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Is Thai bar girl different to most?


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Hi all,

First visited Bangkok in March this year on a 3 week getaway with a couple of friends after I split up with my long term partner. I went in one of the go go bars and ended up spending the night with one of the girls I found really nice. I then went back an odd night and went with her again. She then asked if I wanted her to live with me for the last week of my holiday so agreed and we spent a some nice days together visiting different places, going to theme parks, fishing etc.

The holiday then came to an end and she came with me to the airport and put on the water works which I found difficult to cope with.

I return home to the UK and we keep in touch via Facebook and Skype. I never thought anything serious would ever develop from this as I have had numerous warnings from friends and seen a lot of horror stories on the internet about bar girls but I decide just to keep a close eye on things to see how she is with me when I'm back in the UK.

I'm not one of these mugs who would send money to a Thai girl (I'm 24 and don't have trouble finding girls so not that desperate) so I decide that if she ever asks me for any money that I would just cut off all ties with her.

About 6 weeks pass by and she still has shown no indication of asking for any money whatsoever and she's so keen to constantly talk to me on Facebook and Skype and actually gets upset with me if I don't make a Skype session. She even starts to learn some English at School on a one to one basis as her English was very poor and pays for it herself. I just found this all weird as everywhere I read that Thai girls want money money money and make up all the excuses under the sun to get it.

So I decide to revisit her in July for a couple of weeks and we went to Koh Samui and Koh Phi Phi, and couple days in Bangkok again and had a wonderful time with her, and again to my surprise she just seems so nice and genuine and can't really find fault with her. Her English had improved and found it a lot easier to talk with her. It's very handy travelling around with her as well as everything is charged at local rate for taxis etc. Also don't mean to be crude but when I had sex with her it wasn't like this is just sex it was like making love (yes I sound like a girl her but hey ho).

I plan on visiting her again in November for 3 weeks and this time she wants me to live with her in her room and see her dad who lives in Bangkok also. She speaks very low of her mum who I think lives back in Isaan.

She says she doesn't bar fine now as she loves me too much to do that, but does shows and dancing. I think I believe her as everything she has said so far has turned out to be true but obviously it is natural to have doubts. She says the bar pay her flat rate of 12,500 bar per month, and gets paid 6,000 for shows and then gets 50 baht per drink and can easily get 20 drinks bought for in a night apparently but has a way of not having to drink them all and also gets tips here and there. As the bar require minimum 8 bar fines a month she has to pay the bar 4,800 baht a month 8x600 baht (bar fine). She used to work on coaches before and is looking of ways to get a new job as she hates the bar and hates most ferrang as I could tell whenever we were near one in Thailand she wasn't comfortable. She's been upfront from the start that she has a child that her grandma looks after. She's 20 now and was only 16 when she had a child and is very adamant to not speak of what happened. She loves her little girl to bits.

I have told her that I don't have a lot of money that I just have a regular job and can afford to visit from time to time and I will not send her money at all and she said yeah it's ok I can take care myself. She says she knows 2 girls one of which is getting 70,000 baht a month from a Norwegian boyfriend and still sleeping with men for money and the other who has an Australian boyfriend and and gets 200,000 baht a month and has a big house but she says both girls are not really happy as they're with men they don't really want to be with (the girls are around 20, the boyfriends 50) and money doesn't bring happiness and she says Thais are much happier when they have a little bit of money.

She has shown no signs of wanting to get married anytime soon or have a child and also is not keen on coming to the UK as it is too cold for her, but said she'd maybe consider it in 2 or 3 years time if we're going strong.

So to me this all seems rosy but there must be some chink in the armour somewhere? She was very new to the bar scene when I met her (less than a week) and it is definitely true as I have looked back on her Facebook history and she also started becoming friends on Facebook with all the girls from the bar and wasn't on any past pictures of the bars website.

It's possible I might of got lucky with this one as she is new to the scene. I think once they have been in the bar for a couple of years then there's no changing their ways. I just hope some of her friends don't become a bad influence.

But now I think I sound like a lot of people do when they say my bar girlfriend is different to the rest! Have I really hit the long shot of finding a decent one? I really hope so. What are peoples thoughts on this I would be interested to know?

Thanks for reading and sorry for long post.


Oh and forgot to mention that she says the bar want me to pay them 20,000 baht so that when I visit I can take her out of the bar when I want, but she refuses for me to pay as she doesn't see why her boyfriend has to pay to see her so she had to say she was visiting home for 2 weeks to get out of it so she couldn't post any photos of us on Facebook etc.

