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Why do Western men marry Thai girls of ill-repute?

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My wife, be accused of being a bar girl? Yeah right. You kinda come off as being a sleaze ball. Your life might be less than desirable but that doesn't mean mine is. Hopefully in the future stricter immigration controls will mean that guys like you are weeded out and slowly but surely forced out of the country...

exactly what immigration control would stop a "guy like him" from entering thailand?

Not talking about tourists, but more stringent rules for expats. With the new "military" government firmly in place, I'm confident that those expats who lack the financial resources to live here comfortably and only manage to "skate by" will be slowly weeded out and driven from Thailand altogether. Thailand should follow the Singapore model. In Singapore there are many Western expats but almost all are professional types with the financial resources to live comfortably and actually contribute to Singaporean society. Thailand should use more "selective" measures to assure that it is getting the "right kind" of Western expat and this can only be done by weeding out those who lack the skills and expertise and financial security to live here and contribute.

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My wife, be accused of being a bar girl? Yeah right. You kinda come off as being a sleaze ball. Your life might be less than desirable but that doesn't mean mine is. Hopefully in the future stricter immigration controls will mean that guys like you are weeded out and slowly but surely forced out of the country...

exactly what immigration control would stop a "guy like him" from entering thailand?

Not talking about tourists, but more stringent rules for expats. With the new "military" government firmly in place, I'm confident that those expats who lack the financial resources to live here comfortably and only manage to "skate by" will be slowly weeded out and driven from Thailand altogether. Thailand should follow the Singapore model. In Singapore there are many Western expats but almost all are professional types with the financial resources to live comfortably and actually contribute to Singaporean society. Thailand should use more "selective" measures to assure that it is getting the "right kind" of Western expat and this can only be done by weeding out those who lack the skills and expertise and financial security to live here and contribute.

feel free to include your details of his financial status

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You don't seem to understand Thai culture that well, in my opinion. I used to go to that bar with a few of my employees to "wind up the week" and the women I spoke with were surprisingly candid about it although it's not something they'd blurt out for other people in the bar to hear. It could be that you have a language barrier to deal with and that would limit your ability to really get to know the girls in these establishments. This is not the case for me as I am fluent in Thai and can read and write the language. And these girls aren't as stupid as you might think. Many, if not most, of them are street smart and they know who they can trust and who they can't. You might be surprised to know that quite a few of these bars are at least partially owned by police and ALL of them are controlled or allowed to operate because of police cooperation so when ecstasy or meth or other drugs are used in an establishment it's because the police allow it so it's not as if the girls are going around terrified that there's going to be a drug raid or anything. Got it?

Again with the 'I'm superior to everyone else' attitude?

First it's: 'My girlfriend's superior to the rest of you lowlife loser's girlfriends.'

Then it's: 'None of you guy's have my money or educational credentials.'

Next it's: 'None of you can speak Thai or understand Thai culture as well as me.'

Now it's: 'I'm a desirable ex-pat, but the rest of you ought to have your visas revoked.'

I'm not a psychologist, but it has been my experience that when people try to present themselves as superior to everyone else around them, more often than not they are trying to overcompensate for and mask deep insecurities. Based on your outlandish efforts to present yourself in this manner, I can only speculate that those insecurities must run deep indeed. I find your chronic assumptions that no one but you has accomplished anything with their lives to be quite obnoxious and childish.

In my opinion, the above post doesn't so much reflect a knowledge of Thai culture, but rather a knowledge of bar culture. I will happily concede that your knowledge of the bar scene may very well eclipse my own. I just have one question for you, however:

Given how contemptuous you are of the bar scene sub-culture, how did you manage to become such an authority on it without first indulging in those very same decadent diversions and wicked temptations you profess to find so abhorrent?

Do you remember the evangelists Jerry Fallwell or Jim Baker who used to preach so vehemently about the evils of prostitution until the day they were caught with call-girls in their beds?

Sometimes people dislike in others those traits and behaviors they most recognize in themselves. Just some food for thought, reverend.

P.S. I never said bar girls were stupid. In fact, I said just the opposite - - that they were way too smart and street wise to be openly talking to you about illegal drug use - - something which I continue to believe to be the case, with all due respect to your expertise in this matter.

