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EDU visa denied by Royal Thai ambassy in Sweden. (language school)

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When a Thai applies an edu visa to learn German they must have the following in order:

1. 7,900 Euros in a fixed deposit (320,000 Baht) or a sponsor such as parents that provide 659 Euros per month (26,000 Baht), Often they want both plus they ask for at least a 3 month bank statement.

2. Minimum of 18 hours per week to study German

3. Medical insurance of at least 30,000 Euros

4. Prepaid accommodation - No voucher from tour companies accepted and the accommodation must be prepaid in full.

The average cost for a two month course at 18 hours week for two months is around 950 Euros plus accommodation around 1400 Euros.

As the course is only two month, the visa the Thai student would get is 3 months which could be extended if the student decides to go for further studies.

Lets say a Thai student want to learn German for 11 months which is the maximum. The cost would be:

a) 4560 Euros for the 11 month course

B) 8400 Euros for accommodations so we come up with almost 13,000 Euros or Baht 490,000 plus the fixed deposit account or the sponsors guarantee of around 659 Euros.

./. and here on ThaiVisa people complain that the Thai embassy wants to see 25,000 Baht per month in the account or 300,000 Baht per annum on a 1 year edu visa.

Many people in Thailand abuse the edu visas and its time that the Thai government closes those loopholes.

And u wish bring it upon thailand.

Look this amounts and explain me how 23 year thai student wishing to learn german would have that sort of moneys if not super rich family...

U rise current level of requirements, few years later someone will say same thing lets rise it then it will hit the roof and be too late thats what I worry about.

But I agree 25k month is fair for study thai.

Edited by mataleo
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I dont get why u guys bother if someone got money or not or how much. No one with 10k bath would come here for year. They must have funds.

Because a lot of them come with very small funds and then work illegal here. You have had many question about working in your GF shop ;) Or sitting all day beside her in the shop without working ;)

Yeh. I got legal business in thai name and thai workers. I dont really work.

What I mean we should wish always that things be easier and thats with everything.

I dont think making things more strict, or being more watched is good for everyone.

Here its tough already either for retirees or students or tourists.

The more strict it becomes the closer wr get to tyrany...

If you have a legal Thai business and have employed Thai workers. Then why make so many posts/topic about you doing visa runs and starting to study to get a ED visa ??? Edited by larsjohnsson
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To get educational visa to Germany requires 18 hours a week, medical insurance and prepaid accommodation.

I think good. Adjust for cost of living in the city of choice.

Only serious students would consider this and school would be expected to provide quality education.

Other people would need different visa.

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I dont get why u guys bother if someone got money or not or how much. No one with 10k bath would come here for year. They must have funds.

Because a lot of them come with very small funds and then work illegal here. You have had many question about working in your GF shop wink.png Or sitting all day beside her in the shop without working wink.png

Yeh. I got legal business in thai name and thai workers. I dont really work.

What I mean we should wish always that things be easier and thats with everything.

I dont think making things more strict, or being more watched is good for everyone.

Here its tough already either for retirees or students or tourists.

The more strict it becomes the closer wr get to tyrany...

If you have a legal Thai business and have employed Thai workers. Then why make so many posts/topic about you doing visa runs and starting to study to get a ED visa ???

whats so complicated about it?

business is legal in thai name with thai staff, and i dont work, they do, and my gf is head of operation, she manages pretty much all, I am eligible for B visa and WP, reson I went for ED, is b cuz I dont really work, so I dont need it, in future I might swich , I was on tourist visa and now study, so posts are for answer my questions as i never done it before either visa runs or ed visas..

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Hard​ for to farang to live on 25,000 a month but possible.

I live think 300k to apply for sounds a 1 year visa with work prohibited is a very reasonable requirement.

A one year retirement visa or one year student visa should have same financial requirement

"Hard​ for (to) farang to live on 25,000 a month but possible"

I live comfortably for 5,000 a month. Not difficult, and I eat well. If I have girlfriend stay for a few days, or overseas guests, ..ok it can be 10,000 But 25,000? LOL

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Bank account with 25000 bath minimum for each month you stay in Thailand. (300K for a years visa in a bank)

So reasonably one would apply for a single entry visa - 75,000 Bt in Bank.
Also because multi-entry visa means doing border hops every three months.

Wonder how long time Laos will continue to hand out visas.

I think it will be for a long time because in Laos with Bt 2,000 each visa they can maintain the entire embassy and consulate operation.

Remember that they keep the 2000 thb even if they reject you.

One year EDU visa the embassy took 4000 thb that they kept.

For me that apply for a year visa = have to have 300K thb on a bank account. (25K is minimum. My rent is 25K so I put down 70K per month on my visa papers. So I have to have over 800K in the bank. I hope that makes a visa more easy to get when they understand at the ambassy that I wont/cant/dont need to work)

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When a Thai applies an edu visa to learn German they must have the following in order:

[lots of irrelevant euro blah blah]

Many people in Thailand abuse the edu visas and its time that the Thai government closes those loopholes.

