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The Definitive Guide To a Perfect Marriage In Thailand.

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We need some help from 'the authorities'

The bumps on a toad's skin help the animal to blend more effectively into its environment visually by breaking up its outline. I am sure, from his experience of sidling in the gloaming, Mr Toad would agree with that?

Badgers are short-legged omnivores in the family (not sure which family) which also includes the otters, polecats, weasels and wolverines. The Asiatic stink badgers are actually members of the skunk family. I have met some of those in my travels

Badgers lower jaws are articulated to the upper by means of transverse condyles firmly locked into long cavities of the skull, (cavities of the skull are common in Thailand) so dislocation of the jaw is all but impossible. This enables the badgers to maintain their hold with the utmost tenacity, but limits jaw movement to hinging open and shut, or sliding from side to side without the twisting movement possible for the jaws of most mammals. It also means they never stop talking,

Clearly a thorough physiognomic inspection of a Thai/Lao/Issan prospective partner would be required. Its the jaw movement worries me. Presumably evolved over millenia to eat Somtam?

Badgers have rather short, fat bodies, with short legs for digging. (Digging for what?) So they are basically Lao? They have elongated weasel-like, but big, heads with small ears. Usually with ear piercings. The stink badger has a very short tail, well of course, while the ferret badger's tail can be 4651 cm (1820 in) long, depending on age. Most ferret badgers consume unusual amounts of Cialis. The European badger is one of the largest (evidence required); the American badger, the hog badger and the honey badger are generally a little smaller and lighter. (Carry small amounts of cash?) The stink badgers are smaller still, and the ferret badgers are the smallest of all. Often to be found ferreting away trying to divine the truth?

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We need some help from 'the authorities'

The bumps on a toad's skin help the animal to blend more effectively into its environment visually by breaking up its outline. I am sure, from his experience of sidling in the gloaming, Mr Toad would agree with that?

Badgers are short-legged omnivores in the family (not sure which family) which also includes the otters, polecats, weasels and wolverines. The Asiatic stink badgers are actually members of the skunk family. I have met some of those in my travels

Badgers lower jaws are articulated to the upper by means of transverse condyles firmly locked into long cavities of the skull, (cavities of the skull are common in Thailand) so dislocation of the jaw is all but impossible. This enables the badgers to maintain their hold with the utmost tenacity, but limits jaw movement to hinging open and shut, or sliding from side to side without the twisting movement possible for the jaws of most mammals. It also means they never stop talking,

Clearly a thorough physiognomic inspection of a Thai/Lao/Issan prospective partner would be required. Its the jaw movement worries me. Presumably evolved over millenia to eat Somtam?

Badgers have rather short, fat bodies, with short legs for digging. (Digging for what?) So they are basically Lao? They have elongated weasel-like, but big, heads with small ears. Usually with ear piercings. The stink badger has a very short tail, well of course, while the ferret badger's tail can be 4651 cm (1820 in) long, depending on age. Most ferret badgers consume unusual amounts of Cialis. The European badger is one of the largest (evidence required); the American badger, the hog badger and the honey badger are generally a little smaller and lighter. (Carry small amounts of cash?) The stink badgers are smaller still, and the ferret badgers are the smallest of all. Often to be found ferreting away trying to divine the truth?

Your knowledge on these matters is astounding, I read your post riveted to my suitcase (chair got broken in an internet raid by Walt and his Scout troop).

In fact the extent of your knowledge is very suspicious, are you really Dr. Will in disguise? post-4641-1156694083.gif.pagespeed.ce.HFpost-4641-1156694083.gif.pagespeed.ce.HFpost-4641-1156694083.gif.pagespeed.ce.HF

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"Posted Today, 10:18

What's, with, all, the, commas? "

He is probably typing on an Ipad keyboard, I have the same problem,...bloody useless. They insert random ,,,, if you type too quickly. I spend as much time deleting the ,,,, as I do typing the post


Good one! But you forgot the TGAU! clap2.gif

TGAU, hasn't been developed to deal with marriage in Thailand.

But all the team is working towards that goal.

Please, watch this space..............it will take your breath away.

Totally absurd thread and should be relegated to a joke forum if there is one here.


