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Should children living here have a yearly flu vaccine?

Pattaya Pat

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welll that's hardly 'lashing out', is it, many dunces are just late developers, so don't feel insulted.

I do tire though of seeing the same old phrases over and over again when reading forums, it tends to make them boring to say the least, I mean, why bother?

I want to see the statistics from the study of vaccinated against unvaccinated, that would clear a lot up, there must be one surely, perhaps you could give me a link?

If you are referring to studies regarding the incidence of autism:



http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/48/4/456.full (summarizes results of the many studies that have been done)

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For such research no "advanced degrees in virology, biochemistry and medicine" is necessary.

So then what does "research" mean to you? If you want me to personally perform scientific research, then yes I need the education that comes with those degrees and a lab to work in. Perhaps you simply meant that we should read other people's research. But reading junk science conspiracy theory web sites that are full of ads and hawking energy bracelets and healing crystals is not research. And if you disagree with me on that last point, then you can stop reading now because we'll just never see eye-to-eye.

And it is statistics.

Determining what is statistically significant requires reading published research papers and interpreting data. It requires an understanding of statistical mathematics. This is a dry, uninteresting subject that most of us slept through in college. Who in this thread understands what p-value means in the field of medical statistics? Few, if any I bet. And I don't blame anyone for not knowing. It's not that useful in most people's daily lives. But it's absolutely critical in understanding what is and isn't statistically significant. Those of us who can't do the math and understand its implications have no business deciding what is and isn't statistically meaningful. (Here's an explanation that's a little less sleep-inducing.)

That means we have to rely on statisticians to tell us what is and isn't statistically significant. I think most educated adults understand this. But when we're the parent of an autistic child, suddenly we stop believing in the statisticians because our personal experience seems to be at odds with their findings. That's called bias.

As a parent in a time of emotional crisis, I can understand how this might seem to be statistically significant. If I have one child and that child becomes autistic a few weeks, months or (sometimes) years after being vaccinated, then in my mind, 100% of my children have had a negative reaction to the vaccine. For some reason, I utterly and irrationally disregard the millions and millions of children who don't become autistic after their injections. And what about those children who don't get vaccinated and become autistic anyway? Never mind them, my child is what matters. That's where people let emotion get the better of them and start imagining causation where there is none, all based on a single data point.

So "research" is one of those misused terms that people like to toss around a lot, but don't really seem to know what it means. That's why I didn't bother replying to the poster who said "a healthy raw, fresh diet". Those are nebulous, imprecise words and he's obviously defining them differently than I am.

Edited by attrayant
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If you are referring to studies regarding the incidence of autism:



http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/48/4/456.full (summarizes results of the many studies that have been done)

Here's the nail in the 'vaccines = autism' coffin: A massive meta-study of nearly 1.3 million children fails to find any links between vaccination and autism, or even autism spectrum disorders. Most studies are limited to a few hundred to a thousand subjects due to cost constraints. More than a few thousand yields a very high confidence level. This one had more than a million. Case closed.

From the abstract:

  • There was no relationship between vaccination and autism (OR: 0.99; 95% CI: 0.92 to 1.06)
  • There was no relationship between vaccination and ASD (autism spectrum disorder) (OR: 0.91; 95% CI: 0.68 to 1.20)
  • There was no relationship between [autism/ASD] and MMR (OR: 0.84; 95% CI: 0.70 to 1.01)
  • There was no relationship between [autism/ASD] and thimerosal (OR: 1.00; 95% CI: 0.77 to 1.31)
  • There was no relationship between [autism/ASD] and mercury (OR: 1.00; 95% CI: 0.93 to 1.07)
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I think you meant to say proving the lack of association?