Thailand is not Germany, and fortunately it will never be.

People can still stay in Thailand for study, without proof of funds - one can do without the Embassy in Sweden and their robbing of visa fees.

Sorry if that is not what you wanted.

Edited by paz
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Paid health insurance?
Don't for example Germany have "free" healthcare for its citizens?

In Sweden most home insurance have health care included outside Sweden since health care in Sweden is payed 13% of our income tax. (The insurer simply hires a plane and dump the sick person in Sweden and let the tax payers pay).

I will try to put a copy of my insurence in my EDU visa application

+ show my prepaid apartment. (I hope a receipt is enough).

16 hours/week is what I have heard in Sweden minimum for EDU VISA.

(I really wished Sweden had the same rules for EDU. Just a couple of years ago University was free for farrangs but even today farrangs in Sweden gets 20000+thb/month tax free + a low interest loan 35000thb. Forcing Swedish students living in tents while "the poor" outsiders get free housing)

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Hard​ for to farang to live on 25,000 a month but possible.

I live think 300k to apply for sounds a 1 year visa with work prohibited is a very reasonable requirement.

A one year retirement visa or one year student visa should have same financial requirement

"Hard​ for (to) farang to live on 25,000 a month but possible"

I live comfortably for 5,000 a month. Not difficult, and I eat well. If I have girlfriend stay for a few days, or overseas guests, ..ok it can be 10,000 But 25,000? LOL

But you don't pay for ED visa and school......and even then it's ridiculous to state that we can live comfortable on 5k baht a month

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Financial ability to live without working for the length of the visa would be minimum requirement.

2 hours a day, 5 days a week, 80% attendance, with every 3 months standardized test showing progress.

This seems reasonable for people requesting visa for the purpose of studying Thai.

I want to learn Thai but most schools seem more interested in providing visas than teaching Thai language.

Gotta say, pretty easy to spout this stuff, when it doesn't apply to you.... petty

Who really cares what others are doing, they have no impact on my life, so why should I care?

Good luck to everyone, who is living in Thailand on a visa that suits THEM.... not the TV Stasi...

I can do either visa.... For me, The ED makes sense for exactly the reason that you do not need to tie 800k up in a Thai Bank.... and I like learning stuff... And because there is no requirement to show income for that visa, what I have is no one's business. Sorry Stasi guys, but they are the rules.... I am in OZ at the mo, just a holiday... I will go back on either a marriage or retirement extension... up to me... The changes with the ED visa, have made it not as convenient as it was before.... BUT I will re enrol at my language school and study, but not with the ED visa...

Edited by winnerinsix
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Paid health insurance?

Don't for example Germany have "free" healthcare for its citizens?

In Sweden most home insurance have health care included outside Sweden since health care in Sweden is payed 13% of our income tax. (The insurer simply hires a plane and dump the sick person in Sweden and let the tax payers pay).

I will try to put a copy of my insurence in my EDU visa application

+ show my prepaid apartment. (I hope a receipt is enough).

16 hours/week is what I have heard in Sweden minimum for EDU VISA.

(I really wished Sweden had the same rules for EDU. Just a couple of years ago University was free for farrangs but even today farrangs in Sweden gets 20000+thb/month tax free + a low interest loan 35000thb. Forcing Swedish students living in tents while "the poor" outsiders get free housing)

Not true. If you have a home insurence in Sweden they often include 30 or 45 Days travel Insurance in their policy. But never longer than that. And it's not free you pay for it in the home insurence.

They don't have any free health care for people outside Sweden either. And when a person in Sweden stay 6 months or longer outside Sweden he/she is not even included in the nearly free healthcare in Sweden if he come home. The Social security and Healthcare are gone if you spend more than 6 months outside Sweden

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Hard​ for to farang to live on 25,000 a month but possible.

I live think 300k to apply for sounds a 1 year visa with work prohibited is a very reasonable requirement.

A one year retirement visa or one year student visa should have same financial requirement

"Hard​ for (to) farang to live on 25,000 a month but possible"

I live comfortably for 5,000 a month. Not difficult, and I eat well. If I have girlfriend stay for a few days, or overseas guests, ..ok it can be 10,000 But 25,000? LOL

u not study

5000 i dont buy it

but true even after u pay school theres not much expenses as school is paid for year

i think 15k-20k is enough

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When a Thai applies an edu visa to learn German they must have the following in order:

1. 7,900 Euros in a fixed deposit (320,000 Baht) or a sponsor such as parents that provide 659 Euros per month (26,000 Baht), Often they want both plus they ask for at least a 3 month bank statement.

