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It is a myth humans are destroying the planet.

Yeah, screw it, the sun is going to explode in a billion years or something, so why worry?

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There is a reason why the US and Canada are in dispute about the North West Passage. The US claims the waters are international and the Canadians claim them for Canada. With the Panama canal almost maxed out the NWP is an alternative route for commercial shipping. Why? Because all the ice has melted.

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There is a reason why the US and Canada are in dispute about the North West Passage. The US claims the waters are international and the Canadians claim them for Canada. Why? Because all the ice has melted.

Are you sure about that? Its possible the US and Canada are just acting based on false claims by Al Gore and a bunch of zany scientists when they should be listening to FOX News and the GOP.

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It is a myth humans are destroying the planet.

Yeah, screw it, the sun is going to explode in a billion years or something, so why worry?

Do you really think we will need more than a thousand years to make this place a dump?

Walking around the village all I see now is a dump already....


It is a myth humans are destroying the planet.

Yeah, screw it, the sun is going to explode in a billion years or something, so why worry?

Do you really think we will need more than a thousand years to make this place a dump?

Walking around the village all I see now is a dump already....

Great you saw it..and what did you do anout it?


It is a myth humans are destroying the planet.


Yet the worse cases are the ones endeavoring to make us believe by causing damage and telling us it's us. Same old tricks, new technology. It's like playing Microsoft Hearts. They make you want to believe that you are playing three players, but in reality you are playing one player holding 39 cards and that one player gets to decide which cards you get dealt.

In time we will all be myths... haha.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

During the last ice age the world was covered with ice, now it's not, a lot of it melted. At some point in the future there will be another ice age.

This is cyclical on a geologic timescale (think every 100,000 years) , to think that people can influence this process is idiocy.

We should be grateful it's not going the other way - or is it - it would be very hard to tell without waiting 1000 years.

Yes all those 1000's of scientist who have studied these thing for years are complete idiots and are lying,

and of course you would have Phd in the subjects and have spent your entire life working in that field to make your

"informed" pov?

555555 please stop 5555 its too funny,

you're in the same group as the world is flat and everything revolves around the earth.

mentioning a 2 year increase as an indication of long term directions is a joke,

you yourself acknowledge the time frames involved.

Au Contraire, ukrules is completely correct.

Al Gore, cares not for his 'Nobel Peace Prize' what is important to him and his partners are the countless billions of dollars his company has made in managing much of the global carbon credits system where they have been trading these 'made up' credits as any other commodity. What he did is absolutely scandalous and corrupt.

The chair of the UN IPCC Rajendra K. Pachaur is a complete fraud and also corrupt. he continually manipulated data and published papers without any form of peer review, and coincidently, one of his brothers in a family related business in India has made an absolute fortune form the Global warming/Carbon Credit system. Pachaur is not contrary to popular belief a global warming scientist or specialist, he is an Indian Train Engineer.

The sooner people wake up and use their God given intelligence the better. Stop believing Governments and organisations who are trying to milk you for everything you have.

Some FACTS Carbon Dioxide makes up 0.04% of our atmosphere!! It is a trace element. Even if we went ahead and doubled it or trebled it, it would still be a trace element and would have NO EFFECT on current climatic conditions. I can show you graphs in large scale of CO2 doubling and it will scare your ass off, BUT if you look at the graphs on the correct scale and in perspective, this really is nothing. It is a fraction of a fraction of a percentage.

The concept of Anthopogenic Global Warming is even more ridiculous. Shipping accounts for 5 times more CO2 emissions than aircraft, but there is not that much money to be made from taxing passengers on ships, so what shall we do? I know, lets terrorise the world into believing that aircraft travel is bad for the planet and every passenger must pay a 'tax' to off-set their carbon foot print. 'They' have made hundreds of billions world-wide. We now use the 'carbon terror' to stop third world countries like Africa producing electricity via coal powered stations - and because they are not producing then their Carbon credits can be sold to places like - the US. The US then does not have to reduce carbon emissions because it has bought the quota Africa should use.

It makes me so mad that people believe this crap without actually thinking about it and checking it.

I posted satellite images on here 4 years ago that showed that Polar ice caps were growing (In the South in particular - enormously).

AGW is the biggest con since JC. I believe we have a lot to do to take care of our planet in terms of pollution and chemicals we are poisoning her with, BUT AGW is a complete fabrication, and those scientists that would not back it in the early days, faced being ostracised from their peer group, which meant no more grants, no more study. There are now a gazzillion scientists who have signed up to say AGW is a myth.

Governments keep you where they want you by terrorising you, whether they want your money for the 'war on terror' whether they want to increase police presence and surveillance, or whether it is Global Warming. If they can scare you, they can subdue you and make you pay for stuff that is not required and make you comply with their ever increasing demands. Wake up people!! There is a really large yellow hot thing up there in the sky. That and the earth go through certain cycles and as a result our planet warms up and cools down and there is NOTHING we can do about it which ever way it moves.

Yes im with you on this...$ to be made trading carbon credits, the world has frozen over and thawed, shited on its axis and with no help from humans in the past, like you i think we need to respect our planet and look after it but im very dubious that humans are the sole cause of it.

As we have seen with the constant destabiling influence in the middle east from the "allies" where every so often they choose a new threat to fight to prolong that flow of cheap black gold, the claims made to justify going in, the wipping up of histeria, there doing it on climate change as well.....and why? Becasue it can make a few people an oil tanker load of money and thats what its all about, power and money, lots of it.


All those scientists whose very jobs depend on them persuading us there is such a problem.

Yes quite right every National Academy of Science in the Western World has come to the same conclusion. There is obviously a mass conspiracy in play here.

I can think of no better place to get my scientific information than the Daily Mail.

I have listened to Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbuagh, Fox News the Tea Party, most of the GOP and they are unanimous, there is no such thing as man made global warning.

And as for the Theory of Evolution I can do not better than quote Republican Paul Broun House Science Committee Member: "Evolution, Big Bang, embryology, Lies Straight From The Pit Of Hell.". Paul Broun Broun is a physician, with an M.D. from the Medical College of Georgia and a B.S. in chemistry who also refuses to believe there is such a thing as man made global warming.

As Private Frazer used to say in Dad's Army, "we're doomed"

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  • 2 weeks later...

All those scientists whose very jobs depend on them persuading us there is such a problem.

Yes quite right every National Academy of Science in the Western World has come to the same conclusion. There is obviously a mass conspiracy in play here.

I can think of no better place to get my scientific information than the Daily Mail.

I have listened to Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbuagh, Fox News the Tea Party, most of the GOP and they are unanimous, there is no such thing as man made global warning.

And as for the Theory of Evolution I can do not better than quote Republican Paul Broun House Science Committee Member: "Evolution, Big Bang, embryology, Lies Straight From The Pit Of Hell.". Paul Broun Broun is a physician, with an M.D. from the Medical College of Georgia and a B.S. in chemistry who also refuses to believe there is such a thing as man made global warming.

As Private Frazer used to say in Dad's Army, "we're doomed"

Private Frazer is correct. In a few million/ billion years the sun will run out of fuel and the planet will freeze in the darkness. Hopefully, mankind will not have managed to travel to far off planets and destroy them as well before the end of humanity happens.

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