My thoughts exactly. I started reading the attachment (which is not a study, but a summary of several studies) and stopped after reading the first three, which say:

  1. Swedish and Danish data showed that autism rates continued to rise even after use of ethylmercury in vaccines ceased.
  2. Researchers found no decrease in autism rates after 1992, when Denmark eliminated the use of thimerosal in vaccines. In fact, autism cases continued to rise.
  3. The authors found that the risk of autism and other autistic-spectrum disorders did not differ between the groups of children who had received no thimerosal-containing vaccine versus those who had received one, two, or three doses of thimerosal- containing vaccine.
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The anti vaccination lobby certainly makes its presence felt, however I think it important to understand how they have come to their belief. I am sure that there is a generational component to this particularly in the Western countries. Most people under the age of 60 have not seen polio, pertussis, rubella, mumps and so on. Most have never seen the pictures of smallpox let alone know how it came to be eliminated in the wild. I really do not think there is any hope of altering the understanding of those who are anti vaccination and base their opinions on some sort of acquired fuzzy belief system. In the early days of vaccinations for example there were the same sort of people objecting using the same sort of logic defying propaganda, but vaccinations soon became accepted because the vast bulk of the population saw immediate benefits - smallpox anyone?

I do however, have great store in the pragmatic wisdom of Thai women. They have seen what happens when a child gets whooping cough or whatever, or are one step removed from someone who has. They do listen to their doctor's advise and act on it. I have great sympathy for the wife of the original OP, her voice is not heard heard in this context.

I don't have any great wisdom to offer here other than to continue reinforce the need for vaccination, (annual flu and MMR are of course critical) and to continue to support those who may feel intimidated and to encourage and inform those who ask for advise.

Regarding ebola (I loved the phrase 'when ebola comes knocking at your door! well done that man!), ebola is expanding faster than we are dealing with it, I am sure that colloidal silver and a 'healthy raw fresh diet,' simply does not cut it, I note that there is hope (in this morning's news) that an ebola vaccine may soon become available, though very limited quantities. It would be fascinating to see how the the anti vaccine lobby react if ebola knocked on their door and they had the option of a vaccine.

On a final note, I mentioned in a previous post that there it the potential for ebola and flu to become interacted. A good example why flu vax is important.

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Right on cue:

Plunge in kindergartners' vaccination rate worries health officials

Using "personal belief" to justify ignorance. There ought to be a provision in obamacare that excludes medical coverage for people who opt out of vaccination on the grounds of personal belief.

In Australia, particularly in NSW, a number of child care centres make it a condition of acceptance to have the appropriate vaccinations.

Good article in LOT

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Don't even bother engaging these drive-by posters. They obviously don't read the thread, will never return, and if they do it'll be with links to quack med sites or you tube links to some parent's heartbreaking personal experience.

Spot on, I went searching the internet Reading pages both anti and pro.

While entertaining, "vactruth" websites and are pretty damn scary.

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I posted this way back on page two but the pro flu vaccination lobby chose to ignore it but here it is again.

This Cochrane report doesn't share your enthusiasm.

Children (< 16 years old) and the elderly (above 65 years old) are the two age groups that appear to have the most complications following an influenza infection. Influenza has a viral origin and often results in an acute respiratory illness affecting the lower or upper parts of the respiratory tract, or both. Viruses are mainly of two subtypes (A or cool.png and spread periodically during the autumn-winter months. However, many other viruses can also cause respiratory tract illnesses. Diffusion and severity of the disease could be very different during different epidemics. Efforts to contain epidemic diffusion rely mainly on widespread vaccination. Recent policy from several internationally-recognised institutions, recommend immunisation of healthy children between 6 and 23 months of age (together with their contacts) as a public health measure. The review authors found that in children aged from two years, nasal spray vaccines made from weakened influenza viruses were better at preventing illness caused by the influenza virus than injected vaccines made from the killed virus. Neither type was particularly good at preventing 'flu-like illness' caused by other types of viruses. In children under the age of two, the efficacy of inactivated vaccine was similar to placebo. It was not possible to analyse the safety of vaccines from the studies due to the lack of standardisation in the information given, but very little information was found on the safety of inactivated vaccines, the most commonly used vaccine in young children. - See more at: http://summaries.coc...h.b072uCnW.dpuf

Edited by Tolley
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I have a 9 month old son...