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She's a professional and/or she's getting advice from other professionals. You're a client. Nothing wrong with that.

Don't get into a situation you can't get out of (kids, marriage, loans, etc.).

Other than that, have fun!

Edited by rijb
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Costas - Thanks for your kind words and advice, you talk a lot of sense and will go along with that.

RandomSand - Think the plan might be to visit 2-3 times a year and see where we're at in 2-3 years time. I would ideally like her to move over to the UK as although I would love to live in Thailand it's just not realistic with getting a job and earning any kind of decent money. I think it is pretty hard getting a visa for thais? Anyone on here managed to secure a visa without much trouble? I guess if we wait 3 years it should be a bit easier securing one? I work as a croupier and plan on hopefully getting a move to a London casino in the near future and earning more money to make things a lot easier with travelling and possibly visa fees etc.

Seperately I also forgot to add that she actually paid for the flight from Bangkok to Koh Samui which was 11,000 baht and pays for odd meals and drinks sometimes.

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''She says it's fine, i can take care myself '' And just how is she going to do that....and send money home to family as well ? I think you know the answer so if you want a long term relationship with a Hooker that may end either way then it's your life and go ahead. Just don't be under any illusions and don't listen to fairy stories.

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Costas is right. Stay vigilant, take no notice of the doomsayers here and see how it pans out.

You met her in a bar where she worked and you barfined her, so of course caution is required, but from what you say, it's quite possible you've lucked out.

Some years back, before I got married, when I was in LOS and Cambodia, I spent a lot of time with bargirls, and had a ball; most of them are great fun to be with. And some of them were genuinely nice girls, forced by circumstance into doing something they would have preferred not to do. So don't think they're all bad by default. They're not. I'll wager that there are quite a few posters here on TVF who married bar girls, and who have happy, successful and long-lasting marriages.

So yes, be careful, but don't prejudge. Wait and see with an open mind. If you're bright, you'll know which way the ball is rolling.

Jeez H, do you actually beleive this?

Correct, they are great fun to be with.

They fall into two categories, those you marry and those you have a great time with.

Dont confuse the former with the latter.

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Sounds like a keeper, best you get in there quick before some 400 lb bald coffin dodger snaps her up.

Maybe you only want to joke, not love mia chao jing jing na krap.

Sin sot how much?

How many kids in tow?

Boo lee lam, Soo Lin or Chai ya phum, thats where all the best girls come from.

Uni grads from Chula and speak fluent Chinese.

The give away in yer troll attempt is the cost of yer air fares, 11k. kee kwai chai mai.

Ha ha ok so I just woke up today and thought let's go on some forum and post a long story about a bar girl? Why don't you try looking at prices to Koh Samui?

They are massively inflated compared to flying to Phuket or Krabi which is about 1/3 of the price. 11k was for 2 people. It was with Bangkok airways and one of those awful small planes with the propellers and felt very unsafe flying in it. Never again ha ha. Anything else you want to test me on?

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''She says it's fine, i can take care myself '' And just how is she going to do that....and send money home to family as well ? I think you know the answer so if you want a long term relationship with a Hooker that may end either way then it's your life and go ahead. Just don't be under any illusions and don't listen to fairy stories.

Yeah I thought that but if you go on the 12,500 flat rate for dancing and 6,000 for shows minus the 4,800 she has to pay per month for not bar fining that's still 13,700 baht which is the amount she says she sends home to family. So I think she could quite easily live off tips and the 50 baht per drink she gets. Even if she only managed 10 drinks per night (I'm sure she does more) that's still 500 baht per night 25 nights per month you have 12,500 baht plus extra tips etc takes her over 20k for herself and her rent for her room is 4,000 she says. Apparently when she is sitting with a customer and they want to bar fine her she says she doesn't bar fine but recommends them someone and they're usually happy with it. I often know where she is as it says her location when she talks on facebook and she sends pictures of what shes doing at the time and always goes home same time every night but yeah it could all be <deleted> and I could be getting taken for a ride but end of the day I think to myself what have I got to lose? I'm not a 50 year old with a wedge of cash a stake and she even says look if I didn't love you and cared about money don't you think I would've gone off with someone who has a lot of money? Anyway time will tell I guess.

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Just imagine that your boss says to you:

"Come and work with us full time, 24-7, work for free, because the company loves you, we will take care of you, you will enjoy it like we already payed you to enjoy it and smile at the customers".

