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There is a New Magazine being Published in Chiangrai! It's 100% English and will be on the stands between, Aug 1st-15th throughout Chiangrai, Chiangmai and Pattaya. The Magazine is looking for fresh Fresh articles for Chiangrai so if you would like to write an article please feel free to send it //email removed//


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Moved to Classifieds.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


After a request from the OP, and consultation with the local CR forum moderator, we have agreed to move this back into the CR Forum.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

After a request from the OP, and consultation with the local CR forum moderator, we have agreed to move this back into the CR Forum.


There is a New Magazine being Published in Chiangrai! It's 100% English and will be on the stands between, Aug 1st-15th throughout Chiangrai, Chiangmai and Pattaya. The Magazine is looking for fresh Fresh articles for Chiangrai so if you would like to write an article please feel free to send it //email removed//

Since the e-mail address has been obliterated( I like this word), maybe you can tell us more about this magazine.

Because of the offices location, I fear maybe its a christian/missionary enterprise, please tells us it's not.


One of the tasks of a supermoderator is to help members to find the most appropriate forum for their postings. To look for the best go-ground for it so to say, the best place for the poster to get an answer to his or her questions, the best place to place his or her contribution to the forum.

If you would start a topic about scuba diving on Phuket in the 'Golf in Thailand Forum', some helpfull super moderator would probably move it to the 'Phuket Forum'.

Everybody would be happy: The original poster (OP in Thaivisa slang), the members of the 'Golf in Thailand Forum', the members of the 'Phuket Forum' and last but not least the super moderator himself because he made so many people happy.

However, it doesn't work out well everytime. This is mostly the case in the local community forums.

Recently a super moderator moved the topic 'petcare in Chiang Rai' to a rather unknown general forum called 'Plants, Pets and Vets'. He probably red the word 'pet' and came immediatly in action.

That actually somebody posed a question which only could be answered by local members, was disregarded by him: Pets belong to Pets. Full stop.

It made actually nobody happy. The visitors of the pets-forum probably thought 'how should we know, we are not living in Chiang Rai'. The original poster probably thought 'in this way I am never going to get an answer' and most members of the Chiang Rai Forum asked themselves probably why this super moderator didn't have anything more important to do.

The supermoderator realized that his action was not really a succes, which didn't make him happy, so he showed enough sportmanship to reverse it.

So finally everybody was happy again.

And this reaction of the members of the local Chiang Rai Forum was quite understandable as most consider themselves to be old and wise enough to make their own decisions (the oldest is 78). And one of these decisions is the choice of forum.

Personally, as the local moderator of this forum, I felt a little bit embarrassed about the situation, but at the end I was happy as well :D .


This time things are a little bit different. We all know that direct advertising, mentioning websites or e-mail addresses is 'not done'. The rules of Thaivisa stipulate very clearly that is actually is not allowed. Within the shortest time the forums would be larded with advertissements and we all would be looking for a more pure Thailand forum.

And for contacting each other the PM function can be used (left below each posting), so it even isn't necessary to mention email addresses to others than those who ask for it. A perfect solution!

From the other side the administration wanted to create a possibilty for the members to get rid of their old motorbikes, washing machines, computers or what so ever (no, not wifes or husbands, that's another forum) and give others the opportunity to buy their crap.

Also to tell if there is a house for rent, because it is not allways easy to find.

For that they created the 'Free classifieds - For sale/for rent/wanted' forum.

At first glance the posting of Thomas3940 looks indeed a little bit like an advertissement for a magazine. To be more precise: A magazine of the type that contains mainly advertissements with the space that is not sold filled by featherlight epistles related to the activities of the advertisers.

Those are in general free, as the advertisers cough up the costs for production and management.

But the target group for advertizing is not on this, the consumers, side.

As I know Thomas3940 and Ozark to be pure altruistic characters I was a little bit surprised to find their topic moved to Free classifieds.

So Jai Dee and I studied Thomas3940 words closely. And what did we find out?

That it only with the greatest creativity could be called an advertissement.

It is just the announcement, that there finally will be an English language Chiang Rai Magazine and directly connected to this anouncement the question if somebody wants to contribute to it by writing articles for it.

So what to do then with it?

If writing articles is categorized as work, the topic should be moved from 'Free Classifieds - For sale/for rent/wanted' to 'Jobs, banking, business, investment in Thailand'.

