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Leaving Thailand - Where now?


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I just finished a 3 year contract in Phnom Penh, loved it there and I highly recommend it!

Cheap as chips, friendly people, fabulous restaurants and a great nightlife!

If I didn't have a Thai based family, property etc I would certainly have stayed there.

Best of luck buddy!

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Ah Dave, you see that is why when you assume something it is usually wrong. I did exactly what this young fellow is trying to do for the better part of 30 yesrs. I started out at 18 now not as good ss the guys who travelled innthe 60 snd 70's but was still a wild and untamed world. Parties wrre good without people trying to drug you or kill you. You gad the standard STD's but nothing that would kill you.

So did all that for years. But comes a time in every boys life when you realize you must become a man and accomplish something

for yourself or your family. OP talks about his girlfriend and has no clue. When the time comes and meets the right person maybe his perspective will change. As it will be less about what country is next on your list, but food, shelter, and safety for his family.

Then again he may be the type of person to just say sod it, and walk away from them. Yeh I work for someone else but they pay really well, my wife is happy as we will be moving into our new house, and my daughter will be looked after till she goes out on her own. Thats reality brother.

By the way I am always curious as to what these great digital gonads do. They always claim they make money "even when their sleeping" yet when asked what the website is or an address to go look no one ever tells, why is that.

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Following this thread closely as I'm leaving Singapore after 6 years on 30th November & trying to decide between staying in Asia (Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia in that order, though my Filipina thinks otherwise) or making the move back to Europe (France, Spain, Portugal in that order).

Agree with the Poster(s) who recommend spending some time in each place so plan is to spend the 1st 3 months (Gardening Leave) split between Thailand, Bali & Penang with 2 weeks over Xmas/New Year visiting Filippina's family in Davao (which is where I'd recommend living if you did decide on Philippines, Visas are a doodle... 30 days on arrival, extend it to 59 days then extend every 2 months to 16 months, do a Visa run & start again).

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As beautiful as they are, reckon living in Spain/Port being surrounded by 18-30 crowds and the like after living here would get old fast. I also think prices wouldn't be much cheaper than Ireland, Spain especially.

I'd do Cam first if I were in your shoes. Easy 1 year visa, very cheap beer etc and close to here if you feel the need. Wouldn't worry about gf either, esp since she duped you with previous kids. Can't be trusted.

Move on and don't listen to the boring old farts who tell you to get a 'proper' job. Get your site tweaked and you could rake it in fast. More importantly, just enjoy yourself in your best years like they never could. wink.png

First step for OP: Compare cost of living in Portugal/Spain versus Cambodia.

Next step: Dump that conniving, lying Thai-leech on the spot.


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I wonder about these young guys putting all of their eggs in one basket and not securing a future for retirement.

A good website can be blown away by a competitor with more money and perhaps a group with brainpower. If the website is only making a living now, where's the future.

Back in the 1980's Yahoo was the #1 search engine and you had to pay a modest fee to belong and use it. I guess we know what Google had to say about that. It was just some kids with better ideas on search algorithms and how to monetize the site.

At the same time Yahoo was the only viable auction site but I guess we know what Ebay later had to say about that.

Several guys put up classified ad sites and did OK until Craigslist blew them out of the water. Ebay owns 25% of Craigslist and has auctions and classifieds covered, but from what I've see, ten or twenty years from now it's possible someone will bury them.

Barnes and Noble, a large bricks and mortar book store chain put up a website selling books and did quite well. That lasted until Amazon.com opened selling not only their books from warehouses only, but soon allowed anyone to sell books and then anyone to sell almost anything and who's heard of Barnes and Nobles' site lately?

IMHO these young people scraping by with a website are running a big risk. So are those who develop websites because within 10 years there will be software that will allow anyone to do it. In many ways there already is such software.

Ganted, there are people who have gotten in on websites or software that hit it big. They sold out and are wealthy. But I don't see the posters here as being in that position.

NeverSure, having read many of your posts you seem to be a pretty negative guy, you may be right about the website, but you may be wrong and if the guy is ambitious and smart enough to be making money on a website he is probably the type of guy that will do well anywhere. In today's society there is no sure thing anywhere, I was just lucky I landed a good union job, that allowed me to retire after 30 years on a fair pension, and then had a government pension kick in a few years later and in a little over a year will have old age pension kick in. Not too many of those jobs left anymore. The OP is making his own security, good for him.

Would you consider substituting "negative" with "experienced and realistic?" You found a plan and worked it but all along you knew about what your retirement would be and you stuck with it. Good for you.

I don't believe that all of these digital nomads have the same support system. Perhaps some do. But I would certainly warn them that everyone gets older faster than he thinks he will, and he needs to have a viable plan for his future that's proving itself right now.

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Ah Dave, you see that is why when you assume something it is usually wrong. I did exactly what this young fellow is trying to do for the better part of 30 yesrs. I started out at 18 now not as good ss the guys who travelled innthe 60 snd 70's but was still a wild and untamed world. Parties wrre good without people trying to drug you or kill you. You gad the standard STD's but nothing that would kill you.

So did all that for years. But comes a time in every boys life when you realize you must become a man and accomplish something

for yourself or your family. OP talks about his girlfriend and has no clue. When the time comes and meets the right person maybe his perspective will change. As it will be less about what country is next on your list, but food, shelter, and safety for his family.

Then again he may be the type of person to just say sod it, and walk away from them. Yeh I work for someone else but they pay really well, my wife is happy as we will be moving into our new house, and my daughter will be looked after till she goes out on her own. Thats reality brother.

By the way I am always curious as to what these great digital gonads do. They always claim they make money "even when their sleeping" yet when asked what the website is or an address to go look no one ever tells, why is that.

