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Leaving Thailand - Where now?


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Ok so for the past 3 years I have been living in Thailand with my Thai GF, I said that this was going to be my last year in Thailand as I was getting tired of doing Visa runs etc. Now because of the crackdown that decision has been made for me, so I have 3 months left in the land of smiles.

I have been growing a small online business the past year that has paid my way in Thailand and I am working hard to grow that business which I thank Thailand for giving me the opportunity to be able to quit employment and start an online business.

Now I have two Options Cambodia or move back to Europe I was thinking Portugal or Spain.

The thing is that my online income at the moment would better suit living in Cambodia as am still growing the business and some days I made double a western wage and others not so good.

I have not lived in Europe for about 8 years and the taught of moving back to dull, depressing, small minded, rip off Ireland are not so bright.

I know a lot of people travel to Spain or Portugal for cheap holidays so I was thinking if I go there in December I could probable rent a cheap hotel till I get settled.

Any advise for a 30 year old guy looking for a more secure future (in Europe or even Cambodia) would be appreciated.

(please keep negative comments to yourself)

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There may a simple answer to this. Are you leaving your girlfriend or is she coming with you to wherever you move ?

She doesn't want to move to Europe and also this is a bit personal but she has two kids from a Thai Guy that she only told me about 2 years into the relationship so its a not ideal situation. So maybe best for both of us to move on.

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Use some of your time now and between your exit from Thailand to spend maybe a month in Cambodia, check out if it's for you? This is far more convenient as it's next to you, Spain and Portugal I guess you already know what to expect as you are like me Irish and European . Also what about your thai gf? Is she part of the move and part of your future plans? And if so, have you discussed with her about where she would like to relocate and what her views and opinions are on this subject? Whatever your choice as I already mentioned test run Cambodia for at least a month before deciding on you next move.

Good luck.

Adh mor ort!

That's Good advise Irish smile I have spent a month in Cambodia PP before I arrived in Thailand 3 years ago but I was in holiday mode after spending the previous 2 years working in Australia where I had been working for 6 months solid in Aus without much holidays and wasn't planning to stay in SEA till I met my GF in Thailand and like a lot of people decide to stay.

But I believe your right I should travel to Cambodia for a month before I made the big move back to Europe. In that way I can decide many things like the situation with my GF and if I really miss Thailand That much, but I do know Cambodia is far from perfect and some of the younger expats I had meet in PP were sorry to say but were high on Ya Ba or whatever.

One Cambodian Hotel Manager at the time advised me not to stay in PP long term as many of the Expats their had drug or drink issues is this true?

Edited by thai20144
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"looking for a secure future" followed by thinking of moving to Cambodia! I have just moved back to North America making 1.7 million baht per year vs 350,000 in Thailand. Cost of living (other than housing) nearly the same. At the end of the day I am pocketing 60,000baht a month.

Boring job, climate not the same .... SECURITY! I am providing myself and my family with a secure future. I am not sure I could do this in Cambodia.

I dont believe you are serious about a secure future, more likely you want to fumble thru making a bit of money via your internet business. All the while wasting your prime earning years whilst parading around Asia because it is......?

But hey, good luck I enjoyed my time in Thailand, then I growed up(yes I know).

Yea I think I am the same, now I have grown up I want to made a descent living, I actually spent 5 years in America making a 6 figure salary in NYC but never had much time to enjoy it, that why id rather made my own income.

Also know that my internet business works 24hrs a day even while I sleep, your happy giving your life to your boss, that's fine with me brother. But not for me, Thanks...

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I wonder about these young guys putting all of their eggs in one basket and not securing a future for retirement.

A good website can be blown away by a competitor with more money and perhaps a group with brainpower. If the website is only making a living now, where's the future.

Back in the 1980's Yahoo was the #1 search engine and you had to pay a modest fee to belong and use it. I guess we know what Google had to say about that. It was just some kids with better ideas on search algorithms and how to monetize the site.

At the same time Yahoo was the only viable auction site but I guess we know what Ebay later had to say about that.

Several guys put up classified ad sites and did OK until Craigslist blew them out of the water. Ebay owns 25% of Craigslist and has auctions and classifieds covered, but from what I've see, ten or twenty years from now it's possible someone will bury them.

Barnes and Noble, a large bricks and mortar book store chain put up a website selling books and did quite well. That lasted until Amazon.com opened selling not only their books from warehouses only, but soon allowed anyone to sell books and then anyone to sell almost anything and who's heard of Barnes and Nobles' site lately?

IMHO these young people scraping by with a website are running a big risk. So are those who develop websites because within 10 years there will be software that will allow anyone to do it. In many ways there already is such software.

Ganted, there are people who have gotten in on websites or software that hit it big. They sold out and are wealthy. But I don't see the posters here as being in that position.

Edited by NeverSure
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Back in the 1980's Yahoo was the #1 search engine and you had to pay a modest fee to belong and use it. I guess we know what Google had to say about that. It was just some kids with better ideas on search algorithms and how to monetize the site.

NS I don't believe there were any search engines in the 1980s. However you are correct in your statement that these guys have never seen how fast tech can move and the dot com market crash etc. Stocks are traded by robots now so how long will it be before most web design or other web chores are robotic?

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Back in the 1980's Yahoo was the #1 search engine and you had to pay a modest fee to belong and use it. I guess we know what Google had to say about that. It was just some kids with better ideas on search algorithms and how to monetize the site.

NS I don't believe there were any search engines in the 1980s. However you are correct in your statement that these guys have never seen how fast tech can move and the dot com market crash etc. Stocks are traded by robots now so how long will it be before most web design or other web chores are robotic?

You're right. It was the 90's. Tech moves fast.

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All these youngs will pay for your retirement.better not to screw them.

"All' these young digital nomads are paying taxes on all of their income and not only will pay for my retirement, but are building a retirement for themselves?


I'm paying for my retirement and I won't be around to pay for theirs.

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Lombok Indonesia. They changed the laws there last year. If you marry an indo girl you can get a 25 year visa. Something expats married to a thai could only dream of.

I agree.......Bali is a nice place to live and most people speak decent English.Immigration and Business laws are easy to meet. Weather is better than any place in Thailand, food very similar, closer to South of Malaysia, India, Singapore, and Australia, and named one of the new emergent economies in Asia. Prices very similar with Thai prices, women more "rounded" than Thai but more open minded. Indonesia people are very friendly and more relaxed than Thais. The language is a lot easier to learn than Thai, Lombok is a small island and a Muslim community. Even if close to Depansar, may be not very cosmopolitan and convenient for business. Sanur Beach and Ubud Hills are wonderful living spots, with a large and very friendly international community. I will not recommend Kuta Beach. Traffic is very bad.

Indonesia will be my first option if I have to leave Thailand. Need referrals?...let me know.

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You old people sure are cranky.

You don't have to be in a similar position to be able to express an opinion on it, and I find these young 'we are your future' types as irritating and arrogant as the 'I've made my fortune and I'm alright jack' old farts. Jus' sayin' wink.png

BTW Penang?

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