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Pheu Thai raises its head again


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The Thaksin clan and it's supporters are like the Hydra, a many-headed serpent in Greek mythology,

whereby, you cut of one head and still there are many more to deal with,

and until a modern day Hercules like person will come alone to put it down once and for all

we will still have to put us with those power hungry people with money than self respect of

knowing when to bow out and stay out. .....

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Thaksin and Yingluck are still very popular with the thai people and the junta knows it and I think there are deals being done int the background to allow a more peaceful transition of government with new rules for the politicians when the next election is announced.

Maybe there will be no red and yellow shirts or black and pink shirts but one thing for sure is when that day comes you can rest assured that if Thaksin and Yingluck are still around which they will be then it will be another landslide just as it has been in the past .

The junta knows this so compromises will be made on both sides maybe even allowing Thaksin to return and granted amnesty which would go along way to calming the situation and allowing Thailand to move ahead.

You have a VERY short memory.

He thrives on it this way, his agenda always.

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Hasn't Thaksin let us farangs roam free? Also haven't his policies kept Thais miserably poor, which in turn allowed steady supply of cheap virgin meat to expat joints, not to mention exquisitly low maid/housekeeping wages nationwide? Doesn't it make him our best friend?

Thaksin hasn't let farrangs roam free---------------------Cheap virgin meat ??? you mean end of breeding life of old sow pigs.-----------------------

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Then again djjamie he could be thinking that he is sending out a warning (intimidation) to the NACC and OAG, the courts even, that he is still around and still has the capacity to harm those who have the temerity to prosecute any of his family.

Whatever is in his mind or that of his think tanks, this, the previous recent orders he has given and the former PT MP's and reds meeting with him in HK proves without a doubt that he is still in charge and the old slogan is still true: "Thaksin thinks PT acts"

Intimidation --yes--the timing is no coincidence, Yingluck and any other of PTP involved in court action. He thinks no one knows his evil thinking, because he is so full of self importance--this will never fade.

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Gen. Prayuth is a man of action, Thaksin is a man of promises, all broken. I personally believe that those who continue to suggest that the Shin popularity will never fade are fooling themselves. Many independent polls have indicated that Prayuth's popularity is growing day by day; that therefore suggests that the support of the people has to shift from elsewhere, in this case, it can only be the Shin family.

I believe, and truly hope, that the people of Thailand who they threw their support behind Thaksin and his bunch of thieves have now seen through the selfish, corrupt practices (failed populist policies) that they stood for (and will always stand for) and instead, throw their support behind the rising tide of anti-corruption, thereby ensuring that Thaksin, and all others like him, will be kept out of politics in the future.

Okay, let's have the election soon, and we can then see the final phase of Thaksin !

And once the election has taken place, then America and the European Union (throw in Australia as well) will not be allowed to be unfriendly towards Thailand. Thailand will be in their 'good books'.

And once that happens, Thailand will not be drifting away from America. Thailand can go back to trying to play off China AND America. We'ill see what gifts the two big boys dish out in their fight to prevent Thailand from falling into the arms of the other one !


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However they are still in deep denial over any wrong doing in 2010 in spite of the increasing proof.

Thanawut Wichaidit, spokesman for the red-shirt United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship, said the red shirts were confident there were no "men in black" among their protesters during the unrest of 2010.

"We fight peacefully, and the red shirts had nothing to do" with the violent attack, he said.

I thought that yesterday the MIB had confessed to attacking the redshirts and the military?

More red shirt propaganda. Geeze, I thought we were done with this kind of BS.

The sooner the money trail is traced back to Thaksin and he and all his followers charged with treason the better.

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Thaksin and Yingluck are still very popular with the thai people and the junta knows it and I think there are deals being done int the background to allow a more peaceful transition of government with new rules for the politicians when the next election is announced.

Maybe there will be no red and yellow shirts or black and pink shirts but one thing for sure is when that day comes you can rest assured that if Thaksin and Yingluck are still around which they will be then it will be another landslide just as it has been in the past .

The junta knows this so compromises will be made on both sides maybe even allowing Thaksin to return and granted amnesty which would go along way to calming the situation and allowing Thailand to move ahead.

It would almost be nice if what you say could be true. But I think it is not.

Thaksin and the junta may be dancing, but I suspect it is a slam-dance.

I would be very very surprised to see any deal struck until the current situation changes significantly. IMO the junta and Thaksin are fighting tooth and nail. (I do not equate Thaksin and the Red Shirts, and in this case, Thaksin is fighting for his own interests, not for those of the UDD).

There is nothing happening to indicate that the Junta wants to calm the situation. Everything points to the Junta controlling the situation. And the General has already tossed the timeframe for the so-called roadmap to democracy out the window.

The junta (or its version of Thai-style democracy) are with us for the foreseeable future. Prediction: No deals will be cut.