You either take their offer, or, risk "agency work" with drunk perverted clients, or go and live on a farm with 200g of rice to eat each day.

So you choose option No. 1.

After a few years you get the chance to take 1/2 of the casino business and do one.

You see what I'm saying ?

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I think the problem here is intentions over circumstances. Say she is new to bars and her feelings for you are genuine, there is a limit on how much time she can hold out for you while being in the bar scene (assuming she is holding out). Presumably she needs good income, which is why she's moved from the bus company to the bar, and if she has a child she already has responsibilities. So it suggests she will want you to make your mind up sooner rather than later, which for you being 24 might bring forward commitments or relocation sooner than you might like. You seem to have been honest with each other so far and you will need to be very clear about what you are or are not willing to do. With respect to money, determine a monthly figure that you would be ready to walk away from and let her know that is what you can provide to keep her away from bars etc.. until your relationship is more established. It's horrible when money starts to interfere/influence true feelings, and all you can really do is attempt to neutralise the money issue. That's either by her not caring about money (unlikely) you not caring about money (unlikely) or you both establishing and amount that would facilitate a relationship (possible). I'm by no means an expert on this topic, just giving some thoughts based on what you have said.

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Great stuff, you must have one of those "only work bar but not go with man" types.

Does she have a sister?

Is the sister a "cashier"?

Snap this keeper up right now, 5 million sin sot at least, cant allow her to lose face, farang mansion, great, lets buy 10 rai of land at 20 times the price, from khun papa, dont worry its only govt't land (farang cant own anyway).

Get yer kee ngok ass down to the 'Tuna dealer tomorrow and trade the Click in for a Tuna, big face in the village.

Send her at least 300k per month, the gik will need at least 150k to take car of his mia noi and keep up the Fino payments.

Wow, you Lucky Man, hab BG love you ching ching, nair non.

Cynic ! Once bitten ... .

But funny :) :)

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''She says it's fine, i can take care myself '' And just how is she going to do that....and send money home to family as well ? I think you know the answer so if you want a long term relationship with a Hooker that may end either way then it's your life and go ahead. Just don't be under any illusions and don't listen to fairy stories.

Yeah I thought that but if you go on the 12,500 flat rate for dancing and 6,000 for shows minus the 4,800 she has to pay per month for not bar fining that's still 13,700 baht which is the amount she says she sends home to family. So I think she could quite easily live off tips and the 50 baht per drink she gets. Even if she only managed 10 drinks per night (I'm sure she does more) that's still 500 baht per night 25 nights per month you have 12,500 baht plus extra tips etc takes her over 20k for herself and her rent for her room is 4,000 she says. Apparently when she is sitting with a customer and they want to bar fine her she says she doesn't bar fine but recommends them someone and they're usually happy with it. I often know where she is as it says her location when she talks on facebook and she sends pictures of what shes doing at the time and always goes home same time every night but yeah it could all be <deleted> and I could be getting taken for a ride but end of the day I think to myself what have I got to lose? I'm not a 50 year old with a wedge of cash a stake and she even says look if I didn't love you and cared about money don't you think I would've gone off with someone who has a lot of money? Anyway time will tell I guess.

Great stuff, you must have one of those "only work bar but not go with man" types.

Does she have a sister?

Is the sister a "cashier"?

Snap this keeper up right now, 5 million sin sot at least, cant allow her to lose face, farang mansion, great, lets buy 10 rai of land at 20 times the price, from khun papa, dont worry its only govt't land (farang cant own anyway).

Get yer kee ngok ass down to the 'Tuna dealer tomorrow and trade the Click in for a Tuna, big face in the village.

Send her at least 300k per month, the gik will need at least 150k to take car of his mia noi and keep up the Fino payments.

Wow, you Lucky Man, hab BG love you ching ching, nair non.

Tat cynical ?

Transliteration...okay, i understand.

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Just imagine that your boss says to you:

"Come and work with us full time, 24-7, work for free, because the company loves you, we will take care of you, you will enjoy it like we already payed you to enjoy it and smile at the customers".

You either take their offer, or, risk "agency work" with drunk perverted clients, or go and live on a farm with 200g of rice to eat each day.

So you choose option No. 1.

After a few years you get the chance to take 1/2 of the casino business and do one.

You see what I'm saying ?