Edited by Gecko123
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Have any of you folks actually been in a beer bar or go go or dance club. Drug use is obvious and rampant. It's a major problem in Thailand.

The issue wasn't whether there is drug abuse in the sex industry or not. In fact I imagine there is quite a bit. The issue was whether the girls were freely admitting to drug use to total strangers, as Ronn68 claimed.

To answer your question, no I haven't been in a beer bar or go-go or dance club in quite some time. That would be Ronn68's area of expertise. But I do think I know something about whether or not drug use is a taboo subject in Thailand, and the natural circumspection of people from rural villages. (see post #327)

Edited by Gecko123
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You don't seem to understand Thai culture that well, in my opinion. I used to go to that bar with a few of my employees to "wind up the week" and the women I spoke with were surprisingly candid about it although it's not something they'd blurt out for other people in the bar to hear. It could be that you have a language barrier to deal with and that would limit your ability to really get to know the girls in these establishments. This is not the case for me as I am fluent in Thai and can read and write the language. And these girls aren't as stupid as you might think. Many, if not most, of them are street smart and they know who they can trust and who they can't. You might be surprised to know that quite a few of these bars are at least partially owned by police and ALL of them are controlled or allowed to operate because of police cooperation so when ecstasy or meth or other drugs are used in an establishment it's because the police allow it so it's not as if the girls are going around terrified that there's going to be a drug raid or anything. Got it?

Again with the 'I'm superior to everyone else' attitude?

First it's: 'My girlfriend's superior to the rest of you lowlife loser's girlfriends.'

Then it's: 'None of you guy's have my money or educational credentials.'

Next it's: 'None of you can speak Thai or understand Thai culture as well as me.'

Now it's: 'I'm a desirable ex-pat, but the rest of you ought to have your visas revoked.'

I'm not a psychologist, but it has been my experience that when people try to present themselves as superior to everyone else around them, more often than not they are trying to overcompensate for and mask deep insecurities. Based on your outlandish efforts to present yourself in this manner, I can only speculate that those insecurities must run deep indeed. I find your chronic assumptions that no one but you has accomplished anything with their lives to be quite obnoxious and childish.

In my opinion, the above post doesn't so much reflect a knowledge of Thai culture, but rather a knowledge of bar culture. I will happily concede that your knowledge of the bar scene may very well eclipse my own. I just have one question for you, however:

Given how contemptuous you are of the bar scene sub-culture, how did you manage to become such an authority on it without first indulging in those very same decadent diversions and wicked temptations you profess to find so abhorrent?

Do you remember the evangelists Jerry Fallwell or Jim Baker who used to preach so vehemently about the evils of prostitution until the day they were caught with call-girls in their beds?

Sometimes people dislike in others those traits and behaviors they most recognize in themselves. Just some food for thought, reverend.

P.S. I never said bar girls were stupid. In fact, I said just the opposite - - that they were way too smart and street wise to be openly talking to you about illegal drug use - - something which I continue to believe to be the case, with all due respect to your expertise in this matter.

"Given how contemptuous you are of the bar scene sub-culture, how did you manage to become such an authority on it without first indulging in those very same decadent diversions and wicked temptations you profess to find so abhorrent?"

Are you really so desperate that you have to make assumptions about me and then put words into my mouth? I never said that I have contempt for the "bar scene" because it is what it is. Lots of booze and easy women selling their bodies to the highest bidder pretty much sums it up. If that's your thing then whatever but can't you guys do any better? I first came to Thailand when I was 19 so yes, I have been to the bars and back then naively and foolishly went with a few women. But unlike most of you guys, It was just an experience for me and I don't for the life of me understand how someone could actually make this a lifestyle choice. And to top it off, many of you guys actually marry women like that? That's disgusting. Most of you guys come from America or Europe or what I would call "modern" countries and you should show some dignity and pride and not act and live like sleaze by living this bargirl "bang bang" lifestyle.

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this thread is hilarious, so many posters with their so called hi-so's.

there are always exceptions to the rule but I've never seen in my life in asia a real hi-so bred in asia beauty with an old western guy, it just not going to happen, they don't date westerners, it would be too crass. How many have you seen walking around paragon? Or orchid mall in sing? Or on the parade opposite the peninsula in HK? None. And if your answer is 'I have or I am one' then you have no clue what hi-so even means in asia.

