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Leaving Thailand - Where now?


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I don't necessarily want your posts removed or alerted to mods (who might then lock an interesting thread), I'd rather they stay up reflecting poorly on you.

So in effect you have posted a troll post as you were trying to de-rail this topic by purposely trying to invoke an emotive off topic reponse from either myself or Mr Toad

so your a troll call other people trolls...blink.png

pots and kettles springs to mind dear boy...thumbsup.gif

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I don't necessarily want your posts removed or alerted to mods (who might then lock an interesting thread), I'd rather they stay up reflecting poorly on you.

So in effect you have posted a troll post as you were trying to de-rail this topic by purposely trying to invoke an emotive off topic reponse from either myself or Mr Toad

so your a troll call other people trolls...blink.png

pots and kettles springs to mind dear boy...thumbsup.gif


u tink to mutt

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I don't necessarily want your posts removed or alerted to mods (who might then lock an interesting thread), I'd rather they stay up reflecting poorly on you.

So in effect you have posted a troll post as you were trying to de-rail this topic by purposely trying to invoke an emotive off topic reponse from either myself or Mr Toad

so your a troll call other people trolls...blink.png

pots and kettles springs to mind dear boy...thumbsup.gif


u tink to mutt

you may be right

What do you think about when your banging blackboard dusters?

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I don't necessarily want your posts removed or alerted to mods (who might then lock an interesting thread), I'd rather they stay up reflecting poorly on you.

So in effect you have posted a troll post as you were trying to de-rail this topic by purposely trying to invoke an emotive off topic reponse from either myself or Mr Toad

so your a troll call other people trolls...blink.png

pots and kettles springs to mind dear boy...thumbsup.gif


u tink to mutt

you may be right

What do you think about when your banging blackboard dusters?


we have white boards

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I don't necessarily want your posts removed or alerted to mods (who might then lock an interesting thread), I'd rather they stay up reflecting poorly on you.

So in effect you have posted a troll post as you were trying to de-rail this topic by purposely trying to invoke an emotive off topic reponse from either myself or Mr Toad

so your a troll call other people trolls...blink.png

pots and kettles springs to mind dear boy...thumbsup.gif

Soutie, you have to learn to ignore jsill's posts, he is just another re-incarnation of you know who.

That's why his posts are so bitter and twisted towards members who make an honest living.

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Soutie, you have to learn to ignore jsill's posts, he is just another re-incarnation of you know who.

That's why his posts are so bitter and twisted towards members who make an honest living.

Conventional jobs where workers have little autonomy, are constricted to a 9 to 5, morning commute, suit and tie etc., are only 'honest work' by dated societal definitions. The world is changing and people waking up the fact that they're essentially working as slaves to make someone else richer. As a cog in the machine they're not being honest to themselves.

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I find it amusing how many people dismiss making money from websites or other internet-related vocations as being unsustainable long-term. An entire generation of people - young and old - happily buzzing away making fantastic money say otherwise.

Naysayers suggest it's not real work as if "old world" professions or back-breaking menial labour are the ONLY paths to prosperity and security but they're being left behind by a generation of smart, savvy folks who know how to turn innovation into revenue . . .without postponing the fun in life until they're too old and infirm to enjoy it.

You will never be happy. Everyone is bored to death with your incessant moaning and groaning while insisting you are happy. Obviously you feel you have got the World beat but you aren't getting any respect because in your and other peoples eyes you haven't actually achieved anything. Just a few quick bucks that have been seconded from Google clicks. Hardly a fulfilling existence.

So if everyone decided to live off Google clicks then who's going to do the rest of the "Old World" professions that feed, clothe and house you?

You also have an inbred fear of getting old that's why you are so bitter towards older people. What you are doing now will seem like chimney sweeping ten years from now.

Who the hell said anything about EVERYONE living off Google clicks? Could your argument BE any more child-like?

Who's "insisting" they're happy?

