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Retirement under 50

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I live in Sweden that is a socialistic country.

I was forced into retirement 1 week after I was 30 years old. Had a back injury. Instead of sick-leave until it was fixed the goverment forced retiered me. (because the sick pay is 80% of the salary and retired get 64%)

Sweden have 9 million people. Over 500000 are retired before the age of 65.

I really wished that Thailand had a non-work retirement visa for people under 50 year.

(why work if you dont make any money? That is the problem in a socialistic cointry like Sweden. If I start to work tomorrow full time i maybe in best case scenario can get 500 dollar more each month. Is it worth working for 500 dollars? Nope)

You must have been away from Sweden a long time if you belive it's a socialistic country. For many years Sweden have been ruled by the right winged party. As far away from socialism that you can get.

And the retirement age in Sweden is not 65. Everyone living and working in Sweden can retire at 61 with a guvernment pension if they like to do that. Yoy choose what age you like to retire.

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I live in Sweden that is a socialistic country.

I was forced into retirement 1 week after I was 30 years old. Had a back injury. Instead of sick-leave until it was fixed the goverment forced retiered me. (because the sick pay is 80% of the salary and retired get 64%)

Sweden have 9 million people. Over 500000 are retired before the age of 65.

I don't get your statement ? Yes Sweden have 9 million people. But that include everyone from 1 years old to 110 years old. And what's the big deal with 500k people are retired before the age of 65? Why shouldn't they be? The retirement age is lower than 65 for all people in Sweden.

And you only have to be 50 to get the retirement visa or extension here. So more than 99% out of those people will not have a problem. Your post does not make sense...

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Loving the information here; I too will be looking to retire early. I am currently 29, and plan to retire at age 40. No doubt my country and Thailand will be very different places in 11 years; but at this stage I do have a plan and Thailand is where I want that plan to be. I will probably be married by that time but do not want to rely on my partner for a visa; as relying on people is an inherent weakness in any plan.

This thread is giving some good info. What level of proficiency in Thai is required for the Permanent Residence avenue? I can hold a conversation with people about day to day activities; and enjoy talking with the motorcycle taxis,taxi drivers, food sellers and other people in day to day life. I am learning Isaan as part of my Khaen lessons for the 2-3 months per year I spend in Thailand (my Ajarn does not speak English; nor does the Morlum lady whose house we have the lessons at). I do not speak the kings Thai.. is it an issue?

Another issue being I had the same issue with bank accounts; whereby most banks wanted to see a work visa for me to open an account. The best I managed was a non-interest bearing account with Kasikorn; the money is now locked there as I am not in Thailand and the bank refuses to allow me to transfer funds when I am out of the country via their internet banking. All this for an account I effectively had to show a large amount of money to open.

Does anyone know of a better banking solution in Thailand? Preferably something I can move in and out of stocks, commodities and/or currencies as the market fluctuates.

Edited by TheGhostWithin
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Many in the USA military retire after 20 years (reduced retirement pay, full is after 30 years). Easy to see how somebody under 40 years of age could be drawing decent retirement pay. Most opt to go to work in industry or gov't but some just opt to go fishing.

Its not about the USA, its about Thailand

No, it's about retirement under 50--and the argument is why is it 50. The OP has just made a statement of legitimate retirement under 50. I would suggest a 20 year retirement from many militaries, police, or fire departments could be accomplished under 50--and any 20 year officer or senior NCO from a more developed nation should be able to meet the Thai income requirement.

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"...the bank refuses to allow me to transfer funds when I am out of the country via their internet banking."

If you mean that you have internet banking but you cannot use it from overseas because it requires One Time Passwords via your Thai mobile number:

While you were in Thailand you should have switched from OTP protection to superpassword protection. It may not be possible to make the switch after you've left Thailand.

"Does anyone know of a better banking solution in Thailand? Preferably something I can move in and out of stocks, commodities and/or currencies as the market fluctuates."

Kbank will allow you to open an investment account to parallel your savings account. You can manage it from overseas. Note: for the purpose of extending your stay based on retirement or marriage, only the money in your savings account or a fixed account will apply.

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I don't think it is as common as people might think for a person under 50 to not just be able to retire but to actually not want and to not work. I was headed back into the US a number of years ago (I was under 50)and going through immigration told the officer I was retired when he asked what I did for a living ... his response was to mark my entry card to cause me to have my person and all my belongings screened. First and last time, I ever told them I didn't work and never ever had an issue beyond that one time.

Same thing happened to me a few years back, except the immigration officer at SFO made a snide comment about my being retired at a younger than normal age while marking my entry card for a search.

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Many in the USA military retire after 20 years (reduced retirement pay, full is after 30 years). Easy to see how somebody under 40 years of age could be drawing decent retirement pay. Most opt to go to work in industry or gov't but some just opt to go fishing.

Its not about the USA, its about Thailand

Have you ever heard of comparison and contrast as a common element in discussion... in debate?

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Many in the USA military retire after 20 years (reduced retirement pay, full is after 30 years). Easy to see how somebody under 40 years of age could be drawing decent retirement pay. Most opt to go to work in industry or gov't but some just opt to go fishing.

Its not about the USA, its about Thailand

Actually it is NOT about what age people retire at in Thailand and IS about what age non-Thais retire since Thais don't need a retirement visa to retire in their own country.

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Many in the USA military retire after 20 years (reduced retirement pay, full is after 30 years). Easy to see how somebody under 40 years of age could be drawing decent retirement pay. Most opt to go to work in industry or gov't but some just opt to go fishing.

Its not about the USA, its about Thailand

Actually it is NOT about what age people retire at in Thailand and IS about what age non-Thais retire since Thais don't need a retirement visa to retire in their own country.

It doesn't matter what age non Thais retire at. If they are 1 year, 40 year or 100 years old. Thailand have decided that you need to be at least 50 years to get the retirement extension(visa). And you don't have to be retired either. If you have the money and are 50 years old you will get it even if you like to work 50 more years in your home country before you retire.

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