But would 'Jobs, banking, business, investment in Thailand' be the right place to find somebody who could write an article about anything in Chiang Rai?

Suddenly, as if the light broke through the clouds, it struck us:

The local Chiang Rai Forum would probably be the most appropriate place for this posting.

So with united forces, proud of our good work, we moved the topic back to the local Chiang Rai Forum.

Na, na, na, Thomas3940, you caused us a lot of work and we even still don't know where the articles for the magazine have to be about.

With other words: What kind of magazine is it going to be?

Limbo :o

And Jai Dee, thanks for your sportmanship :D

These guys aren't from Nigeria are they??? :D

I will ask Jai Dee, maybe he knows more than he wanted to tell me :D

Limbo :o


These guys aren't from Nigeria are they??? :D

I will ask Jai Dee, maybe he knows more than he wanted to tell me :D

Limbo :D


I'm saying nuffink!


Thanks BTW Limbo for your explanation re my moderation actions... not being a local to CR I rarely stick my nose into this forum, but when I saw a post that looked like an advertisement, once I convinced myself it was not spam and therefore to be deleted, I naturally moved it into the forum where such items belong... which, as you know, has now been reversed.

Anyway... glad to see you guys are finally going to get an English Newspaper. I hope that it is as successful as the (like it or not) Pattaya City News.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

George C Scott-"The Flim Flam Man"---a good movie

What about "lijmen het been" (which was presented on filmfestivals under the title "The Publishers") a Belgian movie of Didier Becu (2000) after a novel of Willem Elsschot?

I really hope this magazine enterprise isn't analogous with the story of this movie/novel :D

There is a review of it on the same website where I found "The Flim Flam Man" (which was presented in England under the title "Every minute one is born").

Limbo :o

PS. As the cover page, aside from a city map, announces a preview of "Our Top 10 Restaurants", I am very curious to see how big the representation of the advertisers is among these 'top ten restaurants'.

OK, would be a co-incidence of course :D .

These guys aren't from Nigeria are they??? :o

These guys have gone dumb all of a sudden.

Where's the magazine?

Please, tell us more.


These guys aren't from Nigeria are they??? :D

These guys have gone dumb all of a sudden.

Where's the magazine?

Please, tell us more.

Although they have declined to respond here the organizers of this venture have been very busy recruiting advertising space from local businesses. Many local farang run concerns (especially restaurants) have already signed on at 14,000 baht per month.

It would be helpful to know exactly what type of publication this intends to be and if the proceeds will be funding any special interest projects. I am told it is geared towards both tourists and expats. As it seems that members of this local forum are unfamiliar with these organizers, one might wonder about their familiarity with Chiang Rai and its expat community.

Since expats are your target audience more info would be appreciated.

:o Mymechew

These guys aren't from Nigeria are they??? :o

I pity the mugs who would pay 14,000 baht advertising on a very iffy project like this.

I think the Bangkok Post would be cheaper and reach more people.

Does anybody know anything about this secret, nigerian company or maybe they are related to these guys.


So Jai Dee was wright.

Move to classifies.

I wouldn't agree with that, scam or no scam, we're big enough in Chiang Rai to monitor our own forum and if it is real then it belongs here.

It would be nice if it was real, somewhere we could read about local events and read about local people and information.

I think Chiang Rai is big enough to support a newsletter or a magazine, so if these guys turn out to be hucksters maybe someone else may like to take it on.

Personally I would have liked it to be a community newsletter/magazine run by a committe of local expats with lots of local input and advertising and maybe for the benifit of a local charity.


So Jai Dee was wright.

Move to classifies.

I wouldn't agree with that, scam or no scam, we're big enough in Chiang Rai to monitor our own forum and if it is real then it belongs here.

It would be nice if it was real, somewhere we could read about local events and read about local people and information.

I think Chiang Rai is big enough to support a newsletter or a magazine, so if these guys turn out to be hucksters maybe someone else may like to take it on.

Personally I would have liked it to be a community newsletter/magazine run by a committe of local expats with lots of local input and advertising and maybe for the benifit of a local charity.


I never added these replies, maybe th Nigerians are super- cyber-they have blocked me from posting i think.... :o


It is allways nice to read something three or four times, it is like chewing, it makes it easier to melt into the blood. You get more eye for the details.

Compare it with reading The Koran, The Bible or Das Kapital.

Nothing wrong with the writings of Erg and Tayto, they are very inspiring, but I hope you don't mind if I put the repetitions on the shelf :D

Please Mumbojumbo, don't give up!