Sorry but you've definitely got me confused with someone who would actually give a stoat's left nut what a bunch of bored, middle-aged and elderly men on an internet forum think.

I don't need to convince an anonymous internet forum that I'm happy any more than you really needed to convince people that you actually "helped to build Thailand".

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Soutie, you have to learn to ignore jsill's posts, he is just another re-incarnation of you know who.

That's why his posts are so bitter and twisted towards members who make an honest living.

Conventional jobs where workers have little autonomy, are constricted to a 9 to 5, morning commute, suit and tie etc., are only 'honest work' by dated societal definitions. The world is changing and people waking up the fact that they're essentially working as slaves to make someone else richer. As a cog in the machine they're not being honest to themselves.

No, not by dated societal definitions, by law.

Show me a work permit for working online in Thailand.

If you have no work permit and are working in Thailand, you are breaking the law.

Therefore, an honest job is a legal job, it really does not get simpler than that, does it?

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Time to go back to the Original Post here. Op seemed to having at least three problems.

1 He seemed to think the world was a very small place..lots more countries. Plenty of other european countries with sea, sand and snow. Indonesia is a huge place, so need to be more specific. I would go mad if I had to be on Lombok for 6 months

2.Seemed to have a g/f of doubtful veracity.If she has 2 kids else, she is hardly likely to tag along, is she

3.Seemed unable to actually say what he needed, let alone "wanted"! Presumably decent hi speed internet? What else? What does he love/want/need? Why would one pick one country? Certainly not without having seen it and/or lived there! We are nomads both digital and actual. We spend months here and months in other places. Having decided that most schools in most countries are useless; we take our blackboards with us so we don't need badger's brushes either to wipe the board nor shave.

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Show me a work permit for working online in Thailand.

If you have no work permit and are working in Thailand, you are breaking the law.

Therefore, an honest job is a legal job, it really does not get simpler than that, does it?

Show me where autonomous online work paid from an offshore source, without a physical presence in Thailand, falls under the remit of the alien working act (which within it references having an employer, being paid within Thailand, etc.).

I'd link you to statements from Thai officials saying it isn't illegal but I suspect you've read them already as my posts have caught your attention.

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Soutie, you have to learn to ignore jsill's posts, he is just another re-incarnation of you know who.

That's why his posts are so bitter and twisted towards members who make an honest living.

Conventional jobs where workers have little autonomy, are constricted to a 9 to 5, morning commute, suit and tie etc., are only 'honest work' by dated societal definitions. The world is changing and people waking up the fact that they're essentially working as slaves to make someone else richer. As a cog in the machine they're not being honest to themselves.

No, not by dated societal definitions, by law.

Show me a work permit for working online in Thailand.

If you have no work permit and are working in Thailand, you are breaking the law.

Therefore, an honest job is a legal job, it really does not get simpler than that, does it?

yeah an honest job in los is stricly restricted to racketeering, prostitution, pimping, gambling , and drugs.

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I thought this thread was about options for living and working other than Thailand. Can we get back to this? You guys can start another thread on the rights and wrongs of working in Thailand and how can anyone make a living online -- it's irrelevant here :P

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Research Ecuador....

It appeals to me, more so than Thailand. Quite a popular choice.

Ecuador is indeed lovely - see my posting above.

Very tropical and no cool winter respite, but that suits some folks.

You need Spanish.

I spend over 3 years living between Peru and Ecuador and loved it. If I leave Thailand and don't go back to EU, I'd seriously consider going back to S.America. Been almost everywhere else and not found anywhere much better.

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Show me a work permit for working online in Thailand.

If you have no work permit and are working in Thailand, you are breaking the law.

Therefore, an honest job is a legal job, it really does not get simpler than that, does it?

Show me where autonomous online work paid from an offshore source, without a physical presence in Thailand, falls under the remit of the alien working act (which within it references having an employer, being paid within Thailand, etc.).

