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Is this a real relationship or have I bought a girlfriend?


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Why is a GENUINELY hot 21 year old Thai woman going to hook up with a 50+ year old farang guy who often can't speak a word in her language? Wouldn't she be fighting off "buff" Thai guys who speak her language?

If you want to believe that your 21 year old is with you because she loves you and sees a future for you together, that's your prerogative but it's far more likely that you're lying to yourself.

Why not put up a pic if you rate her so highly?

Here we go again. Back from your posting holiday? Everyone forgot whilst you were away that you are the only person in this World entitled to pleasure and happiness. If geriatrics can have consensual sex with 18 year old girls so bloody what? The only people it winds up is you and a few of your bitter and twisted mates.

Having a young girl on your arm is a sign of success whether she loves you for your cash or your nosehairs who cares you're still getting prime ass.

Let's see a pic of your Helen of Troy.

You've had a few posting holidays yourself, haven't you?

I don't care if geriatrics have consensual sex with young women - it ain't my business and all power to 'em but when they come on and suggest that a 21 year old GIRLFRIEND more than 30 years their junior is with them for love/their future together, I reserve the right to call BS.

Having a young girl on your arm in the WEST might be seen as a sign of success but I'm sorry, it just doesn't carry the same weight in Thailand when any bloke with an income north of 20k a month can strap himself up with a young bird fresh from the farm.

How is that indicative of success? If you measure your worth and esteem by the presence on your arm of something anyone can acquire for a 5K monthly stipend, then you are truly deserving of my eternal pity.

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How is that indicative of success? If you measure your worth and esteem by the presence on your arm of something anyone can acquire for a 5K monthly stipend, then you are truly deserving of my eternal pity.

I measure success as being able to live where you want, and do what you want, when you want.

For most, working would get in the way of that success.

You think every guy in the US, UK, can get a girl 20 years their junior for 5k/month?

If so, you've been living here too long.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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How is that indicative of success? If you measure your worth and esteem by the presence on your arm of something anyone can acquire for a 5K monthly stipend, then you are truly deserving of my eternal pity.

I measure success as being able to live where you want, and do what you want, when you want.

For most, working would get in the way of that success.

You think every guy in the US, UK, can get a girl 20 years their junior for 5k/month?

If so, you've been living here too long.

Oh come on. Obviously I'm talking about Thailand.

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You are buying a relationship , with a girl you don't really know . Thai girls and women only want foreign men for money and security , why else would they put up with the fat , the ugly and the elderly .

25 years is a big gap when the girl is still young , unmarried and without children . Dating via internet is very risky , you need to meet and know a girl before you start giving money , you need to meet her family too . You say in a fit of drunken generosity you gave her parents BT5000 . A lot of men here drink too much and it doesn't augur well for a relationship . It is all very well that an older man can pull a young girl on the internet ; but you need to have a plan . There are many very attractive older women , nearer your own age , who already have children , even adult children , that makes life a lot easier and you are more compatible . My wife was 44 when we met , had 2 adult childen , one married away from home , the other at a college , home at weekends . My wife had a bachelors degree and was head teacher of an infant school , she owned her house , which I later extensively renovated and modernised to a gentleman's residence , my wife also has a farm .

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How is that indicative of success? If you measure your worth and esteem by the presence on your arm of something anyone can acquire for a 5K monthly stipend, then you are truly deserving of my eternal pity.

I measure success as being able to live where you want, and do what you want, when you want.

For most, working would get in the way of that success.

You think every guy in the US, UK, can get a girl 20 years their junior for 5k/month?

If so, you've been living here too long.

Oh come on. Obviously I'm talking about Thailand.

And obviously, to get to live in Thailand, and rent those 5k/month companions, you previously needed some measure of success back home.

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You're helping her out. The only mistake so far as I see it was sending the parents the money.

especially the princely sum of 5,000 Baht which the parents will use to build a new house, buy a pickup and squander the rest on beer coffee1.gif

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You're helping her out. The only mistake so far as I see it was sending the parents the money.

especially the princely sum of 5,000 Baht which the parents will use to build a new house, buy a pickup and squander the rest on beer coffee1.gif

They can do that. Depends who after the deposit they borrowed the money from with a farang as guarantor....whistling.gif ..laugh.png

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Just marry her so you can take care of her. You need to budget around 50k extra per month for her and the extended family. Accept your faith and live your dream life in Thailand.