Peter Ladd Jensen did alright.

Yeah, but they were about the same age, they met in the States where the Thai culture was not so thick, and their marriage was less than storybook and ended in divorce .

Nonetheless, it is possible to marry a good Thai girl from upper, middle, or lower class whose every thought does not revolve around your money. There are Thai ladies who would rather have a chance for happiness than just be given money.

Just because there are many Thai ladies driven by money, it doesn't mean they all are. You are not giving Thai women much credit. Not all are whores out to get your money. If those are all you know, shame on you.

Excellent post. Some of the posters here really do need to have their heads examined. The stereotypes and generalizations and ignorance being shown are amazing. Just goes to show that many of these guys have been sucked into the sleazy bar girl scene for so long that they are simply unredeemable and they no longer possess the proper cognitive skills that normal people have.

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Have any of you folks actually been in a beer bar or go go or dance club. Drug use is obvious and rampant. It's a major problem in Thailand.

Exactly, and don't think for a second that "Thailand's Best" don't know about it or don't allow it to happen just so long as they (you fill in the blank)...

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Have any of you folks actually been in a beer bar or go go or dance club. Drug use is obvious and rampant. It's a major problem in Thailand.

The issue wasn't whether there is drug abuse in the sex industry or not. In fact I imagine there is quite a bit. The issue was whether the girls were freely admitting to drug use to total strangers, as Ronn68 claimed.

To answer your question, no I haven't been in a beer bar or go-go or dance club in quite some time. That would be Ronn68's area of expertise. But I do think I know something about whether or not drug use is a taboo subject in Thailand, and the natural circumspection of people from rural villages. (see post #327)

Still (ass)uming, I see. Who said I was a total stranger? You? I went to that club almost every week for over a year with some of my Thai employees so that means I'm a total stranger- even after sometimes spending 10,000 Baht in one night to have these girls sit down and drink away? Like I said before, actually being able to communicate with these girls in their own language instead of communicating in choppy, broken English goes a long way...

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You don't seem to understand Thai culture that well, in my opinion. I used to go to that bar with a few of my employees to "wind up the week" and the women I spoke with were surprisingly candid about it although it's not something they'd blurt out for other people in the bar to hear. It could be that you have a language barrier to deal with and that would limit your ability to really get to know the girls in these establishments. This is not the case for me as I am fluent in Thai and can read and write the language. And these girls aren't as stupid as you might think. Many, if not most, of them are street smart and they know who they can trust and who they can't. You might be surprised to know that quite a few of these bars are at least partially owned by police and ALL of them are controlled or allowed to operate because of police cooperation so when ecstasy or meth or other drugs are used in an establishment it's because the police allow it so it's not as if the girls are going around terrified that there's going to be a drug raid or anything. Got it?

Again with the 'I'm superior to everyone else' attitude?

First it's: 'My girlfriend's superior to the rest of you lowlife loser's girlfriends.'

Then it's: 'None of you guy's have my money or educational credentials.'

Next it's: 'None of you can speak Thai or understand Thai culture as well as me.'

Now it's: 'I'm a desirable ex-pat, but the rest of you ought to have your visas revoked.'

I'm not a psychologist, but it has been my experience that when people try to present themselves as superior to everyone else around them, more often than not they are trying to overcompensate for and mask deep insecurities. Based on your outlandish efforts to present yourself in this manner, I can only speculate that those insecurities must run deep indeed. I find your chronic assumptions that no one but you has accomplished anything with their lives to be quite obnoxious and childish.

In my opinion, the above post doesn't so much reflect a knowledge of Thai culture, but rather a knowledge of bar culture. I will happily concede that your knowledge of the bar scene may very well eclipse my own. I just have one question for you, however:

Given how contemptuous you are of the bar scene sub-culture, how did you manage to become such an authority on it without first indulging in those very same decadent diversions and wicked temptations you profess to find so abhorrent?

Do you remember the evangelists Jerry Fallwell or Jim Baker who used to preach so vehemently about the evils of prostitution until the day they were caught with call-girls in their beds?

Sometimes people dislike in others those traits and behaviors they most recognize in themselves. Just some food for thought, reverend.