Like I say I don't have a lot of money I'm just a regular 24 year old guy living normally in a rented flat. She knows I don't have money so wouldn't she just choose someone else? I don't know, I don't know how their minds work! I think the advantages that I have are that she is new to the bar scene and not hardcore and that I am a young lad so she is more likely to be going on appearance than if I was in my late 40s 50s no offence to people around that age. Think her money mum treat her badly and didn't want her when she was young, maybe she just wants to be loved? Who knows eh?

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''She says it's fine, i can take care myself '' And just how is she going to do that....and send money home to family as well ? I think you know the answer so if you want a long term relationship with a Hooker that may end either way then it's your life and go ahead. Just don't be under any illusions and don't listen to fairy stories.

Yeah I thought that but if you go on the 12,500 flat rate for dancing and 6,000 for shows minus the 4,800 she has to pay per month for not bar fining that's still 13,700 baht which is the amount she says she sends home to family. So I think she could quite easily live off tips and the 50 baht per drink she gets. Even if she only managed 10 drinks per night (I'm sure she does more) that's still 500 baht per night 25 nights per month you have 12,500 baht plus extra tips etc takes her over 20k for herself and her rent for her room is 4,000 she says. Apparently when she is sitting with a customer and they want to bar fine her she says she doesn't bar fine but recommends them someone and they're usually happy with it. I often know where she is as it says her location when she talks on facebook and she sends pictures of what shes doing at the time and always goes home same time every night but yeah it could all be <deleted> and I could be getting taken for a ride but end of the day I think to myself what have I got to lose? I'm not a 50 year old with a wedge of cash a stake and she even says look if I didn't love you and cared about money don't you think I would've gone off with someone who has a lot of money? Anyway time will tell I guess.

Great stuff, you must have one of those "only work bar but not go with man" types.

Does she have a sister?

Is the sister a "cashier"?

Snap this keeper up right now, 5 million sin sot at least, cant allow her to lose face, farang mansion, great, lets buy 10 rai of land at 20 times the price, from khun papa, dont worry its only govt't land (farang cant own anyway).

Get yer kee ngok ass down to the 'Tuna dealer tomorrow and trade the Click in for a Tuna, big face in the village.

Send her at least 300k per month, the gik will need at least 150k to take car of his mia noi and keep up the Fino payments.

Wow, you Lucky Man, hab BG love you ching ching, nair non.

No sister only younger brother who lives back in Isaan.

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I think the problem here is intentions over circumstances. Say she is new to bars and her feelings for you are genuine, there is a limit on how much time she can hold out for you while being in the bar scene (assuming she is holding out). Presumably she needs good income, which is why she's moved from the bus company to the bar, and if she has a child she already has responsibilities. So it suggests she will want you to make your mind up sooner rather than later, which for you being 24 might bring forward commitments or relocation sooner than you might like. You seem to have been honest with each other so far and you will need to be very clear about what you are or are not willing to do. With respect to money, determine a monthly figure that you would be ready to walk away from and let her know that is what you can provide to keep her away from bars etc.. until your relationship is more established. It's horrible when money starts to interfere/influence true feelings, and all you can really do is attempt to neutralise the money issue. That's either by her not caring about money (unlikely) you not caring about money (unlikely) or you both establishing and amount that would facilitate a relationship (possible). I'm by no means an expert on this topic, just giving some thoughts based on what you have said.

I don't want money to be involved. I want her to look after herself and love me for myself not money. I'm sorry but anyone who sends money to a thai girl on a regular basis is just stupid unless they're happy with it being a business arrangement. If she ends up wanting money from me then she will have to find someone else. The intentions weren't to fall for a thai bar girl but I just fell in love with the place when I visited and felt it was a nice change being with someone in a different culture. No more Welsh girls for me anyway :)

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She speaks very low of her mum who I think lives back in Isaan.


Why? She says mum take care her no good. She split up from her dad and her gran took care of her. Her mum just uses her now for money but she says she doesn't like her mum but loves just because it's her mum. From the sounds of it I don't know why.

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I think the problem here is intentions over circumstances. Say she is new to bars and her feelings for you are genuine, there is a limit on how much time she can hold out for you while being in the bar scene (assuming she is holding out). Presumably she needs good income, which is why she's moved from the bus company to the bar, and if she has a child she already has responsibilities. So it suggests she will want you to make your mind up sooner rather than later, which for you being 24 might bring forward commitments or relocation sooner than you might like. You seem to have been honest with each other so far and you will need to be very clear about what you are or are not willing to do. With respect to money, determine a monthly figure that you would be ready to walk away from and let her know that is what you can provide to keep her away from bars etc.. until your relationship is more established. It's horrible when money starts to interfere/influence true feelings, and all you can really do is attempt to neutralise the money issue. That's either by her not caring about money (unlikely) you not caring about money (unlikely) or you both establishing and amount that would facilitate a relationship (possible). I'm by no means an expert on this topic, just giving some thoughts based on what you have said.