I consider the risks of not giving my Son the Flu Vaccine far outweighs the risks of giving him the Vaccine.

He received a vaccination last week.

I don't bother with the vaccination myself, I'm much stronger than an infant and feel I don't need it.

I'm not about to let the paranoid delusions of an uneducated minority influence the advice offered by the educated specialists.

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I posted this way back on page two but the pro flu vaccination lobby chose to ignore it but here it is again.

That's because there was nothing particularly interesting to comment about.

This Cochrane report doesn't share your enthusiasm.

Children (< 16 years old) and the elderly (above 65 years old) are the two age groups that appear to have the most complications following an influenza infection. Influenza has a viral origin and often results in an acute respiratory illness affecting the lower or upper parts of the respiratory tract, or both. Viruses are mainly of two subtypes (A or cool.png and spread periodically during the autumn-winter months. However, many other viruses can also cause respiratory tract illnesses. Diffusion and severity of the disease could be very different during different epidemics. Efforts to contain epidemic diffusion rely mainly on widespread vaccination. Recent policy from several internationally-recognised institutions, recommend immunisation of healthy children between 6 and 23 months of age (together with their contacts) as a public health measure. The review authors found that in children aged from two years, nasal spray vaccines made from weakened influenza viruses were better at preventing illness caused by the influenza virus than injected vaccines made from the killed virus. Neither type was particularly good at preventing 'flu-like illness' caused by other types of viruses.

In children under the age of two, the efficacy of inactivated vaccine was similar to placebo.

It was not possible to analyse the safety of vaccines from the studies due to the lack of standardisation in the information given, but very little information was found on the safety of inactivated vaccines, the most commonly used vaccine in young children.

The blue text is merely background information. The green says no conclusion can be reached about vaccine efficacy in young children. The red text is the only thing in your passage that comes close to unenthusiastic, but in fact this highlights precisely why broad community immunization for older children and adults is critically important. IF efficacy at <2 years is uncertain, then we need to do out absolute best to make sure that as few carriers as possible come into contact with them. That means vaccinating everybody else.

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The anti vaccination lobby certainly makes its presence felt, however I think it important to understand how they have come to their belief. I am sure that there is a generational component to this particularly in the Western countries. Most people under the age of 60 have not seen polio, pertussis, rubella, mumps and so on. Most have never seen the pictures of smallpox let alone know how it came to be eliminated in the wild. I really do not think there is any hope of altering the understanding of those who are anti vaccination and base their opinions on some sort of acquired fuzzy belief system. In the early days of vaccinations for example there were the same sort of people objecting using the same sort of logic defying propaganda, but vaccinations soon became accepted because the vast bulk of the population saw immediate benefits - smallpox anyone?

I do however, have great store in the pragmatic wisdom of Thai women. They have seen what happens when a child gets whooping cough or whatever, or are one step removed from someone who has. They do listen to their doctor's advise and act on it. I have great sympathy for the wife of the original OP, her voice is not heard heard in this context.

I don't have any great wisdom to offer here other than to continue reinforce the need for vaccination, (annual flu and MMR are of course critical) and to continue to support those who may feel intimidated and to encourage and inform those who ask for advise.

Regarding ebola (I loved the phrase 'when ebola comes knocking at your door! well done that man!), ebola is expanding faster than we are dealing with it, I am sure that colloidal silver and a 'healthy raw fresh diet,' simply does not cut it, I note that there is hope (in this morning's news) that an ebola vaccine may soon become available, though very limited quantities. It would be fascinating to see how the the anti vaccine lobby react if ebola knocked on their door and they had the option of a vaccine.

On a final note, I mentioned in a previous post that there it the potential for ebola and flu to become interacted. A good example why flu vax is important.