P.S. I never said bar girls were stupid. In fact, I said just the opposite - - that they were way too smart and street wise to be openly talking to you about illegal drug use - - something which I continue to believe to be the case, with all due respect to your expertise in this matter.

"Given how contemptuous you are of the bar scene sub-culture, how did you manage to become such an authority on it without first indulging in those very same decadent diversions and wicked temptations you profess to find so abhorrent?"

Are you really so desperate that you have to make assumptions about me and then put words into my mouth? I never said that I have contempt for the "bar scene" because it is what it is. Lots of booze and easy women selling their bodies to the highest bidder pretty much sums it up. If that's your thing then whatever but can't you guys do any better? I first came to Thailand when I was 19 so yes, I have been to the bars and back then naively and foolishly went with a few women. But unlike most of you guys, It was just an experience for me and I don't for the life of me understand how someone could actually make this a lifestyle choice. And to top it off, many of you guys actually marry women like that? That's disgusting. Most of you guys come from America or Europe or what I would call "modern" countries and you should show some dignity and pride and not act and live like sleaze by living this bargirl "bang bang" lifestyle.

Hey Everybody,


If Ronn68 wants to get laid, it's just a rite of passage, an innocent sowing of wild oats, but if any of the rest of you have any carnal desires you're a bunch of dirty degenerate losers.

It's called being a self-righteous hypocrite, Ronn, and that's what I'm calling you on. Who appointed you God? I guess I didn't get the memo.

Here are verbatim quotes from your posts:

"Just because you don't have what it takes to get near an "upper crust" Thai woman doesn't mean that there are those of us who haven't. We may be a select few but we do exist. Most of you guys come here with basically nothing or very little and that's why most of the more well-to-do Thai women don't give you the time of day."

"I'm married to a Thai woman (ethnic Chinese) who comes from a good, wealthy family and someone like you wouldn't even get a chance to date or marry a woman like her- they simply wouldn't give you the time of day."

"I hate to sound so old-fashioned but I just don't trust a woman who has had hundreds of dicks in her. If a woman can whore herself around like a piece of meat then it's obvious that she doesn't respect herself and if she doesn't respect herself she sure as heck can't respect you."

"I laugh at the people who support these women who sell themselves and also support the reasoning behind the women's decision to whore themselves out- namely that Thailand is a poor country and that these women have no choice but to do what they're doing because they have to support dear old mom and dad, blah...blah...blah..""

"I first came to Thailand when I was 19 so yes, I have been to the bars and back then naively and foolishly went with a few women."

"I went to that club almost every week for over a year with some of my Thai employees so that means I'm a total stranger- even after sometimes spending 10,000 Baht in one night to have these girls sit down and drink away?"

I'll let others decide whether or not you're full of yourself, and being hypocritical.

After all of your pretentious self-rightous superiority, it starts leaking out in dribs and drabs that you've been with prostitutes just like most others on this forum, and from the sounds of it you're still going there on a regular basis. Somehow I doubt that all you're doing is paying those girls to sit and drink with you and your co-workers. 10,000 baht in one night, indeed. Does your "upper crust" wife know what you been up to? Be careful; if she finds out, you might find yourself back skulking around Whitechapel far sooner than you might imagine.

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My wife, be accused of being a bar girl? Yeah right. You kinda come off as being a sleaze ball. Your life might be less than desirable but that doesn't mean mine is. Hopefully in the future stricter immigration controls will mean that guys like you are weeded out and slowly but surely forced out of the country...

exactly what immigration control would stop a "guy like him" from entering thailand?

Not talking about tourists, but more stringent rules for expats. With the new "military" government firmly in place, I'm confident that those expats who lack the financial resources to live here comfortably and only manage to "skate by" will be slowly weeded out and driven from Thailand altogether. Thailand should follow the Singapore model. In Singapore there are many Western expats but almost all are professional types with the financial resources to live comfortably and actually contribute to Singaporean society. Thailand should use more "selective" measures to assure that it is getting the "right kind" of Western expat and this can only be done by weeding out those who lack the skills and expertise and financial security to live here and contribute.

feel free to include your details of his financial status

Thanks, Jaydee. Of course, Ronn is just playing make-believe....just like pretty much everything else he says.

