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Leaving a Government school on "bad terms" ?

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I am sorry, but ethics, or professional ethics are almost by definition an intrinsic attribute.

Op is not being ethical professionally. Saying "well, they are worse" is the exact opposite of what profesional ethics is all about.

He or she can cut and run if they want, but make no mistake it is neither profesional nor ethical.

For the record, I never said "they are worse". It is an implication you have drawn based upon the replies of others. It isn't a "cut and run" either. In a professional environment there would be no question about October being paid as it has been earned. As far as "ethical" concerns, we are way beyond that in my circumstance. A person can only take being shat upon for so long, then she has taken all the shat she will stand for.

Sounds pretty clear cut to me. If you did the right thing they would screw you over anyway. You know the individual school and its ways of dealings more than any poster here. My only concern for you is that you may need a reference for your next job in the UK. Because my previous school did me over I wrote a letter of recommendation saying how great I was and made them print on headed paper and sign it. If I was in England I would have made a legal claim against them for not paying me the final two months but I knew here it's a waste of time.

Regarding your last sentence: Why don't you find out for yourself? How can you possibly k n o w whether something will be "a waste of time"?

I regret the perpetuation of this myth. It's rewarding the very worst behavior by greedy directors or whoever else has some personal financial interest in such an outcome.

One school wouldn't give me a contract or bother with a WP. I tried to force the issue and they prefered that I left, as they never ever botherd with any of these things over the years.

Not paying me was just another thing they have perfected over the years. So I filed a law suit and they hired an attorney (wasting more money than it would have cost to just pay me for time worked). Bizarre arguments about me being hired help etc. Then they began some serious back-paddling regarding the days they stiffed me for. No idea, how this will play out. But if the scoundrel ever gets the choice again I bet he will pay the foreigner rather than try and squeeze the toothpaste back into the tube and then having to pay up as well!

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Private schools are exempt from paying severance pay. At least that is what is reported by many members according to the Private school act.

Not true! I got severance from a private school and it was a Labour Court thing (try taking a government institution to Labour Court. That won't work). Need I show the deposit of 80,000 Baht into my savings account? Can do, if you insist. I swear this is true!

As I have said, I am not a legal expert and what I write is based on experience only. You might want to reply in this topic on the issue:


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I am sorry, but ethics, or professional ethics are almost by definition an intrinsic attribute.

Op is not being ethical professionally. Saying "well, they are worse" is the exact opposite of what profesional ethics is all about.

He or she can cut and run if they want, but make no mistake it is neither profesional nor ethical.

For the record, I never said "they are worse". It is an implication you have drawn based upon the replies of others. It isn't a "cut and run" either. In a professional environment there would be no question about October being paid as it has been earned. As far as "ethical" concerns, we are way beyond that in my circumstance. A person can only take being shat upon for so long, then she has taken all the shat she will stand for.

Sounds pretty clear cut to me. If you did the right thing they would screw you over anyway. You know the individual school and its ways of dealings more than any poster here. My only concern for you is that you may need a reference for your next job in the UK. Because my previous school did me over I wrote a letter of recommendation saying how great I was and made them print on headed paper and sign it. If I was in England I would have made a legal claim against them for not paying me the final two months but I knew here it's a waste of time.

Regarding your last sentence: Why don't you find out for yourself? How can you possibly k n o w whether something will be "a waste of time"?

I regret the perpetuation of this myth. It's rewarding the very worst behavior by greedy directors or whoever else has some personal financial interest in such an outcome.

One school wouldn't give me a contract or bother with a WP. I tried to force the issue and they prefered that I left, as they never ever botherd with any of these things over the years.

Not paying me was just another thing they have perfected over the years. So I filed a law suit and they hired an attorney (wasting more money than it would have cost to just pay me for time worked). Bizarre arguments about me being hired help etc. Then they began some serious back-paddling regarding the days they stiffed me for. No idea, how this will play out. But if the scoundrel ever gets the choice again I bet he will pay the foreigner rather than try and squeeze the toothpaste back into the tube and then having to pay up as well!

I agree 100%.

It kind of escapes me, but people -- intelligent people -- don't seem to understand that if these school directors get stung a few times, they are going to start thinking twice. They aren't going to start treating teachers well out of the kindness of their hearts, I can assure people of that. "Attrition" is the only way to make them care and treat people properly. Not doing all this is just a total disservice to the rest of the teaching community, and it is just a bad example to set as a teacher to be honest. It is like being raped and just letting the assailant run free without recourse. Why the average person doesn't see it like that I have no idea.

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