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It would almost be nice if what you say could be true. But I think it is not.

Thaksin and the junta may be dancing, but I suspect it is a slam-dance.

I would be very very surprised to see any deal struck until the current situation changes significantly. IMO the junta and Thaksin are fighting tooth and nail. (I do not equate Thaksin and the Red Shirts, and in this case, Thaksin is fighting for his own interests, not for those of the UDD).

There is nothing happening to indicate that the Junta wants to calm the situation. Everything points to the Junta controlling the situation. And the General has already tossed the timeframe for the so-called roadmap to democracy out the window.

The junta (or its version of Thai-style democracy) are with us for the foreseeable future. Prediction: No deals will be cut.

I generally agree with what you're saying, except for "the General has already tossed the timeframe ... out the window".

Besides your crystal ball predictions, what evidence is there that proper elections won't be held as the road map suggests?

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It would almost be nice if what you say could be true. But I think it is not.

Thaksin and the junta may be dancing, but I suspect it is a slam-dance.

I would be very very surprised to see any deal struck until the current situation changes significantly. IMO the junta and Thaksin are fighting tooth and nail. (I do not equate Thaksin and the Red Shirts, and in this case, Thaksin is fighting for his own interests, not for those of the UDD).

There is nothing happening to indicate that the Junta wants to calm the situation. Everything points to the Junta controlling the situation. And the General has already tossed the timeframe for the so-called roadmap to democracy out the window.

The junta (or its version of Thai-style democracy) are with us for the foreseeable future. Prediction: No deals will be cut.

Thaksin doesn't fight for the interests of the UDD who are merely a propaganda and militia wing of his political party. While UDD purport to represent the people of the north, they do no such thing, as the amnesty episode amply proved.

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Thaksin and Yingluck are still very popular with the thai people and the junta knows it and I think there are deals being done int the background to allow a more peaceful transition of government with new rules for the politicians when the next election is announced.

Maybe there will be no red and yellow shirts or black and pink shirts but one thing for sure is when that day comes you can rest assured that if Thaksin and Yingluck are still around which they will be then it will be another landslide just as it has been in the past .

The junta knows this so compromises will be made on both sides maybe even allowing Thaksin to return and granted amnesty which would go along way to calming the situation and allowing Thailand to move ahead.

I see it similar....Thaksin will buy another election, than after 2-3 years of scam and corruption there will be demonstrations and violence and the military coup was for nothing.

The only way to prevent that is to put all corrupt into jail and seize all the money, no matter which party or how well connected or how popular someone is. Without money popularity also reduces itself.

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However they are still in deep denial over any wrong doing in 2010 in spite of the increasing proof.

Thanawut Wichaidit, spokesman for the red-shirt United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship, said the red shirts were confident there were no "men in black" among their protesters during the unrest of 2010.


"We fight peacefully, and the red shirts had nothing to do" with the violent attack, he said.

I thought that yesterday the MIB had confessed to attacking the redshirts and the military?

More red shirt propaganda. Geeze, I thought we were done with this kind of BS.

The sooner the money trail is traced back to Thaksin and he and all his followers charged with treason the better.

Having trouble reading?

"Somyot said the suspects confessed to being involved with the M79 grenade attacks on the red shirt protesters and the military officials on April 10. He however refused to reveal details of the investigation in which the suspects were implicated."

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See the old familiar heads with their old familiar rhetoric who honestly believe that the ptp won't win the next election and any one who dare votes for them is brainwashed.

We'll you guys can sit there day in day out in front of your PC for hours on end writing the same the things you have been writing for years but the plain fact is that soon as an election is held anyone of the shins clan who puts his or head up will win and win big time.

I know it you guys know you just can't bring yourself to admit it.

I almost feel sorry for one member who shall remain nameless who is so blinded by the yellow color he must be on his PC 24/7 trotting out the same rhetoric

Almost it said.

Stuttering parrot. The person that I think you're going on about. There's people who are Thai Visa members who feel that he's actually a pro-red who pretends he's pro-yellow. He turns up here, and deliberately blasts the reds, it's 'satire', it's a send up of the anti-Reds. It's deliberately being done to make the anti-Reds look bad !!


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Looks like thaksin needs to stir the bee's nest again due to his waning popularity.

This thaksin cartoon should not be called "looking at stars with feet on the ground" It should be called "Looking at stars through the bars of my cell" He was an unelectable leader of a party that purport to support democracy. Thats says it all.

I cannot blame him really for trying this media stunt after the failed 2014 election results that clearly reflected the public sentiment towards them (especially in the North and North East where there was no protests) after the failed rice scheme, the failed amnesty, the failed 2 trillion baht loan with no transparency, the water management scheme that the PTP refused to allow the public to be involved in. There is only so much disdain for the public by the PTP that the public can put up with before they retract their support. There certainly was a landslide in that 2014 election result. Unfortunately it covered the PTP up like a skiing victim on the snow slopes.