What a stupid waste of words. DON'T MARRY A THAI WOMAN. They all end in disaster some after a month, some after a year and some after ten years. OH but my wife is different I hear some of you saying.....she's not...they are all the same......money grabbing...deceitful.. and just biding their time.


And Greetings to you, Sir Richard Forbrain,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~coffee1.gif

Well if you will post such a generalisation don't complain if people treat your post the way they see it. Actually I saw it as worse than rubbish but I was too polite to go deeper into it.

"OH but my wife is different I hear some of you saying.....she's not...they are all the same......money grabbing...deceitful.. and just biding their time."

So from this extract from your post I can assume that you personally know every Thai woman married to evry farng both inside and outside of Thailand and you have had an indepth interview with every single one of them.

Of course if you actually haven't done this then your post is as I described it earlier.



What a stupid waste of words. DON'T MARRY A THAI WOMAN. They all end in disaster some after a month, some after a year and some after ten years. OH but my wife is different I hear some of you saying.....she's not...they are all the same......money grabbing...deceitful.. and just biding their time.

No Bob, they all ended in disaster for you and reading your post, I'm not surprised.coffee1.gif Perhaps in your case, being hung like a humming bird had a lot to do with it.

What's, with, all, the, commas?

Low IQ w00t.gif

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Some Canadian says this is an absurd thread

What is absurd about it? Given the total lack of information available to the wet behind the ears idiots who come to Thailand in search of LERVE, any advice however facetious is better than none.

Anyway Hog Badgers (Arctonyx collaris to you) live in Thailand. Live on small animals. So given that I have seen quite a few, possibly with a

few extra pounds devouring small defenceless animals, by daylight heaven help me, at various watering holes in

Thailand, I should not wonder if they were not on the 'Endangered Animals' Red Lists

  • Like 2

Some Canadian says this is an absurd thread

What is absurd about it? Given the total lack of information available to the wet behind the ears idiots who come to Thailand in search of LERVE, any advice however facetious is better than none.

Anyway Hog Badgers (Arctonyx collaris to you) live in Thailand. Live on small animals. So given that I have seen quite a few, possibly with a

few extra pounds devouring small defenceless animals, by daylight heaven help me, at various watering holes in

Thailand, I should not wonder if they were not on the 'Endangered Animals' Red Lists

Are you listening Mr Soutpeel?

You better keep my Zuma safe from any Arctonyx collaris, him being so small and defenceless.

Hotsoup, you never fail to amaze me with your knowledge and I am very serious on that.thumbsup.gif


The Hog Badger is still alive in Thailand, and elsewhere in SE Asia; though on the Red List of 'Endangered' Species. It lives on small animals.I have encountered them, rather large even gross specimens, preying on defenceless young animals in various Thai watering holes. A Canadian thinks this is a ridiculous thread. No advice is ridiculous unless you heed it.

Have I said this, already?

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I think the Canadian who thinks it is a ridiculous thread is either French or has lost a gerbil, or maybe both

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I think the Canadian who thinks it is a ridiculous thread is either French or has lost a gerbil, or maybe both

Mr. Toad, are you suggesting that French Canadians lack a sense of humour?

What if he has lost a ferret and nor a gerbil?

There is a lot of talk on these boards about gerbil retrieval but very little information on ferret related incidents.

How would you suggest this Northern American poster would be able to recover his lost ferret?

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Is there such a thing as a Ferret whistle?

No you Silly Billy, how would a ferret hold a whistle?

No, no you musunderstand. When a person needs tut retrieve his ferret does he use tut whistle? I assume Yorkshiremen will know tut answer


Maybe those nice people of TigerClaw Industries will come up with a solution for this problem.

Maybe a WFRS (or something similar) could be invented.

Shall I call in Dr. Will as as consulting expert?

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Of course no good wedding can vappen unless there is a good selection of hats. A ferret hat might be good, but ehats available and where can they be purchased?


Of course no good wedding can vappen unless there is a good selection of hats. A ferret hat might be good, but ehats available and where can they be purchased?

The outlet shop of TigerClaw Industries carry a wide selection of ferret hats.

Therefore, the choice would obviously be dependent on the style of the hat that one would require their Ferret to be outfitted with.

Do you have any particular style or theme in mind?

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