Another one on the way. More special ineterest based with articles not only on Chiang Rai, but done with some flare, hopefully. Articles will be done in both English and Thai for all to see, not only expats and foreign tourists, but Thai as well. Looking forward to start something fun. Also looking for writers for feature articles and any thoughts and opinions on CR and beyond.

Another one on the way. More special ineterest based with articles not only on Chiang Rai, but done with some flare, hopefully. Articles will be done in both English and Thai for all to see, not only expats and foreign tourists, but Thai as well. Looking forward to start something fun. Also looking for writers for feature articles and any thoughts and opinions on CR and beyond.

Hm, sounds like a complete different approach.

What I miss in Communithai's presentation is any information about the intended contents of the magazine (aside from the advertissements) and the relation of it with any community whatsoever (aside from the Chiang Rai community of restaurant-owners).

The only thing they seem to have produced until now is a frontpage showing an attractive lady and a basic lay-out. It's all very vague, not a real concept behind it, except from the commercial side.

Please keep us informed!

Limbo :o


I think that the idea of having a news channel in English for Chiangrai residents is a very good one.

However, it requests a lot of work and perseverance from creative people, as well as... some capital (not much though).

There are also various ways to create a Chiangrai "news channel".

The costliest would be a weekly newspaper or a monthly full color magazine. Most probably not viable in Chiangrai.

Like Limbo said (I think) that a Newsletter would be a good idea.

Indeed, it would have much more chances to survive in the long term, and it is a format which can be appealing to many.

But, contrary to what certain say, any publication would have to rely on advertisement to survive, certainly in Chiangrai (without external sponsors, of course).

Due to the limited expectations of (volume) sales a business like this can generate in our province, there would certainly not have enough revenues from these sales to cover the costs, including the salaries of the "journalists". Even in the case of a non-profit structure it would be hard to break-even.

What surprises me is the strategy of this new "magazine".

I respect the way of doing business of everyone, but it looks like this new publication starts with a zero capital... expept the money collected from the generous early announcers.

It also surprises me that the prices of advertising (in a still non-existent magazine) are close (or above) the prices in Chiangmai.

A normal way to start would be to have a certain capital to cover the costs during 6 months and offer heavy discounts on advertisement till the business reaches maturity.

This would gain the trust of all potential advertisers and distributors, as well as establish the publication in the local community.

Trusted people could raise that capital without too many problems by presenting a solid project to the main Chiangrai business players. But to do this, one needs to also have a deep knowledge of the local community and its key players.

Personaly, I would be reluctant to pay little known entrepreneurs for advertisement in a magazine which nobody ever saw, . But this is personal, of course.

Anyway, we must wish good luck to those behing this project.

We must also hope that the money they received from Chiangrai business owners will end up in the form of a printed advertisement, as they surely promissed everyone...

We must also hope that the money they received from Chiangrai business owners will end up in the form of a printed advertisement, as they surely promised everyone...

Balls on Jerry, I think you see the light clearly. I heard the proposed introduction is not Aug 1 now, because they don't have enough advertisers?? Then when is it.??? You people need to explain more. :o


We must also hope that the money they received from Chiangrai business owners will end up in the form of a printed advertisement, as they surely promised everyone...

Balls on Jerry, I think you see the light clearly. I heard the proposed introduction is not Aug 1 now, because they don't have enough advertisers?? Then when is it.??? You people need to explain more. :D

Indeed MJ.

My opinion is that the initiative is good, we NEED something in CR.

And something costs money, so for adding ads is a start, it shoudnt be the main goal, altough i think it is not easy to please everybody from a first edition, it is a start.

I wouldt say CR is bigger then the city alone.

What about Chiang Khong a main tourist atraction due to Laos. Chiang Mai, Phu chi Fa ?

I hope the entrepeneurs are not demotivated by our posts, but incouraged to move on with there initiative, The best Captains are allways standing ashore :o


We must also hope that the money they received from Chiangrai business owners will end up in the form of a printed advertisement, as they surely promised everyone...

Balls on Jerry, I think you see the light clearly. I heard the proposed introduction is not Aug 1 now, because they don't have enough advertisers?? Then when is it.??? You people need to explain more. :o

I agree completely and think that a commercial magazine would be hard pushed to make money.

I would like to see a voluntary community newsletter, nothing too fancy in the beginning, building up to a Chiang Rai magazineor newspaper.

