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Biological father of surrogate twins born in Thailand charged with 10 counts of indecent dealing


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Biological father of surrogate twins born in Thailand charged with 10 counts of indecent dealing

SYDNEY: -- THE biological father of surrogate twins born in Thailand has been charged with 10 counts of indecent dealing and possession of child pornography.

The NSW man, aged in his 50s, and his older now ex-wife became parents to twins after their 23-year-old Thai surrogate gave birth several years ago.

The revelation follows controversy surrounding West Australian couple David and Wendy Farnell, who had surrogate twins in Thailand and were accused of abandoning one, baby Gammy, because he had Down Syndrome.

In the NSW case, according to an investigative report by Nine’s A Current Affair, once the couple had arrived back in Australia the man struggled with fatherhood and the marriage ended soon after, with his ex-wife taking sole custody of the children.

Police will allege the man began sexually abusing the children from the ages of four to five years. He will appear in NSW court in December.

Full story: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/biological-father-of-surrogate-twins-born-in-thailand-charged-with-10-counts-of-indecent-dealing-and-child-pornography/story-fni0cx12-1227044268222

-- The Daily Telegraph 2014-09-02

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Another Thai Oz Surrogacy Scandal hits the headlines

Surrogacy deals between Western couples and Thai women took another beating this week as, in Australia a second problem surrogacy case involving a Thai has hit the headlines

Seems an Australian man is now being charged with molesting twins he conceived, via an agency, with a thai woman here from Petchabun several years ago.
Then married to his Australian wife, the couple hired the Thai woman to provide eggs and carry the children who were taken to Australia with her permission, where they have grown up and are now of school age.

There the couple soon separated with the Australian wife taking custody of the twins. Later, at some point the children went to stay with the father who, according to his accusers, sexually abused the kids on a regular basis.

The Thai mother, now 30 was recruited by a surrogacy agency and is in effect the childrens’ mother as they were conceived with her eggs. The case is due to be heard in Australia by end of year.

Full story: http://pattaya103.com/surrogacy-scandal-thai-australia/

--Pattaya 103 FM 2014-09-02

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Australian father charged with abusing surrogate twins: report

SYDNEY, September 2, 2014 (AFP) - An Australian has been charged with sexually abusing twins he fathered with a Thai surrogate, reports said Tuesday, the second case in as many months to ignite debate about commercial surrogacy.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation said the Thai mother of the children, Siriwan Nitichad, had agreed to carry a child for the man and his wife who had not been able to conceive.

"She said her husband wanted to have a baby so much, please help them, please help them," the woman, who is also known as Aon, told the broadcaster.

Aon, who lives in Phetchabun province north of Bangkok, said she agreed to use her own eggs, was paid about Aus$5,500 (US$5,122) and gave birth to twins some years ago. The report did not specify the age of the children.

The Australian couple took the children home, but court documents reveal that the father, who cannot be named, was last year charged with indecently dealing with them, the ABC said.

The man, who reportedly denies the allegations which also include the alleged possession of child abuse material, is expected to fight the charges when they come before court later this year.

The children have remained with the man's ex-wife but Aon said she was open to the idea of taking the twins back.

"If they don't have anyone to take care of them, we are happy to take care of them," she said.

The case follows that of baby Gammy who was born with Down's syndrome to a Thai surrogate for an Australian couple in December.

In that case, which sparked global debate, the couple took the boy's healthy twin sister back to Australia but left Gammy in Thailand.

It prompted calls for tighter controls by authorities in Bangkok and raised concerns about the practice of international surrogacy, particularly after it emerged that the father had previously been convicted of child sex charges.

That couple have denied deliberately abandoning their baby son and have said they will try to get him back.

Commercial surrogacy is illegal in Australia, but growing numbers of people are travelling to countries such as India and Thailand to engage women to carry their babies.

Surrogacy Australia, a non-profit agency which assists couples engaging in surrogacy, said the latest case was about child abuse, not how the children were conceived.

Executive officer Rachel Kunde said any child could be at risk of abuse by their parent and whether they were born through surrogacy was not the issue.

