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Germany: Former Nazi guard charged over 300,000 Auschwitz murders


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It's good to see that they are able to prosecute a war criminal. I just hope that those who are committing and are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity today and in recent years get prosecuted and sentenced much quicker!

Examples: Kim Jong-un, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, George W. Bush, Benjamin Netanyahu and so on!

That is my point. We trying to hunt people for a war 70 years ago, but can't handle it in our time smile.png

We'll hunt them in 70 years. wink.png

Meanwhile let us old codgers have our day.

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It has nothing to do with he's age. Sometimes people has to forgive. It's 70 years ago. And yes it was a dark time, even a lot of people from my country was loosing people.

But forgiveness after 70 years should be possibly

The Nazis killed old people too. He will be getting justice they never got. I'm for letting him out, but the truth needs to be known.

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itis crimes against humanity ...ISIL will be the same...or will we forget what has happened to the 3

innocent men who have had their heads removed by a long process using a hand knife....what would these 3 men have thought when they were having their head cut off....it would not have been instant...we want these assassins brought to justice and if it takes 50 years then so be it

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What, he was in the baggage section and is being charged for 300,000 murders? Totally crazy! There is not one mention of him having killed anybody. And if being in the baggage receiving section makes him a killer, well, we would have to charge any survivor of WWII, because they all knew it, or at least suspected it. And this includes of course the Allies as well.

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For good sake, he's 93 years old, stop talking about all this ww2. Hunting old people. He's properly already on the way to the die.

There is no time limit for the atrocities that were committed during WW2 by the Nazi party. It's a shame they didn't find out sooner, but at the same time, he had to live with his actions all these years.

Either you have no concept of history and or you were never touched by what happened then.

Keep teaching, never forget, every child should know, or history has a way of repeating itself.

Forgetting and forgiving is two different things.

Yes, we will and shall never forget but yes, we should forgive. And if you need an 'egoistic' reason for forgiving hear you go: As long as we don't forgive we are the ones who suffer.

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For good sake, he's 93 years old, stop talking about all this ww2. Hunting old people. He's properly already on the way to the die.

There is no time limit for the atrocities that were committed during WW2 by the Nazi party. It's a shame they didn't find out sooner, but at the same time, he had to live with his actions all these years.

Either you have no concept of history and or you were never touched by what happened then.

Keep teaching, never forget, every child should know, or history has a way of repeating itself.

Forgetting and forgiving is two different things.

Yes, we will and shall never forget but yes, we should forgive. And if you need an 'egoistic' reason for forgiving hear you go: As long as we don't forgive we are the ones who suffer.

So true, so true :)

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For good sake, he's 93 years old, stop talking about all this ww2. Hunting old people. He's properly already on the way to the die.

Really, so this is your take on the holocaust? is that all you got out of it? leave him alone

it happened 60 years ago? have you learned nothing?

so he's 93 eh? how many 93 old people did he helped to kill? no one than told him to leave

them alone and forgot about them..

being an ignorant is not a crime, showing it, is....

I don't want to talk more about this. For me forgiveness is the most imported thing in the world.

He was not in command, he just followed order, and that time for 70 years ago. Do you think he cut say no

He has being living with this all his live. Properly lived in he's dream, people he sees on the street remind him on the days where he was command to do what he was doing.

For me he's forgiven for he's sins, even my father in laws has forgiven people from this time, even he has lost 3 brother.

This is forgiveness.

This is not about forgiveness, or putting on trial a decrepit old Nazi, and it's not about being too long

ago or he was just following orders, It's about remembering and learning and making sure that no

one ever, EVER, will repeat such atrocities, not to the Jews and not to any body in this world,

This is what it is all about....

Wondering how putting a 93 old man to prison for being a simple guard at some holocaust camp is ensuring that no one ever is doing such atrocities again. It is more about revenge and nothing else.

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The Holocaust was deplorable and despicable.

However, this man was not a Nazi. He was a conscripted German soldier.