Edited by balo
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And obviously, to get to live in Thailand, and rent those 5k/month companions, you previously needed some measure of success back home.

Oh stop being ridiculous, AOA. What success? Reaching 50 with a 20,000 baht a month fixed income? Is that regarded as "success" where you come from?

Seems that Cypress' anger management classes arent working well

Oh look; the clique's regrouping. Who's missing?

Ready to like each others' posts on demand

How predictable that when you can't mount anything approaching a reasoned argument, you resort to the time-honoured practice of diversion.

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Seems that Cypress' anger management classes arent working well

I don't see Cypress as requiring anger management classes, He is just speaking very candid on this topic for which most do not want to hear what is likely the truth on some of it.

Some things that always leaving me scratching my head after living and working in Thailand;

Why do foreigner men fall so quickly for girls here? ( Note I did not say woman, there is a big difference) Enamored perhaps? There is no way anyone can convince me that a 30 year old Thai or asian woman is a "woman". Most live at home and if you ever seen their rooms they look like a teenagers room. A great portion are 5 years behind at least to the maturity level of a western girl the same age. A few friends working and living in Malaysia have the same sentiment. If you really want 30 year old woman you better be dating a gal 35 and up at minimum. Now maybe some want to be that "Father" figure so Thailand is perfect for them.

Why do foreigner men quickly justify giving them money(excluding hookers), Is it a pity thing, guilty thing? Almost sounds like they are assisting their daughter with schooling tuition. If any of you dated a woman in the US I highly doubt you would ever give her nor to her parents money, why in the hell do foreigners do it here and so quickly with no regard to the table they are setting?

Why do men hook up with these girls, go back to their home country and send money? Guilt, stupidity, lonely, pay off money?

Why do men use the internet to date? I mean for christs sake. There are so many woman here in Thailand. Go meet them and chances are you will meet one with a nice job, independent and mature. The internet is too easy. A great portion(No idea %) of the girls posting their profile and pics on dating sights are soliciting a ticket out. It amazes me that men do not see this. Is there some sort of chemical endorphin they drop out that tosses all the common sense away? I just asked a colleague friend of mine this morning who uses a Very popular internet dating site here in the US to look to see if between the age group of 25 to 32 if there were any girls/woman in the bay area looking for a man 50 and up. Search came back a big fat zero!

Why are foreigner men so gullible here in Thailand? The stuff I see posted here on TV and the crap I see out and about makes me laugh.

I know this post may be viewed as harsh and even rude but these are fair questions as a large number of us see it.

Disclaimer: I speak generally and not all foreigners behave like this.


Mine will never be a popular point of view on this subject because the overwhelming majority of posters on this forum will be older guys who like having sex/dating/marrying much younger women. As I've said time and time and TIME again, I don't take issue with this.

It's when elderly men bounce up and puff out their cyber chests over the young chick they're rooting/dating who swears she loves them for who they are that I have to laugh. They'd have us believe their GFs are in it for love when even the soi dogs know it's all about the coin.

As you say, this doesn't apply to every foreigner but you just know that it's those who are most vocal in their umbrage who fit most comfortably into the pigeon hole.

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And obviously, to get to live in Thailand, and rent those 5k/month companions, you previously needed some measure of success back home.

Oh stop being ridiculous, AOA. What success? Reaching 50 with a 20,000 baht a month fixed income? Is that regarded as "success" where you come from?

I think it was 65,000bht a month to stay here as a retired foreign person.

Soooooo . . . . a little over £1,200 or $2,000 a month?

Lemme see . . . would that be considered the income of a successful man in Britain or the United States?

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And obviously, to get to live in Thailand, and rent those 5k/month companions, you previously needed some measure of success back home.

Oh stop being ridiculous, AOA. What success? Reaching 50 with a 20,000 baht a month fixed income? Is that regarded as "success" where you come from?

I think it was 65,000bht a month to stay here as a retired foreign person.

Soooooo . . . . a little over £1,200 or $2,000 a month?