She said she would support a move to ensure all people undergoing surrogacy were screened for their criminal background.

"However it is not clear whether the father in this case had a criminal history so it may not always be beneficial," she said.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-09-02

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Bloody paedophiles. He is probably not the only filthy rockspider who has purchased his victims. This surrogacy factory has to be shut down and life imprisonment for anyone involved/uses such a thing

It's beyond gross. Had to do a double take on this one and still my mind just keeps keeps saying 'What?' on repeat.

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Bloody paedophiles. He is probably not the only filthy rockspider who has purchased his victims. This surrogacy factory has to be shut down and life imprisonment for anyone involved/uses such a thing

It's beyond gross. Had to do a double take on this one and still my mind just keeps keeps saying 'What?' on repeat.
well that is 2 paedophiles from Australia that have used thai surrogates to create victims to feed off. There are probably lots of them from around the world creating thier prey in Thailand
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Posted 2014-08-30 07:00:47

Australian official in surrogacy talks
The Nation, agencies

BANGKOK: -- Keen to ensure babies can fly out

Canberra has made another move to secure the passage for Australian couples using Thailand's surrogacy services so they can bring their babies home.

There are now concerns that Thailand will make it hard for Australian couples to leave the country with babies born through the country's surrogacy services. In addressing the concerns, Australian authorities have made several moves in an attempt to stop that from happening.

"Why does the Australian government simply not address the issue with Australian law and abandon the expectation that a third world government is responsible for managing the pedophile Australian citizens."

Posted 2014-08-09 21:30:42

Australia wants Thailand to relax surrogacy laws
Supalak Ganjanakhundee
The Nation

Nay Pyi Taw: -- Australia asked for relaxation of Thai law enforcement on surrogacy during transition period of mothers and babies for humanitarian reasons, Foreign Ministry's Permanent Secretary Sihasak Phuangketkeow said Saturday.

In a bilateral meeting on the sideline of Asean meeting, Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop told Sihasak that her government has no policy to support commercial surrogacy and Thailand has full authority to handle the issue in accordance with domestic laws. "Julie, you are ignorant and arrogant, I am sure the junta appreciates your approval to develop and manage it's own domestic laws."

Sihasak said the Australian minister Bishop told him that Canberra never supported any Australians to have surrogated children in Thailand. "Perhaps not, however, the Australian government sure seems to be working over time trying to convince the Thai government to allow it's citizens to purchase, export and exploit babies at will and with no intervention from the Australian government."

Australia asked Thai authority to give relaxation to them for humanitarian reason, Sihasak said. "Really, how humane is it to allow pedophiles to purchase babies?"

Asked what the Australian government can do on the particular case of a baby boy Gammy who was born to a Chonburi woman months ago, Sihasak said Australian charity groups have lent their hands to this case. "The only measures the Australian government has taken are those to assure that pedophile Austalian citizens will retain access to poor third world surrogates for the commissioning of babies."

I question on a daily basis many decisions and behaviors of my US government. Some of which make the country and it's people seem questionable. However, today I must thank Australia for stepping up and taking the cake with their humanitarian works in assuring that it's pedophile citizens will retain access to newly purchased babies from third world countries. Has the Nobel ever been won by a country?

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As Chooka myself and others have said it previous posts once a rockspider always a filthy rotten dog rockspider. This is only one case and yet bleeding hearts wanted to defend the other mutts ( gammys sibling) right to take the kid back to Australia. It's a disgrace and he was another convicted pedo doesn't anyone give a rats about the kids here. The whole surrogacy thing should be stopped in not only third world countries but everywhere. On a seperate path, I'm sorry but if you aren't biologically able to produce children then maybe you shouldn't have them.

I do find it totally disgusting and sickening that some on Thaivisa can support paedophilles and their right to rape and abuse, babies, toddlers and children and claim it as a basic human right to have consensual sex with them. There are some sick people in the world and unfortunately some are members here.

NOO STARKEY not referring to you my friend,,

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