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Shaving Fun And Games


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I apologize. This discussion won't be nearly as much fun as "should I have my foreskin hacked off", or "the top ten ways you know that your TGF is cheating on you"...

As many others, my father started shaving with a straight razor. King Gillette changed that with the blue steel safety razor. In the mid-60's, Wilkenson (check that spelling) Sword introduced a stainless steel safety razor blade. Not to be outdone, Gillette developed a stainless-steel "cartridge" razor. Initially, it was one blade, then two (I'm using this level of technology, branded as "Sensor"), then "Mach 3" with 3 blades (both with and without a motorized handle). Schick took the lead a couple years ago, with its four-bladed device ("Quattro"?). Several months ago, Gillette introduced its five-blade cartridge product, "Fusion". The analysts are very excited: P+G bought Gillette, and Gillette has hit a homerun (expected sales of $1B US by 2008) with its new product. My questions: have any of you tried the Fusion? Is it better than what you were using before?

//Edit: Is "Fusion" available in Thailand - (now it is Thai related) - lopburi3//

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I use a fusion (in the US).

As someone who long distance cycles, I do shave my legs (road rash instead of chunks of flesh when you ditch).

It is very smooth.

Don't know if it's truly any better than my old mach3 though...

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I dunno... I´ve shaved for years with either a wilkinson double blade, or a gilette mach 3 in recent years. When I get a haircut, they shave me with a straight razor.

I´m quite happy.

Don´t see any need for 5, 6, 7, or 846 blades...Marketing, I reckon.

(plus, even older model blades are expensive enough, for cryin´out loud.)

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I got a sample of the fusion in the mail...i liked it alot. i thought it was indeed an improvement of the mach 3.

Before i pull up stakes and head to SEA, i plan to hit costco and buy a bunch of cartridges. Gotta stay smooth...

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