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Just as I thought, this Gecko guy is turning out to be a real sleaze bag. I was 19 and 20 yrs old when I visited Thailand and visited a few bars and went with a few girls but back then I didn't even know these women were prostitutes as sometimes the line between a prostitute and some woman who might work at a bar serving drinks or whatever can be somewhat blurry. But I was very young at the time and considered it a learning experience and it's not something I even contemplated doing afterwards. So is Gecko 19 or 20? I don't think so. He's just a loser who has trouble accepting the fact that he isn't one of those who "made it" in life and that's why it really eats at him that I'm here to call him out about his utterly ridiculous ideas about Thai women and the general expat community in Thailand. And if I'm spending 10,000 Baht on my workers to go out on Saturday for a good time it MUST mean I'm screwing hookers also, huh? Why else would I spend that kind of money, huh? This Gecko guy's head has been in Thai sewers for so long that he seems to have forgotten what decency is and what it feels like to associate with good, quality people. It's sad if you really think about it...

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You don't seem to understand Thai culture that well, in my opinion. I used to go to that bar with a few of my employees to "wind up the week" and the women I spoke with were surprisingly candid about it although it's not something they'd blurt out for other people in the bar to hear. It could be that you have a language barrier to deal with and that would limit your ability to really get to know the girls in these establishments. This is not the case for me as I am fluent in Thai and can read and write the language. And these girls aren't as stupid as you might think. Many, if not most, of them are street smart and they know who they can trust and who they can't. You might be surprised to know that quite a few of these bars are at least partially owned by police and ALL of them are controlled or allowed to operate because of police cooperation so when ecstasy or meth or other drugs are used in an establishment it's because the police allow it so it's not as if the girls are going around terrified that there's going to be a drug raid or anything. Got it?

Again with the 'I'm superior to everyone else' attitude?

First it's: 'My girlfriend's superior to the rest of you lowlife loser's girlfriends.'

Then it's: 'None of you guy's have my money or educational credentials.'

Next it's: 'None of you can speak Thai or understand Thai culture as well as me.'

Now it's: 'I'm a desirable ex-pat, but the rest of you ought to have your visas revoked.'

I'm not a psychologist, but it has been my experience that when people try to present themselves as superior to everyone else around them, more often than not they are trying to overcompensate for and mask deep insecurities. Based on your outlandish efforts to present yourself in this manner, I can only speculate that those insecurities must run deep indeed. I find your chronic assumptions that no one but you has accomplished anything with their lives to be quite obnoxious and childish.

Agree with you, Gecko. I'm not a psychologist either, but I find that people who boast about themselves in such a way on an anonymous forum is simply...well let's see what the scientific terms are. Oh yea, lying his ass off. The guy has zero credibility.

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I wonder what percentage of good Thai girls are with western men of ill repute. Plenty!!!

Who has frequented a bordello and paid the bar fine?

I'll be the first one to raise my hand.

I doubt there is anyone here who hasn't.

Put your hand up Ronn, you whore monger.

I would like to slag you off but suffice to say my feelings of you are in line with the others.

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I've never paid a bar fine, or had anything to do with prostitution in any form.

Not everyone came here for the women.

That's great to hear. Nice to know that you don't live that kind of degenerate lifestyle...

I expect someone will be along shortly to call me a liar, claim I must be gay, say 'we all pay for it one way or another', or make some crack about coming here for the temples.

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I've never paid a bar fine, or had anything to do with prostitution in any form.

Not everyone came here for the women.

That's great to hear. Nice to know that you don't live that kind of degenerate lifestyle...

I expect someone will be along shortly to call me a liar, claim I must be gay, say 'we all pay for it one way or another', or make some crack about coming here for the temples.

Well it won't be me, even though I'm sure there would be a degree of truth in it!

Enjoy the temples!

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I've never paid a bar fine, or had anything to do with prostitution in any form.

Not everyone came here for the women.

That's great Soi Biker.

I don't doubt you at all. I surmised from some of your previous posts you are of good ilk.

Nor have I since the day I met the girl I'm in love with.

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I wonder what percentage of good Thai girls are with western men of ill repute. Plenty!!!

Who has frequented a bordello and paid the bar fine?

I'll be the first one to raise my hand.

I doubt there is anyone here who hasn't.

Put your hand up Ronn, you whore monger.

I would like to slag you off but suffice to say my feelings of you are in line with the others.