I am 43 years old. When I was young I (and no one) was not vaccinated against rubella and mumps. Most of the time half the school class got it at the same time. I had of course both. Mumps unusual strong. Both were seen as very inconvenience, but harmless for children. A thing that just about everyone gets in school. Something you stay at home for a week.

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The anti vaccination lobby certainly makes its presence felt, however I think it important to understand how they have come to their belief. I am sure that there is a generational component to this particularly in the Western countries. Most people under the age of 60 have not seen polio, pertussis, rubella, mumps and so on. Most have never seen the pictures of smallpox let alone know how it came to be eliminated in the wild. I really do not think there is any hope of altering the understanding of those who are anti vaccination and base their opinions on some sort of acquired fuzzy belief system. In the early days of vaccinations for example there were the same sort of people objecting using the same sort of logic defying propaganda, but vaccinations soon became accepted because the vast bulk of the population saw immediate benefits - smallpox anyone?

I do however, have great store in the pragmatic wisdom of Thai women. They have seen what happens when a child gets whooping cough or whatever, or are one step removed from someone who has. They do listen to their doctor's advise and act on it. I have great sympathy for the wife of the original OP, her voice is not heard heard in this context.

I don't have any great wisdom to offer here other than to continue reinforce the need for vaccination, (annual flu and MMR are of course critical) and to continue to support those who may feel intimidated and to encourage and inform those who ask for advise.

Regarding ebola (I loved the phrase 'when ebola comes knocking at your door! well done that man!), ebola is expanding faster than we are dealing with it, I am sure that colloidal silver and a 'healthy raw fresh diet,' simply does not cut it, I note that there is hope (in this morning's news) that an ebola vaccine may soon become available, though very limited quantities. It would be fascinating to see how the the anti vaccine lobby react if ebola knocked on their door and they had the option of a vaccine.

On a final note, I mentioned in a previous post that there it the potential for ebola and flu to become interacted. A good example why flu vax is important.

I am 43 years old. When I was young I (and no one) was not vaccinated against rubella and mumps. Most of the time half the school class got it at the same time. I had of course both. Mumps unusual strong. Both were seen as very inconvenience, but harmless for children. A thing that just about everyone gets in school. Something you stay at home for a week.

You must have been vaccinated (in 1970), if you had NOT been vaccinated then the diseases would have been much worse than just 'inconvenient'. The vaccine does not necessarily stop you getting the disease it stops you from getting the serious form. Again you and your other class members must have been vaccinated. It sounds as though you have been very fortunate to have received the vaccination

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Thsi is another common misunderstanding - that measles, mumps, rubella and the like aren't more than an inconveneince.

The majority of children with measles and mumps, provided they are well nourished, will indeed recover fully. However serious complications occur in a minority of children. These include:


1 in 20 get pneumonia, which can be fatal, especially in children under the age of 5;

1 in 1000 get encephalitis, which can cause permanent disability (mental retardation, deafness, blindness etc) or death

Overall in developed countries the fatality rate is 1-2 deaths per 1000 cases. that may not sound like a lot, but when multiplied by the total numbert of cases (almost all children will get it in an unimmunized environment) it becomes a significant number of deaths. In addition, if a pregnant woman contracts it, it can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

In developing countries the mortality rate is much, much higher, reaching as much as 25% case fatality in some areas. measles is the most common cause of blindness in Africa, and worldwide there are still hundreds of thousands of deaths from it each year.

Mumps: the main concern is that if boys past puberty contact it it often leads to a very painful infection of the testes, which can lead to sterility. In addition, a small number of infected cases develop encephalitis or meningitis, and it can sometimes cause deafness. Pancreartitis is another infrequent, but serious, complication.

Now rubella is a special case in that immunization is given not to protect children - who almost always have a mild, self-limiting form of the disease - but pregnant women. Infection in pregnancy causes very serious birth defects.

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May 5, 2008, email, from Tina Cheatham at the US Health Resources Services Administration, to CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson.

The email concerns the conditions under which the federal government will pay out compensation to parents whose children have been damaged by vaccines.