Personally I would suggest London- its really booming at the moment- but you need heaps of money.

Me too- just what exactly do the digital nomads actually do? If it was that easy , then everyone would be sitting at home tapping away and watching the cash roll in.

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I m a digital nomades and you can make some money on line.

You can by example organise tour in Thailand, take care of people who need to see a dentist, you can look for job for people, take care of visa, ... I know a few guys too who are digital nomade. We are all kind of consultants. We don't make a lot because one month you can make a lot and then nothing for 6 months until you got a new bright idea like selling underwear of your gf to some perverts. (that doesn't work) :)

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I m a digital nomades and you can make some money on line.

You can by example organise tour in Thailand, take care of people who need to see a dentist, you can look for job for people, take care of visa, ... I know a few guys too who are digital nomade. We are all kind of consultants. We don't make a lot because one month you can make a lot and then nothing for 6 months until you got a new bright idea like selling underwear of your gf to some perverts. (that doesn't work) smile.png

I'll just leave this here :

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All these youngs will pay for your retirement.better not to screw them.

Give me a break - no-one is paying for my retirement other than me. Every cent I have is courtesy of my Superannuation back in Oz, and it's all money that came from employers I worked for over a 30+ year period - unlike many here I'm not on any form of aged pension and never will be. When the money's gone, so am I, and I'm 100% fine with that,

You have a clear agenda here, and that's understandable, but my advice is to keep it to yourself unless the topic specifically calls for your expertise. The whole 'digital nomad' issue is one that governments need to address, but I suspect that you already know that it only ruffles feathers here. I have zero interest in your online income stream - or the OPs - and I'd appreciate it if you didn't make sweeping statements about the provenance of my income.

Paying for you retirement is fine, if you have your private retirement insurance, because our government pension is not all that secure anymore.

I suppose the important part is to get some life before we get to the pension, since most of us are limited to enjoy life by then. Enjoying life while we live is what Thais and many others, not so well to do people understand. By the time we reach our pension age, most of us forgot how to enjoy life, and enjoyment is no all about money!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah Dave, you see that is why when you assume something it is usually wrong. I did exactly what this young fellow is trying to do for the better part of 30 yesrs. I started out at 18 now not as good ss the guys who travelled innthe 60 snd 70's but was still a wild and untamed world. Parties wrre good without people trying to drug you or kill you. You gad the standard STD's but nothing that would kill you.

So did all that for years. But comes a time in every boys life when you realize you must become a man and accomplish something

for yourself or your family. OP talks about his girlfriend and has no clue. When the time comes and meets the right person maybe his perspective will change. As it will be less about what country is next on your list, but food, shelter, and safety for his family.

Then again he may be the type of person to just say sod it, and walk away from them. Yeh I work for someone else but they pay really well, my wife is happy as we will be moving into our new house, and my daughter will be looked after till she goes out on her own. Thats reality brother.

By the way I am always curious as to what these great digital gonads do. They always claim they make money "even when their sleeping" yet when asked what the website is or an address to go look no one ever tells, why is that.

could be java programers or writing apps for phones or web builders or poker players,3d Cad modelers, so many options out there to work from PC .or even just selling items on ebay.

if you have a money spinner you keep it to yourself ,right

or it gets poached by others

Edited by 3NUMBAS
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how about the Azores- similar cost of living and it is part of Portugal though no visas requiered?

Thanks for that recommendation, I will seriously look into it, looks Beautiful and not too far from the Green Isle.

madeira better

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There may a simple answer to this. Are you leaving your girlfriend or is she coming with you to wherever you move ?

She doesn't want to move to Europe and also this is a bit personal but she has two kids from a Thai Guy that she only told me about 2 years into the relationship so its a not ideal situation. So maybe best for both of us to move on.

Well, don't u think that a big red flag? after 2 years...

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"looking for a secure future" followed by thinking of moving to Cambodia! I have just moved back to North America making 1.7 million baht per year vs 350,000 in Thailand. Cost of living (other than housing) nearly the same. At the end of the day I am pocketing 60,000baht a month.

Boring job, climate not the same .... SECURITY! I am providing myself and my family with a secure future. I am not sure I could do this in Cambodia.

I dont believe you are serious about a secure future, more likely you want to fumble thru making a bit of money via your internet business. All the while wasting your prime earning years whilst parading around Asia because it is......?

But hey, good luck I enjoyed my time in Thailand, then I growed up(yes I know).

Then you grew up and moved to America.. That's a good one.

Tremendous growth had taken place there.

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Sometimes it seems that -- other than from pornography -- the way most people make money on the internet is from selling information to other persons on how to make money on the internet.

5555555555. Yeah, porn and gambling seems to be the most profitable. All other e-commerce just seems to be tons of people trying to make a small amount of money doing the same things. Only a few can be like Alibaba or FB.

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What about this forum and many other started by a Digital Nomad?

I guess he didn't listen to logic like 'there's already a Lonely Planet forum that will blow me out of the water.' Or 'I'll never be as big as TripAdvisor so what's the point.'

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To the OP my advise would be continue with your online business and find some consulting jobs on the sideline. If you are good in what you do online you will be surprised how many companies in Southeast Asia would be willing to hire you for big money,

I have been doing it for 18 years already and have sold over 200 websites in the past plus around 160 mobile apps in the past 3 years.

The online business always worked well for me but the sideline consulting really brings in the dosh.

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So does that make me an industry insider? BTW I just put in a generic search 2 words on Google and I am linked to 2 items on the first page.

So, now write a short e-book on how to rank #1 and #2 on google. That sells too. tongue.png

I'll give it out for free: Comments and Twitter links to comments -- but you have to have something on which to comment.

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