Of course some will refer to an election nearly 4 years ago to gauge the PTP popularity because that is all they have left to cling too. Never mind the nearly infinite polls and the 2014 failed election that showed otherwise. Not one poll, not one result from anywhere showed the PTP on the winning end of anything pertinent to winning an election. And unlike thaksin who knows this and admits to it, some of his ardent supporters still refuse to believe it by making up wonderful excuses for the failed 2014 election and all the polls that cover a cross section of Thailand. thaksin knows they are whimsical excuses so he is being proactive and he wants to snowball (excuse the pun) any efforts to ensure he is not a name of the past. He is scared now his popularity is waning. He is petrified.

Now the Reds are stirring again will that 7% fanatical minority come out purporting to represent the majority?

Rest assured if / when they lose the next election in 2015 thaksin and his supporters will not acknowledge that election result either. The excuses will be the "Junta this" and the "Junta that". Never ever does thaksin or his 7% minority followers ever support any result that does not go their way. When the result goes there way however (2011 election) they will cling to that result like a baby to her mothers teat.

In 60 years if / when the PTP have still not won an election the supporters will still say "The PTP are the majority, just look at the 2011 election results"!! That is PTP logic right there folks. Who says they have a short memory. Selective, yes. Short, no.

See you in Thailand tomorrow thaksin!

Rather than rely on your constant belittling (now where have I heard that before?) of what you perceive to be PTP Logic, which in reality is the imaginings of your fevered mind, let's have a look at a more cogent analysis of what would have happened in the February 2014 had it not been for the EC and suthep and his clowns.

Ultimately, what the early election results have shown is three things.

First, Pheu Thai will emerge as a “weakened” winner. There is no doubt that in both constituency and the PR systems, the incumbent will grasp electoral victory. What they have lost is support from the electorate, particularly some alarming results in the party strongholds in the North and Northeast.

The PDRC met with some success in mobilizing the No Vote and will take credit for the rest of the non-Pheu Thai votes in their next move to demonstrate the illegitimacy of Pheu Thai.

Third, Thai electorates have shown that despite the lower voter turnout, more than 50% of the country still wants to decide their government at the ballot box.


As for an election in 2015 (if it happens), you have no idea what the junta picked NRC are going to come up with in order to load the decks for that election. So if the PTP lose that election they may well be quite within their rights to blame the junta and their underlings for the result.

Don't say it won't happen, abhisit changed the constitution before the 2011 Election to favour the dems with his raising of the number of party list MP's and reduction of constituency seats. That plan didn't work, probably because after 2010 abhisit was unelectable.

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Gen. Prayuth is a man of action, Thaksin is a man of promises, all broken. I personally believe that those who continue to suggest that the Shin popularity will never fade are fooling themselves. Many independent polls have indicated that Prayuth's popularity is growing day by day; that therefore suggests that the support of the people has to shift from elsewhere, in this case, it can only be the Shin family.

I believe, and truly hope, that the people of Thailand who they threw their support behind Thaksin and his bunch of thieves have now seen through the selfish, corrupt practices (failed populist policies) that they stood for (and will always stand for) and instead, throw their support behind the rising tide of anti-corruption, thereby ensuring that Thaksin, and all others like him, will be kept out of politics in the future.

Well, I would still take any polls regarding the Junta, independent or not, with a little grain of salt. Given that they are still instructing the media that no content critical of the Junta should be published i don't think we're living in the most impartial climate at the moment.

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Thaksin and Yingluck are still very popular with the thai people and the junta knows it and I think there are deals being done int the background to allow a more peaceful transition of government with new rules for the politicians when the next election is announced.

Maybe there will be no red and yellow shirts or black and pink shirts but one thing for sure is when that day comes you can rest assured that if Thaksin and Yingluck are still around which they will be then it will be another landslide just as it has been in the past .

The junta knows this so compromises will be made on both sides maybe even allowing Thaksin to return and granted amnesty which would go along way to calming the situation and allowing Thailand to move ahead.

You have a VERY short memory.

. . . and so do most Thai's who will inevitably vote for them once again when they make grandiose promises that will benefit the "poor" once again . . .

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Here's a scenario for you.

The general does not represent any party so come the promised elections,whenever they may be, who will he run with?

The Dems are a spent force and really no other viable opposition. If he did run with any of them he would be out of a job.

What if he made a deal with the devil? Runs for pm with the backing of PTP ((Thaksin).

A genuine nailed on close to 100% victory almost guaranteed! Not like the recent one man yes vote.

Then the boys can run amok with an elected blessing of the people.

Stranger things have happened an TIT

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