I don't want money to be involved. I want her to look after herself and love me for myself not money. I'm sorry but anyone who sends money to a thai girl on a regular basis is just stupid unless they're happy with it being a business arrangement. If she ends up wanting money from me then she will have to find someone else. The intentions weren't to fall for a thai bar girl but I just fell in love with the place when I visited and felt it was a nice change being with someone in a different culture. No more Welsh girls for me anyway :)

In that case walk away. She needs money to be involved. She has a kid and she only has a few years to find someone who will take care of her. Perhaps if you met her in ten years time when you were more solvent, and more ready you would be able to try things out. However, from what you have said so far this is not going to work out for either of you.

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maybe she just wants to be loved? Who knows eh?

Asian people don't think like that. Buddhism teaches to not get attached to your external environment.

She more likely to develop a "needy" persona if she has daddy issues however you've indicated that it could be the other way around.

Without wanting to annoy fellow members who've married bar girls,.. If you are young and single then I don;t see why you shouldn't find a young and single woman who has a regular job.

Not all Thai women sell their bodies. Of course "your girl" is trying to convince you she's one of the ones who doesn't sell her body... because she knows very well that you could walk into any shopping mall and date a regular girl.

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maybe she just wants to be loved? Who knows eh?

Asian people don't think like that. Buddhism teaches to not get attached to your external environment.

She more likely to develop a "needy" persona if she has daddy issues however you've indicated that it could be the other way around.

Without wanting to annoy fellow members who've married bar girls,.. If you are young and single then I don;t see why you shouldn't find a young and single woman who has a regular job.

Not all Thai women sell their bodies. Of course "your girl" is trying to convince you she's one of the ones who doesn't sell her body... because she knows very well that you could walk into any shopping mall and date a regular girl.

asians dont get attached to their spouses? lol

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I think the problem here is intentions over circumstances. Say she is new to bars and her feelings for you are genuine, there is a limit on how much time she can hold out for you while being in the bar scene (assuming she is holding out). Presumably she needs good income, which is why she's moved from the bus company to the bar, and if she has a child she already has responsibilities. So it suggests she will want you to make your mind up sooner rather than later, which for you being 24 might bring forward commitments or relocation sooner than you might like. You seem to have been honest with each other so far and you will need to be very clear about what you are or are not willing to do. With respect to money, determine a monthly figure that you would be ready to walk away from and let her know that is what you can provide to keep her away from bars etc.. until your relationship is more established. It's horrible when money starts to interfere/influence true feelings, and all you can really do is attempt to neutralise the money issue. That's either by her not caring about money (unlikely) you not caring about money (unlikely) or you both establishing and amount that would facilitate a relationship (possible). I'm by no means an expert on this topic, just giving some thoughts based on what you have said.

I don't want money to be involved. I want her to look after herself and love me for myself not money. I'm sorry but anyone who sends money to a thai girl on a regular basis is just stupid unless they're happy with it being a business arrangement. If she ends up wanting money from me then she will have to find someone else. The intentions weren't to fall for a thai bar girl but I just fell in love with the place when I visited and felt it was a nice change being with someone in a different culture. No more Welsh girls for me anyway smile.png

In that case walk away. She needs money to be involved. She has a kid and she only has a few years to find someone who will take care of her. Perhaps if you met her in ten years time when you were more solvent, and more ready you would be able to try things out. However, from what you have said so far this is not going to work out for either of you.

I don't find a problem with providing for her if she moves over to the UK, although I would expect her to eventually after a few months to look for some work. The problem I have would be sender her money now as I don't agree with it. Would you meet a girl in the UK and start sending her money? I think not.

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I don't find a problem with providing for her if she moves over to the UK, although I would expect her to eventually after a few months to look for some work. The problem I have would be sender her money now as I don't agree with it. Would you meet a girl in the UK and start sending her money? I think not.

You expect but is she happy to work in a Shopco Express, or something like that, whilst some moronic British chavs take care of her darling child in a nursery ?

Funny because millions of brits are fleeing out the UK yet you found a sweetheart that wants in.

When she's stacking shelves she'll think to herself, "I use to earn four times what Shopco pay me per month in my own country", won't she ?

Edited by RandomSand
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