Here is the key quote. Follow the circuitous language:

“The government has never compensated, nor has it ever been ordered to compensate, any case based on a determination that autism was actually caused by vaccines. We have compensated cases in which children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures.”

Official word-play at work.

Compensation for vaccine-induced autism? No. Compensation for vaccine-induced encephalopathy—“accompanied by” symptoms including autistic behavior and autism? Yes.

The government is paying compensation for a vaccine-induced “something” that just happens to progress to an array of symptoms which include, well, autistic behavior, and yes, autism.

This is all a game to the government. A game of switching disease-labels. A game of avoidance. A game of denial. A game of protecting the reputation of vaccines.

Shuffle the words. Shuffle the disease-labels. Protect the vaccines.

But any sane person can see the government has, in fact, admitted that vaccines cause autism. Which, translated means: vaccines damage brains, regardless of what you call that tragedy.

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The anti vaccination lobby certainly makes its presence felt, however I think it important to understand how they have come to their belief. I am sure that there is a generational component to this particularly in the Western countries. Most people under the age of 60 have not seen polio, pertussis, rubella, mumps and so on. Most have never seen the pictures of smallpox let alone know how it came to be eliminated in the wild. I really do not think there is any hope of altering the understanding of those who are anti vaccination and base their opinions on some sort of acquired fuzzy belief system. In the early days of vaccinations for example there were the same sort of people objecting using the same sort of logic defying propaganda, but vaccinations soon became accepted because the vast bulk of the population saw immediate benefits - smallpox anyone?

I do however, have great store in the pragmatic wisdom of Thai women. They have seen what happens when a child gets whooping cough or whatever, or are one step removed from someone who has. They do listen to their doctor's advise and act on it. I have great sympathy for the wife of the original OP, her voice is not heard heard in this context.

I don't have any great wisdom to offer here other than to continue reinforce the need for vaccination, (annual flu and MMR are of course critical) and to continue to support those who may feel intimidated and to encourage and inform those who ask for advise.

Regarding ebola (I loved the phrase 'when ebola comes knocking at your door! well done that man!), ebola is expanding faster than we are dealing with it, I am sure that colloidal silver and a 'healthy raw fresh diet,' simply does not cut it, I note that there is hope (in this morning's news) that an ebola vaccine may soon become available, though very limited quantities. It would be fascinating to see how the the anti vaccine lobby react if ebola knocked on their door and they had the option of a vaccine.

On a final note, I mentioned in a previous post that there it the potential for ebola and flu to become interacted. A good example why flu vax is important.

I am 43 years old. When I was young I (and no one) was not vaccinated against rubella and mumps. Most of the time half the school class got it at the same time. I had of course both. Mumps unusual strong. Both were seen as very inconvenience, but harmless for children. A thing that just about everyone gets in school. Something you stay at home for a week.

You must have been vaccinated (in 1970), if you had NOT been vaccinated then the diseases would have been much worse than just 'inconvenient'. The vaccine does not necessarily stop you getting the disease it stops you from getting the serious form. Again you and your other class members must have been vaccinated. It sounds as though you have been very fortunate to have received the vaccination

I was born 71 and not vaccinated against mumps in Austria (But if you ask me if I am 100% sure, I must tell no, I just wrote an email to my mother she'll confirm), got it strong and what I recall I got it a second time in the recovery of the first time (Doc said on the second side), just what I recall from it.

It was a week or 2 in bed.

I recall polio vaccination. As I can recall it must have been between 1976-1980, surely not as baby.

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May 5, 2008, email, from Tina Cheatham at the US Health Resources Services Administration, to CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson.

The email concerns the conditions under which the federal government will pay out compensation to parents whose children have been damaged by vaccines.

Here is the key quote. Follow the circuitous language:

So now the focus has shifted from "do vaccines cause damage...?" To "why doesn't the government fairly compensate individuals who have been damaged by vaccines?" Your fallacy is: begging the question. You've jumped to a conclusion in which the premise is assumed to be true. To wit:

“The government has never compensated, nor has it ever been ordered to compensate, any case based on a determination that autism was actually caused by vaccine.