2. Minimum of 18 hours per week to study German

3. Medical insurance of at least 30,000 Euros

4. Prepaid accommodation - No voucher from tour companies accepted and the accommodation must be prepaid in full.

The average cost for a two month course at 18 hours week for two months is around 950 Euros plus accommodation around 1400 Euros.

As the course is only two month, the visa the Thai student would get is 3 months which could be extended if the student decides to go for further studies.

Lets say a Thai student want to learn German for 11 months which is the maximum. The cost would be:

a) 4560 Euros for the 11 month course

B) 8400 Euros for accommodations so we come up with almost 13,000 Euros or Baht 490,000 plus the fixed deposit account or the sponsors guarantee of around 659 Euros.

./. and here on ThaiVisa people complain that the Thai embassy wants to see 25,000 Baht per month in the account or 300,000 Baht per annum on a 1 year edu visa.

Many people in Thailand abuse the edu visas and its time that the Thai government closes those loopholes.

When german marry thai. Is it she have to show money in bank large amount like 200k € cuz its germany. And report to immigration every 90 days?

I doubt it.

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When a Thai applies an edu visa to learn German they must have the following in order:

1. 7,900 Euros in a fixed deposit (320,000 Baht) or a sponsor such as parents that provide 659 Euros per month (26,000 Baht), Often they want both plus they ask for at least a 3 month bank statement.

2. Minimum of 18 hours per week to study German

3. Medical insurance of at least 30,000 Euros

4. Prepaid accommodation - No voucher from tour companies accepted and the accommodation must be prepaid in full.

The average cost for a two month course at 18 hours week for two months is around 950 Euros plus accommodation around 1400 Euros.

As the course is only two month, the visa the Thai student would get is 3 months which could be extended if the student decides to go for further studies.

Lets say a Thai student want to learn German for 11 months which is the maximum. The cost would be:

a) 4560 Euros for the 11 month course

cool.png 8400 Euros for accommodations so we come up with almost 13,000 Euros or Baht 490,000 plus the fixed deposit account or the sponsors guarantee of around 659 Euros.

./. and here on ThaiVisa people complain that the Thai embassy wants to see 25,000 Baht per month in the account or 300,000 Baht per annum on a 1 year edu visa.

Many people in Thailand abuse the edu visas and its time that the Thai government closes those loopholes.

When german marry thai. Is it she have to show money in bank large amount like 200k € cuz its germany. And report to immigration every 90 days?

I doubt it.

I also doubt that there are many countries where the spouse of a citizen has to show income proof to stay longer then 90 days with their family. Yes you can pay money 1900 THB (that is a good 3 days average thai income) for 60 days extension, but then you have to leave the country and come back again and again and again...wouldn't this be also a loop hole?!?!

It should be much easier for foreigners with family in the country to get work and build a life and not with unfair income restrictions. This means company formation and self-employment with any thai employee or minimum capital requirements.

Thailands current immigration laws for Spouse are absolutely racism....

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When a Thai applies an edu visa to learn German they must have the following in order:

1. 7,900 Euros in a fixed deposit (320,000 Baht) or a sponsor such as parents that provide 659 Euros per month (26,000 Baht), Often they want both plus they ask for at least a 3 month bank statement.

2. Minimum of 18 hours per week to study German

3. Medical insurance of at least 30,000 Euros

4. Prepaid accommodation - No voucher from tour companies accepted and the accommodation must be prepaid in full.

The average cost for a two month course at 18 hours week for two months is around 950 Euros plus accommodation around 1400 Euros.

As the course is only two month, the visa the Thai student would get is 3 months which could be extended if the student decides to go for further studies.

Lets say a Thai student want to learn German for 11 months which is the maximum. The cost would be:

a) 4560 Euros for the 11 month course

cool.png 8400 Euros for accommodations so we come up with almost 13,000 Euros or Baht 490,000 plus the fixed deposit account or the sponsors guarantee of around 659 Euros.

./. and here on ThaiVisa people complain that the Thai embassy wants to see 25,000 Baht per month in the account or 300,000 Baht per annum on a 1 year edu visa.

Many people in Thailand abuse the edu visas and its time that the Thai government closes those loopholes.

When german marry thai. Is it she have to show money in bank large amount like 200k € cuz its germany. And report to immigration every 90 days?

I doubt it.

I also doubt that there are many countries where the spouse of a citizen has to show income proof to stay longer then 90 days with their family. Yes you can pay money 1900 THB (that is a good 3 days average thai income) for 60 days extension, but then you have to leave the country and come back again and again and again...wouldn't this be also a loop hole?!?!

It should be much easier for foreigners with family in the country to get work and build a life and not with unfair income restrictions. This means company formation and self-employment without any thai employee or minimum capital requirements.

Thailands current immigration laws for Spouse are absolutely racism....

