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Koh Tao island 'sealed off' after gruesome murder of two British tourists


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One of Millers friends has been detained. Police believe it could possibly be a migrant worker. Why do Thais never want to admit responsibility. How could they possibly know that the cctv footage is a migrant worker?

Point taken, but while what you say is often true, do you know how many migrant workers there are on Koh Tao? There is a good chance they outnumber the Thais, os it is as likely as not to be a migrant worker. They pretty much run the place at the ground level...

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I believe the authorities will do their best to track down and arrest someone over this .

What's chilling is this that more Brits died there last year than there are days in a year .( more than 365)

And you have a one in 2400 chance of death there.

Death not injury or theft or assault and robbery , rape and /or poisoning ...But curtains .

People forget that's just one nationality and indeed many visitors to this third world country meet grizzly deaths .

Many are thought or at least to be said ""suicide ""

The attacks seldom make press .

The hospitalisation of thousands never known.

Sure many are self inflicted and caused by carelessness.

Motorbikes and excessive drinking , fights etc.

But many are not.

Potholes , electrical wiring , theft and robbery, serious assault , sub standard maritime laws, poor driving on roads , and really third world standards and investigation .

I know police will catch and prosecute someone perhaps not the real killer.

And tourism resume with assurances to the westerners it seeks to boast coffers.

However , it's very very clear Thailand is not Kansas and coming to grief here is really not an uncommon occurrence .

Just hopefully it's not death, like the poor girl experiencing rape then her own demise.

Good luck with Tourism in the future .....

Considering how many retirees are here,i guess some would die of natural causes.

Yes , true.

However, what's being said is the tourists. Visiting who die ( including those retired there) only20% of deaths are explained away as natural causes.

Eg stroke , heart attack , etc

What's not being said is its all to do with murder .

It's not.

Many die from food poisoning , accidents and drownings and pre existing conditions prior to arrival.

But again many die of things that are not accidents that were understandable .

Crime is common place more so .

But death unusual.

But for this girl it was very real.

Why this case will attract media world wide is the setting.

""Death in Paradise "" the romantic setting ..and youth and environment .

Sadly, a pair of young lovers brutally killed and presumed the woman raped ...will injure Thailand greatly.

Thousands of young woman and lovers in travel shops and online bookings will skip the word Thailand and replace it with another country like Vietnam ....just because of this.

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Earlier reports suggested it might be a fishing trawler crewman, and that a hoe was found at the scene. Unusual combination.

Thats called dedicated and professional police work here.

I am sure it will end up being an angry Burmese (or Cambodian) Fisherman gone crazy with a hoe, who did it. Unless they decide on suicide this time. All combinations are possible, as long as the case is closed fast and no Thai is involved.

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Thailand is becoming too dangerous these days and attracts criminals from everywhere. God knows why anyone would want to risk their life living or holidaying there.

Sure it is getting worse but it is by no means a deathzone. Right now the pros outweigh the cons, just! But for me personally it won't take much more from a variety of directions for me to move to Laos where the smile is genuine.

As long as you keep your head screwed on, avoid the drug scene, and don't act like a total fool you should be fine 99.9% of the time. There are however rare occasions where accidents and tragedies happen beyond our power.

Edited by monk213
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Investigators learned that the victims had gone to a party at the neighbouring AC Resort

I was drugged and robbed at the AC Bar back in '04. When I went to the police station they had me write down what happened in a notebook. There were 20+ pages with the exact same story over and over again. A friend of mine was less lucky… she woke up the next morning with a broken arm and no memory of what happened. This was days after the Tsunami and all boats were booked up for a week; she couldn't even get off the island to go to a proper hospital.

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This is very sad news, read it on the BBC website this morning, my heart goes out to their families, who are so far away, lets hope the British Embassy gives them the support they need.

Also what stood out for me is the line 'there were 389 deaths of British nationals in Thailand in the year to March 2013' , can it really be that high, that's incredible, and a bit scary.

Why not quote the full sentence?

"There were 389 deaths of British nationals in Thailand in the year to March 2013, about one for every 2,400 visitors or residents although that figure includes natural causes."

That means 389 deaths out of almost 1 million people (389 x 2400). Keep in mind that lots of pensioners, especially brits, live in Thailand, and that pensioners are alot more likely to die of old age (sickness) than the average person.

