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Thaksin And Dhammakaya


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Bringing saffron into yellow act

Sanitsuda Ekachai

Just when our richest and most powerful political leader is quickly losing moral legitimacy to govern, the country's richest temple is ready to help shore up his image. Next week, the Dhammakaya Temple will organise a two-day religious event to mark the 60th anniversary celebrations of HM the King's accession to the throne. Our embattled dear leader has been invited to grace the event. So watch out for the news photo of Thaksin Shinawatra surrounded by beaming monks in saffron robes in every local newspaper next week for the world to see.

The image will suggest Mr Thaksin is still enjoying support from the Buddhist clergy. Amid intensifying public doubts over his loyalty to the monarchy, spurred by his audacious attack on the ''charismatic person beyond the Constitution'', the photo will also aim to retain trust from his 16 million voters who highly revere the King. To complete the effect, Mr Thaksin will most likely turn up in yellow shirt with royal insignia for show.

Why should we bother? It is just a political gimmick. Any shrewd politician with some understanding of the power of image would do the same thing, wouldnt he?

We should bother because we taxpayers are paying nearly 40 million baht for Mr Thaksin to have this photo op.

You need a specific figure?

Let's do some math. Director-general Sarote Kachamart of the Local Administration Promotion Department has ordered all 7,854 local administration bodies to send a team of 10 people to attend the Dhammakaya event. He has also ordered each delegation to pay a registration fee of 5,000 baht to the temple. That comes to 39,270,000 baht.

Imagine what 39,270,000 baht can do to help the needy.


See the Bangkok Post for the rest of the story.

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