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Home Bank Addresss and Residency.

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This is the third time PayPal has told me that my Card has been blocked by my Irish bank.

This is because I spent 50 euros in Asia.

I don"t know whether or not to tell my bank that I'm living in Thailand or not.

When I go home a bank statement with my name and address on it is really handy.

Can I tell my bank that I'm living in Thailand and not my mothers house,which is on my statement.Will it cause any problems with them.Will I then have to register as non resident to keep my bank account or will I loose my precious proof of address on my bank statement.

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I had this years ago with Barclays in England , I travelled round the world while working and each time I went to a different country I had to ring them up and tell them.

This I was told was a security procedure to protect me.

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I must ring the bank to tell them to unblock my card.

I want to tell them to stop blocking it that I live in Thailand.

If I do this do you think that they will change the address on the account or have any other problems with this.

Tell your bank you live in Thailand, they wont have a problem, as long as your credit is decent and you have a UK referral address.

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Very common for banks/card companies to block cards when used outside your home country/region and you haven't notified them in advance of your travels. Some banks/card companies are very strict about it. Call them and tell them you are working/staying/travelling in Thailand for X-months.. Now your bank may tell you that unblocking the card will only be for X-days/weeks/months, (like maybe 90 days max) depending on what policy they have in affect, which means you would need to call them back again in X-days/weeks/months.

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As I said this is the third time it's been blockhead this year.

The last time I said that I was in Thailand a lot and I gave them my mobile phone number.

This time I will tell them I life here now that I know it will be O.K with them.

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