I bet there are thousands of brits dying of old age in Britain each year, and that the rate is much higher than average at retirement homes and hospitals? smile.png

Basically the figure above can probably be broken down to something like this (guesstimate). 5 dead of drugs, murder or similar, 9 dead in motorbike/car accidents, 375 dead of old age (sickness).

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The scary thing for me is that like in all countries there will be real pressure to catch the assailant(s), but the Thai police force really does not have the expertise or equipment to do so effectively. And they don't accept help from other countries, which I see as Thailand's biggest stain.

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389 dead Brits in 12 months is quite a lot btw. How many deads from oher nationalities? Perhaps TAT could publish the expected fall of numbers of murdered tourists along side with their optimistic expected rise of numbers of tourists.

Sounds high until you consider the number of elderly retired here. A breakdown would be a lot more meaningful than citing a total and then noting that it 'includes natural causes'.Makes it sound like a natural death is the exception...

YEah! The past year i have read a lot of natural deaths including many who have fallen from buildings. Funny though how conclusions to how they really died is never posted.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This murder did make it to international headlines.

Thailand certainly doesn't lack for grief producing events.

It made headlines on the BBC news RIP for the victims my prayers are with the families


Edited by metisdead
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What a totally irresponsible commentary.

Any death is a tragedy, and two people dying at the hands of others is too many. But two cases in 14 years ? How many people have gone there, survived, not been threatened or attacked, and had a fabulous time during this period.

Keep it in perspective, the tourist industry is in enough trouble without scaremongering like this. I dread to think what article the writer would pen about road safety ( or lack of it ).

What you dont seem to see are that many crimes against foreigners go unmentioned due to embarrasment and shame. A foreigner i knew was raped by 2 police and although the whole city knew about it she fled the country in shame. Its not scaremongering when quotin factual numbers because those numbers are relatively low compared to the actual figures.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I believe the authorities will do their best to track down and arrest someone over this .

What's chilling is this that more Brits died there last year than there are days in a year .( more than 365)

And you have a one in 2400 chance of death there.

Death not injury or theft or assault and robbery , rape and /or poisoning ...But curtains .

People forget that's just one nationality and indeed many visitors to this third world country meet grizzly deaths .

Many are thought or at least to be said ""suicide ""

The attacks seldom make press .

The hospitalisation of thousands never known.

Sure many are self inflicted and caused by carelessness.

Motorbikes and excessive drinking , fights etc.

But many are not.

Potholes , electrical wiring , theft and robbery, serious assault , sub standard maritime laws, poor driving on roads , and really third world standards and investigation .

I know police will catch and prosecute someone perhaps not the real killer.

And tourism resume with assurances to the westerners it seeks to boast coffers.

However , it's very very clear Thailand is not Kansas and coming to grief here is really not an uncommon occurrence .

Just hopefully it's not death, like the poor girl experiencing rape then her own demise.

Good luck with Tourism in the future .....

"What's chilling is this that more Brits died there last year than there are days in a year .( more than 365)"

What must be even more chilling to you is the fact that alot more brits than that died in Britain last year. 643,500, or 1763 per day!!!

This is very poor logic ....

Britain has millions upon millions of British so the death rate there reflects this

68 odd million or more

Then the death rate is many times higher.

But what you did point out by your maths is its less likely to die there than Thailand


I hope you understand one in 2400 of Brits don't make it home from Thailand .

This is significant .

And for Australians and Americans the place represents a spike in death rates .

Three years ago Thailand was rated second most dangerous in world .( for holidaying)

Nothing much has changed


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One of Millers friends has been detained. Police believe it could possibly be a migrant worker. Why do Thais never want to admit responsibility. How could they possibly know that the cctv footage is a migrant worker?

because the guy didnt have his finger stuck inn his nose.

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Killers are Thai most likely Related to some in the police. Think of finger printing the hoe? then fingerprint and check everyone on ialand can't leave unless cleared including police period. Also a dog could track killer.

at 4 or 5 in the morning there would more likely be more drugged up drunk farangs on the beach than over worked migrant workers or Thais.

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One of Millers friends has been detained. Police believe it could possibly be a migrant worker. Why do Thais never want to admit responsibility. How could they possibly know that the cctv footage is a migrant worker?

Lots of unknowns. I try to practice patience, as I'm not in charge.