Because, as has been amply demonstrated in this thread, no such causative link has been established. I don't want my government paying out huge cash awards to people who say their houses have been burned down by fairies, either.

Edited by attrayant
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The truth is out... there IS a link between vaccines and autism and it has been known for over a decade by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) but the CDC has been actively covering up the data.

CDC Whistleblower Reveals Widespread Manipulation of Scientific Data and Top-Down Pressure on CDC Scientists to Support the Fraudulent Application of Government Policies on Vaccine Safety http://www.prohealth.com/library/showarticle.cfm?libid=19191

"The CDC whistleblower informant, who has worked for the government agency for over a decade, remarked to Dr. Hooker in phone calls: "We've missed ten years of research because the CDC is so paralyzed right now by anything related to autism. They're not doing what they should be doing because they're afraid to look for things that might be associated." The whistleblower alleges criminal wrongdoing of his supervisors, and he expressed deep regret about his role in helping the CDC hide data"

There you have it folks... in plane black and white! The house of cards regarding vaccine safety is about to fall. The CDC have been lying!

Autism Links to Vaccines: Whistleblower Reveals Evidence of Criminal Coverup by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) http://www.globalresearch.ca/autism-links-to-vaccines-whistleblower-reveals-evidence-of-criminal-coverup-by-the-centers-for-disease-control-cdc/5397928

For twelve years, this cover-up haunted Dr. Thompson, who has now decided to clear his conscience and admit to the fraud. He now says:

Oh my God, I did not believe that we did what we did, but we did. It’s all there. This is the lowest point in my career, that I went along with that paper. I have great shame now when I meet families of kids with autism, because I have been part of the problem. - Dr. William Thompson

Now, this MMR vaccine-autism cover-up continues to be perpetrated by the mainstream media which has so far run a total media blackout on the story, hoping to suppress the truth about MMR vaccines and autism for as long as possible.

Vaccine Brain Damage Cover Up Implodes http://www.infowars.com/vaccine-brain-damage-cover-up-implodes/

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There is no question we have covered nearly every gamut of opinions & views, on each others understanding of this present necessary & valuable debate.

Firstly it's seems obvious to me from following this thread how each side is staunchly polarized.

This is a subject that is very close to my heart, not as a Doctor but as an independent researcher on this specific subject for the last 9-10 years, meanwhile working with several amazingly wise ex mainstream doctors, who all seem to share this common understanding, that the world of Big Pharma & vaccines is very complex & sadly not cracked up to what's been advertised or purported by the corporate sponsored mainstream media and medical system, which treats the masses.

So for any of you that are still sitting on the fence, or bold enough to challenge what you've been spoon fed since childhood modern medicine not what it may seem to be.

I challenge that those bloggers who are trying to incite hatred of us who can think objectively from outside of the 'Idiot box' media, to please read everything I sincerely researched including the links & previously posted, as a small sample of what I'd like to share with you. It may rock your boat, but the sincere objective is improve the natural & nutritional health & future of your children, without these vaccines, but hopefully with a healthier more natural nutritional approach to homeostasis.

And for my humble opinion; No you don't need to vaccinate your child here & now for that flu shot.

A series of independent documentaries on Vaccines, that you will not see on corporate sponsored TV channels
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The truth is out... there IS a link between vaccines and autism and it has been known for over a decade by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) but the CDC has been actively covering up the data.

CDC Whistleblower Reveals Widespread Manipulation of Scientific Data and Top-Down Pressure on CDC Scientists to Support the Fraudulent Application of Government Policies on Vaccine Safety http://www.prohealth.com/library/showarticle.cfm?libid=19191

Natural News again. This "item" has already addressed in this very thread. If you're not going to read the thread, just stay out of it. Or at the very least, stop posting and reposting the same garbage and paranoia over and over. Edited by attrayant
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