her vaccination record. She received MMR( Mumps Measles Rubella) & Td (Tetanus diphtheria) As to why those particular vaccinations were indicated, I would be guessing. So best left alone.

My understanding is that Christians Scientists don't believe in vaccinations or traditional medical treatment. Based on their Religious beliefs. Since Thailand is a Buddhist Country it might be a hard sell.

Where I think I remember reading it was in preparation for her interview. There was something stating that you could refuse vaccinations. However, the innuendo was it is best not to. I did not explore that avenue. Sorry I can't be more specific. Also my wife had no records of previous inoculations . Although she has had them.

Good luck.

Edited for good measure.


Your wife won't need all the vaccinations the Doctor will decide which ones she will need. They will look at her blood work and see if certain anti-bodies are there, and then will also mark some as Not Age Appropriate. My wife had no shot records and they gave her only 4 immunizations, which at the time 1 was for HPV (which is no longer mandatory).

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