I'd link you to statements from Thai officials saying it isn't illegal but I suspect you've read them already as my posts have caught your attention.

and I will link to statements from Thai officals in the DOL who say it is...wink.png

Further stop talking rubbish quoting the alien working act as regards "being paid in Thailand", it makes no such reference...your making this up

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It makes quite a few references to having an employer, wages, being paid in Thailand by an employer, etc.



This question doesn't have a definitive answer until the law starts using words like offshore, online etc., we'll have to agree to disagree.

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Cambodia is mixed. PP is manageable, but not as easy or friendly as Bkk. Siem Reap is a tourist trap, but not as bad as Korat or KK. I didn't bother with the beaches in Cambodia, same as I don't in Thailand -- full of holidaymakers and hustlers. Other towns in the country in Cambodia were nicer than their equivalents in Thailand, and marginally cheaper, but with much fewer choices of food, etc. You'd need a real reason to stay there.

Laos is not as cheap as Cambodia and fewer English speakers in the streets. Older people speak French (same in Cambodia) which got me out of a few problems. Almost everything they sell in Laos seems to be imported from Thailand, so it's more expensive. The same comment applies -- if you don't have a reason to be there it gets old very quickly.

The Philippines is significantly more expensive like-for-like than Thailand, but almost everyone speaks English in one form or another - the accent takes a bit of getting used to. Plenty of lovely small towns by the sea - not necessarily with beaches, but clean sea. You could live there for the pleasure of the place -- unlike Laos or Cambodia.

Brunei was interesting but expensive - almost european prices. Everyone speaks English and the place is clean.

Singapore has European prices and a city life - albeit a very clean city. English everywhere and good services.

Ecuador is Spanish-speaking and you need to learn it or you're lost. About the same cost of living as the Philippines and a huge choice of environments to live in. People are friendly and helpful, but there's an "edge" to society and if you step over it the problems are more serious.

Peru is an amazing country to travel around - so many environments and truly ancient artefacts. It's a similar cost-of-living to Philippines. Spanish is a must-have. The same comment about society as Ecuador - it's perfectly fine till you inadvertently step over the edge.

Tahiti is magic, full of tourists of course but not so many hustlers. Cost of living is marginally higher than the Philippines, but the choices are better. French is needed, but lots of people speak some English.

Spain is cheap apart from rents in the south. Beware of Spain -- it is very cold in winter unless you are on the south coast.

Wow !! What an informative post

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I always enjoy the posts: My business is in UK. My client is in Brazil. I am paid to my bank account in Switzerland. It is all done online. So what has that to do with Thailand?

Your ass is in Thailand.

Edited by JLCrab
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I always enjoy the posts: My business is in UK, My client is in Brazil. I am paid to my bank account in It is all done online. Switzerland. So what has that to do with Thailand?

Your ass is in Thailand.

I do enjoy the digital nomad banter too. They are winning the argument though. Vaguely written laws. Zero arrests or raids of co-working spaces. Anecdotal reports of IOs saying 'no probrem for you'. Some tenuous statements from public officials. No defined limit on back to back Tourist Visas.

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Considering so many people sit on TV and moan about how bad the place is, how unfair it is, why they don't give visas for digital nomads etc, etc one wonders why they even bother staying here.

Cambodian seems to be the place to go for certain types.

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No bother to me if people stay in Thailand and support themselves online. I have several times used the late Senator D.P. Moynihan's term 'benign neglect'. Thai officialdom doesn't seem to care either. But they also don't seem inclined to go out of their way to accommodate persons who want to stay long term and not have to arrange for a succession of tourist visas.

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I don't want them to offer a digital nomad visa, it'd be ripe for abuse. They needn't change a thing. It's not that difficult to jump through hoops with TR / Ed visas, passport renewals, etc. Infinitely preferrable to Cambodia. I'm very happy here.

My only motivation for being in these threads is debating the idea that it's illegal. Review my posting history, it's calm and balanced (still in my 20s), no complaining here.

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