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Bodies of foreign tourists found brutally murdered on Koh Tao beach


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Dreadful and horrific. You go to an idyllic island for the time of your life and it ends horribly.

They were seemingly at a party and a mere 100m away from their bungalow. One is Irish and the other UK.

The island has been cordoned off with no \one leaving for the mainland.

Kho Tao has always been a cool laid back calm island.

Sincere condolences to the families of the two young people. What a terrible time for them.

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...and also, these have-nots that commit such outrages are not the ones capable of buying the Police. Quite the contrary: One would think that local Mafia have an interest that such things do not happen. Such events hurt business, make them lose money. So the Mafia pressure, if any, would go into the direction of finding and punishing the perpetrators, maybe by exactly the same method that they themselves used on their victims. Crime is what Police is not: Brutally efficient. Let's hope so...

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Watch out ,wherever you are ,killers are around you.

So dont flash money ,gold.... or your beauty,it can be taken by anyone who

does not have your moral standards .

And they will take it on you weakest moment ,in the dark, after drinks........

Not only in Thailand but anywhere where you are considered richer than the locals.

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There should be plenty of DNA evidence here, both on the hoe and elsewhere. I do hope that the investigators don't screw up on this one as with DNA it is possible to nail the exact person (the only exceptions are mirror-twins)

No doubt the perp thinks he has got away with it but if the DNA evidence is preserved he will be a marked man.

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Sky news UK reporting that they were British tourists. No other details at the moment.

Why is it that us Brits seem to often be the ones at the end of these articles and situations? I assume in this situation they had no fault to play in their demise either. RIP, lets hope the culprit is caught and hasn't fled somehow.

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There should be plenty of DNA evidence here, both on the hoe and elsewhere. I do hope that the investigators don't screw up on this one as with DNA it is possible to nail the exact person (the only exceptions are mirror-twins)

No doubt the perp thinks he has got away with it but if the DNA evidence is preserved he will be a marked man.

Sorry I have to jump in and be nitpicky here, there is actually a rare disorder if you want to call it that where someone can be born with 2 sets of DNA. The DNA found in say their saliva, blood and hair would be different to the DNA found in internal organs. I realised this after seeing a documentary about how a woman had 3 children who all had different DNA to her. It took 9 years to work out why and the condition is known as chimerism. It is very rare though so I am just nitpicking. But the people with chimerism only know because of such events as finding out their children are not the same DNA match through testing for whatever reason, imagine how many people go unnoticed or untested... That may throw the whole DNA matching method into disarray


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

wow terrible news! from the more peaceful cousin of Koh Phangan. looks like the Meth has taken a firm grip of the locals there too now.

I despise that drug more than any other...it turns people into lunatics with no moral compass whatsoever...

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Very sad RIP.

Also sad to read the comments about the possible effect on tourism - some heartless morons here in Thailand. I sometimes wonder how much longer it will be before they realize how stupid they look in the eyes of the civilized world.

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RPI and sincere condolences to both their families absolutely horrific murders So it is now becoming more apparent where not to go for your holidays if you want to have a safe carefree relaxing holiday with beautiful beaches Thailand is not the place to come to.

Come on this rarely happens to holidaymakers everywhere in the world, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Caribbean..... Thailand isn't exempt. Terrible news to wake up to here in UK...hope the one responsible is caught quickly

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Tragic in so many ways.

Where can you go these days to enjoy yourself without having to deal with predators? Asked rhetorically...

Take a big knife with you when you and your lady go to the beach to chill out.. keep your eyes peeled for ANYONE looking out of place and or approaching you... be prepared to fight for your life...when in doubt attack... hmmmm, great way to spend a relaxing evening on the beach during your vacation.. I think not.
Better to just go to another place that does not have a history of violence... where is that?

xxxxxx... I'm staying home, those places can go under as far as I'm concerned... they are not that spectacular to risk any of this.

As someone else mentioned above... I think farang need to stick together and defend each other in times of need. I really bothers me when I see people just standing by while the lady on the beach gets bullied and sand kicked on her... we are strong in numbers.

Edited by Rooo
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There may also be DNA of the perp underneath the female victims fingernails. The perp was probably scratched during the rape and murder so someone will know who the perp is.

It is curious that there is no mention of mobile phones being stolen. As British and Irish people of that age seem to be addicted to their smartphones this does seem odd but perhaps there was no signal on that beach.

Although I live in the UK I will not have a smartphone as (1) The only phones that survive with me are tough builders phones. (2) Smartphones attract muggers and murderers.


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Disgusting, its abominable and has the same markings of the girl who was murdered whilst calling her mother to say' Happy New Year a few years back. What kind of deranged scum could do this to another human being. Hope he or they get executed like the fisherman who slaughtered the English girl I just mentioned. This will certainly send waves of discontent and revulsion around the world - no doubt.

RIP ...

Edited by totallyobnoxiousme
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Oner can almost visualize some of the foreign tourists rushing towards the exits-and rightly so-however Thailand is known for the place to party and for its liberal environment with youngsters, which policy does clash with many local Buddhists etcansd muslims as well),so one may say does Thailand really need the foreign dollars that badly that it can risk corrupting its own children,which of course have been brought down to the hedonistic level of the foreigners by the forced association and the bad example the foreigners(kinnok)set ,and therefore completely ruining whatever culture was here.??Did Thailand really have a drug problem before these deadheads from the west began introducing all things evil,and now we are seeing the result.Just sayin.I have been here over ten years and I can scarcely believe how the local youth have been changed and degraded in that short period of time from what I experienced when first arriving.Cheers.

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I think it is about time now to think about some "self-protection squad" or another among expats. This cannot go on. Places are littered with dead and mutilated tourists. Resort by day, Amityville at night.

Self protection squad? Vigilantes solve nothing.

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If they are unidentified, how do they know they were both 24 years old?

I think you'll find as a matter of course the police will not release their names to the press until fimily have been notified.

So they have been identified, but the police have declined to release their names. Could have been written more clearly

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The only way to solve this problem (and I have only been here half a decade so I assume those old timers saying things have changed is true), is to address why at the very core. Sure catching and prosecuting the offenders is a given, but that is like taking a tiny part of a cancerous tumor away, it doesn't address the entire issue. Why are these violent crimes occurring more often, what is encouraging it to happen? This is the thought process that the authorities and government should be taking, if they I is another matter.

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