Edited by SoFarAndNear
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That is so ironic. Average Thai salary is about 13200 Baht per month (Q2/14). So they are demanding from foreign students to have twice that amount.

Why is it ironic? That a foreigner that study in Thailand need 11800 baht more than the average Thai. He/she will have many expensis that a Thai citizen don't have.

And it's also a lot less money than than a retiree or a man with Thai family have to show when staying here. A retiree have to show 65k a month to live here, and students complain about 25k a month !!!

Edited by bangkoklasse
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Countries offer Visas to other people to bring money into the their country.

Many Thai people earning those salary have a mat on a cement floor and no air conditioning.

Very few people from 1 world countries could live like that.

If someone has a very small budget then probably not a good idea to take a year off from working to study a language only used in Thailand 4 hours a week.

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If someone has a very small budget then probably not a good idea to take a year off from working to study a language only used in Thailand 4 hours a week.

Let people with a small budget decide by themselves what is a good idea. After all they are the ones knowing best about their own life.

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If someone has a very small budget then probably not a good idea to take a year off from working to study a language only used in Thailand 4 hours a week.

Let people with a small budget decide by themselves what is a good idea. After all they are the ones knowing best about their own life.

Great, I decide that my retirement extension should be 100k in the bank instead of 800k.........great idea.....we should also decide the price of the visa and extension

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If someone has a very small budget then probably not a good idea to take a year off from working to study a language only used in Thailand 4 hours a week.

Let people with a small budget decide by themselves what is a good idea. After all they are the ones knowing best about their own life.

Great, I decide that my retirement extension should be 100k in the bank instead of 800k.........great idea.....we should also decide the price of the visa and extension

I think you missed the context an meaning of my sentence above. People can still decide what to do with their lives, for example taking an year off. Just as you decided to retire in Thailand.

Edited by paz
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If someone has a very small budget then probably not a good idea to take a year off from working to study a language only used in Thailand 4 hours a week.

Let people with a small budget decide by themselves what is a good idea. After all they are the ones knowing best about their own life.

Great, I decide that my retirement extension should be 100k in the bank instead of 800k.........great idea.....we should also decide the price of the visa and extension

I think you missed the context an meaning of my sentence above. People can still decide what to do with their lives, for example taking an year off. Just as you decided to retire in Thailand.

But the money we talked about was the fincial requirements for the ED visa at the embassy. If they show those 25k a month, yes then they can spend 2 baht a month if they can survive on that........

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But the money we talked about was the fincial requirements for the ED visa at the embassy. If they show those 25k a month, yes then they can spend 2 baht a month if they can survive on that........

They can even show nothing getting their visa in another place and/or getting extensions in Thailand.

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But the money we talked about was the fincial requirements for the ED visa at the embassy. If they show those 25k a month, yes then they can spend 2 baht a month if they can survive on that........

They can even show nothing getting their visa in another place and/or getting extensions in Thailand.

It doesn't help the people that live and apply for it in Sweden

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It doesn't help the people that live and apply for it in Sweden

Where there's a will, there is a way. Normally ED visa are obtained in Penang, Vientane, Savannkhet, or even Phnom Phen or Yangoon. Anything is better than certain consulates in Europe.

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It doesn't help the people that live and apply for it in Sweden

Where there's a will, there is a way. Normally ED visa are obtained in Penang, Vientane, Savannkhet, or even Phnom Phen or Yangoon. Anything is better than certain consulates in Europe.

My suggestion is to get a single entry tourist visa. Then check out a few a schools and pick the one you like best. Then go out to a nearby embassy or consulate to get the ED visa,

Better than paying 50% of the tuition to a school to for the visa paperwork you may of never been to.

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I talket to the embassy today.

They said that they denied the EDU visa because the school “only” had 180 hours of teaching hours.

180 hours is what is the official minimum amount of hours for a EDU visa. I find it interesting that a specific embassy decides that they don’t accept Thailands own rules. Especially since for example the Thai embassy in Laos accept 180 hours.

The embassy wanted 6hours/day school to give a EDU visa in Sweden.

Thailand really makes it hard for a Farang to stay there long time.

I personally can’t work and have a fixed income. Since I am under 50 years its legally impossible to stay in Thailand long time without investor/marriage visa or something like that.

Sure: I can get a dual entry VISA and just go to Laos.
But officially you need a 4-6 month “out of Thailand” before you can apply for a tourist visa again. This rule is not enforced in most embassies but maybe it is one day.

(I simply have to use my dual citizenship /dual passport and get dual entry visa and switch passport every 6 months. Insane)

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You just need to get a single entry tourist visa then after you have the documents from the school for the non-ed visa then go to Laos and get it.

You don't have to tourist stay on tourist visas.

There is no rule issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that requires any amount of time between tourist visas. That is just a rule set by a few embassies or consulates.

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