Realistically, what should have this soldier done differently?

The OP clearly says he was indeed a Nazi. The "special" SS kind as well.

member of the Nazi Waffen-SS
Edited by Jingthing
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It has nothing to do with he's age. Sometimes people has to forgive. It's 70 years ago. And yes it was a dark time, even a lot of people from my country was loosing people.

But forgiveness after 70 years should be possibly

Not possible in these cases.

But don't worry, they will all be dead soon enough.

Then your issue of the Nazi criminals being too old will fade away.

If there is no forgiveness for the Nazi mass murderers, then there should not be for any guilty of similar crimes either.

The genocide committed by the Turks on the Armenians, the anti Jewish programs of the Russians, the vile atrocities committed by the Japanese against the Chines prior to and during WW2, the appalling war crimes committed by the Japanese against those they invaded and POW's - all intentional but rarely punished. The native population of the Congo was reduced by 50% under Belgian colonial rule, with some of the cruelest slave labor regimes of any imperialist power. No consequence.

Seems who the victims makes a difference - and it shouldn't do where justice is concerned.

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The Holocaust was deplorable and despicable.

However, this man was not a Nazi. He was a conscripted German soldier.

Realistically, what should have this soldier done differently?

He was a member of the Waffen SS. They were never part of the regular army and were all volunteers until later in the war. In the Nuremberg Trials, the Waffen-SS was condemned as a criminal organization due to its essential connection to the Nazi Party and its involvement in war crimes and the Holocaust.

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The Holocaust was deplorable and despicable.

However, this man was not a Nazi. He was a conscripted German soldier.

Realistically, what should have this soldier done differently?

The OP clearly says he was indeed a Nazi. The "special" SS kind as well.

member of the Nazi Waffen-SS

The Waffen SS were elite fighting troops. I doubt he was a member of one of their regiments.

The SS death camp guards were not the same; and certainly not conscripted. Many of the low rank guards were Ukrainian, Croats, Slovenians and such, united by the intense dislike of Jews.

Waffen SS did commit atrocities but not in the death camps.

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For good sake, he's 93 years old, stop talking about all this ww2. Hunting old people. He's properly already on the way to the die.

There must be no time limit on this or any other atrocity or crime against humanity. This guy has had his freedom and normal life for seventy years or so - more than any of his alleged victims or, importantly, their families and survivors.

If guilty, HIS family should know about it and suffer the shame of it.

So what if he is half dead already? Justice may have been slow to catch up with him, and others, but justice must be seen to be done, if only as a warning to those who may think there is a universal 'statute of limitation'.

Shot at age 20 for refusing orders or live to age 90 then a trial and rest of your life in comfy nursing home at taxpayers expense?

I know which one I would choose.

Along with everyone else including the Jews.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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It has nothing to do with he's age. Sometimes people has to forgive. It's 70 years ago. And yes it was a dark time, even a lot of people from my country was loosing people.

But forgiveness after 70 years should be possibly

Not possible in these cases.

But don't worry, they will all be dead soon enough.

Then your issue of the Nazi criminals being too old will fade away.

That's the problem Jingthing....Sure they will all be dead soon enough, But our "Corporate Governments" want all this History to "Fade away". Most people should learn to stay away from the “Lame Stream Media” and do some real Research. And, if one Forgets History, and does not learn from it, then they are bound to re live it. This is again happening as we speak. Peace. smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

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The good things about Better Health care,Better food and good housing is people can also live longer and some can reach the age of 93. Doe's that mean an evil murdering animal like this one should be treated gently,most certainly not,this creature has already lived much too long!

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The good things about Better Health care,Better food and good housing is people can also live longer and some can reach the age of 93. Doe's that mean an evil murdering animal like this one should be treated gently,most certainly not,this creature has already lived much too long!

I understand your post. He is a animal and should be threaten by one. Questing is who is the animal now, him or us...Forgive for got sake

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