We have lots of local writers, we can ask the local tourist police about current events and slowly we would get the advertisers on board.

I would ask a local Thai paper to get involved in printing and maybe distribution, keeping costs to a minimum maybe only getting a page or two in a Thai newspaper in the beginning.

There is a Thai newspaper office near my home, but I don't even know the name of it.

I would ask a local Thai paper to get involved in printing and maybe distribution, keeping costs to a minimum maybe only getting a page or two in a Thai newspaper in the beginning.

Six or seven years ago I have been filling one and a half English language page in a local newspaper for a period longer than one year (Seri Paab).

It wasn't a succes. There was hardly any response at all.

There might have been several reasons for this.

The 'farang' community was maybe only a quarter of what it is now, my English was even lousier than it is now, and my writings were not very exciting (mostly about art, museums and bicycle events in the area, further recipes of western food and a 'consumers corner').

So that's an approach we don't have to repeat.

I think we should talk with Chiang Rai Guy and see where he is thinking about.

Could be fun to do some in that direction though.

Limbo :o

There is a New Magazine being Published in Chiangrai! It's 100% English and will be on the stands between, Aug 1st-15th throughout Chiangrai, Chiangmai and Pattaya. The Magazine is looking for fresh Fresh articles for Chiangrai so if you would like to write an article please feel free to send it //email removed//

Communithai Magazines first issue will be out in the beginning of August distributing 5000 copies of which 3000 copies will be distributed throughout Chiangrai. This is a free Magazine supported by Local Business.

The first issue will feature the top 10 Restaurants in Chiangrai, Local NGO's and what there doing. A few funny articles like my Thai wife?, information on Tap Sap 600 english words used by Thai and intesting fact on and or about Chiangrai.

Communithai Magazine is interested in personal stories about your experiences in Chiangrai and articles promoting the wounderful life style Chiangrai has to offer.

The Magazine is Non Political and not a platform for Religion! it if a lifestyles Magazine for Chiangrai.

Communithai is also developing a local Community Center in Bandu Chiangrai to better serve the Expat community. Soon to offer DVD Exchange, Book Exchange, Teaching Material exchange and more. We feel that there are many Expats living in Chiangrai that have a lot to offer fellow expats, but due to lack of any media or information system they cannot share there knowledge.

Communithai is also preparing to launch it's web based community portal that will help bring people together.

So you asked what is Communithai Magazine about? Well it's about Chiangrai and all the wounderful people and the Business Community.

Thank you


There is a New Magazine being Published in Chiangrai! It's 100% English and will be on the stands between, Aug 1st-15th throughout Chiangrai, Chiangmai and Pattaya. The Magazine is looking for fresh Fresh articles for Chiangrai so if you would like to write an article please feel free to send it //email removed//

Communithai Magazines first issue will be out in the beginning of August distributing 5000 copies of which 3000 copies will be distributed throughout Chiangrai. This is a free Magazine supported by Local Business.

The first issue will feature the top 10 Restaurants in Chiangrai, Local NGO's and what there doing. A few funny articles like my Thai wife?, information on Tap Sap 600 english words used by Thai and intesting fact on and or about Chiangrai.

Communithai Magazine is interested in personal stories about your experiences in Chiangrai and articles promoting the wounderful life style Chiangrai has to offer.

The Magazine is Non Political and not a platform for Religion! it if a lifestyles Magazine for Chiangrai.

Communithai is also developing a local Community Center in Bandu Chiangrai to better serve the Expat community. Soon to offer DVD Exchange, Book Exchange, Teaching Material exchange and more. We feel that there are many Expats living in Chiangrai that have a lot to offer fellow expats, but due to lack of any media or information system they cannot share there knowledge.

Communithai is also preparing to launch it's web based community portal that will help bring people together.

So you asked what is Communithai Magazine about? Well it's about Chiangrai and all the wounderful people and the Business Community.

Thank you

Thank you for the explanation, pity it took so long.

Some good ideas there but do you know that Bandu is not even in Chiang Rai city and for most foreigners it will be too far.

Imagine going to Bandu to get a DVD or a book, I don't think so.

Anyhow,good luck. I think everyone would like to see it up and running.


I hope you don't go for a monthly magazine...

5000 copies is what the main Chiangmai magazines print... in the high season!

It needs a very serious number of ads to cover these costs.

Well, ... good luck.

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