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Yingluck gets some respite in rice case


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The NACC members are from the legislative and judiciary branch and yet they concluded the investigation 7-0 without sufficient evidence. Speak volume of their agenda to rush as Yingluck lawyers have complained. The OAG stated the case lack details and weak. There really now a strong hint of prejudice especially when the NACC members include Panadda Diskul and Ms Supa who have been very vocal and have their reputation on the line. Even the NACC selection commitee that has House speaker Somsak and Ahbisit are a big question mark of the credibility of the agency. The NACC needs a major reform to right its image as a tool of the establishment.

The struggling to prove that if you keep rice in the larder for a year and it changes colour, then it is incompetent on the part of someone 500 miles away.

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what more evidence do they need when it is straight from the horse's mouth when yingluck has been harping the same lines " No corruption" , "policy is sustainable", "rice is being sold" ....etc later to U-turn and admit there is corruption and they are investigating, while the investigation are just more lies and got nowhere under her premiership.

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Given her perceived innocence and credible moral stance internationally, it would bring heavy woes on Thailand whose reputation already is in tatters .....we're she jailed.

I agree it's likely the woman was out of her depth.

But a junta run country jailing a woman while dismissing all charges of murder on democrat leaders might be too much for the world to tolerate.

Things have settled down .

Tourists slowly returning .

Jailing her would create an international back lash that would see countries urge citizens to boycott the place.

But being Thailand it would not surprise me if they stupidly went right ahead and plunged the country into more civil strife .

It's obvious judicial coups and military ones are the stuff of power plays .

But jailing a popular woman who seems a very moral gentle person would reduce the Thais to vile and corrupt and this kangaroo court a mere arm of it.

Comparing Apple's and oranges works well, doesn't it.

Yingluck was probably just "tolerated" internationally. Its not like other leaders didn't know she was way out of her depth.

As for the murder charges, most people understand that they shouldn't have been charged as civilians.

No, your prejudice has led you astray as usual.Plutojames88 makes a very fair comment though I would put a slightly different spin to it.

A few points then.

1.It is true she had no experience of office.But being a leader is about much more than bureaucratic capability, and in some areas she ranked quite high.The people of Thailand voted her into office as the usual suspects usually forget to mention. (Spare me the parliamentaty democracy lecture.I know much more about that subject than you do)

2.The international community accept whoever is PM of Thailand.Yingluck made a very good impression internationally but in some ways so did Abhisit before he became tainted.Samak,Somchai,Chuan etc much less so.Internationally leaders deal with other leaders who are frankly often idiots, monsters and madmen.Yingluck is a perfect competent Sino Thai businesswoman with cosiderably more charm and affability than is usually associated with her type.She easily held up with foreign leaders.

3.It certainly would have seemed odd to have let Abhisit off his serious charges while penalising Yingluck for charges yet to be proved.I agree the two matters are not linked but perception is important.Anyway she hasn't been let off.(see the excellent exchange between Arkadt anmd Caterwell(sp?) in another thread.What a relief incidentally to see posts from people who actually know what they are talking about).I exchanges between other international leaders there is absolutely no perception she was out of her depth.n the

4.There is or rather there was a hatefest about Yingluck, especially among the Bangkok middle class.Clearly some impressionable or weak minded foreigners have picked up on this.Obviously she only came to power in an odd set of circumstances.She's history now but she was a decent person.Good luck to her.

5.I'm guessing the Junta have no wish to rough up Yingluck if she plays ball.There's definitely a PR angle here.On the other hand there's an element in the elite which wishes to exterminate all Shin influence - so who really knows?

"Yingluck made a very good impression internationally; Yingluck is a perfect competent Sino Thai businesswoman; She easily held up with foreign leaders."

Any evidence to support your bold statements - or simply personal opinion, which you are perfectly entitled to. But not fact of course.

"In exchanges between other international leaders there is absolutely no perception she was out of her depth"

Can you provide links or details to which exchanges and between whom you are referring to? Was discussing Yingluck such a hot topic between international leaders? None of them seemed to offer her or her government any direct support, in words or deeds.

Taking office, YL was helped by Thaksin's connections, such as Pres. George Bush who made Thailand a Non-NATO Alliance Partner. On being out of her depth, that depends on the subject. For example, I would imagine she could hold her own with any international leader on discussions relating to fashion.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Wanchai Rujanawong, spokesman for the attorney-general's office, said the joint investigation was aimed at strengthening the case against her and plugging all the loopholes so that it would be "perfect"....

I have always understood that the aim of a criminal investigation is to establish the truth by gathering evidence, regardless of whether it supports the prosecution or the defence.

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Wanchai Rujanawong, spokesman for the attorney-general's office, said the joint investigation was aimed at strengthening the case against her and plugging all the loopholes so that it would be "perfect"....

I have always understood that the aim of a criminal investigation is to establish the truth by gathering evidence, regardless of whether it supports the prosecution or the defence.

An investigation has been completed and it has been established that there is a case to answer.

That is why the OAG is now involved.

Now the OAG which will be involved in the prosecution wants to ensure there are no worm holes in the case that defense lawyers can squeeze their client through.

Seems reasonable that they would want to present a "perfect" case to the court.

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Wanchai Rujanawong, spokesman for the attorney-general's office, said the joint investigation was aimed at strengthening the case against her and plugging all the loopholes so that it would be "perfect"....

I have always understood that the aim of a criminal investigation is to establish the truth by gathering evidence, regardless of whether it supports the prosecution or the defence.

An investigation has been completed and it has been established that there is a case to answer.

That is why the OAG is now involved.

Now the OAG which will be involved in the prosecution wants to ensure there are no worm holes in the case that defense lawyers can squeeze their client through.

Seems reasonable that they would want to present a "perfect" case to the court.

It's all academic anyway, the NACC says they've got a watertight case and Vicha has already got into a bitching contest with the OAG and declared that the NACC will take the case to court whether the OAG is with them or not.

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Strangely , it's insidious and audacious to witness westerners , even Americans side with the ironically called democrats and/ or the righteous Junta one dare not disagree with.

All the hall marks of feeble elitist rhetoric are their along with trademark twists to truths.

It's rather disgusting to see these people delude not just themselves but try pathetically to deceive others

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Strangely , it's insidious and audacious to witness westerners , even Americans side with the ironically called democrats and/ or the righteous Junta one dare not disagree with.

All the hall marks of feeble elitist rhetoric are their along with trademark twists to truths.

It's rather disgusting to see these people delude not just themselves but try pathetically to deceive others

Maybe to you it's clear, but just to be sure, may I remark that somehow you forgot to end your post with "IMHO" ?

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In my opinion, both Abisit and Yingluck are honourable persons. Unfortunately for both they were both too trusting and were probably used by those around them, especially in the case of Abisit an honest and educated man but a weak leader who was well within the grasp of that corrupt, wiley old criminal Suthep a man who was involved in not only Palm oil scams, but actually stole government land which was reserved for poor Thai farmers and gave it to rich family friends, when he was about to be indicted for this, he resigned from the Agricultural ministry just to avoid legal incrimination. He was also known to have been involved in land enroachment on Koh Samui, but appears to have got away with all this. It was he who ordered the army to use live ammunition, not Abisit. It must be obvious to all that Suthep has not gone into the monkhood for anything other than self preservation. When the statute of limitations for whatever he is hiding from, have passed, he will come out and once again be "The Mouth from the South" coffee1.gif

He should have been picked up with those others posing as Monks.

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