As for the "Why do Thais never want to admit responsibility". This seems similar to what is said back home, by bigots, about certain groups.

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"Another theory of the murder might also be from jealousy because the girl was good looking and had many boyfriends coming in contact, he said."

Please tell me that's just a poor translation of what he said and not him hinting about loose morals being to blame.

What is interesting is that both bodies were found naked. Doubt a killer would have spent time undressing the victims of his crime. And for what reason? Attacked during/after a skinny dip?

Not surprising at all as much points to the point that they had sex on the beach. These farang copulate wherever they feel like. Maybe TAT should make sure that visitors to Thailand do know that having sex on the beach is not only against local customs but as well dangerous.

You are right. Having sex in public in Thailand is on itself a crime and goes against local custom in one of the worst possible ways. However it would be hard to find an individual that would kill because of it.

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I believe the authorities will do their best to track down and arrest someone over this .

What's chilling is this that more Brits died there last year than there are days in a year .( more than 365)

And you have a one in 2400 chance of death there.

Death not injury or theft or assault and robbery , rape and /or poisoning ...But curtains .

People forget that's just one nationality and indeed many visitors to this third world country meet grizzly deaths .

Many are thought or at least to be said ""suicide ""

The attacks seldom make press .

The hospitalisation of thousands never known.

Sure many are self inflicted and caused by carelessness.

Motorbikes and excessive drinking , fights etc.

But many are not.

Potholes , electrical wiring , theft and robbery, serious assault , sub standard maritime laws, poor driving on roads , and really third world standards and investigation .

I know police will catch and prosecute someone perhaps not the real killer.

And tourism resume with assurances to the westerners it seeks to boast coffers.

However , it's very very clear Thailand is not Kansas and coming to grief here is really not an uncommon occurrence .

Just hopefully it's not death, like the poor girl experiencing rape then her own demise.

Good luck with Tourism in the future .....

"What's chilling is this that more Brits died there last year than there are days in a year .( more than 365)"

What must be even more chilling to you is the fact that alot more brits than that died in Britain last year. 643,500, or 1763 per day!!!

This is very poor logic ....

Britain has millions upon millions of British so the death rate there reflects this

68 odd million or more

Then the death rate is many times higher.

But what you did point out by your maths is its less likely to die there than Thailand


I hope you understand one in 2400 of Brits don't make it home from Thailand .

This is significant .

And for Australians and Americans the place represents a spike in death rates .

Three years ago Thailand was rated second most dangerous in world .( for holidaying)

Nothing much has changed

I was being sarcastic, as you are simply pulling numbers out of a hat, without comparing them to anything. I guess you did not get it.

"I hope you understand one in 2400 of Brits don't make it home from Thailand ."

The average age of britons in Thailand, with a large amount being pensioners, has alot to do with it.

I bet even less than that make it home from a british retirement home - maybe you could write a story about how dangerous british retirement homes are? People seem to die there left and right.

Edited by monkeycountry
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"Another theory of the murder might also be from jealousy because the girl was good looking and had many boyfriends coming in contact, he said."

Please tell me that's just a poor translation of what he said and not him hinting about loose morals being to blame.

What is interesting is that both bodies were found naked. Doubt a killer would have spent time undressing the victims of his crime. And for what reason? Attacked during/after a skinny dip?

Not surprising at all as much points to the point that they had sex on the beach. These farang copulate wherever they feel like. Maybe TAT should make sure that visitors to Thailand do know that having sex on the beach is not only against local customs but as well dangerous.

You are right. Having sex in public in Thailand is on itself a crime and goes against local custom in one of the worst possible ways. However it would be hard to find an individual that would kill because of it.

give me a break......this is the land of ping pong shows.

a local would immediately start to jerk off when witnessing sex acts in public.

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Why are people surprised and appalled at the authorities' concern regards the damage done to the country's reputation? You've been here long enough to know they don't give a flying one about much else, especially tourist welfare. It is all face and money here. Everything else is immaterial, incidental, expendable. Sad and morbid, but true.

And I very much doubt the perp is a Thai person/people. They are not into raping and murdering little girls etc!

If you regularly read Thai language newspapers you would know that just as many Thais rape and murder little girls as do Westerners. Two of the most recent cases were little Cartoon and the young girl on the train. Many others have disappeared and never been found. The ratio of paedophiles in the population of most countries is the same.
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