Buying doesn't make you of 'ill repute'

Selling does.

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Just as I thought, this Gecko guy is turning out to be a real sleaze bag. I was 19 and 20 yrs old when I visited Thailand and visited a few bars and went with a few girls but back then I didn't even know these women were prostitutes as sometimes the line between a prostitute and some woman who might work at a bar serving drinks or whatever can be somewhat blurry. But I was very young at the time and considered it a learning experience and it's not something I even contemplated doing afterwards. So is Gecko 19 or 20? I don't think so. He's just a loser who has trouble accepting the fact that he isn't one of those who "made it" in life and that's why it really eats at him that I'm here to call him out about his utterly ridiculous ideas about Thai women and the general expat community in Thailand. And if I'm spending 10,000 Baht on my workers to go out on Saturday for a good time it MUST mean I'm screwing hookers also, huh? Why else would I spend that kind of money, huh? This Gecko guy's head has been in Thai sewers for so long that he seems to have forgotten what decency is and what it feels like to associate with good, quality people. It's sad if you really think about it...


You're such a knucklehead, I'm actually giggling at most of your posts.

Are you really living in such a vacuum that you think you're the only ex-pat in Thailand who has a post-graduate degree, has plenty of money, has a faithful respectable wife, can read and write Thai, etc., etc? Just for the record, I can check off all of the above, and know lots of guys who can do the same. It should be obvious to you that there are many on TVF who can say the same. How come you haven't realized this, and keep talking down to everyone? Where do you live? In a cloister?

There are loads on Tv that claim all that, not met any of them yet.

There are loads on Tv claiming chinese, educated, no bargirl partners, not met any of them yet either.

I understand many men don't like the reality of their lives, and are ashamed in some way, but I can assure you, nothing at all wrong with only speaking English and having a dark skinned Issan partner you found in a bar (massage/online/etc).


I don't believe for one moment that you (Gekko) or Ron have the slightest knowledge of Thai language. Those who do, appear to occasionally post in the Thai language forum.


@ Ron, line isn't blurred at all,

if you pay a bar fine and take her home, that makes her a prostitute.

If you give her money after sex, that makes her a prostitute.


Normal corporate entertainment in Thailand involves hookers.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Seems to me there are just a lot of assumptions and stereotypes. When you see a Thai girl with a Falang, do you really know how they met, what is her history or what is his history?

well if I see a Thai women with a falang and she has tattoos, smoking, dressed like a slut and talking badly and wearing too much tacky gold, I am pretty sure what she is and where they met, and that's not at University!

Edited by jacky54
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I don't believe for one moment that you (Gekko) or Ron have the slightest knowledge of Thai language. Those who do, appear to occasionally post in the Thai language forum.

re: Gecko



in Thai language.

what does this word mean please

in Thai language

Started by dirtycash, 2014-08-08

Black rice vinegar

in Thai language

AnotherOneAmerican: I eagerly await your apology.

Edited by Gecko123
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I wonder what percentage of good Thai girls are with western men of ill repute. Plenty!!!

Who has frequented a bordello and paid the bar fine?

I'll be the first one to raise my hand.

I doubt there is anyone here who hasn't.

Put your hand up Ronn, you whore monger.

I would like to slag you off but suffice to say my feelings of you are in line with the others.

Buying doesn't make you of 'ill repute'

Selling does.

Point taken AoA.

I'll hold my chin a little higher then.

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I've never paid a bar fine, or had anything to do with prostitution in any form.

Not everyone came here for the women.

That's great to hear. Nice to know that you don't live that kind of degenerate lifestyle...

I expect someone will be along shortly to call me a liar, claim I must be gay, say 'we all pay for it one way or another', or make some crack about coming here for the temples.

SoiBiker, I respect your choices in life and I'm sure you're not one to pass judgement on others. I haven't been involved in that scene myself in years, but do recall back in the day. But when you live here full-time, that whole environment really doesn't appeal (to a great many of us). Especially when you can speak Thai and meet ladies from all walks of life. About the only time I even visit these bars anymore is when a friend from stateside comes over, because that's pretty much all they want to do. I'll take them out there and still have a great time without having to partake. And hey, I don't look down on my friends because they want to do a little P4P. We're all adults.

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