Lemme see . . . would that be considered the income of a successful man in Britain or the United States?

Nope. But thats the requirment for a visa. However there are some with no specific income, but large amounts of cash in their bank. No need for monthly incomes then Edited by mrtoad
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Soooooo . . . . a little over £1,200 or $2,000 a month?

Lemme see . . . would that be considered the income of a successful man in Britain or the United States?

Nope. But thats the requjrement for a visa

Well maybe you can impress that upon AOA who seems to believe that it constitutes "some measure of success back home".

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Soooooo . . . . a little over £1,200 or $2,000 a month?

Lemme see . . . would that be considered the income of a successful man in Britain or the United States?

There would be plenty of pensioners worldwide who would be happy to have that much.

What is your pension currently valued at then?

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Soooooo . . . . a little over £1,200 or $2,000 a month?

Lemme see . . . would that be considered the income of a successful man in Britain or the United States?

There would be plenty of pensioners worldwide who would be happy to have that much.

What is you pension currently valued at then?

It's not enough for him to buy an Elite Card.

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Soooooo . . . . a little over £1,200 or $2,000 a month?

Lemme see . . . would that be considered the income of a successful man in Britain or the United States?

There would be plenty of pensioners worldwide who would be happy to have that much.

What is you pension currently valued at then?

Regardless. It's not covered by the adjective "success".

No pension, not retired.

I'm not telling you my income but suffice it to say that it is far, FAR north of 65,000 baht a month

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I'm not telling you my income but suffice it to say that it is far, FAR north of 65,000 baht a month

I'm not talking about your income, easy to make loads when you're working.

I'm asking about your retirement fund?

Lemme see, you're 46, so your savings, assets, pension plan should already be 80-90% in place for you to retire at 50.

If you stopped working tomorrow, how much income could you earn from your savings?

I know what my pension plan was worth at age 46, 200kbht per month.

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Wow. Thank you to everyone who have wished us luck. I was expecting a 50/50 split between the good and the bad.

I suppose I have made her dependent on me but if we are to stay together that is, inevitably going to be part of it as I earn in a month what she earns in a year. And my lifestyle is one that she will grow accustomed to. However her determination to master English and get her dream job (in a pharmacy) tell me that she will have a measure of independence.

She has never asked me for anything for herself or her parents (she doesn't have children) and will often go to the market on her way home to buy food, fruit etc from her money. Never asking for it to be repaid. She is clean and tidy and is always pushing me to teach her to cook farang food so that she can cook for me.

It just shows that they are out there guys. How do you know when you have found a gem? That I don't know but time is the thing. Or is she playing the long game some of you will be thinking. If she is I will find out sometime and let you know. Otherwise I am enjoying the ride. And after the psychotic, insecure, jealous nutcase I had before, this is heaven. No stupid jealousy, sulking or walking on eggshells.

i'm not trying to be negative but it's only been what 2 1/2 months? give it time and report back...i wish you all the best - sincerely.

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You're helping her out. The only mistake so far as I see it was sending the parents the money.

especially the princely sum of 5,000 Baht which the parents will use to build a new house, buy a pickup and squander the rest on beer coffee1.gif

That's just willful ignorance. If you think it's going to end at that and he will NEVER send another baht you don't know a thing about Thailand or Farangs who seem to have no problem being treated like an ATM...lol!

Edited by lapd
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It's when elderly men bounce up and puff out their cyber chests over the young chick they're rooting/dating who swears she loves them for who they are that I have to laugh. They'd have us believe their GFs are in it for love when even the soi dogs know it's all about the coin.

There's a 20 year old foreigner doing that in another thread.

I'm happy to laugh at 'hansum men' posters, no matter what their age.

Come to think of it, that includes Thai men, they seem to have exactly the same problems with Thai girls that foreigners have.

Come to think of it Cypress and AOA, I laugh at all of it, young or old. I especially love the ones that post who are with a girl 20 to 30 years younger and state "I do not look anything close to my age, its why she loves me"..The James Bond debonair look changes everything.cheesy.gif. Lots of foreigners here with some serious chemical imbalance or self esteem issues. All seems so silly. Who are they trying to kid or convince? I learned along time ago, if you talk about it you don't usually have it. Its the humble people I appreciate.

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